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homura (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

“Shit.” Ebisu hissed, not wanting to leave Akatsuru by herself. She lowered her blade and hurried back to her, crouching down in front of her. “Let me see your arm..”
Ebisu touched her cheek gently, looking her over for any other wounds. “A demon attacked us, it must have used its blood demon art to control you.”
"I remember the demon...poor thing...but after that, I'm not sure..." She muttered. The wound on her arm was superficial, not deep or even remotely terrible. But, she was bleeding still.
Ebisu frowned and grabbed for her clothes, tearing one of the sleeves off her uniform and using it to wrap Akatsuru’s arm. “It ran off, we should be fine now, but we should get you inside.”
Ebisu shook her head, cupping Akatsuru’s cheek gently. “It isn’t your fault, let’s just get you back and clean you up.”
Ebisu nodded, but seemed lost in thought. For a demon to be so close to the Butterfly Mansion was unnerving.
"I...I'm sure it's nothing, Ebi..." She said gently, "Perhaps she was just lost? It happens...I'll keep my eyes open for her. Who knows, maybe Shinobu will find her?"
Ebisu nodded. “Maybe- if anything I’ll go after it myself.” She said softly. “Sorry it ruined our date.”
Rie had been traveling for miles into the night now, sure she was without a doubt lost. She was supposed to be heading from one town to another, but had somehow managed to lose her way with no end in sight. Now she was tired from her long unfruitful travel, rubbing her shoulder as she continued on, a bit discouraged, but determined to continue on.
Night was obviously the least safest time to be oit and about, but she had little choice. As long as she was careful, she should be fine. Right?
Rie was confident in her abilities as a kakushi, having been one for years now, she was no green horn. Continuing on down the path, she was sure she would find her way to her destination.
Rie stopped on the pathway, being spooked by the noise, but was quickly moving into the brush to try and find the injured person. “Hello? Are you okay? Where are you?” She called out.
When she pushed through the brush, she was stopped by the sight of a demon. They were uniquely androgen, with slightly pale features and red eyes, long drooping rabbit like ears and dark pointed horns. They were mortally wounded, holding a gaping wound in their abdomen that refused to heal.
Rie paused at the sight, her blood running cold. Of course she had to run into a demon- but it was hurt, maybe she could finish it off? No, there was a reason she had become a kakushi, she just didn’t have the heart to kill, even if it was a demon. Tears filled her eyes as she stared, unable to move. She had to do something, it was suffering; but she had no blade. She moved forward and dropped to her knees, pulling the bag off her back and digging though it. “Hang on, I have something to stop the bleeding!”
Rie stopped where she was, looking startled. “B-But you’re hurt!” She argued. “Your wounds are terrible!” What was she doing? This was a demon, so why was she helping it, and why was it trying to warn her?
“you have to hold more pressure over the wound!” Rie moved before she could even think, moving to press her hand over his to try and stem the bleeding. She didn’t think she even had the supplies needed to stop such terrible bleeding, let alone fix up a wound so bad.
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