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Fandom Hankerings - MHA, Beastars, BNA, Mario


Sep 10, 2020
Alright, this is mostly My Hero Academia-based, since there’s so many characters with some fun concepts. A few things before I get into it, though.

Regular Request Thread Here

I am NOT looking to play as or against any character canonically under 23.​
No UA students, no Himiko Toga, no Shigaraki.
I’m willing to play as or against these characters.​
I just put it in Requests by Females since I’d like to play a female OC.
There are MxM shippings below, as well.
I am up-to-date with MHA's current chapters, but I’m not good at containing spoilers.
I'll try if you ask/say something, but you've been warned.
Don't go clicking the spoiler tags below all willy-nilly if you're afraid of potential spoilers!
Since I haven’t read everything in the MHA universe, like Vigilantes, I do not mind being spoiled in the other stuff.​
I’m up for an OC x OC pairing for MHA or Beastars.​
Feel free to suggest pairings, these are just my ideas.​

What I Do:
3rd Person RPer​
3-5+ Paragraphs​
PM Only​
Often posts daily​
Willing to Double/Multi​
Open to poly relationships​
Prefers to play voluptuous, chubby, thick, etc women​

What I'm Looking For:
Emotional struggles/arcs
Sexual tension
Plot > Smut​
3-5+ Paragraphs​
Partners who able to post once daily to every few days.​
I'll reply after long delays, since I know shit happens,
but if posts are habitually 5+ days apart, I lose interest.
Sorry. >_<

My Hero Academia

Guilty pleasure. Gotta love a guy that finally acknowledges he was abusive and is trying to make amends for it. I also think it’d just be fun to put him through other circumstances.

I have a couple OCs I can pair with him, but I don’t mind attempting to play him against someone else.

Potential Love Interests:
There's this cute comic I found once where Aizawa tells Todoroki "Don't worry, I'll set your dad straight."
Then the next shot is Aizawa in bed with Endeavor and all like "Oh no, I set him gay."
If I can find it, I'll link it.
Inko Midoriya
I mean, she has a thing for fire types. *cough* Honestly, I just love Inko and would enjoy playing as her, in general.
I’m conflicted about this idea, because Hawks is a little on the young side for my tastes. If I play him, I’ll probably age him up a couple of years, to 25.

General ideas to build off of:
  1. He’s either just interested in another character and tags around them.
  2. He gets severely injured way out in the middle of nowhere and OC helps him out.
Potential Love Interests:
Fuyumi Todoroki
You’re going to hear me say this later on, for Inko, but it’d be cool to see Fuyumi as a Robin Hood-esque villain/vigilante.
Maybe Endeavor…
I’m half and half on Endeavor x Hawks, because I prefer the notion of Hawks seeing a father figure - not a Daddy - in Endeavor.
But it's such a personality dynamic I love.
I think it’d be interesting to explore Kurogiri/Shirokumo’s journey after the big war is over. Learning to live with both personas and forgiving himself for whatever he did, or aided, as Kurogiri.

Potential Love Interests:
Since he escaped Tartarus during the prison break, and is living among the populace, (I think?) I’d be curious to explore a character arc with him.

Maybe paired with an OC that has potential to really help others - like in a Pro-Hero way - but didn’t/couldn’t go through the process of becoming a Pro for reasons.

Potential Love Interests:
Kaina Tsutumi/Lady Nagant
I just think this would be an interesting pair up.
Given the revelations we’ve gotten about bigotry aimed toward heteromorphs in recent chapters, it’d be interesting to explore those concepts with this guy.

He could have escaped imprisonment during the prison break and run into an OC that way or he could be paired with an OC that works at the prison, like a therapist or a janitor.

Potential Love Interests:
I literally have nothing for Gang Orca. I just like him a lot and the fact he plays up being harsh, but is a softie.

Also, obligatory heteromorph drama in this idea, too.

Potential Love Interests:
Specific Pairings:
All Might x Inko Midoriya​
I just like them together. Fluffy cute to spicy. All Might having to learn to be retired, doing adult learning classes or something and running into Inko. Bonding turns to something more.

Could be also be fun if we make Inko a vigilante (or even a low-key villain, like a Robin Hood-esque sort?)

Inko could be divorced or widowed, or we could keep Hisashi as a potential problem.

Aizawa x Present Mic​
Awkward longtime friends-to-lovers?

Brand New Animal
Ogami x Human OC​
Basically, a team of humans are sent to Anima City to strengthen human and beastmen relations and help renovate the slums of Anima City. The OC is the lead of the team of humans and is watched over by Ogami, due to parties looking to interfere with OC’s work. (Ogami is not pleased by this ‘babysitting’ job.)​
I have more to the plot, but I’ll share if someone’s interested.​

Sebun x Ibuki or Agata from the Shishigumi?​
I know, Ibuki died, but we can say he actually just wanted a fresh start from the Shishigumi and didn’t actually die. Maybe he started a new life somewhere and Sebun somehow enters the picture.

In the case of Agata, I could see Sebun being a life coach or social worker or something for the newly released Shishigumi. Checking in on them, helping them adjust to “the world on the outside” again.

Bowser x Peach Feel free to ask but I don’t want too many of this one.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe Mario takes too long to save Peach, maybe she tries to escape and happens to find out Bowser has a literal cavalcade of offspring and decides to hang around to offer them some semblance of kindness - working off unfair presumptions - "until Mario saves her."
Non-Fandom Roleplay Thread
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