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Let There Be Light [Bunny x LJB]

Lady Jace Beleren

Ugh, Susan...
Jul 2, 2014
United States, East Coast
Everything had gone quiet in the small cottage. Isolation was a luxury for someone like Umbris, even more so for someone like Selene. That the two of them had a place like this, cut off from the world, was a blessing. They were watched day and night by parties that wished for their attention, their power, sometimes even their lives. Here, no one would bother them.

Except, it was too quiet. The gentle movement of water had ceased, the light under the door to the bathroom never wavered, never showed a shadow passing by. Uneasy, Umbris closed his book. A quick set of steps carried him from the comfortable chair to the door. He rapped his knuckles on it gently, his voice wary.

"Selene, love, is everything okay?"

The silence carried on for a moment, then several more. It seemed to stretch for an eternity even as each second went by too quickly. Another set of knocks came from Umbris, concern mounting.


This time the silence did not stretch. Instead, the dark corners of the room began to swirl and warp, moving to sink in around the edges of the door frame. The incorporeal became suddenly solid, pulling at the wood with incredible strength. Umbris used his power to wrench the door from its hinges, discarding it like crumpled paper.

A moment later, he was on his knees. Selene lay on the floor of the bathroom, completely bare and unmoving. Umbris touched her cheek, his hand shaking. Her skin was cold to the touch, her lips pale. If not for the unnatural stillness, she might have been sleeping. However, he could see, both from the empty bottle beside her and the brokenness inside him, she would never wake.

Something slipped loose of the shackles in that moment. The man was broken, the god was free.


The screen faded out from the advertisement it had been displaying, shifting almost seamlessly to the studio stage, set up to look like a small room, two chairs facing toward one another. In one chair sat a middle-aged woman, dressed in plain outfit that screamed journalist. Across from her was something completely different.

His clothing was black as midnight, shifting constantly like a water on a moonless night. It looked almost like armor, yet was supple like fine cloth. At the edges it wicked off like flames and disappeared under the scrutiny of the lights. The one inside the clothing was no less remarkable. His skin was completely devoid of color, a white that seemed to suggest it had never been graced by sunlight. Atop his head, aside from an oil slick of hair falling down his neck, were a pair of curled horns, solid and liquid just like his clothing. Most unnerving of all, though, were the eyes. They were pools of ink, no hint of iris or pupil. Just black on black. Umbris, God of Darkness, was under his chair. Below that it read "Expert on the Godhood Phenomenon".

"Welcome back to our special on the Godhood Phenomenon. We have with us Umbris, foremost expert on the topic and oldest known living God. He has agreed to give us an overview of the topic at hand. Umbris, let's start with the beginning. What is a God and where do they come from?"

There was a small intake of breath from the shadowy figure, his chest rising as he adjusted his posture. He had no smile, no show of joy at the idea of sharing his knowledge. His voice came out cool and clinical, like a doctor reading over an autopsy.

"Godhood is a term I find unpleasant when it comes to this topic. It brings so many unnecessary complications and arguments, especially from those of monotheistic faith. But, it is the common phrase, so I'll use it here. Godhood is, at the most simple level, the human subconscious changing reality. Now, one person thinking something does very little. A dozen, more. When that number becomes hundreds, thousands, for some of us, even billions, it becomes something physical. We still don't know why it chooses one person or even how, but that collective unconscious latches on to a single person."

For a moment, Umbris gestured to himself.

"Humans have always been afraid of the dark. Possibly the very first thing we learned to fear was the unknown of the night. So, that concept became ingrained in every human mind. For reasons unknown, when I was born, I was connected to that part of the subconscious mind, and to everyone else as well. For me, darkness and shadows, any absence of light, is like another part of myself. I can move it, shape it, become it. I can even create it in a more limited capacity. That power is directly connected to the level of importance my particular power has in a person's mind.

If only a thousand people had that primal fear of the dark, I would be able to accomplish a fraction of what I am capable of. At the same time, the power is like any other muscle in the body. Exercise it and it becomes stronger. For something like the dark, it has taken a very long time to be able to use even a fraction of what I could possibly do. Of course, I am part of a very small club. There are many of us who represent minor things. Did you know that there is a God of Ice Cream? Anything that worms into the human mind can produce a God."

"And is it true that you are as old as they say? That even you have lost track by now?"

"I admit that those rumors are true. As long as a God is being thought of, as long as they are relevant, they will never become sick or age. But, we are still human. Another reason that I dislike the name God. We are simply humans with gifts."

"But, there can only be one of each God, correct?"

"That is a subject of debate. Yes, I am the only God of Darkness. But, there are layers to the human mind. Let's use ice cream as our example. Sugar and Dairy are cultural figures. Most people know at least that they exist. They represent the highest tier of our society, which has stratified itself to turn the Gods into both civil servant and celebrity icon. They can both claim ice cream as their domain. They are not, however, the God of Ice Cream. Nor can Ice Cream claim he is the God of Sugar and Dairy. Only the kinship effect connects them."

"And that is a perfect transition to our next topic. Can you explain the kinship effect?"

"That is simple, as far as these things go. The more people associate two topics, the stronger those Gods are drawn to each other. Sugar and Spice, for example, are two Gods that have had an inseparable friendship. A practical application of opposites attracting I suppose."

"And that brings us to the reason we are all here. Your opposite. Our special is part of a series to commemorate the eighteen anniversary of the passing of celebrity, philanthropist, and fashion icon, Selene. Isn't it true that when a God passes on, a successor is born only moments later?"

This shift in topic provoked a reaction from Umbris. He straightened more in his chair, the flickering edges of his shadow clothing beginning to move more erratically. However, he continued in his same flat tone.

"That is correct. It will usually take quite a few years before the powers begin to surface. In most modern nations, testing begins around the start of high school. Some won't even realize they have gifts until they stop aging."

While his expression remained flat, the reporter seemed to smell blood in the water.

"We heard from several sources that the new God of Light has been confirmed. No one will reveal their identity, but they will be approaching their eighteenth birthday. Are they going to be taken into your custody as part of the laws you helped write? Will the kinship effect result in them becoming your new partner?"

"This interview is over."

"Will you share what happened that night? Were you the one responsible for the casualties eighteen years ago? What happened on the Night the Lights Went Out? Hundreds of people di-."

The screen cut to static for a moment, only to show the same reporter in a different color of the same outfit, her arm now secured in a cast and sling.

"There you have it, folks. The last public appearance from Umbris. Six weeks have passed since the anniversary of the Goddess of Light's passing. Will we learn the identity of the new God or Goddess or will Umbris keep us all in the dar..."


The television went black as Umbris hit the button on the remote. It had been disgusting ambush journalism, but contracts had been signed. He could do nothing to keep them from airing it short of tearing the whole station apart. It had been tempting.

A tendril of shadow swirled in a slow circle beside him, stirring the last of the sugar grains as they dissolved into his tea. He hated the taste of tea, added so much sugar that is tasted more like breakfast cereal than a beverage. Water said it was the one with the colorful rings. What he adored was caffeine and tea was preferable to coffee or those cans that made your mouth feel like syrup. So, he took the cup from the saucer, the tendril tapping the spoon on the edge to shake off the excess drops. A slow gulp to enjoy the heat spreading from his mouth to his stomach. Today would be unpleasant to say the least.

Rising from his plush chair, Umbris straightened his collar and pulled at his sleeves. Nothing so form as to require a jacket, but enough that he wore a tie. He glanced out the window of his study just in time to see the car rolling its way up the long drive. So, she was here.

The exact details of her testing and discovery were irrelevant for him. What mattered was that whoever this girl was, he was legally required to deal with her. Ever since the incident with the previous Fire at the turn of the last century, the collective world government had begun to crack down on the idea of Gods doing whatever they wanted. Particularly older and more volatile ones. It had never been an issue before, when the basic humans were happy to do as they were told. Now, democracy was in style and it was making it difficult to keep control. So, Umbris had taken to steering a law or two where he wanted them. The only complication was that it landed a collection of Gods in his lap, a particularly potential collection that only he could he relied on to control. The Primordials.

The latest to come into power was a girl named Ileana, the new Goddess of Light. Now that she was legally an adult, he was obligated to keep her under his watch and responsible for any damage she might cause. It netted an absurd amount of government funding, a full compliment of staff and security, and a seat at the table when Gods were the topic, but this particular ward worried him. He was never good with old wounds being reopened.

His shoes clomped softly on the stone floor as he hurried down the hallway, taking another long drink from his tea. All he could do was remain calm. Padding down the staircase, Umbris stood at the main entrance, waiting for the mystery girl to come in, escorted by whoever had been tasked with driving her. Surely she could not be any happier about being dragged here than he was about her arriving.

The door swung open and for a heartbeat, Umbris simply froze. He would have stayed frozen even longer if not for the shattering of his tea cup on the floor. All of the money, the staff, the whole fucking mansion, none of it would be worth this.
In another world it might have been that every little girl wanted to be a princess and every little boy a knight or an astronaut. But in this world, until coming of age, everyone wanted to be a Primordial. Now, most wouldn't be one of the big ones, the flashy kind like Umbris.. Nor like those of light, fire, water, earth or air... But something smaller? Sure! It was a glamorous life, or so they all believed. Ileana though was beginning to wonder if that was the reality or just a childish dream. When one was young after all, they saw the world through rose tinted glasses. It was all shiny and good, for they never saw the darker side, the dangerous side of life. No children never saw that side of life, at least if they were lucky.

Ileana had thought the life that the Primordial's lived was glamor and luxury. Why wouldn’t she? It was the front presented to the world. Even when the previous light had died, while it had been as much of a spectacle as any royal death, though the big six tended to pass on far less frequently than the human royals. Every little girl had hoped it would be them and there was a craze for a while when someone thought they showed the signs. Ileana was different though, while she, like every other girl her age hoped, she didn’t count the supposed signs. It wouldn’t be her And it was unlikely to be anyone she knew. Naturally it wasn’t impossible, just unlikely.

So when the signs started to appear, she ignored them. The way she seemed to glow, it was a trick of the light or just the beauty of youth. Nothing more or less. The ways she could play with light, was just a curious trick, but not anything impressive. Small beginnings lead to big things. That was the saying, was it not? All the little signs dismissed it still came as a shock the day she set fire with nothing more than a thought. So long ignored by the new primordial, it had begun to act out a little, but Ileana managed to dismiss the small burns and the way the light seemed to always be in her eyes.. Though that lazy day at the café, her fingers twirling a stirrer absently as her pale cheek rested on her palm, lavender eyes unfocused as she watched the light play through the window. A small smile on her lips and an errant thought was all it took for it to leap at the chance to be seen. The fire that ignited was on the tip of her coffee stirrer and was dropped with a small gasp of fear. The thought?
It would be cool to be the new light. I could make this stirrer a match! She hadn't thought it would work! picking the burning little stick of compressed wood up she dumped it into her coffee and rose, grabbing her things in a hurry, stumbling from the café.

That had been the day that everything changed.

Life from that moment on had been a whirlwind of activity even though Ileana had tried to keep the news on the downlow. She'd told her best friend, who in turn had told another and then like the fire she'd conjured with nothing but light from a window, it spread. Wildfire spread through the neighborhood and then it spread further. It finally reached someone who could do more than be a rumor monger. His name was Agent Phillips. It was he who came to her college class, dressed in black, the typical government type that people associated with those in his position.. due to TV and movies. Her name had rung from his lips, hands linked behind his back. She'd not answered right away, but he'd already picked her out of the crowd of students. Lilac hair, eyes of pure amethyst.. It was hard to miss her.

From there, the process had been what one might call smooth, but for Ileana it was her life as she knew it coming to an end. Nondescript rooms, flashing lights, questions, a press of bodies and anxiety building. College was over. Her job was gone. Friends and family kept at a distance. She only saw Agent Phillips and his underlings. Her life was left behind as she was slowly moved from hotel to hotel. That blinding flash of cameras leaving spots in her eyes long after she had been sequestered for the night. There wasn't any reason to hope until the day she met Boman. He would be taking her from Agent Phillips; taking her to her new home. Though he was professional, he was warmer than the coldness of the government who'd been guarding her. That was the word right? Guarding her? Not holding her poisoner. Surely not.

No, Boman had seemed to sense that she needed that kindness, and while he crossed no lines, he was genial as he opened the door for her, and his voice droned on in a friendly manner as he drove. She'd asked him to talk to her, for Ileana had been in silence for far too long. The countryside had blurred past as he spoke. Of the manner, of the Primordials that it held, of Umbris though, he spoke little. She knew he would be the one who would take control of her. That much had been explained to her. Several hours passed in that sleek black limo, and there were periods of comfortable silence, Ileana falling asleep for the last leg of the drive. It wasn't until she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and a gentle.. "Miss." That she stirred. A hand was offered to help her from the car and she stood slowly. The white skirt of her dress brushed along her pale skin, swirling against her thighs slightly as she looked up at the mansion.

The heels she wore made soft sounds along the paving stones. They elevated her short four eleven frame four inches.. it made her legs look longer, which she felt she needed in her little white sundress. The wealth of lilac curls fell wild and free around her shoulders and spilled down her back in a cascade. The door was opened for her and she looked into the grandeur of the manor, her eyes falling on Umbris himself. The shattering of the cup on the marble floor had her flinching and the shy smile she'd tried to fix on her face fading as her eyes met his.

"Are you.. alright?" Her voice was unsure and there was a thread of fear at the way he was looking at her.
Umbris was, in this moment, certainly not alright. Being a God meant that you were under the control of two things. One was the subconscious of the masses. It decided your power, your maximum strength. The other was experience. Every day that a God lived, if they used and understood their power, they grew stronger, became more one with it. Even after his impossibly long life, Umbris had no idea what his upper limits were, afraid of what might happen if he used them. But, he used them, understood them, and more than anyone else on the planet, had become one with them.

His skin had lost almost all color, making him pale even compared to Ileana. His hair had gained streaks of white, not the grey of age, but pure white. Most of all, his eyes were still inky black all the way to the iris, the pools such a deep void that they were reflective, making them appear to glow. Umbris had become so much the God of Darkness that he had almost ceased to be human. This extended to the draw he felt toward his opposite. It had been getting stronger over the last eighteen years, just a feeling that let him know she was out there. That changed when Ileana walked through the door.

This close, it was like this girl had reached into his chest and wrapped her fingers around his heart. It felt like an itch in the deepest part of his soul and he knew that the only way to scratch it was to get closer and touch her. It made him want to simultaneously throw his arms around her and tear her to shreds with his powers. Something about it felt wrong, like a betrayal. He had been with Selene so long that the Kinship effect had been basically nonexistent, a little nudge toward one another. Feeling it toward someone else, and with such painful intensity, was wrong. His eyes told him the truth, that Ileana was a different person, that her face and body were nothing like the former Goddess of Light. Everything else told him that she was his, that they should be together. He hated it, how cheap it made his millenia-long relationship feel.

Of course, Umbris was an adult. He knew how to separate emotion from business and keep things civil. He had to take legal responsibility for this girl. She was an adult, not some adopted child. He could simply lay out the facts of their relationship and leave, let the itch die down when they were no longer in the same room. Instead, it boiled over. The emotion swept him up and strangled his reason.

"Alright? Don't speak to me so casually. I am not here to be your friend, little girl. You are here because you are dangerous and I am here because I can stop you if you try to cause problems. Not that it matters. Based on your expression, any light you produce will be just like you, dim and unimportant. You are here in the capacity of a prisoner until I deem you safe enough to be given some leeway. So, no. I am not alright. I am your warden and your keeper. I will lay out the details of..."

A door on the side of the large entrance room swung open in a burst of sudden motion. The one who nearly fell through it was a striking young man with blue hair, though youth meant nothing in this house. He was breathing a little heavily, his jacket open and a little sweat was visible on his neck. He was decorated in a dozen different piercings, one on each side of his bottom lip, a trio of studs in one eyebrow, and so many in his ears it was difficult to count from a distance. Unlike the rest of the room, he was relaxed despite having obviously run here.

"Shit, sorry Umbris. I was in the middle of a game and we were winning so my team wouldn't FF. Did you already tell her everything?"

He was a sharp contrast to the mood in the room and, a few seconds of silence later, even he seemed to realize it. His eyes moved to Umbris. Registering the way the man's face looked, the blue-haired man stood up straight and genuine fear lit up his eyes. He looked ready to run.

"She just arrived. Now, be quiet for a second.

As I was saying, here is your situation. You will not leave this property without my permission. Ever. Even the others only do so under my implied permission. The half of the manor Water just came in from is where you will live. The other half..."

He gestured to the side he had entered from just a few moments before.

"Is where we conduct business. You have no business to conduct. My office is there. You will only ever come to my office if you need something important. Otherwise, I care very little about what you do or need. I suggest you find a way to be useful or entertain yourself. You are the only woman around, maybe you can be a toy. Judging from how you dressed, I assume you have no issues with that."

The words were venomous and accusatory, like Ileana had personally offended him by showing off her legs so readily. In reality, Umbris struggled to keep his eyes from them. He was aware he was projecting, throwing the way that the Kinship effect taunted him back onto Ileana. She had no control over it, no way to even know how badly it made him desire her presence. In reality, he thought she was like a gorgeous lily. Yet, in all the confusion she had suddenly caused him, all he could do was lash out and make her the problem.

"Water will be the one showing you around. As I said, I have more important things to do than deal with some half-way Goddess. Now, anything to say for yourself before you stop wasting my time?"

All the young man with the blue hair could offer was a friendly little wave as she was eviscerated by an anger she had no way of understanding.
The first thought she had, as she gazed up at him, pieces of broken ceramic around his feet and a spreading pool of tea at his feet, was gods he was handsome. That instant attraction however was quickly killed by the venomous contempt that spilled from his mouth. At first, Ileana didn't quite understand, her smile froze on her face for a moment and she blinked at him. It was the tone that she noticed first, rather than the words. The ice and almost cruelty in which he spoke. Little girl. Hackles rose subtly, but she let it slide for the moment. Dangerous? Her? That was a hard concept for Ileana to wrap her mind around. Never in her life would anyone have considered her dangerous, but now... she had to admit there was likely something to his claims. Arms crossed under her breasts and her weight shifted subtly as she listened to him. A prisoner to a prisoner. Lovely. Wasn't she just the luckiest duck to ever duck...

Her eyes shifted for a moment to the new face that joined them. Unlike Umbris, there was no open hostility here. Her eyes slowly moved back to Umbris and she frowned softly. A brow rose slowly and she snorted.
"I don't think you need to worry about my darkening your doorstep." Her voice was soft, the brightness having faded from her tone. "Walking sphincters are not really my cup of tea." The slam at her dress had been one step too far for Ileana and canted her head looking at Water, she gave him a slight smile, completely ignoring Umbris at this point. "Please tell me not everyone here is a douche?" Walking past Umbris she headed toward the door Water had come through. Nodding to it, she put her hands behind her back. "Mind showing me around? I am Ileana, by the way."

What was his problem? Being handsome and such a dick made him far uglier to her than anything else could. It disgusted her that she still found him attractive, that there was still some sort of pull. She understood the sort of math behind it... She'd leave once his royal hi ass said she could. Distance would be the best thing to deal with such sickening feelings. The utter rejection had almost made her want to cry, but Ileana wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her tears. Her anger, though, leaked through as the air around her shimmered. Little sparks of light, like fireflies dancing around her. Her eyes met Water's and there was a pleading look.
Get me out of here. Away from him.. For a moment that desperate desire flashed and then it was gone. She could only hope he was nothing like Umbris.
The room had been tense and awkward just from the words that Umbris had said. They were harsh, wholly unfounded, and based only on his hurt and confused feelings. Any other time, Umbris would have treated someone acting this way, even himself, with the utmost contempt. If there was one thing that a person grew tired of with age it was the emotional nature of the young. Well, if that person was him. Marius and Selene both seemed to love meeting the younger gods, and even children. He found them moody and irritating. He even felt a little remorse at what he said, at how unfair it was to treat someone this way just because they happened to be born as the new Light.

Then, she spoke. No one spoke to him that way. World leaders would rather give up their prized gods to his care than intentionally irritate him. Instinct was already reaching for that well of power, bottomless and terrible, before he had properly processed her insults. He wanted to crush her into a little ball of ruined meat. All of that went through him in a heartbeat. Umbris was better than that, of course. He took a deep breath, the shadows at the edges of the room swaying like palm leaves as he released the power that his subconscious had latched on to. Instead of crushing her, he lifted his foot and stepped off of remains of the cup.

"I suppose I can't expect much more from you. I am impressed that someone so young knows such a big word as sphincter. I am not impressed with your need to resort to bodily humor for your insults. Juvenile at best. Still, I can't blame you. Maybe in a century or two you will grow up. Do be careful, Water. I'm not sure the poor thing is housebroken yet."

With a sweep of his hand, a long shadow cast by the open door slid like liquid toward the mess. It jumped like an animal pouncing on prey, covering the tea and cup shards before condensing into a sphere. The sphere floated to a place above his shoulder, leaving the floor spotless. As he turned and walked down the hall, the void bounced along with him, seemingly oblivious to the conflict around it. With the same tapping of heels, he walked calmly from sight and turned a corner before returning to his office. The door slammed behind him and echoed all the way to the main room before Water even dared to move.

Umbris let out the breath that had been held in his chest from the first glance at her. Gorgeous, pristine, flawless. There were no words to describe the things his mind saw in her. His emotions were still warring for control, still telling him that the only acceptable course of actions was to return and sweep her up in his arms. He simply needed to touch her. Only now, in the silence of his office, did Umbris notice how hard his heart pounded in his chest. He let out a shuddering breath as he tried to control the wild instincts that came with his Godhood.

The black orb twisted and shifted as he felt control slipping away. The silence was filled with the sound of cup shards grinding to powder as his shadows squeezed and swirled.


The way she had so casually insulted Umbris made him flinch. This was strange to say the least, fucking weird to tell the truth. No one spoke to Umbris like this, but only because he never gave them cause. He opened his mouth to respond to her, to Ileana, when Umbris snapped back with his own sharp words. What. The. Fuck. Jinhai could only watch as the oldest living thing on the planet shot out a snooty insult and stalked off.

"Um, yeah. I'm Jinhai. I'm Water, obviously. I'm all set to give you the tour."

Even as he spoke, Jinhai was looking over her shoulder and watching Umbris walk away. It was not until the door slammed down the hall that his expression changed from fear and bewilderment. Suddenly looking very intrigued, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her through the door that led to the living area of the manor. Once she was through, he shut the door just as forcefully as Umbris had closed his.

"What the hell was that? I have never seen him that angry before. Or angry at all. What did you do? Spit in his face? You know what? Fuck the tour. You can explore on your own."

His hand moved to grab her own, wrapping around her fingers instead of lacing them. He dragged her with him, pulling her down the long hallway past several doors. All of them were open and a quick glance revealed a bedroom, a bathroom, an empty room, and finally a room that looked like a common living area. Only one doorway, a pair of fairly ornate double doors, was closed. All of these rooms were left behind. Instead, Jinhai pulled her all the way down to another set of double doors, identical except for the fact that these were wide open.

Inside was a dining room, the table long enough for the six chairs on either side. Only one chair, at the head of the table, had anyone in it. A redhead with a glass of dark red wine looked up from a smart phone on the table when they came in. His eyes went first to Jinhai, warm familiarity in them. Then, they moved to Ileana, interest sparking in them. They shamelessly raked over her, taking in her appearance. The smile that spread across his lips was friendly and he raised the glass of wine.

"You got here fast. Love the dress, Light."

Jinhai had no patience for it. Instead, he continued to drag Ileana behind him and pulled out a chair for each of them. Sitting down, he let out a long breath.

"Shut up, Dart. This is important. Okay, um... Ileana, right? What the fuck happened?"
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There perhaps should have been fear, but she had none as she spoke to him. There were no warning bells that he could end her easily.. There was just her anger that roiled just below her pale surface. Snorting softly she offered him a slight shrug. "Do you really have room to throw stones in that glass house of yours? A child and a whore. That is what you called me, grandpa.." The word grandpa was laced with venom. She'd decided she'd not talk to him again, her back to him.. yet she couldn't help it. House broken.. She snorted softly, an evil plan coming to mind. For now though, she let her focus fall to the other male, the angry little flicker of lights still flickering around her like fireflies. The slamming of the door made her smile and she canted her head. "Who is the child now?" This was whispered and she felt a dark sense of pleasure she'd ruffled him. Asshole.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jinhai--'' His name trailed off as his fingers wrapped around her wrist and she was tugged through the door. Her eyes flickered to the door. "Do?" She breathed and she frowned at him. "I entered the house." That was really all she could think of that she'd done. "Wait, what?" His hand wrapped around her own and she soon found herself being tugged along the hallways, her short legs scrambling to keep up with the much larger male. Her eyes took in the small glimpses of rooms as they passed. As they came to a stop, she took in the dining room and the other male within. She blushed as his eyes raked over her form, but she gave a half choked laugh. "Least someone likes it.." The pause was brief and she was pulled further into the room, a chair pulled out for her.

Pulling her hand free she rubbed her fingers and sat down, legs crossing as she leaned against the back of the chair.
"Yeah.." She seemed wary. Pushing her hair back from her face, nails raking in the pale lavender locks, sending the curls tumbling anew as she gave a lusty sigh. "I honestly don't fucking know. I don't know if knowing it is me makes this better or worse. He was such a fucking prick.." Her anger flared again, those fireflies lighting once more, swirling around her. She stuck out a finger and one landed on the delicate digit. Wings slowly unfurled from the little speck of light, like a rainbow of light along water, the butterfly fanned them gently. "He dropped his cup when I came in, I asked if he was okay and then he proceeded to be the world's largest ass to me."
Jinhai let out a little snort at her aggressive remarks, including the one that was not as under her breath as she thought. It seemed that the title of Goddess of Light liked to pick interesting people. He also noticed that her powers seemed to be happy to show exactly how she was feeling. Luckily, Umbris was not there to say exactly how he felt about thay particular topic.

In the dining room, the pair seemed more than happy to listen. Ileana was not yet aware of how much the inhabitants of this manor starved for some kind of excitement. There were several embarrassing stories they could tell about what they did to keep themselves busy. Jinhai had at least discovered video games, but Dart spent far too much time with his wine just to pass the days.

Her brief story complete, the pair took their time to process it. Jinhai looked especially puzzled at the end. Dart, on the other hand, had what could only be described as the most gleeful grin anyone had ever seen. The Fire Primordial took a long drink from his glass of wine, obviously dragging out the silence for the sole purpose of being dramatic. Then, pulling the empty glass away from his lips, he held it aloft like he was ready to make some grand reveal.

"Light, my dear..."



"Her name is Ileana. We already get enough of the titles shit from Umbris and Air. Don't start."

"Fine! Ruined the moment, but whatever. He has a Kinship crush on you. A bad one from the sound of it."

The silence that followed his reveal was clearly not to Dart's liking. He sighed a long and weary sigh before planting the glass firmly on the table. It seemed to take Jinhai a bit longer than his redhead companion would have liked to take in the implications of this. Another few moments of heavy silence later, it hit. Jinhai let out a small snort of laughter, unable to hold it back at the sudden reveal. Then, realizing it had already leaked, Jinhai gave in fully. He laughed out loud and let his head fall back against the chair.

"Oh my God. You have to be fucking kidding! Still human after all... I need a drink."

With that, the Water God stood immediately from his chair and walked to the far end of the dining room. He disappeared through a door without so much as a hint to his destination. It seemed the residents had a lot of unspoken communication that Ileana would be forced to endure. Dart, who seemed more understanding about this knowledge gap, leaned forward a little, ready to share his secret.

"So, you know Kinship right? That is basic high school stuff. Gods that people associate together get pulled together. But, since you are new to the whole God thing, you probably barely even feel it. Basically every part of Godhood gets stronger the older you get. Despite being so handsome, I am a ripe one hundred and seven. Light and Fire are a good match, so the moment you walked in the door, I felt the little tug in the back of my head."

He paused again, leaning back in his chair. It seemed he wanted to let the implications of this information sink in a little. Without Jinhai to yell at him, Dart was well aware that he was a little bit of a flirt. However, there was another part he wanted her to put together on her own.

Umbris is old. So old he doesn't even remember when he was born. So old he can't have an age because they didn't count the years back then. And I can't think of a stronger pairing than Light and Darkness. Honestly, I can't even imagine what it feels like for him to be in the same room as you."

This time, it was Dart's turn to laugh as he thought of the implications of his own words. All of this was just in time for Jinhai to return from the doorway he had vanished through. In his arms, he held a circular metallic tray. It was loaded with a variety of options: a collection of a dozen different glasses from wine to whisky, an expensive looking glass decanter full of honey-brown liquor, three full bottles of wine running the full gauntlet of colors, and finally a small and strangely shaped bottle of tequila with a glass ball atop the stopper. He laid it all out on the table with a strange amount of decorum and grace that contrasted with his casual tone. Grabbing the bottle of red, which he had apparently opened before coming back, he leaned over Dart's shoulder. One arm draped over the redhead in an affectionate way while the other reached out to pour another full glass. From the sparkle in his eyes, it seemed the amusement had not yet subsided.

"Has he explained that the all-powerful king of the gods wants to eat your ass yet?"
Her eyes flickered to Dart as he spoke, pausing only to give Jinhai a smile as he corrected Dart as to her name. Though the information Dart dumped into her lap, with that wide, almost shit eating grin made her pale a fraction and frown. Kinship. Why did that sounds familiar. Ileana raked her memories, trying to recall it. It was something she had heard before. Kinship, was the bond between.. the elements. A natural attraction. The laughter from Jinhai made her jump and a wrinkle appeared between her brows. She'd felt, something... Lost in her thoughts she said nothing as Jinhai rose and walked from the room, it was Dart that pulled her from her thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh.. yeah. Took me a minute, but I did recall it." Rubbing at her temple, a headache forming, she gave a slight nod. "I felt.. something, but like a flicker of attraction. Because he was handsome, I thought." It would have explained why that attraction lingered even after his verbal abuse. She hated it. Looking and Dart, she studied his face. She found him attractive, that was true enough, but all of the men she'd encountered thus far were.. were.. fucking gorgeous. There was no better way to put it. She gave a small snort and sighed. She reached forward, snagging his wine glass and taking a sip. "Is this why he implied.. " She laughed and shook her head. "Why he flat out said, I would only be good for one thing here?" She wiggled his glass at him. "I am keeping this by the way." She offered him a smile and took another slow sip, letting the richness of the wine coat her mouth with bitter tannins and the sweetness of grapes. "I'd feel perhaps bad for him, had he not been an asshole. Attraction alone isn't enough. His personality is abhorrent." Her voice was flat, as she swirled the wine absently in the glass.

Her eyes moved to Jinhai as he entered again, the try was thoughtful and she gave him a smile. Downing the rest of the wine in one gulp she held the glass back to Dart with a wink. The warmth of the wine was spreading through her. Light had been a goodie tooshoos and this was her first real drink. Her head swam pleasantly as she leaned back in her seat. A bubble of warmth pooling in her stomach.
"He was a bit more tactful, but yes.." Ileana had already decided Umbris would never get that close to her. Nothing excused the way he'd spoken to her. Her eyes moved to the boys, and she smiled looking at them together. They were cute together. Based on what Dart had told her, they were a kinship themselves.

"So, you two share a kinship then?" She knew it didn't have to be sexual. Best friends, the other side to the coin. Soul mate. Biting her lower lip she looked through the large window that spanned the length of the dining room. "Tell me he doesn't live down here. He has some pit he crawls back into on the other side?" It was more than the kinship, Ileana didn't feel like being insulted anytime he saw her. Feel that venom pour from him.. "And if I am not allowed to leave, how am I to shop for clothes? This is the only outfit I have... Hell, I don't even have a lot of money to my name either." The shift was sudden and she fought the urge to cry. Ever since finding out she was the new light, her world had become a living hell. "What was it like for you guys when you found out?" Her eyes moved back to them and for a moment she felt a flash of jealousy for the closeness of the pair, the comfort they seemed to offer one another.
Dart nodded in acceptance as she stole his glass away. He was never one to deny someone a good wine, especially when they had been through a rather poor first impression of what their new life would be. When she slid the glass back over, Dart instead caught her hand, laying his own over hers.

"Well, kinship doesn't even really equal affection. It just makes you want to be close. To touch. Wanting that just usually leads to something. I suspect his mind went right to sex because, well, you are gorgeous. I also would say to maybe give him another chance. In a while. He is very kind, usually. Cold on the outside, but kind."

The question of their own relationship seemed to catch the two a bit off guard. Jinhai pulled his hand away slowly, not like he had done something wrong, but like he had not even been aware he did it. He returned to his seat next to Ileana and took one of the whisky glasses. While he spoke, he pulled the top from the decanter and poured.

"Kind of. I've only been here for a few years myself. I'm not old enough to have more than a tickle of the attraction. Dart was the newest before me, so he was my tour guide. We just get along pretty well. Then, well, it gets boring around here. One thing led to another. Best Friends with Benefits, I guess?"

This last part was directed at Dart, who shrugged non-committally at the very notion of trying to label what the pair were. The topic turning back to Umbris seemed to relieve a bit of the tension from Fire's face. While he did not seem uncomfortable, he also seemed in no rush to make a formal declaration. He smiled again at the sudden vitriol that Ileana possessed for Umbris. When he responded, his voice took on the same emotionless effect that Umbris had.

"Darkness has no time for silly games with the likes of us."

He chuckled a little as he filled a fresh glass of wine and topped off the one Ileana had claimed from him, making it now close to overflowing.

"No, he keeps to the other side of the house for the most part. Oh, but don't be in this room around six. Sometimes he makes Marius, he is Earth, come eat in here. And don't talk like this in front of Air. He worships the ground Umbris walks on."

The topic shifted again, this time to something more practical and something they could actually remedy. Jinhai spoke up this time. He was currently staring at his glass with his hand over it, concentration wrinkling his brow. Then, almost comically, two ice cubes formed from thin air and dropped into the whisky. Looking up from that, he replied.

"Well, until you can leave, you can just order some clothes online. Or we can go get something. Unfortunately, you leaving the house isn't something we can bend the rules on. Oh, maybe you can borrow some of Selene's old stuff for now."

"Absolutely not! Umbris got mad at her for existing. He would lose is fucking mind. As for money, we are technically an international government organization. They pay for basically anything we want. A few bigger countries chip in a couple million tax dollars so we don't get bored and cause trouble. You can't go buy a helicopter or something, but Umbris didn't even bat an eye when someone spent fifteen thousand USD on a computer. Right, Jinhai?"

This prompted a little grin of his own from the Water God, who had just finished taking a sip of his drink and conjuring another ice cube. The mood shifted, though, when Ileana showed a little bit of the frustration. It was hard to tell how difficult this had probably all been for her. The pair both saw a lot of strength in how she dealt with Umbris, but she was still young and going through a world of changes.

"Well, for me it was pretty easy. Umbris and Dimitri, the last Water, were looking all over for me to make sure I didn't get mixed up in the big war. I was a broke twenty year old jumping from job to job in Paris. Accidentally put out a fire with my mind, rumors spread. They snatched me up and threw me in here. Better than getting drafted. So, I was happy about it."

Jinhai took a bigger drink than before, seemingly happy with the ratio of alcohol to ice. When he set it down, he almost looked ready to laugh again.

"For me, it was like being adopted from the shelter. So, China has this theory that Godhood passes to the worthy. They have this massive government sponsored school to make perfect little drones. The last Water died and they scooped up basically every kid born that day in China. So, I spent sixteen years training to be a world elite before my powers showed up. Then, Umbris and a few others spent three more years arguing with the Chinese government about me. Now, I get to relax and do what I feel like. None of us really had a family or a life to leave behind. I'm guessing it was different for you."
His hand caught hers and for a moment, her lips parted and she gazed at their joined hands. Her cheeks heated, a pleasant flush of pink. "I see.." When she said she should give him another chance she wrinkled her nose with distaste and looked away. Her answer was clear. It perhaps wasn't written in stone, but if she was to give him another chance, he'd have to work for it. Perhaps she was wrong, but Ileana doubted there was much he had to work for normally. Her attention or affections? Would he be willing to admit his error or be too proud? As far as she was concerned, existing wasn't a good reason to be such a jerk to her. It wasn't like she'd killed his love and took her place. Ileana had not had any choice in the matter and as of this moment, she'd have traded most anything to go back to the way it had been.

As the pair pulled apart she frowned softly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make it weird." And she looked sorry. To her, their friendship, with or without benefits didn't bother her. People loved who they loved. Cared for those they cared about. She was never one to judge as long as there was no harm. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.. And a prick it seems." She remarked as she took a careful sip of her drink. "You know I am not going to finish this, right?" A brow lifted and she offered a slight smile with her words. She knew enough to pace herself. Her eyes flickered to Jinhai and she wondered if she could talk him into her little prank. If he was going to call her a child, why try and prove otherwise? "Noted. Don't be here at six." A soft snort left her. "I will try my best, but I am not going to pretend I like him for anyone."

The conversation flowed with ease as the three of them talked, drinking their respective drinks.
"Um. No." The idea to borrow some of Selene's clothing was also turned down instantly by Ileana as well. "Even if it would make el douche mad at me, there is something off about wearing her clothing." She couldn't have said why it was weird. Because she was her replacement? Because she was dead? Because she'd never met her? Who knew, but she agreed with Dart. Wearing the clothing of Umbris' love would cross way too many lines. "I guess I could order some, as long as I don't have to talk to him about it." In time, Ileana figured she'd be able to stomach a somewhat civil conversation with him, but for now? She wanted nothing to do with him. Though, finding new nicknames for him was proving to be more fun than she cared to admit.

Listening to them both talk about how they'd ended up here she bit her lower lip, fingers toying with her glass. They both seemed to be okay with coming here in the end. It was nothing like what had happened with her. Looking up she gave a slight shake of her head. "
Job, family, friends, school... All gone." Her voice was soft and she looked back to her dink, lashes lowered. "I was taken from my college, brought to a police station. Then spent several weeks in hotel rooms as we traveled closer. I didn't get to even say goodbye. I was a potential danger." She sighed and tried for a smile. "Sorry. Let's talk about something else."
The first thing that seemed to truly bother Dart was the fact that Ileana felt the need to apologize. He had been trying to be a little delicate over the course of their talks. After all, the lives they lived in the manor that existed outside of any country's law was a little strange. Adding to this the fact that the average age was something like three hundred years, not counting Umbris, they all had some interesting moral codes and personalities. Best not to scare her off. Making her apologize for some imaginary sleight was no good.

"You didn't make anything awkward. Just a little hard to explain. Monogamy just isn't really the popular lifestyle around here. Terms like friend can have so many implications. Still, only the six of us for the most part. Best to just feel everyone out. Best Friends with Benefits is as good as anything."

Money was another thing that demanded attention. One of the perks of infinite time was that you could do anything, eventually. It also meant you would get bored of most anything. Keeping the Primordials sane was tantamount to national defense spending as far as the larger economies of the world were concerned.

"No, no need to run it by... el douche. He checks the card statement every so often and a big buy needs to be approved, but he probably wouldn't even notice if you dropped a few grand shopping online. Go nuts. Buy more dresses. Pay for more... exotic services if you want. Nothing illegal about it as long as you stay on manor property."

It was not until Ileana began to talk about what she left behind that the conversation slowed to a halt. What would they follow up with to break the morose mood? Luckily, if the pair of then possessed any marketable skills, aside from the obvious, it was the ability to make fools of themselves. Jinhai blurted out without warning.

"We could make out if that would cheer you up."

The air froze with the words, seemingly from nowhere. Even Dart seemed shocked as he stared at his friend, mouth slightly open. Then, with a slow creep, a smile came to his lips.

"You know, that was extremely vague. Are you offering to put on a show with me so that she can enjoy or failing completely at trying to get under her skirt?"

This seemed to be exactly the kind of reaction Jinhai was waiting for. Like the duo were some kind of lame comedy pair, he took a dramatic drink from his glass, coughing even more dramatically as he set it down. His eyes were watering, though this could have just been an accident.

"I mean, why not both? I might fail at getting under her skirt, but I know I can always get into your pants."

This prompted a hard thud from under the table as Jinhai let out a pained noise. Apparently pleased with the execution of punishment, Dart turned to look at Ileana again. He held a hand out toward her, seemingly offering to take her own in his. Then, before she had a chance to to so, a spark flickered in the space above his palm. Another flicker and a flash. Sitting atop his palm was a butterfly made solely of flames, identical to the one she had made with light only minutes before.

"How about, instead, we get a little tipsy to celebrate your arrival and you ask any questions you have about your powers. I know you don't consider yourself a danger, but Light is one of the most powerful Godhoods there is. A fraction of a fraction of a decimal point of your full potential could kill. Best to get a handle on it."
A slight smile crossed her lips and she inclined her head in acceptance. She hadn't made it awkward and that was a relief in truth because she was new to the house dynamic and the last thing she wanted to do was to cause more ripples in the water. Especially with her new friends. "I don't mind those sorts of titles.." She bit her lower lip, wondering if she should tell them about her own lack of such relationships. Friends yes, but the latter half? No. Shifting in her seat she was thankful when the subject changed to money, something while still awkward, it wasn't as bad as the subject of sex with a virgin. Though, had she taken time to consider it, she might have realized that it wasn't exactly rocket science to figure out that she was exactly what she was. A virgin.

"More.. exotic?" That too may have been an obvious hint. "Some clothing and stuff to make me feel.. Like I am home would be enough," She wasn't much for the fancy things in life, materialistic.. Though perhaps that would change in time. Eternity as a possible option was quite a long time. Just like that though, as the conversation shifted and Jinhai offered to make out with her to cheer her up, her cheeks turned crimson. The silence was thick before Dart came to her rescue and she offered a shy, uneasy laugh in response. The pair though set her at ease, which considering her day and the subjects as they were, was surprising, at least to Ileana.

The conversation had her giggling softly and then an outright laugh as Jinhai let out a pained noise at the very subtle kick under the table. The hand that was offered to her was reached for, though before she could take it, a butterfly of flame appeared in his open palm. She smiled and reached her fingers out to it, Running them along a wing before curling them back into her palm.
"Butterflies were the first thing I was able to consciously make.."

Then the offer was made and she nodded.
"I'd.. I'd like that." Looking around she stretched out her legs and tilted her head. "Would it be an imposition to borrow some sweats or a really big tee? Also, a couch to curl up on?" She felt like she was asking for the world and it made her feel uncomfortable, despite their efforts to make her feel at home. Ileana had never been great about asking for.. Well anything.
Jinhai, having grown up in a school full of children who were trained to have as much personality as the chair he was sitting on, seemed oblivious to how the topic of sex made Ileana feel. It did not help that he had gone from minimal exposure to the opposite gender to living with, well, horny immortals. Dart, on the other hand, was the one who could read others. He caught her flushing cheeks, had seen them before when he held her hand. There was no hiding from his eyes. He locked eyes with her, his smile turning a little sinister. Not that he had any bad intentions, just... intentions.

"By exotic, he means prostitutes. When we say they will do whatever it takes to keep us from getting bored, I mean it. To quote your least favorite God: 'I have gotten bored of many things. Sex is not one of them.'"

The evil smile curled a little more. There was one word that came to his mind as he watched Ileana squirm in her seat. Virgin. For Dart, it was like blood in the water. Of course, it was a bit if a surprise given how amazing she looked in that dress. Hard to believe she had made it all the way to college without someone trying their hand. Either she was very serious about the subject, which he doubted given her acceptance of his relationship with Jinhai, or she simply intimidated the young men around her with her looks. Luckily, he was not a young man anymore.

She was quick to remind him, though, that this was all very new to her. He could control the heat of his flames, keep them burning when the temperature made no logical sense, but it still surprised him when she reached out and caressed it so willingly. Even the fact that she had made a butterfly was a big shocking. Slowly, he closed his hand and a haze of heat rose from it as the butterfly extinguished. It was fairly well established that Fire was the weakest overall of the six. He was simply less mandatory for normal life, thought of just a little less. But, the amount of power Light had was scary.

"How about this? I'll take the tray and Jinhai can grab you something comfortable for later."

With that, Dart started to gather their glasses, putting them back on the tray that Jinhai had brought earlier. When he lifted up Ileana's glass, he even stole a sip, making sure it did not spill.

At the suggestion, Jinhai seemed a little annoyed. Obviously he did not want to be the one to leave the gathering again. He would definitely get lecturer about being the youngest, as usual, if he complained. So, he stood as well, sighing.

"Fine, fine. I have plenty of shirts that would be good, I think. Still think it is bullshit we don't have people to work here with all the money we have sitting around."

With that, he turned and went into the hall. Dart, unlike his younger partner, had no intention of leading her by the hand. He waited, tray in hand, at the doorway. As they moved into the hall, Jinhai disappeared into one of the open doorways. Dart led her to the living room, talking as he went.

"Making a butterfly is pretty impressive. You must have a bit of an artistic mind. Making shapes takes some practice. Making a butterfly that can move is a lot. It is like working a muscle. You never used it before your powers came, so it was never used. Now, you have to practice with it. You will get a lot stronger every day for a while. Light is... well, terrifyingly strong. Soon, who knows what you will be doing."

Once they made their way into the room, he directed her to the large and plush couch, complete with an L section that would make a nice sleeping space, with a table in front of it. As he leaned down with the tray, his open shirt came a little looser from his trousers, showing off the tattoos on his chest. Eyes and tentacles coming over his shoulders implied a very ornate back piece. He fell back into the couch heavily, letting out a little breath as he let himself relax. He had been drinking for quite a while before they found him and it was beginning to make him a little buzzed.

"You can sleep in the couch for tonight and we can find you a room tomorrow. Now, anything on your mind? Big new life starting today and all."

Leaning forward, he picked up his glass and took another sip of wine. His hand patted the spot next to him on the couch.
Prostitutes. She'd had a feeling that is what he meant and yet to hear it out loud? Like much of their conversation thus far, it made her blush. It was quite clear that Jinhai might not have known, but the moment Dart knew, it had become obvious with that slow curl of his lips as he smiled at her. She'd seen that look before, in other men. Never directed at her, but her friends. She gave a slight snort. "I have a feeling his hand is the only action he currently sees..." Yeah, Darkness was still on her shit list, though that was unlikely to have changed in a few hours. Ileana eyed Dart cautiously, shifting in her seat. Some boys were trouble, her mother had told her that and while Dart was not a boy anymore, he was definitely trouble. That posed a problem for Ileana, for she had no idea how to deal with trouble and she was honestly lucky she could even identify him as trouble.

There was a touch of annoyance to Jinhai, but she brushed her hand along his arm in thanks as he rose.
"Thank you." Dart began to collect their drinks, taking a sip of her own overly full glass of wine. Only once he was done, did she rise to her feet and follow him through the doors toward the living room. "Is it?" She seemed doubtful for some reason, though out of the two of them, he'd know better than she. "A muscle" She repeated. That made sense to her, that her.. power her.. magic, would need to be nurtured and cared for. Light was second only to darkness in the mind of the world. Always there, a prayer in the dark.. She understood on some level it meant she could be scary powerful, but she didn't honestly feel any different. There were some definite downsides too. When she was angry, little balls of light, like fireflies or Will-o'-the-wisps and when she was happy, she glowed. As if she'd swallowed the sun. Glittery vampires had nothing on her....

"Everyone says that. Says I am dangerous. I don't feel all that different." Even as she said it, she knew on some level that wasn't right. There were some changes that she felt. Like the attraction to him and to darkness.. The pull of her own power too, in manmade sources. Lightbulbs normally. She could feel their hum, a needy sound. Like a puppy wanting attention. But it didn't make her feel scary or powerful. It was.. like growing older. Things changed. It was just a fact of life. As Dart laid the tray down, her eyes moved to his chest, the gap of his shirt allowing her to see his tattoo. She tilted her head like a curious kitten as he fell onto the couch. Laughing she moved to curl on the couch near him. Her smaller body was close to his, but not too close as to be improper.

Watching as he lifted his glass to his lips, she let her body relax into the plushness of the couch for a moment before bending at the waist to remove her shoes. One, untied and the second and her feet were curled beneath her. The shortness of her dress stretched a touch further.
"I am the only girl here, aren't I?" She found that curious. The last light had been female too. "Have the others been females in the past?" She tried to recall her history lessons to no avail.
When Ileana once again expressed doubts about what she had the potential to be, Dart looked at her seriously for just a second.

"I know you don't feel it yet. But trust me, it is there. You have used a drop of water out of an entire ocean. A few weeks of practice, you will be very dangerous. I don't think you will do anything wrong, but you could. A year from now, you will be able to do things most Gods will never be capable of."

By the time they were comfortably settled on the couch, Dart was more than himself again. It was his own fault, but he was now aware of every little movement of her body. She was shy, that was obvious. However, she never shied away. It seemed like she had taken an interest in his tattoo from the way that she had tilted to peek and her dress slid further up her legs. If she was truly scared of being alone with him, she might have sat with her feet planted to the floor, skirt flattened down. So, he took the chance.

"You are the only one right now. There are a few Goddesses out there that are close to our level. They aren't legally obligated to stay, but Umbris and Air did their best to get them to live here. Metal is a woman. She lived here for almost a decade a while back. They tend to get bored though, and they get to leave if they feel like it. So they have all gone back out into the world."

While he spoke, Dart began to pull his shirt free from his pants. It was simple given that it was wide open in the front. He shrugged it off and folded it without showing a hint of embarrassment. He even turned and showed his back as he finished talking.

It was a surreal black and white piece that covered most of his back. The eyes and tentacles were escaping from a black hole, a swirl of colorless void that had countless eyes looking back. At the center was a creature's mouth, open to eat everything that was captured.

"It is supposed to be Time eating everything. Forever is only so long for us, after all."

When she asked about the others, that made him nod solemnly.

"The last Air was a woman, two Waters back was a woman. The last few Fires were all women too, but aside from that it gets murky. Marius is over eight hundred years old and Umbris doesn't think he ever met the Earths before him. Selene was past the one thousand mark, and Umbris hooked up with most of the Lights before that since he had a way to find them. And the old man himself... Well, as far as anyone knows, he is the first Darkness. Anyone before him would have died long before recorded history. Overall, it seems pretty random."

Dart moved over a little more, closing the modest distance between them to press his bare shoulder against her own.

"Lucky you, being surrounded by men. Except... Air is obsessed with work, Marius does nothing but sit in the library, and you have made a game of thinking of new insults for Umbris. So, who knows how long it will be just you..."

His hand moved to the smooth skin of her leg, abnormal heat pouring from his hand like it was made for helping you relax.


He leaned in to her ear as he said this, his words hanging in the air with intentional pauses.

"And Jinhai."

The tension broke a moment later when Dart turned his head toward the entrance of the room. Jinhai was standing in the doorway, looking obviously angry. In his hand was a neatly folded t-shirt, some kind of character on the front though it was impossible to tell from the way it was partially showing. He strode across the room with intent, dropping the shirt on the table. Water put his face right to Fire's, though Dart never lost his easy smile. Just as the redhead opened his mouth to say something, Jinhai closed to distance.

The pair kissed for a few brief, but intense, moments. Their mouths were fully open, their tongues twisting. Their relationship seemed to include many benefits. Then, it ended. Jinhai pulled away and there was a smile on his lips.

"Trying to sneak around while I was getting her a shirt? I'm not surprised."

He slipped around Ileana, falling into the couch the same way that Dart had. Unlike when the pair had first sat down, Jinhai had no intention of leaving any space between them. His chest was fully pressed to her arm, his chin resting on her shoulder. While Dart had begun drinking well before them, Jinhai had chugged a whole glass of whisky. His face was warm against her skin and his smile was just as easy and lazy as Dart's.

"What did I miss?"
The way he talked about her powers seemed almost impossible. Though Ileana knew it wasn't and he was just being honest with her. Furthermore, unlike the suits, he wasn't scaring the shit out of her as he tried to explain it all to her. The suits had. It had been horrible the first few nights with them. He also took the time to answer her questions, that had been promised, of course, but it was nice the way he didn't make her feel silly or stupid for her questions. "So people stay for a while and leave, if they are.. More mainstream?" Was that the right way to phrase it? She had no freaking idea. She tried though. Biting her lower lip, she wanted to ask why so many of them stayed here. She could have seen both Dart and Jinhai being very popular with the ladies outside of this gilded cage. "Why do so many of you stay here?" Ileana was like a curious kitten, unable to resist the question once it popped into her mind.

When he took his shirt off, her cheeks, like so many times before this, colored with the heat of embarrassment. He seemed to like to make her blush and it had been an hour at most.... Something told Ileana it wouldn't get better either. Though, when he gave her a real chance to look at his back, it took a real amount of self-control to resist touching it. Running her fingers over the lines, feeling the strength of his back beneath her fingertips.
"Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, an eternity in an hour." She whispered softly. It was a quote from a movie and she felt a bit dorky quoting it and yet it seemed to fit.

It made sense that it would vary each time. That the sexes would change based on whatever factors that made them.. well them. Looking down at her lap, she played with the hem of her skirt, wondering about Umbris. His reaction still stung, far more than she cared to think about. Yet, he'd clearly been with others. Maybe it was the time he'd been with Selene? It wasn't as if she wanted to even have a relationship with him and if she had, she wouldn't have wanted to replace Selene. Yet, he'd sort of nuked that desire for her. It just made her feel like a silly schoolgirl all over. Confused and uneasy. Jerked from her thoughts as his bare shoulder pressed to hers, she looked up. A soft laugh and she shook her head.

"We both know that I don't really consider it so lucky." They both knew what she was after all and she didn't feel the need to hide who she was from him. A hand slid to her thigh, warm, comforting as he spoke. His breath curled along the shell of her ear and she shivered against him. Lashes had lowered as she took a shaky breath. It was then she felt his body shift and she opened them to find Jinhai in the doorway. An angry look on his face sent a lick of worry up her spine and she shifted, as if to move away from Dart. Jinhai crossed the distance, dropping the clothing on the table before his mouth crushed to Dart's. To say she hadn't stared would have been a lie, she watched as they kissed, a small worm of longing in the back of her mind. The smile as they broke apart on Jinhai's lips made her relax again, and soon she found herself stuck between the pair of them.

Personal space didn't seem to be a thing in this house and while completely new to her, she found it relaxing, being close to them. Chin on her shoulder, she rested her head gently against Jinhai and smiled.
"Just some questions about the others before us. Nothing more than that." Which was entirely true. Her mind painted a picture in her mind and she sighed softly, before giving in. Never would she have done this, but she did it now. Gently she pulled away from Jinhai, before settling back against his chest slightly. Cuddled against him, she stretched her legs across Dart's lap. She didn't say anything, just enjoyed the comfort it brought her.
When she asked why they stayed, that truly caught him off guard. Dart looked at her with confusion. He had expected the government to explain the rules, but it seemed that they were being lax lately. Umbris has been directly involved in negotiating Jinhai's move, but Ileana had just been snatched off the street. So, he sighed a little.

"Well, we are not a part of any country and we all get striped of citizenship when we come here. Umbris is literally the law here. Unless it goes against some kind of international agreement, he can do what he wants. If we try to leave without permission, he can and will kill us. We stay because we have to. Others can leave because they aren't named in the agreements, but the five of us are."

The interruption by Jinhai that followed and her easy way of relaxing into him caught Dart rather by surprise. Her reaction to his little advances made him think she might shy away from any contact. This, though, seemed to bring her comfort.

Now that they were in a little bit of a comfortable pile, Dart redistributed the glasses, even refilling Jinhai's, as he had finished it in the dining room. Everyone had their little ways of killing time in their extended lives. His was drinking. It helped that he burned off alcohol a little faster and cleaner than most people because of his nature, but most days he was just bored.

Jinhai, on the other hand, was still young enough to find a little fun wherever he looked. Both of them, though, found Ileana to be very entertaining. So, while Dart resumed his gentle massage of her leg, drifting occasionally just a millimeter higher, Jinhai put an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sure that required him to remove his shirt. He would strip for anyone, I swear.

So, the ones before us? Did he tell you about the Waters? Four different ones in the last two hundred years and three of them died...get this... drowning. Let that be a lesson to you. Being a God does not equal immunity. If he isn't paying attention, Dart can burn himself. Dimitri tried surfing and hit his head. Drowned. Another one tried going to the bottom of the ocean. Don't know what went wrong, but boom! Drowned."

Dart took a long drink of wine, emptying the glass and placing it back on the tray. Refilling it might require him to get out of position.

"He has a point, despite being far too casual about his predecessors dying. We can't get sick or grow old, but pretty much everything else is fair game. Except for Umbris. I'm not even sure he can die at this point. The things he can do are... scary."

Jinhai sighed a little at this. He brought the glass to his lips and took a small sip. It seemed that there was a little bit of underlying fear of the God of Darkness.

"Enough about him. I think Ileana is tired of hearing about him. We can talk about something more fun. Like, any ideas what you plan to do for fun? I have a PC and PS5 in my room if you ever want to hang out. I can't even imagine what these old fucks did before the internet. Hell, even Marius embraced technology."

"We got very drunk and threw parties that would make you two blush. This mansion used to be pretty full of people. And every eleven years, you-know-who and Selene would throw an anniversary party. Those... well, let's just say that a lot of influential people did a lot of stupid things here. Even Air would cut a little loose and stop being Mr. Mom for Marius."

His hand drifted a little higher, brushing the bottom of her skirt. It really was a lovely dress and he found it hard to not push her a little harder. Jinhai, on the other hand, was impatient as always. While his other half played a little game, he had his hand resting on Ileana's bare chest, just above her breasts. His fingers stroked gently in a small circle.
Either she or the government had made a blunder when it came to the explanation she’d been given. It had seemed that after a period of time she’d be allowed her freedom. To hear that she’d be a prisoner here forever, made her frown. Some gift. She remembered how all of her classmates had wanted to be the new light. It was a curse. That doom and gloom was settling over her before she shifted, as if trying to shake it off. She exhaled and closed her eyes for a moment before nodding. “I see. A possible eternity with him. That sounds lovely.” The sarcasm was hard to miss in her voice before she opened her eyes. “That wasn’t explained properly, or I misunderstood.” She smiled slightly, “I thought I’d be allowed to leave once I got things under control.”

Taking the offered glass, she took a small sip. Laying like this was comfortable. Touching them both seemed to bring her some sense of peace. It was off, but Ileana wasn’t about to question it or deny it when every time she thought she understood or was ready, something shifted and the ground beneath her feet vanished.

Laughing, she tilted her head back some, looking up at Jinhai.
“It might have been my fault just a little bit.” Her eyes moved back to Dart and she nodded toward his tattoo. “I saw the tattoo and he wanted to show me the rest.” She lifted a finger, “Though, I didn't ask to see.” She wrinkled her nose playfully at Dart. Enveloped by their touches and embraces, she felt any remaining tension fade from her body as Jinhai asked her if Dart had told her about the previous waters. “Mmmn, no. What about them?”

Her laugh was bright and she shook her head. “No way. How do you die drowning as the water Primordial???” As he went on to explain she bit her cheek, trying to keep from giggling about the tragedies of the others deaths. Only one made sense. Noticing that Dart had finished his glass, she offered hers to him. It was odd to her that people had been able to die so.. Easily. But it made sense. She knew what Dart was talking about, that much had been explained. “Really?” She lifted her brows, but when Jinhai suggested that they change the subject she nodded. “Yeah, lets.”

The new question posed to her made her snuggle back further against him, thinking. “Hmm. Not really no. I would love it if you'd teach me how to game. My only experience is with animal crossing. I hear that isn’t real gaming.” As Dart answered she nudged his thigh with her bare foot, the action was meant to say, not like that is hard. Their hands though, both were slowly pushing the limits of the snuggle pile in her eyes and yet, she didn’t want to ask them to stop. The only downside is it might prove Umbris right about all she’d be good for… Yet did she care what he thought?

Eying Dart she lifted a brow.
“I have this strange feeling this ploy isn’t new for you two.” There was no anger or accusation. Just the simple fact that she doubted this sort of sharing was unusual for the pair of them. More so with how well they tended to mirror one another.
Dart seemed more than a little annoyed that not everything had been adequately explained. After all, as long as the current laws held, she was bound by them simply by luck of random lottery. A certain Spider-man quote came to mind, but he kept it to himself.

"Unfortunately, this is your home address for the foreseeable future. But, it isn't prison. Once Umbris gives the go-ahead you can go wherever you want. Just have to let him know the when and where. Hell, I usually just text him once a week when I'm on vacation. But, when you aren't out and about, this is home."

Once they had all managed to relax onto the couch, Jinhai hugging her to his chest and Dart gently massaging her thigh at this point, the conversation became fairly natural. Dart had no interest in weighing in on gaming until Animal Crossing was mentioned, at which point he nearly snarled.

"Not real gaming? I hope you kicked them in the balls. What is the word? Incel?"

"More like gatekeeping. But, he is right. Any game is gaming. It is supposed to be fun. Except when I swear at teenagers on the internet. But, Dart is an expert at casual games."

The Fire Primordial took the offered glass and drank a deep gulp before placing it on the tray. He looked rather proud of himself as he pointed to the large TV in the room.

"I play in here. Video games are fantastic ways to kill time, but I can't comprehend how Jinhai uses a keyboard. I can barely work the controller, and that is when I'm sober."

The pair were smiling and laughing alongside Ileana, the feel of the room quickly becoming more relaxed. What was not relaxed was the way their hands moved. The tips of Dart's fingers brushed under the hem of her skirt now and again while Jinhai ventured higher, not lower. His finger tips were stroking the side of her neck now, venturing to her ear. When they were called out on their boldness, their way of working in tandem, Jinhai offered a nervous little laugh, while Dart boldly slid his palm up her thigh another few inches.

"You... would be very surprised to hear this, but we don't often go on offense, as they say. Gods get old, but they don't stop being human. We need food, water, sleep..."

Each of these words was accompanied by a gentle dig of his thumb into her inner thigh.

"But, we never stop needing human contact. If anything, it gets worse as we get older. And more complicated. Kinship, age gaps that can span centuries, personalities turned upside-down by time and tragedy. We get some attention from a lot of visitors. A kinship pair that is open isn't that special, but two men forming one is a little uncommon."

Dart seemed to be the one who was good with words, but Jinhai knew they were caught just as much as his partner. His fingers cupped Ileana's cheek on one side while his mouth moved to the other. It was a gentle ghost of a kiss right on her jugular, then another slightly higher. Finally, a soft breath on her ear.

"We have been invited and courted by a few women who want to know how it feels to be where you are right now. We don't often extend the invitation ourselves. But, you are new to this house, beautiful, and have been very fun to spend time with. This wasn't the plan when you showed up today, but plans change."

Dart moved his other hand to join the first on her lonely leg, catching the edge of her dress on his thumb. He slid it upward slowly, stopping just shy of leaving her panties fully exposed.

"So, to answer you, this is not exactly new for us. But, it doesn't make it less special. We are setting the standard for a very long friendship. If you don't like it, we can stop. We won't be mad. But, if you give us permission, we will be happy to add a few more... benefits to that friendship."

Those abnormally warm fingers dug into Ileana's skin again, nails biting in just enough to leave little pale indents. Jinhai, aside from a little change in his breathing and something gently pressing into her lower back, remained still, waiting for permission to attack.
She’d be allowed to leave, perhaps in the future. That helped with the tension that had built up so suddenly. Dart had understood easily what her issue was and he’d helped calm her with ease. It was.. Nice she found. In her life back home, there had been littles stress, but no one had seemed to understand her quite like these men in such a short amount of time. They both seemed to understand aspects of her worries and her needs with ease.

Giggling, she nodded.
“I was told that, yes. I enjoy simple games, but I always worry about people being mean.” She could stand up to Umbris, because it was in person. A stranger online? That became infinitely harder. She turned her head, looking at Jinhai. “Swearing at teenagers isn’t fun?” She stuck her tongue out playfully. “What sort of games do you both like to play?”

The mood shift though was subtle until she called them on it. She didn’t mind, but she was curious. It was clear neither was a virgin. She wasn’t in love with them and she was enjoying the way they were touching her. Jnaihia’s nervous laugh against her back as Dart’s hand slid a few inches higher. To say she wasn't affected by their touches would have been a lie. A pleasant pool of warmth that had little to do with Fire polling in her lower abdomen.

She listened to the rumble of Dart’s voice as his fingers dug into her supple flesh. Jinhai, though while not talking, was not one to be left out and his hand cupped her cheek and she leaned her cheek into his palm. His breath in her ear and Dart’s explanation had her letting out her own shaky one.

Biting her lower lip, she considered the offer. She could say no, no harm, no foul. Yet, she didn’t want to. She wanted that comfort, even as unknown as it was. Ileana had heard her friends talking about sex, and what fun it could be… She hadn’t been saving herself or anything like that, but she hadn’t wanted to throw herself at people like her friends had. These people, these two men, would be around her for… ever.

She could feel the arousal at her back and the dig of fingers against her thigh. Throwing caution to the wind, she nodded. Fuck Umbris. Fuck the government. There was no harm in feeling good about herself, in letting them help her feel good…
"Okay, yes."
Jinhai smiled widely at the idea of swearing at teens. It was a regular thing for him, given how competitive he had gotten since moving to the manor. Ego was something that unfortunately ran rampant in the world of Gods, both in the Gods themselves and the normal humans who wanted to challenge that power.

"I play basically anything I can get my hands on. I have gotten into competitive games a lot, like League and such, since there is plenty to watch too. You can spend days trying to improve at little things."

"Mostly I stick to single player games. I quite enjoy Nintendo games since they don't always require crazy finger movements, though I have improved. Jinhai recommends things, but those teenagers are indeed quite mean."

Things escalated quickly, with the two men moving to put the beautiful young woman between them. While Jinhai was obviously impatient, he showed impressive self-control, only gently stroking her cheek when she pressed against him. Her nod would have been enough for him, but the Water Primordial waited with his eyes on Dart. It was not until the words came, until Ileana said okay, that he finally snapped.

Jinhai opened his mouth and immediately sank his teeth into her shoulder, biting rather hard despite how well-behaved he seemed. A soft groan left him as he tasted Ileana's skin for the first time. It lasted only a second, long enough for Dart to reach.

"Jin! Be gentle with her."

Both the nickname and the words that followed were harsh compared to how they spoke before. Dart had a stern tone that, for once, reflected the age difference between them. Jinhai released his teeth, his hand moving from her cheek to her shoulder, holding her almost possessively.

"Well, D'artagnan, I haven't heard that tone in a while..."

The tension rose again, though this time it seemed like Jinhai felt a little personally wounded. The sigh that came from Dart made his partner loosen his grasp, waiting for the explanation.

"She is a virgin, you little..."

Dart paused to look for an insult that fit the moment only for Jinhai to blurt out over him.

"Really? But... with us? You are so hot! How have you never? Sorry for biting..."

This seemed to be enough to satisfy the redhead as he just gave them both a small smile. He lifted Ileana's feet from his lap and moved to his knees. The couch was amazingly deep, leaving plenty of room for him to maneuver. His hands moved to her thighs again, stroking them softly as he moved to straddle her. Suddenly, the pair had her pressed between them, Dart's chest pressed to her as Jinhai held her tight from behind. They both took one side of her neck, with Jinhai gently kissing the marks he left on her skin. Dart, meanwhile, whispered softly to her.

"I think we should take our time today. Get a little more familiar with each other. Would you like to kiss or is that too intimate?"

As if to assist in her decision making, Dart joined Jinhai in attacking her neck. He opened his mouth wide, gently scraping his teeth along her skin. Between the two, Jinhai seemed eager and hungry, his arousal throbbing against her back. His free hand moved to her side, running up the space between the other two in order to gently ghost his fingers over her breast. Dart had kept his hands on her thighs even when he pressed close. They moved closer to her most intimate places, his thumbs stroking the very apex of her thighs.
Odd, but she could feel the smile of the man cuddling her into his chest as they spoke about yelling at teens. She giggled softly and quieted a bit as he began to speak. Her head tilted, like a curious kitten as she listened. “League as in League Of Legends?” Iliana had heard about that community and the toxicity. Biting her lower lip, she turned her head slightly, her voice humming with laughter. “So, a lot of yelling at teenagers?” Her face turned back to Dart and she nodded. “I like solo games, or ones with friends..”

Things had progressed quickly and she could feel her heart in her throat as Jinhai’s fingers stroked her cheek. The touch was sweet and she nuzzled into it, affectionate. She didn’t realize that they had been waiting for her verbal okay, but once it had been given Jinhai was like water released from a dam. Her gasp was breathy and while there was pain, licking along her skin from where he’d bit she didn’t pull away, there was a soft little whimper though.

Held against him like a prize, freshly won she shivered as she looked up at Dar, Her eyes wide. He understood, and even now he was reigning Jin in. Jin was a cute nickname for the male behind her. The tension in the room was thick as a sigh left Dart. Jinhai and D’artagnan. Jin and Dart. She liked their names.. Her cheeks burned and she gave a small nod.
“I am. I just.. Never..” She gave a small shrug. Iliana hadn’t been saving herself for marriage, but someone, perhaps? She’d wanted it to mean something. Her laugh was light, breathy as she shook her head. The bit mark stung a little and she said, “I liked it, I think..”

Her legs were shifted and she moved with Dart, until she found herself pinned between them. They felt warm, but there was a comfort in their warmth, at being trapped between them. Their lips found her neck, her shoulder and she bit her lower lip. Even with his weight on her, Iliana pressed her thighs together some, stemming that rising need, if only for a moment.

She felt almost like she was burning, each place they touched, they kissed and she gave a small shake or her head. Her own hands had been at her sides, but now they moved. One brushed along Jin’s cheek, a gentle brush before slipping into his hair, holding his mouth to her rapidly heating skin. Her other hand slid up Dart’s chest and she turned her mouth towards him. Her nose brushed his before she kissed him. She was a virgin, but she wasn’t willing to just lay there and not respond to them. She could feel at least Jin’s excitement at her back and it made her ache sweetly for the pair.

Maybe he’d been right, the king dickhead himself, but… if this was what awaited her in return?

This wouldn’t be so bad.
To describe the look on Jinhai's face as smug when Ileana said that she liked the bite would have been wholly unfair to him. It deserved a high ranking in the overall collection of smug looks. There was little time to enjoy it, however. It seemed that, despite her inexperience in the subject, Dart was feeling a little impatient as well. The pair began to kiss and tease her exposed skin with an eagerness, each exploring to the limits of her clothing, noses nudging the cloth down a little more.

While they had been a coordinated attack when teasing with just their fingers, the pair had been unleashed completely. There was no plan now, no practiced seduction to lure her in. Jinhai was full of energy, suckling at spots that seemed to coax to best reaction and attacking a new location each time he pulled back. He was moving between her ear and her shoulder seemingly at random. When those small fingers cupped his cheek and encouraged him, his hands joined in fully.

The one that had been sweetly caressing her cheek moved a little lower when she turned to kiss Dart. It wrapped gently around the base of her throat, fingers splayed wide. It was more to hold her in place than to provide any kind of pressure on her neck, his finger tips moving and gliding to keep her skin stimulated at every possible location. The other hand was far less chaste. It stopped the gentle stroking and instead fully cupped her breast. She was small, but there was something amazing about the feel of a soft breast in your hand. He squeezed and massaged her, his finger tips focusing on making her nipple come to attention through the sundress.

Dart was pulled from his spot at her neck and brought in for a kiss. It was sudden and forward, something he had not expected from Ileana. She seemed to be enjoying this more than he predicted. A small thought sparked in his brain, thinking maybe it was just a part of how Gods were. Maybe it was just that Ileana had found something that made her heart race without knowing she had been looking. Either way, the feeling of their lips pressing together was enough to coax a groan from him.

He still went slowly, even after the younger woman had clearly shown interest in more. His lips caught her own over and over, widening just a fraction each time. Soon, Dart was giving her hungry open-mouthed kisses, his tongue flicking between her lips every so often. His hands were more forward. They stroked at her inner thighs, trying to lure them into widening a little. He could tell it was not resistance. No, she was so eager in every other way. This was the action of someone overwhelmed by the newness of it all. Dart managed to pull back from the kiss, breathing heavily against her lips.

"Time to change your life, I think... If a few bites and kisses have you like this, I can't wait to see what we can make you feel."

Dart, after giving his ominous little warning, scooted backward on the couch. His hands moved down from her thighs to her ankles and he smirked before pulling her toward him. The result was to make Ileana slide down Jinhai's body. Her head landed in his lap, bouncing gently against his thigh. Her dress slid up just as suddenly, exposing her underwear and sliding high enough to almost show her belly button. Jinhai seemed just as surprised, flailing to catch her despite how gentle the descent down his body had been. Until he noticed how high her dress had gone.

"Holy hell... Ileana you are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. How is this even fair?"

The pair moved at the same time again. Jinhai moved one hand to her cheek, gently stroking along her face and lips. The other moved back to her chest, continuing to knead and tease as the little nub that was hardening through the fabric. He also used his hand to guide her gaze, showing her the bulge that twitched in anticipation right beside her.

Dart moved down fluidly, shamelessly burying his face between her thighs just above her knees. He kissed eagerly, planting little pecks all over while moving slowly higher. Even with her thighs pressed together, his gaze was burning, wanting so badly to expose her most intimate areas. Before long, he reached his destination, shoving his face into the little triangle her thighs former. His lips were open, letting her feel the heat of his mouth as he covered as much of her womanhood as he could with her thighs still hiding his prize. Jinhai's own expression was hungry as he watched his partner begin preparing Ileana for a whole new horizon of pleasure.

"Do you want to see me, Ileana? You made it like this, after all."
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