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Fx Male Looking for a smutty tale of corruption, mild humiliation, exhibitionism!

Flying Tengu

Oct 26, 2012
Hello, and welcome! I've got two ideas that I'm interested in right now, based on the thread title:

1) A Conquered Queen
In this story, a nation, either sophisticated humans or elves, is facing defeat at the hands of their enemies. The young queen manages to arrange for a diplomatic end to the war. However, at the signing of the peace treaty, the enemy general seizes her, strips her, plays with her body, and finally has his way with her in front of her advisors. While she and they are both thoroughly embarrassed by this, both she and they also realize just how much she enjoyed it. And so, while life goes on in the new order, others seek to take advantage of this newly discovered side of the beautiful young queen, and fulfill their own fantasies with her...

2) First Contact
This story has a lot of similarities to the first! Humans have been travelling the stars for some time, but are still new to the galactic scene. They meet an older, more advanced race, superior in numbers and technology. The (fairly humanoid) aliens offer to engage in a peace ritual with the one of the humans. My character, a gorgeous young officer, accepts.

As it turns out, the peace ritual involves stripping and thoroughly pleasuring her, before the alien leader has sex with her in front of both crews. And, just as above, while embarrassing, this awakens something in both my young officer and her shipmates, as they seek to take advantage of her awakened weakness to pleasurable submission...


Huh, after writing those, I wonder if I prefer the second one!

So! Let me know if you are interested in these things! Besides what I've mentioned already, I'm looking for heavy dubcon, and multiple characters to be paired (although generally on a one on one basis) with mine. And what's in my F-List! Please read that, and make sure that you're not deviating much from either my interests, or the above ideas.

Thanks for reading!
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I've had some interest in this, but I would take a little bit more! Especially in the First Contact story.
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