Mx Female The Nonbinary Queen seeks to play as a massively endowed boi! Help them out, would ya?!~ <3 (NSFW)

Nonbinary Queen

The Queen demands headpats
Nov 4, 2015
Greetings friends and potential roleplay partners! This is the boilerplate part of the thread where I talk about myself! As you may notice, I have infact been around here for a while but am currently rebranding a bit. Among other things I have had problems with my communication skills in the past and am currently trying to work on those so please just be patient with me! I'm down to chat about nerdy shenanigans and whatnot, but most importantly, as I'm sure you could guess, I am here to discuss some rather lewd shenanigans featuring massive endowments! I like to keep things pretty light and fluffy, avoiding darker topics and very keen on affectionate encounters and whatnot!

Here I will list a few kinks I'm particularly fond of, with helpful visual aids! <3
massive tits
supersized cocks
titty fucks
cock sucking
choker snapping
excessive amounts of cum
"gifted" femboys
swole beauties with massive cocks~
multiple studs
multiple gals

And now for the stuff more specific to this thread! I'm looking for fun, lighthearted scenes, with me as one or more massively hung friends and yourself playing as one or more buxom beauties! I'm open to discussing all sorts of fun scenarios and would love to discuss some fun lewdness with potential new friends!! But first, a few ground rules and important notes.

1. Please have some substance with your initial message. It's okay if you don't have any hyper specific idea, but a one sentence "Would you like to rp with me?" Isn't really helpful! Just put in a little effort alright? Goes a long way towards catching the eye of a potential partner!

2. Chitchat is fun! I do enjoy random chitchat with friends and partners, so if we are playing a scene or whatever, feel free to drop me a line ooc and whatnot!

3. Discussing images and even potentially building scenes off of them is pretty fun!
This final section is under construction. Ultimately I will include specific scene ideas and prompts down here. I'm partly choosing not to fill it out immediately as brainstorming is fun! And often when a thread has a specific scene prompt of some kind, everyone just ends up asking for that and the brainstorming part gets skipped completely, which is less fun! So for the time being, reach out to me, chitchat, and see what nonsense we can brew together, okay?~ <3
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