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Fx Any Looking for some specific, very smutty roleplays. (WIP)


Please read the last comment as well! Not all prompt ideas will always be open. I might be fine with discussing ideas about closed off prompts, but it wouldn't be a priority.

Important Notes you need to read first:

  • While I appreciate a good plot-focused RP, this thread is meant for the smuttier tales. There can be individual moments focused heavily on plot scattered throughout the RP, if you want. But the majority of the RP will lean more towards smut, even if it's just a slim majority. I don't have a specific plot/smut ratio in mind. It depends a lot on the details we'll come up with, but it could be anywhere between 50/50 to 20/80. Maybe the smut is evenly consistent. Or maybe it waves heavily back and forth, where one day in the story is exclusively focused on plot and character while the next day is a completely fuck fest. Maybe the actual bonking only happens sometimes, but the remaining majority still has extreme amounts of sexual tension in the air. It really depends on the plot. Keep in mind, there will have to be some plot still, with some degree of character development.

  • All these plot prompts will have a plethora of FxM and FxF action (maybe FxFu or FuxFu, read the kinks list), be they one on one or in group scenes. For most plots, I'm looking for someone that's comfortable writing bisexual characters with multiple partners. Not exclusively just those pairings BTW.

  • Can play in 3rd or 1st person, though I always default to 3rd since I know most writers prefer that. Even I can only write 1st person only sometimes.

  • Again, please also read the last post just in case I have any important updates! I'd rather not have to set up a secret test to see who does reads it.

  • PMs only. No responding on the thread. I am open on Discord but contact me here on site first. And when you respond, please give some information on what you're thinking of.

  • This thread is only meant for the plot prompts currently listed. Not saying I'm not interested in other kinds of prompts. I'm usually up for simply chatting about other ideas, but that's not a promise I would take up on playing them. Not when I'm bumping this thread specifically. I usually can only have a couple RPs rolling at a given time, given what real life often has to distract me with.

  • That said, the outlines are up for discussion when it comes to the details. They're just the default concepts I've had in mind, in hopes to give a general feel for the RP. While I prefer to keep the prompts as they are, I'm okay with hearing what alterations you may come up with. I've attempted to list some alternative ideas under the details.

  • This might seem odd, but I've found a preference for writing partners that can write both sexes. Not sure how to explain it, I just find we usually work better together. In other words, if you can confidently write with characters hypothetically reversed, you might get preferential treatment. Far from a requirement though.

  • This is still a work in progress. Later on, I do aim to add more plot ideas.

  • Frequent OOC banter is very important. Having observed my own writing tendencies, I like to RP sort of like co-authoring a long story. Frequent discussions on where the 'plot' will go is highly preferred. Though having surprises for the other writer can sometimes be fun.

  • Lastly, IRL does sometimes get in the way from me being able to post. While I do try responding with regularity, there may be periods of several weeks when I can't really write. Either because I'm too busy physically or my creativity is feeling drained for a bit. I'll try to give a heads up if/when that happens, though I'll admit it's a habit I'm still trying to build up.

Let your wild side out
Required elements:
  • Body transformation
  •  Sexual frustration
  • Mostly rough/raunchy sex
  • Main lead as a "closet dom"
Potential harem sex

Deep in the wilds lives an elven maiden of great magical powers, and even greater good looks. She holds a deep connection with nature, following its ways in exchange for power, protection and youthful longevity. She has a reputation of assisting animals and mythical creatures that come to her for aid. It is also her long held belief that natural forces should always be allowed to run as they like. Go with the flow. This has made her behave in ways that created tension between her and outsiders, especially when it comes to her looks. After all, it's only natural for many to have carnal thoughts and feelings for someone like her. Same as her whenever she meets someone she finds attractive. Not only does she not see any shame in it, but she will also actively encourage for those feelings to be acted upon. It is what nature wants after all, and she must abide by its demands.

This is when he comes into the picture. He has always been reserved, shy even. Tends to always be polite and goes to great lengths to avoid creating conflict. He's also secretly a complete perv. Being bit of a closet dom, he's always harbored lustful wants to dominate any woman he wanted, as many as he wanted, however he wanted. It's a side of him he's always been ashamed of and as left it completely bottled up inside. This will all change though when one day he gets turned into a werewolf. The rules are his new beasty side will act upon his most intense emotion at any given moment, without any sense of restraint or remorse. If it's anger, he easily hurt or kill many people before taken down. If it's fear, he's liable to wake up the next morning hundreds of kilometers away from his home having been running the entire time. If it's lust... well, that woman better be ready for a rough and messy night.

When she finds him unconscious out in the woods, she knows exactly what he is and what must've happened. He's not the first young wolf she had to take care of. Furthermore, after spending some time conversing with him, she knows what he needs to do in order to get his beast side under control. He can't keep bottling his emotions like he has, otherwise it'll be impossible to control himself when he transforms. He's now a creature of the wilds. He too must allow nature to do what it wants. Based on how he keeps blushing and looking away from her, she knows exactly how to help him out. And she must admit, she does find him rather attractive and virile...

I'm looking for someone who can play the male role with two personalities. He starts out as awkward and ashamed of his sexual desires, especially when it comes to his urges to dominate. He outright resists her attempts, even when she tries to provoke him by stripping down and forces herself onto her. Only when he transforms does his personality completely change into the wild dominating beast he's always been inside, pinning her down and going at it with her for hours. Slowly over time, he would learn to stop being so ashamed of this side of him, even going as far as deliberately starting sessions without the beast forcing it. The idea is that by the end he becomes openly expressive of his desires around her and no longer loses control and goes off on multi-hour-long sessions. Unless they want to of course.

Exact rules of the transformation can be discussed. It's something I like to have happen somewhat regularly. So, it could be a nightly occurrence, or perhaps something that triggers when emotions are rampant for too long (think Furry Hulk). Bonus points if you enjoy writing detailed body transformation scenes.

The specific details of who our characters are though can be debated. I still want him to transform into some sex crazed beast from time to time, but it can be something other than werewolf. For my character, she could instead be a witch, druid, priestess, or something else. Though I like her to have youthful longevity and be more than physically capable of handling everything the beast can throw at her. I could even play a small number of multiple female roles against your one, let your budding dom form his own little harem. This is also one plot I may be convinced to try out some female x futa pairing instead, having you play - for example - a female human who's been cursed to randomly transform into some futa succubus.

And the timeline is also up for debate. This can be traditional fantasy or modern-day urban fantasy. Maybe even sci-fi?

Primal intimacy
(Modern fantasy)
Required elements:
  • Rough/raunchy sex
  • Heat/rut
  • Transformation
  • Sexual degradation
  • Likely M/F scenes

The past month has been hell for the both of them. It started with her boyfriend getting attacked one night by a large dog. At least they think it was, it was there and gone so fast that they didn't get a good look. The bite wound looked bad at first but after clearing off the blood it looked surprisingly shallow. Couple visits at the hospital confirmed he got lucky and didn't catch anything. At least, nothing they could've known about.

As the month went by though, his mood has been turning worse. Easier to agitate and feeling constantly restless. He had to call in sick from work as he's been unable to sleep well at night and is having problems controlling his temper. So much so that he's decided to mostly isolate himself from his own girlfriend out of fear for what he may do. These two used to be such lovebird, their future together felt certain. Now they don't have any idea what's going to happen.

One night though, as the full moon was about to rise, she comes home from work. Tired both physically and emotionally, she's hoping he'll at least let her see him. Instead, she is greeted by the sight of him writhing on the ground screaming. Panicked, she rushes over trying to think of how to help. But his body begins morphing and changing right before her eyes as the bite from last month finally takes ahold of him. Muscles grow massive. Fur sprouts up. Claws. Tail. Terrified, she can't believe what's happening before her, but instincts help her run into a nearby room and lock the door. Her mind is left overwhelmed by fear and anguish, knowing full well what her dear boyfriend just became despite how loud her brain is saying it's impossible.

That door doesn't hold him back for long though. It crashes open as the new beast rushes in. Golden eyes peer right at her as he stomps closer. Muzzle sniffing the air, curious at the scent before him. Her boyfriend is gone, lost his mind to the primal urges of the beast.... But there's something oddly familiar about her scent. He can't remember who he or she were, but instincts were telling him she was someone important. Someone he wants.

His mate.

Yeah, another werewolf RP. I promise this isn't a recurring theme.

This one leans more towards a shorter RP format, though there is room for continuation later. Much like the first prompt, the idea behind the beast form is that it's the person's most base yearnings brought fully to the front and left loose without restraint. He can't remember anything human related, not even his or her name. But he does subconsciously remember his wanting, and his lust for her. It won't take long before the beast has her clothes ripped off and starts using her however he wants.

My idea behind these two is that while they've had a fair bit of lovemaking, they've never divulged between each other what they really want. He's always been harboring a fantasy to just use her as a sex object, selfishly use her body like a toy just to satisfy his own debauched cravings. But he cares far too much for her to even bring up the idea in the first place. Turns out though, it's her biggest turn on to be used like that and has been having fantasies of him doing just that to her. Yet she too didn't want to risk scaring her partner, especially one she felt genuine feelings towards. Well, this first night of him transforming is going to be a major night of discovery for the both of them. She'll be frightened and awfully confused at first, but she definitely won't expect how good it's going to feel.

After the first night, there's a bit of freedom where the plot could go. After letting out all those pent-up emotions in him, he'll find his mood to be in a better place. And after absolutely loving what just happened, she may decide she'll gladly let him have at it whenever needed if it'll help him keep control over his new condition. Heart to heart ensues and they begin their new carnal pastime. Maybe they end up finding a new home out by the woods for much needed privacy. Maybe the constant fucking ends up turning her as well, like some STD. Maybe they end up making contact with more of their kind, as clearly there are more of them out there.

Shenanigans in a storm
(Modern realism)
Required elements:
  • Voyeurism
  • Sexual tension
  • Young romance
  • Light-hearted
  • Either M/F or F/F

The two of them weren't planning to stay for the night. Sure, the forecast told of the upcoming storm but it arrived much sooner than expected. Nasty one too, far too risky to be driving around in at night. But at least staying in the house would be fine. Except he's been holding a massive crush for her for some time and it's her house. He never had the courage to admit this to her. She seemed far too out of his league. Little he knew how the feeling was mutual. She's had boyfriends before, but he was always special to her. And of course, she never could admit that to him. Now these two helpless crushes have to stay alone together for the night, waiting for the storm to blow over.

Which is when the sexual tension starts ensuing shenanigans. Each of them begins finding hints of their sexual urges. He accidentally finds a drawer of her favorite toys. She accidentally discovers his drawing book full of risqué sketches. He stumbles upon an open bathroom door, with her inside taking a shower. He later finds someplace to 'vent' over what he saw in private, only for her to accidentally catch him in the act and unable to look away. Over and over, they keep catching voyeuristic glimpses of each other at their most vulnerable without the other knowing. Eventually, the tension in the air can only hold back for so long. Sooner or later, one of them has to finally catch the other spying...

Another one of the shorter termed RPs. Written as a M/F scene but can go with F/F as well. Also, the most voyeuristic of the prompts listed, it's kinda essential. Other than that, there really isn't much more to clarify with the plot. This is probably the simplest plot here to explain here. How the plot is set up is up for debate, like why was one of them at the other's place, or if were a home at all. Doesn't have to be a storm either. So long as the two of them end up alone together, forced to spend the night with each other. I am defaulting to a modern setting, maybe have them college students. No plans as to what happens after that night.

Carnal therapy under the sun
(Semi-realism, can see it being altered as Fantasy or Sci-fi)
Required elements:
  • Sexual frustration
  • Multiple partners
  • Affection and aftercare
  • Praiseplay
  • Dub-con to con
  • DM style RP

She is beautiful, sexy even. But most who know her wouldn't know that. She's grown up far too shy, often completely concealing her perfect body unable to dare herself to explore her sexuality. Her outward demeanor is only a thin veil over a mind of complete debauchery. Fantasies of being forced upon by stud after stud. Dreams of spending hours inside a tangled orgy of hot supermodel men and women. Inside, she's an absolute perv, and she's completely ashamed of it. Afraid she would get some horrible reputation of being known as some slut, she's resolved herself to keep all those lewd feelings bottled up and only explored in private, in front of her computer screen with the volume turned down. But it's not as completely secret as she once thought. Someone knows of the raging fire burning within her. A long-time friend. A secret crush. A complete stranger with access to her search history. Whoever it is, they want to do something about it, and they have the perfect tool for the job.

One day, she finds herself with a ticket. Mysteriously mailed to her? Conveniently won in a lottery? Wherever it came from, it's to a tropical resort that'll last the entire summer. The fact she got this ticket seemed really strange to her and she's never heard of this place before. But because of what's been going through her life lately, she decides to take up on this trip. How can she say no anyways? Everything is paid for on this vacation. So, she hops onto the plane and heads out.

Yet something is odd about the flight. Every single passenger is amazingly attractive. Sexy people going to a resort isn't unusual, but it isn't typical for all of them to appear like that. And she's never done well being anywhere close to such people. Her cursed brain can't help it but start having lewd thoughts about them.

And it doesn't get much better once they arrive. The resort is full of them, hundreds of hot men and women about. And... are some of them naked!?

What she doesn't know going on this trip is this resort is a paradise of sex. The whole island is one big sexually casual society full of people unafraid to get it on with anyone at anywhere at any time. Or it's a therapeutic resort for those addicted to sex, where they can satiate their needs as much as possible so they can better function back at home. Or something else entirely. Nothing is off limits here, so long as they don't allow the rest of the world to know about their special place. Even the city itself was designed around sex. The water laced with birth control. Parties and events for celebrating carnal pleasures. A place absolutely perfect for every single fantasy she ever had.

Thing is, years of habit building and telling herself how wrong this was isn't going to go away overnight. And she panics, feeling the shame burning through her as she attempts to hide as going back to the airport isn't an option now. The sight of everything begins to make her body boil with need but all her mind is telling her is to escape.

Others take notice of her though, and almost immediately they can tell what's up with her. She's not the first one to act like this. Plenty of other new guests had felt the same way. They always start out torn between how society had trained them to think and the passion that they truly wanted deep down. Just like how she is. Many of them were once like her as well. But they always feel better once they learn to finally throw away those old habits and let themselves be free. They just needed a little "help" being pushed in that direction. And so once again, they begin treating the new tourist. Sneak in an aphrodisiac into her. Forcefully begin to strip her down. Then begin giving her round after round of sex, completely ignoring her pleads for them to stop...

I want her to be my character. Her character is very similar to the male role in the previous plot idea, though this time acting as a 'closet nympho'. I've been curious what it might be like acting on the receiving end to such things and this is the setup that would get me into trying it out. The reason why I haven't been able to try this plot is because I struggle to find someone who is willing to play so many characters as a sort of DM and can hit what I'm looking for. Not that I can't do some DMing myself with background characters to help lighten the load. But even if you're just curious about this RP but aren't sure if it's something you can do, you can always ask me any questions you have. While I am looking to play only the one character at the start, I can see myself later wanting to play multiple characters. Introduce new guests into this paradise and explore their own sexual discoveries.

Something like this is the closest I get to non-con. There are two kinks I know I'm looking for. Aftercare and Praise Play. The second in particular needs to be used a lot during the early part of the RP. She's being pinned down while getting fucked, crying for him to stop. But despite him acting rough on her, he keeps talking with affectionate words. Like what he's doing is actually helpful. "Shh, It's okay. This'll help you, I promise." "That's it, keep moaning just like that. You sound amazing when you do that." "Don't worry. I have a nice, big, hot load ready just for you. You'll feel a lot better once it's inside." It's like they're treating her unwillingness to give into her lust as some debilitating condition, their actions of forcing themselves onto her being a form of intervention. The best thing to do for her is hold her down and help her get through the discomfort until she gets used to it. I want to be clear there's no sinister intentions behind what your characters do. They genuinely want to help her out. Their form of helping out is just going to be very frightening, confusing and depraving for her. At first.

And to her gradual surprise over the plot, they turn out to be right. Deep down, she does want what they're giving her, even if she's in denial at first. By the end of her vacation though... well she might still be shy and bashful, but now she's actively willing to let herself go free and be the one initiating sessions to begin with. I don't consider this as corruption or brainwashing. More like sexual awakening.

Now the exact details of the plot and setting are absolutely up for debate. I know the modern tropical resort is a bit of a cliche, but it can be changed up to a variety of locations. Sci-fi planet. Fantasy with supernatural forces. Human characters getting caught up in a secret world of beastmen. Doesn't have to be strictly male and female characters only, depending on the setting. So long as it doesn't diverge too far from the initial plot idea, I want to hear any suggestions or preferences you might have.

An apprentice of lust
Required elements:
  • Sexual awakening
  • Master and servant
  • Voyeurism/exhibitionism
  • Absurd/unrealistic sex
  • Primarily F/F scenes
A young lass finds a mysterious and gorgeous mistress, someone that may only be known about through vague rumors she once heard, if known about at all. It's said she has unusual powers, (Witch in the woods? Alien with super advance tech? Divine goddess hiding in secret?) something that's quickly confirmed upon their first meeting. For some reason, this young maiden is forced to temporarily stay with the mistress. Maybe something outside both of their control prevents her from leaving, like a crashed ship on an island or something? Whatever the reason, she's not too distraught over this. Sure, this woman is a bit intimidating and intense, but she seems friendly enough. Or maybe it's because she has one of the sexiest bodies the maiden has ever seen. She comes from a fairly reserved and traditional culture, one that unsurprisingly condemns homophilia or any sexual expression really. So, she's completely caught off guard by this woman's looks and the stirring sensations it arouses within her.

That aside, the mistress agrees to help her out, so long as she assists with some menial tasks around her home. She already had projects of her own she's been working on, so she could use some extra hands. (What projects are those?... No clue. Depends on the details we come up with.) It's nothing the maiden can't handle or has any protest to, so she agrees as well. Thing is... as soon as she starts staying with her, she can't stop starring at her. Not only is her body amazing, but she's also always flaunting it with sensual clothes and suggestive postures. Can't even tell if she's doing it on purpose or not. But she doesn't want to accidentally anger her host, so she keeps quiet about it. And it doesn't take long for the maiden to accidentally catch her in private - pleasuring herself. And not just for the sake of pleasure either. This naive youth also catches how she "works" on her projects, always doing things in private in the most sex-fueled way possible. Watering her garden by spraying her lady juices. Drinking something that makes her lactate because she needs the milk as an ingredient for a potion. Letting a captured beast mount her to the point of getting tired, freeing her to harvest something from it without struggle. (Literally whatever weird idea we could come up with!)

In just the first day alone, a fierce lust she never experienced before rushes through her. The sight of this woman awakens a desire that leaves her reeling in want, unable to make herself stop spying on her even though she knows it's wrong. Sultry thoughts flash through her head, leaving her feeling utterly ashamed - though in that adorably embarrassed way. The maiden has to struggle to not get caught spying on her, nor give any hints to what she's actually thinking whenever they're talking. Fear of what would happen if she found out keeps her in check, barely.

Little does she know that this sex symbol of a woman already knows what she's been doing. She's been only acting oblivious to the obvious signs this awakening nympho has been sending to spare her from the embarrassment. And she's enjoying letting her spy on her. This woman sees no shame in exploring her sexuality, and it fills her with a sense of pride knowing she's indirectly helping this lass in discovering her own. So much so, she quickly begins setting up situations for the young maiden to "accidentally" spy on her while pretending she doesn't know. Maybe give her hints to where her special toys are at, then conveniently giving her an opportunity to "sneak" in and use them herself. When she begins spying back at her, the woman notes how inexperienced this maiden is with pleasuring herself. So, she offers her a show for her to spy on, indirectly teaching her what to do to herself. It almost becomes something of a game, constantly provoking the youth lady while keeping her completely oblivious to the fact that she's being played.

That said, this can't last forever. Likely sooner than later, this sultry woman won't be able to contain herself any longer and will finally confront the not-so-innocent anymore lady. And when she does, she has some big plans for her...

Some general details first. While I can enjoy playing both roles, I'm leaning towards playing the older, more experienced woman. The original idea behind this was for her to be a witch in the woods, using her magic to play with the young lady. But honestly, anything with special powers will easily do. As long as she has powers and abilities to spice up the sex. (Likely also involve longevity as well, with her still being physically young despite being well over a century old or something.) Which leads to the second detail. I want the RP to be as creative and absurd with the smut scenes as possible. Not every smut scene has to, but I want to have plenty of them involve the impossible. Cum inflation. Tentacles. Magic tattoos/brands that controls the lass' arousal. Having the mistress temporarily turn herself into a hermaphrodite to fuck her new servant silly. Getting down and dirty with mythical/otherworldly beasts. Whatever we could come up with. (Pick and choose whatever you want from the examples above.)

While this is primarily a F/F plot between our two characters, we should have the freedom to have other characters of any gender get involve for one off scenes. If I'm playing the mistress in this story, I'll also cover playing these other potential characters as well. Again, it depends on what kinks we both agree with. Though on that subject, regarding the more absurd/unrealistic kinks, I do need variety in those. If you're looking for just one or two kinks in that category, I'm afraid that won't be enough. Sorry.

Now to address the voyeurism I've been depicting in the prompt. I know most RPers don't really enjoy having voyeurism in the plot as it far more often than not makes the writing very one sided. And I get that. I can sometimes come up with ways to remedy this. The idea mentioned earlier where the mistress offers a demonstration on how to masturbate was one example. Another one could be the mistress catching the sexually frustrated lass trying to get some relief while hidden away in the greenhouse, not knowing one of her abilities is controlling plants. So, the mistress taps into her inner Poison Ivy and starts ensnaring the girl in vines, frightening her at first until the green tendrils start drilling her. Just something that allows some indirect two-way action going. But even then, I can completely understand if this isn't your thing. It's a kink I've really wanted to find a way to make work, but not so much to the detriment of my writing partner.

If, however, this is something up your alley or even have your own ideas how to make voyeurism work in an RP, then I would love to write with you!

The voyeurism isn't the entire RP though! I consider it part of the initial phase. I enjoy a plot where the sexual tension between two people keeps building and building over time until one of them no longer can take it anymore. But I don't want the majority of the RP to be like this. Just enough to have the right proper buildup of said tension until the mistress finally decides to confront her about what she knew all along. Then it shifts over to a master/servant style plot. The inexperienced maiden now getting assigned slutty-themed tasks, helping the mistress with the more involved elements of her projects. And in exchange, the maiden gets to enjoy her mistress' body. A prospect she amusingly gets gay panicked over the longest time. Maybe the RP ends with her finally deciding to permanently stay with the mistress, becoming a student in her field and also become indoctrinated into the eternally youthful nympho club to spend the next centuries in constant carnal bliss with her mentor.

Awakening your inner succubus
(Fantasy/Modern Fantasy, can see it being altered to Sci-fi)
Required elements:
  • DM style RP
  • Sexual awakening
  • Raunchy sex
  • Group sex
  • Heat/rut
Potential incest
Potential god-modding

Everything in her life felt normal, right up until she turned eighteen. Before then, she wasn't exactly sexually active. She never did it with anyone, not even close. While she was decently attractive, she was far from the hot supermodel look. Quite different from her mother and older sisters, who all had stellar looks to ogle over. Something she was a bit jealous of. She sure has spent plenty of time alone with fantasies coursing through her head, but she had no doubt the moment it came to act on those desires she would clam up and just become an anxiety ridden mess. Despite being officially an adult now, she still felt like that awkward young teenager when it came to the subject of intimacy.

And then shortly after her eighteenth birthday, something bizarre and frightening began to happen to her. At the beginning of the day, it started off modest. Her mind was dwelling on lewd thoughts more so than usual and it's left her body heated and in need. A quick trip somewhere private helps with the issue for a little while, but then the need begins to flare up again. Then again. Then again. No matter how many times she takes care of it, the arousal was still there, persistent. At first it was merely annoying, but it didn't take long before she realized how unnatural it was acting. By midafternoon, the arousal levels had grown intense. Far too much for her to ignore. Feeling like she was burning, she retreats back home to get some much-needed relief. Thank goodness her family was currently out too at the time. But no matter what she does, it would go away.

By late afternoon, that's when the real strangeness started. Right before her very eyes, her own body begins to slowly morph and reshape itself. Tits swelled out, hips expanded and rounded out, waist slimmed down, and her body sculpted itself in a firm and perfect hourglass form that would turn on anyone upon seeing it. And that arousal had grown so strong that whenever she made herself cum it would be right back at full force within seconds, as if she hadn't had any relief in the first place. By now, she knew something was very wrong, but she couldn't stop pleasing herself.

And then as soon as the sun goes down and evening comes, the flame that had been burning between her legs all day suddenly flared up with an intensity she never experienced. Eyes glow bright with a magenta hue. Horns and a barbed tail sprout out. Her body begins to move on its own as instinct takes over, still conscious of what's going on but unable to stop herself as if she were possessed from the neck down. Quivering and dripping with excitement, she frantically makes her way to the nearest person. That attractive guy that lives across the street. The nighttime jogger with those sculpted pecs. The peeping Tom that is about to get a far bigger show than he was expecting. Soon as she sees someone - despite how much she attempts to wrestle back control over her body - she pounces on them and begins a long night of utter depravity...

This is meant to be a DM style of roleplay. And while I could enjoy playing either side, I prefer to play the lead character. She was born a succubus and had no clue about it. The RP beginning with her first time awakening to her powers and getting caught up in them by surprise. And she's not the only one. There are others out there who knew of her, knew her first night was coming. Upon her awakening, the others shortly afterwards step in to "welcome" her into their way of life and begin "teaching" her how to handle her new cravings. I'm sure you can use your imagination what such a welcome would entail. And while she's scared of the whole experience at first, part of her has to admit it feels fucking amazing!

She doesn't have to be a succubus specifically. The basic idea is she becomes something with an unquenchable libido and has exotic powers to back it up (usually as a means to help them avoid getting into trouble). So, something like an alien with unique heat cycles or a mortal being blessed/cursed by a sex goddess could also work. Though I do like the succubus concept for the overall theme it implies. As for what those special powers involve, there are loads of potential ideas we could discuss. Hypnosis. Illusions. Shapeshifting. Possession. Summoning. Some of these powers could get pretty absurd. Ability to take any size. Infinite internal space to take any amount of cum (could include inflation). Time-stop ability that gives them all the time in the world they need with their hosts. Maybe there's even some sort of universal force that she and the others are linked to, capable to bending reality to help suit their needs.

If desired, this is one RP where incest could be integrated pretty well. I mentioned her mother and older sisters in the prompt as an idea that they too are succubae, eager to finally help introduce their youngest sibling into their way of life.

This is also one of the rare cases when god-modding is welcomed. I just like the idea of her kind losing control over themselves so much during a rut cycle that they basically can't stop themselves from acting on their impulses. Almost like a form of possession.

KINKS LIST: Not covering everything, so feel free to ask for specifics. This is more of a general list of mine that I copy/paste into my latest requests, so quite a few of these entries I don't expect to be any bit relevant for the RP. I do have an F-list but I'm pretty sure it's in need of updating. I'll save the link for later.

Attractive Characters: I won't ask for every man to look ready for a gym ad photo shoot, nor every woman to look like they just jumped out of some teenage boy's wet dream. But I do hold a strong (and admittedly selfish) preference towards that. If we're sticking to just two characters, then they have to at least be pretty lean, relatively fit and have a decent amount of volume in the right spots. If we have multiple characters though, then perhaps we can discuss variety.

Bisexual Partners: Obviously only applies to having multiple characters. If so, then it's best if you enjoy playing against more than one gender. (I've never attempted to write any MxM scenes, but I sometimes get curious enough to try it out.)

Caring (or close enough): Look to my "At the Limit" list. I'll rarely accept Non-con. In general, the sexual-engaged couple (or group) have to genuinely care about one another. The form of caring may or may not be in a messed up way, but they want to make the other feel happy - one way or another.

Large Cocks: I just can't do small, be it on any of my characters or anyone. They can vary from respectable yet average to excessive and unreal. They just never can be small. (But read my "At the Limit" list)

Multiple Orgasms: Let's see how many our characters can chain together in a single night. Since many of my favorite plots tend to involve the fantastical in some form, then why not make everyone capable of keeping it going three - five - ten - twenty orgasms in and still have all the stamina in the world... Granted, this would depend on the nature of the plot. It would be boring if this happens all the time! But chances are there will be scenes like this.

No Risk of (Unwanted) Pregnancy: Could be for any reason. Amazingly perfect birth control. Magic barriers. Species aren't compatible to begin with. Hentai logic has been entangled with our reality. Whatever the reason, there's no risk of anyone getting knocked up... Unless we want that. Not saying we can't have that in a later scene. But it should always remain only an option.

Oral: There's nothing to really explain. I just have this in all my RPs all the time, be it giving or receiving.

Original Characters: Look to my "No" list this time. I can't and won't do fandoms or real-life people. Even using fandom settings aren't allowed. Not that there aren't some examples I do find sexually attractive. But I prefer the freedom to create and explore without feeling artificially constraint. Plus, chances are I just don't know enough of your favorite fandom to be able to work with it. That said, you're free to take inspiration from existing characters or people. There just needs to be enough alterations to break the sense they're the same person.

Roughness: Having just listed Caring as an important element though...
"It's been three hours into the night since they started. He has her pinned to the wall again, hand around her neck as he pounds behind her without remorse. She's an absolute mess, having every hole of hers stuffed multiple times by now. Soon, he'll do it again, using her as nothing more than a fleshlight, as if this was the only purpose in her existence. His selfish carnal hunger knowing no bounds or shame. And she's in fucking love with it. Her only coherent thought right before his nympho pet cums again over his shaft is the wish this'll keep going on for all eternity."​
Not every session has to be like this. It can be most of them or the occasional one here and there. May or may not involve dirty talking or degradation. Could end with sweet, romantic aftercare or just leaving her filthy body in a puddle on the hard floor as he (or futa?) stands above smirking. But chances are it will be in the RP.

Sexually Unashamed: One or more characters just don't give a fuck about keeping anything private. They see no shame in sex. They see no problem in sharing their experiences or flashing their bodies to anyone they like. They may even be confused as to why someone else would see that as a problem. Is that a young man spying on them in the shower? They start showing off the good for him to ogle at. Is everyone watching a movie that just got to a steamy bit? Don't mind them as they start stripping down and jerking off on the spot. Maybe this all part of some sexually casual society or they're completely alone in this. One thing is for sure, they're almost always responsible for getting parties started.~

Vaginal Sex: ... I mean, it's a given. But just in case...
Affection: Showing romantic feelings, or just showing genuine care for someone else. I don't just like Roughness, I do enjoy the opposite.

Aftercare: A great deal of effort is put in by one or more characters to take care of their partner after such a long romp. Giving them a bath. Massaging aching muscles. Offering food. Gingerly bringing them to bed. If contrast with an extremely rough smut session, it gets all the better.

Ahegao: Nothing is better than seeing the partner so in love with the pleasure they're being given, that you can measure their happiness like a meter. Just calculate the distance their eyes are rolling back times how much of their tongue is sticking out.

Anal: Again, not much to explain. But unlike Oral, I'm more willing to set this one aside in case you don't want it. I can still understand why someone wouldn't be into it.

Anthro/Humanoid: This is a wiiiiide subject. Anything that resembles humans can very much be up for a romp. Something almost entirely human, like elves, fae and kitsune. Something half human of myth, like nagas, fauns, tieflings, or centaurs. Wild beastmen of the canine, feline, fox or dragon persuasion. (Can discuss other species, though I only stick to vertebrae.) Make them shapeshifters like werewolves. (A very old favorite of mine!) Or they're not of this world, be they alien or part of some cosmic force. This also includes teratophilia. Plenty of options to choose from, so long as they're compatible towards my other requirements.

Aphrodisiacs/Drugged: Sometimes the timid sub needs that extra 'help' to get things going. Can be taken willingly or not. Doesn't strictly have to be a physical substance. Could be magically induced, say by an enchanted jewel or tattoo marking that can trigger at any moment. May even come with a stamina booster mixed in.

Begging: Is the sub truly ready to become their master's property? They better start convincing them before that unsatisfied heat between their legs becomes too agonizing.

Dirty Talk: Okay, I actually do enjoy all sorts of language during smut. Be all romantic by calling her "an angelic beauty running with honey from her ever sweet flower," or be straight forward and saying "a hot, sexy babe looking for some hotter pussy action," or show her where she belongs and call her "a fucking slut that can only think of a having her hungry cunt stuffed."... But I'm listing Dirty Talk, so I do lean towards a favorite. (Say it with me, doesn't have to be all the time.)

Excessive Cum: In most of my RPs, every cock has a tendency to produce more than what should be expected from them. Since a lot of plots involve non-human characters, often large than human, then this should be realistically expected, right? But even with humans only, the men are often extremely virile. If asked for an upper limit, I'll guess something around a cup, maybe two? Not that I can't enjoy far more extreme levels, but that important caveat is in my "Situational" list.

Exotic Cocks: Knots for plugging. Barbs for rubbing. Designed to hit areas a human would never be able to reach.

Heat/Rut: Pairs well with the obvious anthro characters. Fun to watch it come up at the most awkward times. Or have it happen to someone still in denial over their sexual yearnings but is slowly unable to resist the call of nature. The sheer intensity could result in their bodies practically acting on their own, betraying their owners.

Interracial: Variety is the spice of life... So let's mix them together to produce life.

Large Breasts: This was almost paired with Large Cocks, but I actually do enjoy the occasional petite or generally modest bosom. Yet my preference leans towards them being large and round, firmly holding their shape, up to the size of basketballs.

Multiple Partners: A loving polygamous family. A master and their harem. A wild orgy at the resort. Pick your flavor.

Praise Play: Showing encouragement, offering assurance and giving complements towards the partner's performance while in the middle of some smut. Could easily be paired with Virginity.

Sexual Awakening: A journey of self-discovery of the hidden lust they been harboring deep inside. Could be a complete virgin discovering everything about sex for the first time, or someone already experienced but never explored outside of their vanilla kinks. Could be a curious voyeur that can't help but wonder or someone that just been forced upon but is shocked by how good it felt.

Sexual Exhaustion: Keep the romping going until everyone passes out!

Sexual Frustration: One meant for the shy virgin or the closet perv, unable to live their fantasies and feels almost jealous of all the hot, popular people. I often use this only as a starting point for a plot, but it can be used in a later bondage scene or something.

Sexually Casual: For whatever reason, this society has no qualms about showing their sexual urges. Walk down the street and see a couple randomly banging against a wall. Go into a shop and the storekeeper is getting some oral care from a customer. Get a bite to eat at the diner while listening in on three other tables where they talk about how they got bonked last night. Even the town services and infrastructure may had been designed to accommodate such people. The water is laced with a perfectly effective birth control. Every shop sells these sweet gumdrop packages filled with aphrodisiacs. Buildings, even houses have more windows than walls and there might not even be such a thing as a "lock." (If you're looking for an anthro/monster plot, like werewolves, or have a more tribal setting in mind, this becomes an Absolutely Needed kink for me!)

Slickness: Dump an entire bottle of oil over the body. A dozen tongues lap all over until the skin is shining in saliva. The tentacles keep oozing slime until it's all over the place. Whatever works to eliminate any and all friction and gets that mirror shine in there.

Triple Penetration: More is better. ~

Vocal: Plenty of quotes and dialog from the characters as they're in the flames of pleasure. Fun when they're trying to say words, but it's all broken up by their compulsory cries and moans they can't stop making.

Young Characters: Within legal age of course. They're in the prime of their lives and are the most virile/fertile they'll ever be. Not really a complicated topic... But with that said, this mainly goes down to their appearance. If going with a more fantastical RP, eternal youth can very much be a thing. The five-hundred-year-old elf would still look twenty-five.
Body Transformation: One time event or regular occurrences. Temporary or permanent. He turns into a well-endowed werewolf, or she turns into a horned succubus. So long as the end result still fulfills certain needs. Often like to depict the transformation itself to be pleasurable, or perhaps triggered when experiencing pleasure. Can be restricted to only happening to MC, but I'll be interested if you're up for it happening to YC.

Bondage (Light/Med): Collar and leash. Blindfolded. Cuffed up against a wall. Still able to move to some degree.

Breeding: Either for romantic or master/slave style plots. Though I'm usually not that much into smut with someone already deep into pregnancy. Can still ask though.

Bulging: Be it while inside the guy's pants or inside his partner.

Dub-con: While I'm stringent on using non-con, dub-con in practically any interpretation is pretty hot to me. Still might be a good idea to ask me any specific details you have in mind though, just in case.

Fear Play: I have little interest in putting characters in actual danger, not when it comes to the smut. I do have an interest in making them think they are in danger, only to get surprised when things start getting kinky. Nice element to have for domination.

Forced Kink: Take that normally vanilla person and get them into the lewdest kinks you can imagine. They might discover they're far more filthy-minded than they realized.

Forced Nudity: Forced exhibition, essentially. Might be a fun element of a master/slave dynamic, the sub being forbidden from putting on clothes - because it's not like they'll be given much of a chance to wear them in the first place. ;P

Mind Control: This could come in various interpretations. Possession, or having the body controlled like a puppet but still self-aware. Sexual urges so strong, the body betrays its owner and starts acting on those impulses on its own. Temporarily brain drained or somehow mentality hindered to the point they start acting in ways they normally wouldn't do. Almost all the time, it leads them into commiting lewd acts they would normally resist doing. As long as it doesn't lead to anything bad. By the end, the 'victim' realizes they liked what ended up happening. Or at the least, feel confused as to why it felt so good.

Natural Colors: I'm only bringing this up in regard to anthro characters. Unless we establish they have a supernatural aspect, I prefer them to have natural fur colors and patterns. Never really got those furry characters with bright neon colors and weirdly specific patterns that look completely artificial. Of course, if it's something alien then that's different. This honestly goes for human hair as well. A little bit of dyed hair is still good, but it feels weird when they're trying to look like a clown. (... Um, sorry Harley fans? I have nothing against her.)

Proportion Transformation: Flat chest gal getting an impressive pair of double-Ds. Puny little manhood magically turned into a fire log. Could be a one-time thing in the RP or a constant ability being used throughout the plot.

Saliva: I enjoy when they go at it like animals. Why not have this then? Licking and drooling. Trails of saliva bridging their lips together as they part from their sloppy kiss. That sort of thing.

Sex Toys: I'm particularly interested in how creative they can be. Better if they can do things beyond what our real-world versions can do. Who wants this fleshlight with a built-in wormhole device that can connect to any person you target it with?

Sexual Presence: Even in more plot-focused segments of an RP, the sexuality never completely leaves. Everyone is wearing sexy clothing all the time as if it's just normal. Or there's a constant air of teasing, everyone still flirting with each other. People keep making innuendo comments with a completely straight face. Obviously paired with casual sex, but doesn't necessarily need it.

Sexy Clothes: Teasing and flirting. Skimpy and shameless. Designed to be easily taken off, either cleverly designed to fall off with a pull of a string, or easily disposable because it's meant to be shred and torn off like present wrapping. Just wearing it might be arousing because of how slick it rubs against the skin while moving around. No promises that it'll actually cover things up.

Somnophilia: I understand why some people might find this hard to write. It is a fairly one-sided act. As fun of a premise it is, it doesn't lend itself towards multiple scenes with it. Often, I would suggest the person whose character is sleeping will describe what dream they're having and how it changes based on the acts done to their body. Maybe that character moves and talks a lot in their sleep without realizing it. As for who that is, I can play out either the sleeping or awake character.

Supernatural: Magic. Paranormal. Whatever it may be called. As long as it's used to creatively induce and enhance sexual experience. Can manifest in so many ways, it's impossible to list them all. Jewelry or markings that trigger arousal in the body. Summoning horny creatures with only one thing on their mind. Clothes that transform themselves into something skimpier, or randomly starts molesting the body until they're taken off. Possessions that steal control of the body, the person forced to watch through their own eyes as the rest of their body is used for debauchery. Creating doppelgangers. Goddesses of pleasure and love. Reality bending and warping itself to induce sexual gratification on a target. Mind merging that makes someone feel the pleasure someone else is experiencing... I can keep going. This lends well to a lot of outlandish scenarios.

Teasing: Flirting. Flashing. Touching. Anything that's meant to get someone horny. Also could apply to orgasm control, the dom preventing their sub from reaching the peak until they start desperately begging or aggressively fighting for it.

Tentacles: And I don't even consider myself as a weeb!
Seriously though, nearly any interpretation of tentacles is cool with me. The only exception is I make is nothing that looks like the product of body horror. (Cause then I mentally link that to gore) Pretty much anything else under this category is good. At least I think it is. The internet has made this into such a wide and vast subject, it's hard to keep track of every potential aspect of it...

Virginity: It's an old one, but it checks out.
This often is brought up with either sexual awakening or sexual frustration. Any degree of 'virginity' is entertaining. From the closet perv who can't stop having lewd fantasies but never gets any to the (admittedly highly cheesy and unrealistic) complete innocent who doesn't know a thing about sex nor ever had an orgasm. This could alternatively be virginity towards a certain act, like anal or homosexuality.

Voyeurism/Exhibitionism: Another understandably hard one to write due to its one-sided nature. It's not something I expect would be used frequently. What I like to look for in such scenes is what the watcher is thinking and feeling during the moment. Inner dialog about how arousing the sight is and the thoughts it puts in their mind. Or descriptions of how exciting the watched feels knowing how exposed they are. The inner feelings of the people involved become just as important to write about as what they're physically doing.

Water: Any sex involving water. In the pool. In the shower. In the rain. Underwater. Under a waterfall. Could be a setting simply associated with water. At the beach or a water park. In the locker room. They don't even need to get wet necessarily. Even scenery involving water in any degree - like a garden with a central water fountain - I've always been attracted towards something with water as the backdrop to some nice smut. There's just something about water I can't stop associating with sensuality. I don't think I have an actual fetish, just kinks. But this is the closest I get to one.
All-the-way-through: Be it tentacles or cum. Assume some force is in play that somehow prevents actual harm. Saved only for the absurd, extra smutty RPs.

Bestiality: This has to be done with the right circumstance. If we have an animalistic shapeshifter, then their true animal form could provide this while still being between two sentient individuals. Or the creatures are supernatural beings, like a goddess of pleasure ordering her loyal pets to provide her subject some service. There has to be some unusual force behind the act, not actual animals under normal conditions.

Body Markings: Tattoos. Scars and bite marks. Maybe they're enchanted, granting unique effects on the wearer. Or a brand of ownership by their master.

Body Swapping: Always a fascinating premise for an RP, especially between two already existing partners. I don't want this for drama though. Never was into the kind of embarrassing humor these freaky-friday scenarios often create. If this happens, the effects should purely remain between the two involved. Or the group involved, it could also happen to a bunch of people at once.

Bondage (Heavy): I'll admit, I don't have much writing experience for this. Partly the reason why I'm not putting this on a higher list. But I know I've had the itch to try this sometimes. Without much experience though, I can't really tell you what would encourage me to use this.

Gender Transformation: Doesn't really fit in most RPs of mine, but it has been a useful kink to help add some flavor. It often overlaps with my liking of sexual awakening or virginity, where the person involved is given a new perspective on pleasure and finds it more enjoyable than what they once had. Honestly, it can appear for any number of specific reasons. One time, I used it when my writing partner wanted a bisexual character but also wanted a strictly monogamous RP. Served as a nice loophole to that restriction. I don't usually use this as the primary theme of an RP though. (except maybe the body swapping)

Hyper Excessive Cum: It's one thing when the guy busts half a liter over what his stones should realistically carry. It's another when they keep climaxing for a minute straight and fill an entire bathtub for her to bathe in. Most RPs, I'm not interested in having this. But just like the All-the-way-through kink, I can find this fun for the more absurdly smutty RP.

Immortality: Once a person no longer has to worry about pesky things as eating, drinking, sleeping, or breathing. And their bodies no longer can be injured in any way, no matter what is thrown at them. And not even pain is registered in their bodies, all nerves set to feel only one specific thing. Then a whole new world of possibilities opens up for them. New facets of the universe they normally would never experience are now within their reach. The question is: what do those facets have to offer, and how much can it get them shaking and moaning? Another concept potentially for the more absurd RP.

Incest (Sibling): Creepy IRL. Hot when written the right way in fiction. Though I tend to only use this in group scenes. One of two partners brings in their sister/brother for some extra kinkiness. Younger sibling is caught spying on the older one and their mate. Someone gets caught up in a threesome with two hot twins. That sort of thing. Don't think I ever really was into one-on-one incest, save for between twins perhaps? Or maybe in those more fantastical setups involving a doppelganger that triggers a forced selfcest scene.

Inflation: And yet another concept for the absurd RPs. Presumably some supernatural force is allowing her body to stretch like a water balloon. Can't say for certain when or if I might want something like this. Best guess I can make based on previous experience is: if we already have more absurd, over the top elements in the RP then chances are this'll get thrown in as well.

Oviposition: Breeding is a kink of mine, but actual birthing doesn't feel sexual to me. But eggs are in some way like the ultimate bead toys. Fulfilling the breeding kink and sex toy kink at once. Has to be coming from something I find attractive though. Female getting bred by some like a dragon can be hot. A bunch of insects though is real yucky. Also doesn't have to follow the expected natural rules of production. This is already a fantasy scenario, so we can have extremely quick production. Popping them out only five minutes after getting bred.
Fisting: Always felt a little bit weird about this one. Not even in a negative way, just neutral. But I don't think I would be opposed towards having some scenes of this. And I enjoy pushing a bit outside realistic bounds of how big someone's manhood can be and still be able to penetrate without any risks. In theory, this shouldn't be much different?

Hyper-sized Body Parts: It's one thing when the people involved look like they just walked off a porno set, with all the drug and surgical enhancements it comes with. It's another when the guy looks ready for a baseball game with his built-in bat, or the gal looking like two jumbo-sized beach balls taped to a flagpole. As long as the proportions look naturally plausible (even if highly improbable) then I don't consider them to be under this category. That said though, I can see myself getting convinced to try this out anyways. Perhaps as a temporary side effect of something happening in the plot. Definitely not as a constant element throughout the plot. More of a one or two scenes only thing.

Incest (Parental): There's too many factors that often get in the way of enjoying this. Most of which you can probably guess! But there are some scenarios I've seen where I felt differently. Someone not related by blood but still is seen as a motherly/fatherly character. Or maybe a bit of voyeurism. The parent(s) watch with pride towards their grownup child. Or the child watches the parents going at each other trying to learn from them, whether they know they're being watched or not. Maybe if the RP allows for something like this and it feels like it could work, then we can try? It's not something that we'll be planning for, that's for sure.

Mouth Vore: Okay, this is weirdly specific. This has to be right on the edge, my marking point before crossing over into the forbidden stuff. I'm not into vore. But I do kinda get it. I had a friend that was into soft vore and was able to explain the whole kink to me. I think I may even be able to write a scene based on what I learned, if challenged to. (I will only take cash.) But I'm never gonna intentionally look around to write such stuff. With one tiny exception that, I'll admit, I've been curious about. It'll have to involve extreme macro/micro play and involves the established tiny character residing in the mouth of the other and stays only in the mouth. No swallowing. For one, they can still see the outside, and by extension can realistically still breathe! And two, it does seem to cross borders with my enjoyment of tongue play. Since it'll probably be used as a large body pillow that'll actually reciprocate back towards the person laying on it - for once. Never tried writing such a scene before. No idea if I would like it or not. Strictly curious.

Non-con: I've psi-waved a lot on this subject over the years. The question of where's the crossing point between dub-con and non-con is hasn't exactly simplified the issue. I do know for certain though I'm not a fan of hard rape, that's a hard pass. It can be a plot point somewhere, even depicted as such, though I'm not usually looking for serious plots to begin with. What I might play out though are scenarios that technically function as dub-con but feel like non-con. Or maybe it's the other way around. Take the stereotypical hentai scene:
She's being forced down onto the bed. He didn't even wait, he just stripped her down and started pounding away. She keeps pleading for him to stop, crying and screaming for help. But something more frightening steals her attention, as she notices how much her own body begins to betray her. It thrusts and arches back on its own. She moans and cries with ecstasy more and more uncontrollably, against what she wants to say. As soon as he finally bursts inside her, she immediately climaxes harder than she ever has. Her horrifying thoughts afterwards isn't so much about just being raped as it is about how much she actually enjoyed it, without any understanding as to why.​
... Umm... Maybe I am a weeb.
Bad Endings: Call me an IRL softy, but I need the characters I play against to ultimately love the experience. They may not be willing or enjoying things at first, but by the end they wouldn't give up the experience for anything else. This goes completely against that. Maybe there could be a dubious 'good' end, but it'll have to be written well.

Bathroom: Let's please try to pretend everyone is staying sanitized. Leave numbers one and two out of it.

Breath Control: It's one thing when someone needs to hold their breath for a bit, like while underwater or deepthroating. But at genuine risk of suffocation? I can't wrap my head around it...

Death: ... In fact, let's just try not to fuck anyone to death in general? Again, I don't like bad endings. I think I'm fine with it happening on the plot side of things (depending on the RP) but definitely not smut.

Fandoms/Actual People: This comes across as icky to me. Which is expected when talking about actual people, but even fandoms create the same feeling of... desecration, I guess? Might be an over dramatic word. Even if I never really cared about a particular fandom in general, I don't want to do it. Don't entirely know why. Obviously, there are some existing characters and real people I absolutely find sexually attractive. But actually using them in an RP feels sort of messed up. Now like I said earlier, we can take inspiration from them. If you have a reference (drawing, photo, anime, etc.) and want to go "This person, but not actually the person." Then I'm good for that.

Gore: A little scratching and biting in the right spots is one thing. Doesn't mean I want a slasher RP.

Old: At the very least, they should look like they still have their sex drive in the first place. They can be old but still look young, be it eternal youth or extremely slow aging. But I'm not interested in smut with a bunch of raisins. >_>

Underage: Stay legal, please.

Unusual Penetrations: In through the ears, nipples, belly, other areas I'm sure I'm forgetting, I don't get those at all. I'll skip.

Vore: Already explained. Aside from that one very specific, very dubious exception.
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