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Mx Female Looking for feisty submissives


Mar 27, 2022
Greetings. Here you can read all about how to win my roleplay heart and stoke the fires within my dark soul.

Let's start with the basics: I'm a male in my early 30's and been writing and roleplaying since forever on various boards and forums, and I think I'm pretty good at it, not the greatest but…preeeetty good. I'm easy-going and love OOC banter.

I generally play dominant male characters, and I greatly prefer partners who are female, playing female characters. My favorite partner to play against is what I would call a "feisty" submissive as I greatly enjoy the thrill of conquest and challenge, usually in the form of some kind of non-consensual, or "soft/dub" consensual encounter.

I'll keep this list short. If you have any questions regarding Ons/Off's and kinks, don't hesitate to ask. Like I said, OOC communication is really important.


A good story: Putting this right up front because it is really important. Smut is nice, but it needs to be wrapped in an interesting and believable story with characters that have motivations and are fleshed out, not just caricatures where the setting is just a means to a (kinky) end.

Non-Consensual: Obviously this is a big topic and for me that includes physical dominance (within reason) but also blackmail, peer pressure, drug use, collecting a debt, or multiple other forms of forcing or coercing a character to have sex against their will. However, I greatly prefer for the receiving partner to receive some sort of physical pleasure out of the experience, even if she is not mentally willing. This doesn't have to be immediate, but eventually, I like for my prey to give in to their body's pleasure.

Light Bondage: Some ropes and cuffs to keep my captives from escaping and make them more manageable can be a lot of fun but I don't really enjoy overly-elaborate bondage setups or latex body suits or anything too "fetishy".

Feisty Submissives (that can put up a fight): I "love" heroines of all kind, female vigilantes, generic spy-girls or snoops, daring adventurers, basically self-assured woman that will end up way over their heads.


Extreme Violence
SHE - Males, Anthro Characters, Anime

Post Length, Frequency & Quality

I tend to write multiple paragraphs and fairly detailed responses but I don't think there should be any pressure with regard to how much you should post. It`s okay to post fewer paragraphs if the scene doesn't require it. I just generally like detail. With regard to frequency, a post a day at least would certainly be nice and you will definitely get that from me unless I'm excessively busy at work but I'm a patient guy, so no pressure.

I also want to mention that I need you to be at least a competent writer. We all make grammar and spelling mistakes but if your writing sounds like broken English and is littered with spelling mistakes, its just not going to work out.

Image References

I'm a very visual person and easily inspired by images which means I love for us to find just the perfect reference images for our characters. Drawings/Art also works of course, but I do greatly prefer photographs of real people.

More to come...
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