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Play with Gray?

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Hello everyone, it's been a while since I started a new RP, so I thought I might as well cast my bid. Anyway, here it is, take it as you will, and most importantly, if anything strikes your fancy, send me a PM, or post here, and we can work something out. I currently have absolutely no RPs going at the moment, so I would love to get one set up.


~ I can play male or female characters, straight or otherwise. However, I usually prefer hetero or yuri pairings.
~ O will RP over threads or PM, though I prefer the former. Just tell me which you would prefer and we should be good.
~ I consider myself literate, and I expect at least a basic level of literacy from those I RP with. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm by no means a grammar Nazi, but at the least, try to spell check your work.
~ I typically post between two to three paragraphs per post, though I can go higher if needed. I do not require any particular post length from my partner, but I would appreciate it if you could post at least one solid paragraph per reply.


~ Rape, roughness and domination. From either side.
~ Unusual locations
~ Light bondage
~ Water. Actual water, as in rain or shower / baths.
~ Desperation / begging
~ Lactation (sometimes)
~ Pregnancy, risk of pregnancy.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> (For a more comprehensive list)

** Will not do vore or scat.


~ Back into the closet : A boy and a girl, two friends (can be brother and sister for incest RP) are hanging out at one or the others house. Their parents are out for the week and they decide to have a sort of sleep over, while downstairs, they hear someone break into the house. Scared, they stuff themselves into the tiny closet in order to hide. Pressed together in the small place, they start to feel hotter then they should, and when the thief finally leaves, things go even further.

~ Freedom? : A girl (or boy, roles can be switched) is imprisoned in a light-less confined chamber with no company for all her life from a very young age. Knowing nothing of the world, a boy sneaks in and free her from the prison, taking her home to hide from the guards to his estate. With her not knowing anything about whats normal in society, the boy wonders if perhaps this is an opportunity of a lifetime, and decides to 'teach' the girl to obey him.

~ Little kitty mine : On his way home from work, a man, my character, finds that it suddenly starts raining quite heavily, hurrying home through the park as a shortcut to get out of the rain, he spies an odd sight, a youngish neko-girl (can be human as well, but the story idea I had for this works interestingly with neko) abandoned and hiding / taking shelter under a bench from the rain. Investigating, the man finds that she has no where to go, and, in a surge of sympathy and other emotions, decides to take her home. Being extremely grateful, the girl tries to express her thanks. Two options at this point, I've done this before and found two things make the story fairly interesting, either the girl is a nymphomaniac. (which caused her problem of finding a home) Or her past 'owners' conditioned her to show her thanks in a rather.. unusual way.
Haha, the second appears to be fairly popular. Well, send me a PM and I'd be happy to RP the idea with both of you.
All right, sounds good to me, throw me a PM and we can get it set up.

Oh, and to nightwing, around 14-17 was my thought, sound good?
If we could make it 16 and 17, that would be awesome.
And just drop me a PM with a link to the RP if your gonna set it up.
Or if you want me to let me know.
Alright, that sounds cool. Would you mind awfully much? I'm kinda swamped with PM's right now. I can if you really want me to though.
NecroZombieCourtesan said:
I would quite possibly be interested in your Little Kitty Mine idea.
That would be lovely thank you very much. PM me? We'll work it out.
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