Mx Any [September 2024 edition -1 new prompt!] Just Another Dark Thread

Feb 2, 2023
  • Hi all!

    I will soon have also requests threads for other preferred characterso check these out in interested! And please let me know which one you are contacting me about in your PM, it helps a great deal with the setup!

    This one would be focused on stories where I play one or more males. I usually would be open to play some female side characters here.

    In general I like practically all darker themes and am very friendly so drop me a message if you have some idea I don't list!

    I will at the very least reply that I am not interested. But chances are far greater that I would accept.
  • What to expect from me:
    -I play long term. I plot, I discuss details, I can create the whole world. But I would prefer some input from you as well.
    -I can provide details. For our characters - thoughts, emotions, bodily reactions, actions. Description of our environments
    -My post length is flexible. I need something to work with and can provide what you need from your end
    -I am communicative. I want to talk about the details, kinks, limits. When I take the break I would try to let you know.
    -I am patient. Let me know you are working on the post and I can wait.
    -I write in European timezone so make sure to take that into account. I may be sleeping while you are awaiting my reply. I try to reply at least once a day, usually more often but the timezone conflict might limit my options here.
    -My PMs are open so come at me with your ideas.
    -Smut is a must but plot is needed too. I can get less smut if I like the plot and I don't like porn logic plots. So let's have smut make sense. Girl getting stuck in a laundry machine is not only not very likely, it is not a reason for anything other than getting help. You usually order pizza to get pizza, not dick. But you might jump to action if there are many men surrounding a delicate girl all alone or if you have a strong libido enhancing drug to make her receptive.
    -If I play a single character I would play the dominant character in the story. I can play some side characters but my main will be dominant. If I play the world as GM it will be the world where my characters quite often are dominant towards your character.

    What I expect from you:
    -A long term RP. Due to time and effort it takes me to set things up I am not interested in short scenes
    -Don't expect a sexless RP. There can be more or less smut but there should be smut. But don't expect an RP entirely without plot either. I am not going to set a ratio but the more I can be invested in plot I can go with less smut, but usually I like to have it.
    -Information. Your kinks and limits. Post length preference. Anything that you need me to know for RPying with you.
    -Details. I don't have a set post length but give me something to work with. If your character doesn't do much in the scene, add their thoughts, their feelings. Maybe their body is reacting to the actions of others?
    -Creativity. Give me your ideas or discuss mine and suggest your modifications. I can write stories on my own but for that I don't need you. And when we are together I don't want to be the only one doing everything.
    -Some patience. It may take me a while to reply but I try to provide quality when I do.
    -Communication. Don't like it? Tell me. Don't feel it? Tell me. You have suggestion? Give me. I don't bite. My characters might. And they might hurt you in other ways,as the meme goes. But I am quite friendly.
    -Play at least one submissive character or a switch. I don't do stories that are equal or where I am submissive.
  • Note on gender pairings: Many of the below prompts will be open for both male and female characters. However there will be little, if any MxM sex. In most pairings these situations would be mediated by a female character (in a cuckold fashion, or being tormented by watching what happened to your GF or daughter etc.)
    As you might know it is very rare for me to focus on a fandom with a prompt... But lately I have been digging into Backroom lore and I thought to myself - there is a lot of horror and gore and mystery here... But the sexual aspect is entirely missing! And here's how a new craving was born. I don't have any solid ideas as to this one, my typical kinks still apply and I can play a GM or single character or more here. I'm just wanting to see if there would be any takers and see what we can come up with here. After all, this is Internet. The Backrooms do exist here. Rule 34 should apply here as well right?
    This prompt is all about how nefariously can a single shapeshifter affect your character's life. A shapeshifter that is YCs partner... but also other people. They would be able to freely change into various people, adapting their sexual characteristics and could even be multiple people at the same time.
    So what would be if your character's best female friend and her partner and her brother all were just one person? Just how much influence can such a tandem hold? What if one's father and best friend were as such? Or one's husband and sister?
    I want to explore plenty of dark scenarios that can be set up in such a way. Abusive relationships, corruption, breeding, personality and reputation destruction... All the dark topics that stem from defying the assumption that another person close to YC would not be in league with a person they seemingly barely even know. Obviously when one can change their entire body at will, growing additional sexual organs is not a challenge...
    A controversial new topic and a madly specific prompt so it is on top as it can likely go overlooked otherwise.
    In this story I would like to be a for a young girl (above 16) who has recently broken up with her previous partner. They had however large collection of her photos, both dressed and nude, doing just as much as they did in the relationship. And the worst thing that only modern technology allows happened.
    First only a few random softcore and hardcore pictures of her appeared. But not the pictures she recognised. New ones. Depicting things she didn't do. With people she was never sexual with. Some of them she didn't even know. It grew worse with time. She lost access to some of her social media and these pictures and even videos started flooding the Internet. Soon she found out 'she' had an Only Fans. Created using personal data only her ex knew about it started posting more and more bold content. Her efforts to take it down fail.

    The most important aspect I want to focus on here is how it ruins her life. Nobody believes it is not genuine as the AI generating it is good and it has enough samples to create entire fake life. How will she cope with dating and relationships when everybody, mistakenly, believe she is a major slut? As they start demanding depraved things of her and good guys don't want anything to do with her but she gets plenty of attention from bad boys and creeps... Will she bow to the lie and start acting as a slut? Will she return to the source, her ex, and does everything to make it stop? Or will it end in other, dark way?
    When one thinks of a sexbot, one usually thinks of subservient, ready for anything female robot. But this prompt would wildly diverge from such expectations. The bot I would play would be male... And very much dominant. Maybe YC thinks no man today is dependable or she wants to be certain to avoid pregnancy and STDs, maybe she wants a very specific brand of domination or maybe she simply thinks that with her extreme kinks few men would be able to give her what she needs and stop only at the safeword. Either way this prompt is about a tailor made dominant sexbot for a submissive woman.
    Free use scenario but played seriously with all consequences except for STDs. For some reason, which we can discuss, the world in which YC lives goes freeuse. Either everyone or just women become fully free for sexual use, perhaps even to the extreme. I would play the males in that scenario and you would play one or more females in it. Preferably someone well connected in the world before changing the law, meaning that she has not only herself but friends, family, partner with which she explores the new world...
    Your character, for some reason, ends up as property to be freely used in any way, including or maybe focusing, on sexual use. That would not be a regular practice and she would be around people who are free and haven't ever met a sex slave nor do they know she is one... All details can be discussed...
    Your or your partner's sex life is literally cursed in a way that causes both of you humiliation, pain and all sorts of troubles. The details can be discussed if someone is interested in the story.
    You have woke up to a ridiculously handsome man telling you that you were lucky enough to be chosen to wield some great sexual superpower... You can have your sexual wishes granted to you!There is one catch though. And another one that would remain hidden. The one you were informed of is that you need to power your wish by special points. You earn those points by living through sexual acts that would be very much against your interest. Your partner cheating, switching orientation, humiliating situations, being forced into sex, being left naked and horny in the middle of opposite sex and many more possibilities... Each time you would discuss with your sexy genie what you would need to endure and for what number of points... And each wish will be priced appropriately to his complex rules. The hidden catch is that - the situations that you agree to would be worse than expected in a seemingly accidental way and your wishes would be twisted as much as possible to turn them against YC.
    YC likes the thrill. The bad boys. The risky situations. Obviously it is not a recipe for safe life, but a good one for fun one... Though it may prove to be short or quite complicated. Let's explore that together with me as GM.
    Forced sexual encounters. Traumatic to everyone to be sure... But a very powerful kink to some. We would focus around this theme in that prompt. Either there would be a single case that destroyed YCs life forever, a prolonged period of such activity, a single case that begun forced but became less so and became a kink... Or straight up around CNC kink and great many 'forced' sex acts. I would play the perpetrators in either case
    Yes it is heavily inspired by certain story from Dickens. And no, it is not limited to Christmas time.

    I think that the premise is fairly familiar. Your character would not be doing that great in their relationships. They had quite a few of them already and whether they were committed or not, they all failed. Somehow even one night stands failed. You expressed a wish to know why. At midnight you would be woken (or visited if you don't sleep) by the first ghost which will allow you to explore and experience just how and why they all failed, with details of how exactly their affairs went, all your failings, fights, humiliations... You would live through it and maybe learn something. But then another ghost would show how your current relationship that you thought was good is in danger of ending like the previous... And how well your exes have it without you. If that doesn't strike the point home the third ghost would show a myriad ways how your future relationships can fail and how it can all end for YC...
    Let's imagine a couple where the woman is completely infertile and all methods to cure it has failed. Yet she wants to raise her partner's child, not some adopted one. So she gives her partner a surrogate pass - her permission to have sex with other women, in order to impregnate them so that they can strike a deal with them - huge load of cash, anything she needs during pregnancy plus other possible perks... All to give birth for the child for them to claim. You could play the wife,the surrogates or both as we deal with all the fun complexity of said scenario...
    What would it be like living the life as someone else, a replacement for long dead or long lost love, child, friend? This prompt would attempt to answer that question. YC will be hired to replace said person. Maybe she was a relative. Maybe she was just a spitting image of her, despite being a stranger. Maybe she was just desperate enough for money that she agreed to an extensive cosmetic surgery changing all the details, down to disturbingly private ones to resemble such person. She was given extensive information, schedule, preferences, history and was tasked with pretending to be her... But what if, over time, things get even darker? That despite playing the part of'daughter' there are sexual requests involved? Or she learns that the sex life one had with supposed wife is far more kinky than they actually had? Or that she plays a role of much younger version of that girl or older version of girl that died very young? What if the girl is alive and was lost in a very different way? Or that YC learns that MC was very much involved in her death the first time? Or that YC is playing the part of someone who was never romantically involved with MC or was not really a family member... Or didn't exist at all? Plenty of dark directions we can take it if we want to.
    As the title says I am interested here in ages 16 to 19. I would like to avoid the typical adult settings of college or work and focus on the interactions between the characters in these ages, so it can be High School, some pre-college camp and all the private settings.

    And as both title and my name suggests I want the characters to take a deep dive. Starting from purity and virginity into depraved and extreme kinks during our story.

    If you would like to figure out something taking the typical innocent tropes of teenage relationships and corrupting them to the extreme - this prompt is for you.
    A new craving of mine so it is close to the top.

    Here I would like to focus on utmost secrecy and mystery maybe highly informal and imprecise nature of the sexual encounters.

    I am talking about regular meetings with the stranger in the club, who remains a stranger but does all sort of sexual things with YC. I am talking about a teacher cheating on her husband with her student during the longer break at school with nobody knowing or them showing it to anyone. I am talking about girl being regularly groped on the way to and from her work or school, it grows bolder and bolder but does not change into any proper relationship. I am talking about sex addicted girl who has sex with different people, without letting anyone else know and disappears into anonimity. It can be a usual cheating scenario but then it would not be one which allows for longer meetings and one that does not go into open cuckolding.

    Of course the focus on the darker kinks and my character being dominant in those encounters stays.
    One of the new cravings. Prompt focused on you playing female character.
    Here I want to focus on your character being the one where she should be in control. A woman in uniform - police, army and such. Teacher. Politician. VIP. Superstar. Boss. CEO. Priest. Someone who should have the upper hand on MC. But for some underhanded tactic of mine... She ends up the target. Maybe something supernatural or scientific is involved. Maybe some other leverage, like blackmail. Maybe it is just a mix of very dominant personality and strong sexual attraction.

    And she will not go down quietly. She would fight to reassert her authority. Even when she surrenders in the bedroom, she tries to keep it outside. Yet she slowly loses it and eventually her focus is only on not letting others know. Maybe even that would be denied to her...
    Yes it is about what you think it is. A twist on my cuckold /cheating prompt.

    In this scenario YC would be a wife, a husband or both. Their marriage is perfect and they have everything - love, sex, mutual support and understanding. Yet there is a problem. Money. For some reason they need a lot of them and way more than they can earn, and it is needed rather urgently. Alternatively that can work with BF /GF or engaged couple.

    MC is rich. So rich that even straight up giving you the money that is needed would be not a problem. He might be a relative, a friend or a stranger. Initially he can pay you big money in short time, but not as a lump payment. Instead it would be a series of deals when each time he demands sexual favors from the female in question.

    Normally none of them would agree. While he might be relatively attractive and quite well equipped I don't want her falling for him early. Over time the situation may become more complex but I want there to be much reluctance and conflict from both partners. The deed is done, he pays up, but, as they didn't allow him to go too far the money was just a drop in the ocean. It is clear that next time they need to go further. And they need to do it soon...

    I think you get the idea. Eventually it is about relationship destruction but I want financial considerations to be the main reason - if not for entire RP then for the long time at the beginning. Eventually there might be more to it or not.
    A bit similar to my psychological prompt but it is not so much about someone subjecting your character to psychological torment, more about your character (female) fighting some, sex-related psychological issue. My characters would be using the situation but they are in no way the main cause of it. Alternatively you might be someone close to such a woman, like her partner or her family member.

    It could be nymphomania /sex addiction. It could be sexsomnia. It could be anything that hijacks this woman's sex drive and pretty much forces her, or just commands her body while her mind watches in horror and disgust, to participate in sexual acts she would, if given the choice, rather avoid.

    This prompt is fairly open ended and I am open for ideas here.
    This prompt have two distinct versions: a cuckold and a cuckquean one.

    So your character is in a marriage that so far seems perfect. He loves his wife and never cheated on her. So far she has also been faithful. But then something happened that changed it. And from there both of them slowly changed. She started to love the humiliation that it caused to her partner or became submissive to the one they cheat with. The husband, initially rebelling somewhat, later became more and more beta, slowly accepting their lot in life...

    Here I can play both your partner and bull. You can also play a wife that is cheating on their hubby. Then I can play the bull and we can decide who plays the hubby.

    And what happened? Maybe it was husband who proposed it at first? Maybe he wanted to try it, just once and never to repeat it? But then he did not like it and they did. Maybe they maintained contact despite swearing to cut it off? Or she actually did cut contact but the other side had other ideas?

    Maybe it went bad already during the act? They made rules together, she broke them. Or maybe the person he shared her with forced her to break the rules?

    Or perhaps it started as something else?

    Maybe some supernatural shenanigans were involved? Addicting cum, strange pheromones, magic, lust pill?

    I am also open to cuckold scenarios featuring not exactly partners but crushes, exes, mothers, fathers, sisters etc. If it has someone dear to him fucking others or being fucked by them, I am game.


    You are a woman that is being cheated on by her partner, be them male of female.

    In case of a male I would play the cheating husband, though I can also play the cake.

    In case of female I would play the seducing man.

    Most of the choices remain as above - she might love it or hate it, be the one who initiated or not. But overall she would endure humiliation and slow deterioration of her relationship and her role in it...
    I am usually not opposed to having some supernatural element in my stories but this prompt would focus on some supernatural plot that can defend itself in its own right, not just by its smutty content. Sex would still be integral part of the story but here there would be a strong plot driving the action.

    Maybe there is a hunted mansion that a young marriage just bought for dirty cheap, not knowing its secret - that the old owners, while dead are still quite lively and they want for all that happened in this mansion to return, together with changing the new owners into living copies of what the dead owners were... Or a family is cursed due to some actions in the past and the main character needs to first make sense of seemingly random events happening to them, realize there is a curse and try to find out the truth in order to lift it... Maybe there is a rivalry between the Gods that bursts into mundane life of your character... Or even the world itself mixes the supernatural with the modern world and the story would heavily be based off the specifics of how exactly the two are mixed... Maybe there is a 'night of a wereslut' event once a month that forces the girl to ignore her usual moral code for some time, driven only to satisfy her cravings... For this story my preferences as to the smutty content stand but there is a wider range for negotiation - a good enough plot can convince me to try something I am less familiar in terms of the erotic content...
    I have realized that there is a gap in my prompts here. I have a prompt for one man and more than one woman in somewhat complex relationship and for cucking and cheating but there is one space I like and don't communicate here.

    So I would like to also show my interest in various poly dynamics.

    It can be, stretching the limits of the other prompt below, polygamy. I would play the man and I can play some of the women and explore the dynamics of such a household. In this case likely the women in question would not be attracted to one another, yet still might be doing something sexual together for their husband...

    Another could be polyandry. Especially if we twist it somehow to allow for quite dominant male characters. But in such a story I might be playing the female character too, dominating her several husbands.

    And then the creme de la creme, so what's mentioned in the title. Polyamory. Best started from just a single relationship that branches, adding more and more people in various configurations between each other. I would likely play the dominant characters here, no matter their gender. I want a nigh endless diversity of the connections between them. If you are interested in it, let me know. As always I like my darker themes so I am more then willing to corrupt it with some such traits - incest, abuse, manipulation - why keep this only for the monogamous crowd?
    This prompt, as can be guessed is for someone playing female character.
    As to the content of the RP itself the basis is really easy and it is open to be expanded upon.
    So in short I want you to play a female facing a bad situation and it mostly going downhill from there.
    Maybe the world is a very maledom place and you want us to build it first and then play in it?
    Maybe your husband lost a bet and pays with your body?
    Or you have found yourself in bad place at a bad time?
    Or you try to be a respected female professional but caught a slut virus?
    Maybe you are heels over head for the wrong man?
    Maybe a dark Deity has taken interest in you and makes you his plaything?
    Or some curse, disease or parasite is changing your sexuality in a fundamental way?
    Whatever the situation, be it mundane, Sci Fi, eldritch or an alternative history as long as you play a female in trouble I am open for it.
    Kink wise it is obviously better the less limits you have and the more you enjoy bad things happening to you, especially sexually. So it is best for near limitless submissives. 16+ characters only, of course.
    Well if the name does not suggest enough it would be about orientation play. Forcefully using whatever means necessary to try and 'turn' a lesbian. As with my other dark themes it has nothing to do with what I condone in real life but decided to make it clear here.

    In this scenario you would play as one or two girls in the lesbian couple. Either you, your girl or both of you would be targeted by a man that wants to turn them straight. Who exactly would it be for you, the methods of how it will happen and how far you want to take it remains to be decided between us. So it can be full on non-con or more dub-con. I am also open to use some supernatural plot devices, like magic or advanced technology getting the job done.
    This prompt will focus on quite unusual relationships, where, instead of open cheating, we have a stable situation... With two ot more women and one man. The man in question would be me. You can play either one, or both girls (or all if there are more than two). The rest will be split between us or played by me.

    So some examples of what I may be looking for:
    -You might play both mother and daughter. Either through dating you both end up with the same man... Or the daughter has ended up in incestuous relationship with her parents... Or for some reason the wife decided to add her mother into her relationship... Why? How? All up for discussion.
    -A threesome turned into relationship. Again situation is open for plenty of modifications
    -An uneven but fully consensual situation, where, for example, one woman is treated as a sexual relief by one or both partners and the other would be in romantic relationship or one would be on if mostly for breeding while another, infertile, for sexual pleasure
    -Or one is a lesbian and another one is bisexual and submissive to both others, who do not have any sexual contacts
    -Or maybe physically there is only one girl... But with two personalities?
    There are plenty of possibilities and I would love to discuss them and try them. Either way I would play the man and I can play one of the girls.
    If we go for more than three I can even play all but one of them.

    The many would be dominant in sexual relationship with at least one, up to all the girls and will not be submissive to any of them, though might be equal to some.
    Taboo pairings! Who doesn't like them?

    Quite a lot of people actually, hence why they are taboo.

    To clarify what I mean here - nothing illegal on the site that's for sure. So no characters under 16.

    Alright so what DO I mean by that?

    First, the mother of all the taboo - incest. Father /daughter, mother /son, brother and sister uncle and niece. Whether the man would be older or younger here, he would be dominant, played by me and the female in question would end up being his submissive toy or slave.

    Then there are positions of authority. Obviously professors, employers and bosses but also police officers using their powers to seduce and dominate their victims.
    There can be a few more ideas around that topic - like friends or family of a deceased partner. Family of very living friends. Severe age gaps (like 18 year old girl to 48 year old man or a 40 year old woman and 18 year old man.) Whenever by the sake of who our characters are one would think their relationship is inappropriate then it fits here.
    Here I would like you to play one male and one female. They might be a couple but might not even know one another. Either way they would be united by one thing - they take part in the same corrupt and immoral experiment.

    Now the rest is up for discussion. What kind of experiment it is? Is it overtly sexual or is sex only a side effect... Or is hidden beyond some fake goal?

    Who are you? Do you know one another? Like one another? Hate one another? Are you mutually attractive to one another? Are you even both straight so potentially interested in the other?

    All up for us to decide.
    I usually like psychological torment in my RPs but these ones would be centered around these themes. And this is the male version of the idea I have listed also in my female RT.

    A couple of ideas how we can go about it (but feel free to suggest yours fitting the theme!):
    1) Immoral therapist.
    For the male version of this prompt I would like you to play a female. And once again, whatever help you are seeking, you are only able to get it in some perverted version... Or get the opposite of what you want.

    Whether my character would use hypnosis, medical means or some weirder power - or even plain psychological tricks - is up for discussion. Your character would end up spiraling into not only the depravity but more and more problematic psychological state...

    If you want to be used by such a professional, hit me up and we will arrange the details.
    2) Cult
    Unlike in the female counterpart, the cult storyline in the male version of this prompt is open for both male and female characters. The sexual interaction would happen between cult leader or even its Deity - or on the other hand just someone high in the cult leadership - and a female, but whether you play mainly her or her partner remains to be decided.
    The Cult itself might openly seem something new and original or some perversion of known religion in our world and may openly declare either spiritual purity or free love and anything between but in reality the focus will be on quite depraved sex. Either they are worshipping some dark Deity or they are simply a bunch of frauds but the Cult would certainly not be good for either her or any relationship she might be in.

    As to how they do it, it is up to us. Sexual rituals, orgies, sacred prostitution. And a great deal of brainwashing of course. The goal, as in the other thread is to influence her personality and belief system to not only do depraved things - but also consider them her holy duty.

    3) Kidnapping /Stockholm syndrome
    An idea often proposed by subs is also on offer here. Your character would be a female here. One likely petite in her body type, be she freshly 16 or quite a bit older, would end up kidnapped and used for the pleasure of their male captor. With no hope of release, how far would your character fall? Just how much would happen to them? And would they grow fond of the kidnapper? And is he simply obsessed with her, has some unrealistic view on her or is the kidnapping more an act of calculated revenge for slights real or imaginary? Up to us to discuss!

    4) Abusive relationship

    This one might be seen as a mildest prompt here. You were not kidnapped. There is likely no dark cult involved. You are not worked on by immoral professional.

    But, looking at it from another side, the psychological aspect of it all might likely be the harshest.

    You would not be abused by some mad stranger obsessed with you. Not used by heartless and ruthless cult leader. Not immoral professional. But by a man that claims to love you and the one your character loves too.

    Are they openly abusive, but you are too fascinated with them to see it? Or maybe they are sweet most of the time but can get abusive in the spot and seemingly for no reason? Or is there more method to his madness? Either way this mixes at least some aspects of the normal relationship... With downright dark, depraved, cruel and abusive. Into a mix certainly unhealthy... But intoxicating.
    This will be an RP for those of a bit milder tastes than my other ones.
    At least when it comes to action.

    See I like words. I like dialogue. Even inside the RP I like to have the characters talking a lot. So I decided to wrap entire story around it.

    The way I envision this is some slow burn seduction story between my male character and your female one. Maybe it won't even start from open seduction. There will be little physical action between the characters, at least early on. Maybe it is due to their inexperience. Maybe it is due to them, technically, being taken. Maybe it is because they just want to talk and do not realize the mutual attraction.

    But what it would have from very early in the story would be a detailed and dirty discussion about sex, sexual fantasies, kinks and preferences from these two characters. For long time it would remain all talk... Until it starts to develop into something more. But even as it develops the conversations would remain a very important element for their relationship. If that idea catches your eye, let me know :)
    This would be one of the prompts which I reuse between request threads. I GM here so the roles I play depend on the roles available in the world we build. Hence it is in all three threads.

    In this prompt the world is as much the focus as our characters or the story.

    A world I would like for us to create should be fairly similar to our own but with one or more major divergences. What would it be? Up to us to decide! I have a penchant for the darker things so keep that in mind as I prefer it cruel and twisted to sweet and cuddly.

    I will list some possibilities but I am quite interested in your input here. I enjoy the worldbuilding aspect of this one just as much as the story itself so I would prefer not to tush through it with half baked ideas - I am fully prepared to brainstorm all the details making the world fun.

    As noted in my playstyle sex will be still the focus of the story so it is best if the change does reflect it in some way. I am not against some kind of maledom world or freeuse one, if we can go into the details of it, but I am more than happy to try and make something more unorthodox work.

    Also the point of divergence might be different - It might be that the world has always been that way, or it could be some revolutionary change from some time ago or it might just be happening now.

    So some of the ideas beyond the more common ones put above might be:

    -maybe humanity is very fertile and pregnancy is much shorter, resulting in a darker world with people being quite expendable and morality is more lose?

    -maybe fertility is smaller or the gender ratios are very inbalanced?

    -maybe incest is perfectly legal or even mandatory?

    -maybe only lesbian relationships are legal, with men being coopted by the couples freely?

    -maybe women are treated as animals at best?

    -maybe conception is fully controlled at will so there is no randomness in pregnancy risk?

    -maybe humanity itself is biologically quite different?

    -maybe we have a strict class society with the elites able to do anything they want with no outrage against it whatsoever?

    -maybe female arousal is tightly linked to be subject to violence or at least coercion?

    -or the society is very hedonistic with all kinds of pleasures available freely?

    -or monogamy is far from norm?

    -maybe sex is done only in public?

    -or maybe something considered kinky in our world is as normal as kiss on a cheek? Or something normal in our world is strictly forbidden?

    -maybe lesbian sex is not considered sex at all but just something playful that friends are normally doing and as such is quite commonplace?

    -maybe all females just have much higher libido?

    -females once they reach adulthood become sex obsessed animals?

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are unsure what to pick, you can message me with your general ideas or choose something from the above and we can negotiate to iron out something better. The possibilities are endless . Let me know your ideas and we can quite likely work something out.

    After we create the world I can be playing as a GM for the rest of time, controlling the world around your character, or I can play a set number of characters. You may have one character or you can switch it between scenes... So as you see this idea is pretty open.
    This is a second prompt that I reuse between the RTs. There is no 'Evil God RT' section and Deities can be quite diverse when it comes to gender. So I will put it in all of them.

    I usually dabble in darker topics but this prompt is going in even more extreme direction that I usually do - within the confines of the site rules of course.

    One important detail - I want an innocent female involved in the story - be it a freshly 16 year old virgin or young adult wife, you name it. However as long as you would also play her I am open to have some male role here as well. You could be her husband or father, forced to endure and even participate in the debauchery coming her way.

    So I am looking for subs here who are as close to limitless as possible. And if you do have any limits and want to play, tell me them in your first message. With the amount of depravity I am aiming here, it is likely that we will touch on them if you do not inform me.

    As the title suggests there will be supernatural powers involved and one of them will be the power to regenerate your body so that even if we go in direction that would usually be one time use, we can turn you back to the previous state for round two.

    So to market the idea some more here are things that will probably get involved in the story. First we have our usual taboo kinks of noncon, humiliation, incest, raceplay, cheating. But we go further still: toilet play, messy and filthy food play, snuff, extreme weight gain, impregnation by supernatural entities, any amount of torture, pain and gore , rot, filth and more.
    Maybe there will be more...
  • I have plenty of kinks and not too many limits.

    My main kinks are corruption, personality change, relationship destruction, humiliation, gaslightning, mental torment and degradation. All other kinks can be used to support these.
    We can speak more about that topic in PMs, as listing all possibilities could take lots of space.

    My main limit is playing sub. I am fine with playing the dominant side and one or more submissive but not interested in playing only as submissive side. In general if the balance of RP is towards you dominating me or other characters it is not really a good scenario for you.

Interested in any of these? Let's see if we can't get the conversation going then!
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