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Mx Female Guilty Pleasures


Trix Are For Chix
Jan 20, 2023
Now with an F-list

Disclaimer: I may have a lazy thread, but dont let that allow you to think of that as a reflection of the quality I put into my role plays.

Its for my marraige...(audio + NSFW)

I have an itch for cheating roleplays (no, not as the cuck), and a pension for playing multiple males in a variety of ideas that Id like to share with those who are interested. Ill list three such ideas here for consideration, but know that everything is open to discussion. So, if you're interested at all, send me a message and lets talk details!

I usually post about 4 to 6 paragraphs. Likely more with a roleplay like this. If youre interested, Id love to hear back from anyone interested in this so we can talk details and plot things out.

I have no problem playing as many males as we may decide to incorporate. Feel like being a cheating slut? I can play the boyfriend, his friends, maybe some bullies of his, or even complete strangers. We can establish more on that in our ooc, as well.

Some KINKS for this (Just to name a few)
Cheating ****
Threesomes ***
Excessive cum ***
Heavy facials ***
Cum on clothes **
Clothed sex ***
Dirty talk ****
Tasteful degredation ***
Gangbangs **
Watersports (giving only)
Cosplay/dress up ***
Large cocks 10 to 12 ***
Very large cocks 12 to 14 **
Unbelievably large cocks (situational)
Cumming again and again (males) **
Large ass (my favorite female body part) *****
Large bust (optional) **
Free Use ***

Always up for discussing ideas you may have interest in. So, give me a shot. You may be surprised.
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