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1x1 RP - Het / Yaoi / Yuri - fandoms/originals

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Jan 15, 2009
I'm just gonna go all out.


{1} Be advanced literate. My definition of adv. lit. is the following:

  • + 5-12+ paragraphs for an introduction post.
    + At least 1 paragraph per post afterward.
    + Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. (I do understand mistakes - I am borderline dyslexic so I make them myself. I only ask that you try.)
    + This means quality as well as quantity.[/list:u]

    I am very flexible with these expectations, so don't run off just yet.

    {2} Be creative. I think this is pretty self-explanatory.

    {3} Be versatile. Do not tell me "I can't play ___ because ___." I understand having preferences (hell knows I have them), so don't tell me you "can't" do something. You can, just just don't want to. And usually, thats alright, I'm flexible, so long as you're not an ass about it.

    {4} Contribute. If you have a suggestion or an idea, express it! I love working together and brainstorming on plots. I will not be too happy if I am forced to think of the plot all by myself.

    {5} Be mature. By this I mean that you must be comfortable with sex and violence of varying degrees and disturbing and/or graphic descriptions thereof, offensive language, and material of a sensitive nature such as abuse, drug addiction, adultery, etc. You ARE on an adult roleplaying site, for god's sake.

    {6} Have a sense of humor. If you are a tight-ass, I will not roleplay with you. I have to feel comfortable with somebody before I can roleplay with them, or it just won't work out. If I get a weird vibe from you or you make me uncomfortable, I won't respond.

    {7} Don't be an idiot. I don't respond well to rude or thoughtless comments.

    {8} Don't be a brat. No "its my way or the highway." I don't stand for it. A roleplay is a collaborative effort.

    {9} Be honest. If you don't want to roleplay, or if you want to change anything, tell me. I will listen.

    There, all finished! That wasn't so bad, was it? :) Just adhere to these few rules and I'm sure we'll get along famously. <3


    A few notes before we get to the actual roleplay topics:

    I roleplay slash, femslash, and hetero all. You'll find a lot of het on this list, but usually (read: 90% of the time) I can be persuaded into slash or femslash. :]

    I play both male and female. However, understand that I am human, so for some genres I will have a preference.

    I play a wide variety of characters. I don't believe that any person is strictly "dominant" or "submissive." However, if you are into D/s or bondage or master x slave or any of that, I can accommodate. Just ask.

    Plot is great. But we don't have to have one. If you want a complex multi-character story arc, that's great. If you want pure smut, that's fine too. I'm a girl of both tastes. <3

    Regarding OC's: I don't do canon x OC pairings for all fandoms, but for some I do. I love OC's. But they should not be AUTOMATICALLY involved romantically with a canon or somehow related to them, etc. It just ain't right.

    NO ANIME PICTURES. I like references. But they must be real-life photos, sry2say. I hate anime. I also hate random ass Asian characters/names. What the fuck.

    I don't respond well to srs bsns ppl. Be merry! :p

    I will not respond to you if I don't feel we are clicking, or if something just doesn't feel right. I go with my gut feelings on these, and usually if I don't think its going to work out, it doesn't.

    Bold indicates a character preference, if any. These are not set in stone.


    Arrested Development: Michael x OC; Lindsay x Tobias; George Michael x Maeby; George Michael x Ann(/Egg/Plain/Plant); GOB x anyone; various Bluthcest sexings (because its practically canon anyway); gen (no non-canon pairings)
    *This is simply for the lolz, people. For the LOLZ. I want to roleplay it like an episode, narration and hilarious flashbacks and all.

    Batman ["Nolanverse"]: Batman x Joker; Batman x Catwoman; Two-Face x Joker; Catwoman x Joker (lolwhat?); Poison Ivy x Batman; Poison Ivy x Joker; Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn; Poison Ivy x Catwoman; various triangles; OC's; open to others
    *I am VERY interested in Nolanized versions of Poison Ivy and Catwoman, as you can tell.
    **NO Joker x Harley Quinn. Ever.

    Brokeback Mountain: Ennis x Jack

    East of Eden: Cal x Abra; Cal x Aron

    Gangs of New York: Butcher x female OC; Butcher x Vallon

    Gossip Girl: Blair x Serena; Georgina x Serena; Blair x Jenny; Jenny x OC; Chuck x Blair; Nate x Vanessa; Chuck x Serena; Dan x Serena; Blair x Serena x Dan; Chuck x Blair x Serena; Nate x Blair x Serena

    Greys Anatomy: Addison x any canon (male or female); Christina x Meredith; triangles!; open to pretty much anything

    Harry Potter - Trio: too many to list, but some favorites that I have done in the past are Harry x Luna; Harry x Hermione; Hermione x Luna; Harry x Hermione x Luna; Bellatrix x almost any female canon; Harry x Cho; Pansy x Hermione; Ron x Hermione; Voldemort x Draco (yes, really); open to many, many others
    *NO Lupin x Tonks, Harry x Ginny, Hermione x Draco, or Snape x anyone. Sorry. Its just. Ew.

    Harry Potter - Marauders: any and all permutations of the Marauders + Lily
    *Again, no Snape sex.

    Heroes: Elle x Claire; Elle x Sylar; Peter x Claire; Peter x Elle; Peter x Sylar; Sylar x Claire; others

    House, MD: House x Wilson; House x Thirteen; Thirteen x OC (preferably new doctor); House x Thirteen x OC; Thirteen x Cameron; open to others

    Indiana Jones: Indy x female OC

    Iron Man: Tony x Pepper

    James Bond/007: Bond x female OC
    *I prefer the Bond from the two newest movies.

    Mad Men: Don x Betty; Don x OC; Roger x Don; Roger x Don x Betty; Don x Betty x OC; etc etc

    Pineapple Express: Dale x Saul

    Star Trek: Kirk x Spock; Sulu x Chekov (<333); Bones x OC; Kirk x OC; Spock x OC; George x Winona (ya rly); others
    *No Spock x Uhura, please. I love them both, but not together.

    Star Wars - Prequels: Anakin/Vader x Padmé; Anakin x Padmé x Obi-Wan; gen (no pairings)

    Star Wars - Originals: Han x Leia; Leia x Luke; Han x Leia x Luke; Han x Lando; gen (no pairings)

    Titanic: Rose x Jack

    The Tudors [tv]/The Other Boleyn Girl [book]: Henry x Anne

    X-Men: Wolverine x Rogue

    Watchmen: The Comedian x Silk Spectre I/II; Manhattan x Silk Spectre II/Laurie; open to others; gen (no pairings)

    What about crossovers?
    Ideas for crossovers are mos def welcome. Especially with the superheroes.

    I would also be interested in roleplays BASED on the plots of these movies/shows/books:

    Arrested Development (het/slash/femslash)
    Atonement (het)
    Curious Case of Benjamin Button (het)
    Fight Club (het/slash/femslash)
    Gossip Girl (het/femslash)
    Mad Men(het)
    Milk (slash)
    Moulin Rouge!
    Mr. & Mrs. Smith (het)
    Revolutionary Road (het)
    Taxi Driver (het)
    The Notebook (het)
    Titanic (het)
    Watchmen (het/slash/femslash)
    Zack & Miri Make A Porno (het/slash/femslash) (YEAH RLY)


    Ancient (Egypt, Rome, etc etc etc)
    Alexander the Great
    Tudor Court
    Early Puritan America (witch trials and all that)
    American Civil War
    Roaring Twenties
    Great Depression
    1940s/50s Hollywood
    Red Scare
    Vietnam War
    Futuristic(space station, dystopia, alternate reality, post-apocalyptic, etc)

    Cops/undercover/detectives (like Law and Order: SVU)
    Gang (from run of the mill street or drug gang to vampires to Project Mayhem to organ harvesters and anything inbetween...)
    Hostage Situation
    Magicians (the ones that put on a show, not like wizards)
    Vaudeville Horror

    *I am open to suggestions to anything not on my lists.

    What I DON'T do
    Video games
    Twilight or Anne Rice
    Teen/school (booooring)


    Here are the mediums over which you can contact me:

    PM's: Gwendolyn

    e-mail: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> - you'll have to tell me you've e-mailed me, though, because I don't always check this

    That's all, sorry. D:

    **Please, when you contact me, tell me the following things:

    Your name? what should I call you.

    What you are interested in roleplaying? fandom, pairing, and plot ideas if you have them.

    Who would you like to play?

    Do you have any limits? be concise. If you have an RH, provide the link.


    Thats all! Thanks for reading. :cool:
Just curious, the comics aren't that important to what I was thinking of. I just have a plot involving mutants that I can never find someone to RP. Thought you might be interested in it. Just maybe. I can PM you with the details if you like. The basic premise is simple enough though. Two young mutants chased from their homes and forced to work together in order to survive. Less about action, more about struggling and just trying to survive while mixing some romance in there.
No problem.

See I wuld but as I said earlier I am not good with a long intro.

The longest I have ever done is three paragraphs.
Well, I do tend to prefer longer posts, but as long as the writing is of good quality its usually not a problem.
Onoes! Angry black woman.

Coming a family with those, I am now sufficiently frightened and kowtow'd.
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