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In your opinion, what do you think is a good, go-to format for request threads?

The Abusive Dominator

Oct 29, 2019
Like... Intro, then lore-dump paragraph, then exposition, then rules, then pairing samples? Or what?

In your experience, which were the ones that were pleasing in the eyes for you and a real pleasure to read? Which were the formats that worked for you and for others?

Thank you sirs/ma'ams.
I’m very much imagery and info dump with kinks and hello no lists. It’s worked for me but I’m extremely visual so I at lots of pics and catchy things for dom guys to ogle and lure into my comfy lair.

What is the most important things you want to be known? I find that helps when I’m looking especially if I want to match up and keep a long term partner
The format I enjoy is:

Brief intro - It's nice to know a little about your partner and their interests but is certainly not mandatory.
Rules/Expectations - I think it's important to list these upfront. If someone writes first-person and I only like third, then what is the sense investing time reading their request thread?
Kinks and Limits - Kinks aren't mandatory, but helpful to know. Limits, on the other hand, should always be listed, in my opinion.
Plots/lore/pairings - I like to know that my partner has ideas of their own and what they're interested in.
Samples - Totally optional for me, but helpful to see if our styles match.

Of course, some imagery and formatting can make is easier on the eye. In the end though, it's all about substance. I caution people against giant walls of text. I think request threads should be easy to digest.
having an intro is important. an RT that lacks an intro kind of lacks a personal touch imo

beyond that, most of it is preference

I tend to find the following to be important
- some way to break up the text (e.g. bulletin, tables, accordions)
- less is more (e.g. 20 plots is too much for me. stick to 3-5)
- not having a ginormous rules section. this one might be controversial, and falls under preference. but personally, i really dislike having to read through a giant rules section of common rp 'no's. while i understand why it exists, it sets the wrong tone imo
- writing sample (we are all here to write, so might as well showcase your style prominently to potential partners, yeah?)
This has been my most successful formula. I made it into a template for you.



M/F/NB x Any || 300 - 500 words || smut >< story
How to Play
1. PM's or Threads
2. Timezone & Response Schedule
3. Things to avoid, Things to include
Kink and Limits
list kinks & limits
give some examples
list fandoms if interested


{ genre } { theme } { theme } { kink } { kink }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

[H1][CENTER]TITLE[/CENTER][/H1] [H2][CENTER]Introduction [/CENTER][/H2] [CENTER][SIZE=3]M/F/NB x Any || 300 - 500 words || smut >< story[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [accordion=bcenter|300px][slide=How to Play|center]1. PM's or Threads 2. Timezone & Response Schedule 3. Things to avoid, Things to include [/slide] [slide=Kink and Limits|center][I]list kinks & limits[/I] [/slide] [slide=Pairings|center][I]give some examples[/I] [/slide] [slide=Fandom|center][I]list fandoms if interested [/I] [/slide][/accordion] [hr=1][/hr] [H1]PLOTS[/H1] [SIZE=3]{ genre } { theme } { theme } { kink } { kink }[/SIZE] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Pretty much was stated above. Its best to try and catch people's attention I think whether its interesting plot ideas, images, or just emphasizing a strong focus you might have that will get people specifically knowing "okay I would or would not be into RPing with this person".

When it comes to ideas or pairings its good to make sure things are clearly worded and done in a simple way for people to latch onto and ideally with enough room to encourage input. It's something I have to fix up with a LOT of my own stuff (I am super guilty of making my own stuff come off more like a ramble then an idea with me being as generic as possible getting in the way of an otherwise simple idea pitch) but I do find it to be much better seeing a plot idea or a pairing and getting the idea in a quick glance with any room for expansion or addition probably best either left out or mentioned separatetly from the general pitch.

Perhaps on the incredibly stupid side... but I won't lie... dumb, punny, or wacky titles always catches my eye. To be fair its not stuff that I'll always jump on ready to RP with a person but I see a thread with some cheesy title I can't help but laugh and take a peek even if I know it's not likely to be something I would be into. I won't lie, half the time I skim the request thread not even to find a new RP half the time but just out of curiosity and those threads will catch my attention and interest just to see what it might be even though I know from the title itself it's not for me I just can't help but look.
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