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Mx Any Seeking Story Focused Plots

Apr 25, 2016
As the title states I'm only looking for roleplays where the main focus is on the story, as opposed to sexual elements. That's not saying I don't mind including sex in the roleplay, but I don't want it to become the main focus, and it also has to make sense considering the characters, storyline, etc... With that out of the way, let's get to the more interesting parts of the thread!

I'm returning to roleplaying after a long hiatus so please bear with me while I get back into the swing of things.

What I can Offer as a Partner:
Anywhere from 1-5+ paragraphs per response.
A decent understanding of grammar and spelling.
A love of interesting characters and plots.
An interest in all sorts of stories, with my favorites being anything related to Sci-fi or Fantasy.

What I like in a partner:
Someone who can write anywhere from at least 1-5+ paragraphs each reply. Chances are if you only feel comfortable writing one paragraph replies we won't make a good pair, but I understand the occasional case of writer's block.
Someone who is interested in plot and character development.
Someone who is interested in playing any gender against my male character(s).
Someone who is interested in writing darker stories, and seeing how our characters might react in some traumatic situations.

Plots and Pairings:

Vague Plot Ideas:

I'm a big fan of history, and I've been reading a lot about WW2 lately, so I would love to brainstorm some plot ideas with someone who is interested in anything set during WW2.

I'm also a big fan of hard sci-fi, similar to The Expanse or anything by Alistair Reynolds, though admittedly my knowledge of science and physics can be lacking. I'd be interested in discussing some ideas for a story similar to that, though the setting would be in an original world.

This idea is a bit more fleshed out than the others I've listed so far, and is actually inspired by a dream I had last night. The setting would be an original fantasy world:

A well sought after thief is finally caught, and while the normal punishment for his actions would be death, he is instead forced to undergo some sort of perilous task, which may as well be a suicide mission. For this story I was thinking the theme would be particularly dark, with the thief originally starting out as a carefree, almost stereotypical vagabond who quickly undergoes some major changes to his character. I'd love to discuss this idea in more detail if anyone is interested.

I am craving anything related to the sublime at the moment. If you know what that means, great, let's discuss some plots! If not I'll do my best to explain it here. Essentially what I'm looking for here are stories that exist on a scale much bigger than our characters, likely literally and figuratively. Perhaps there are massive monsters roaming throughout the world, so massive in fact that they hardly seem to recognize the smaller denizens that still call the world home. Another idea is that our characters would end up exploring a land where everything is beyond the scale of what they are used to, perhaps they'd encounter technology beyond anything they thought possible, with cities spanning for hundreds of miles in every direction, but where have all the inhabitants gone?

That's probably not a very good way of explaining the sublime, but basically it's a sense of awe one feels when confronted with something that is massive beyond their understanding, sort of like the feeling one might feel when seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time I suppose.


For this I'll just list a bunch of potential characters I'm interest in playing, and I'll let you tell me what you would like to play against them.

Mech Pilot
Spaceship Crew Member
Village Outcast

Gladiator (I am really craving this one at the moment, and I’ve got some story ideas for it!)
Anything with gentle femdom. (I know I know, this isn’t really a pairing and it’s also related to smut, but I’m craving this at the moment. If you have any interest in this we can certainly discuss ideas for a plot.)

At the moment these are the ideas I have. I apologize for the particularly vague plot ideas, but when it comes to writing, coming up with the initial idea for the story is one of my weaknesses. If you have any other ideas that you'd like to suggest, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll respond as soon as I can!
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