Mx Female A Slice of (Final) Fantasy (some canon character pairings, m fur x f human)

Ren Olvry

Dec 22, 2012
Basic idea is, stories rarely told, pairings that aren't seen much (or would be entirely out of canon)! I love the idea of what-if scenarios, companions becoming closer, all of that sort of thing. So, with this little bit out of the way, on to the good stuff, stacked in order of what I'd love to play out!


Nanaki/Red XIII x Aerith
A bit of minor inspo for this (semi-NSFW)
Possibly the most obvious FF pairing to go on here, especially after Hojo tried to... well. What I'm looking for for this one isn't so much 'what if they really did it then and there', but something taking place later. Maybe there's always been tension, between that and the two of them being the last of their respective kind.

Possible ideas:
-Getting caught again
-Relaxing/helping with her troubles
-Maybe even branching off on their own for a time, at Costa del Sol or the Gold Saucer or somewhere else


Fratley x Garnet
A bit of a more... unusual pairing for the next one, but one I think could be fun to play out. A Princess and heir of a nation that destroyed Burmecia, and Burmecia's greatest, lost knight finding some form of solace (and, perhaps, having some degree of his memories back).

Possible ideas:
-A bit of divergence from canon, but him helping get her out of the castle
-A meeting, after everything's been settled
-Maybe even an arrangement where he's sent to guard her, to try and improve relations after everything her mother did


Nanaki/Red XIII x Tifa
A bit of a different take than him with Aerith, but one that can be fun to hold between the two folks in the group that fight more directly with fists and feet (or claws and teeth). Both raised and trained as fighters, which could easily lead them to some common ground.

Possible ideas:
-A bit of a spar, and winding down
-Dealing with the loss they've both faced, within their families and homes
-Similar to above, branching out somewhere for a little to relax

Not a wholly comprehensive list, and I'm certainly open for other pairings with Burmecians, potentially Moomba (FF8), maybe Ronso, but my preference is on the above pairings right now!

  • At least one paragraph with decent spelling and grammar; everyone has their little struggles or typos, and that's no big deal (I tend to average 2-3 paragraphs)
  • Female partner (doesn't have to be female in real life, so long as the character is), age 16+
  • Some story will be involved; it doesn't necessarily have to last long, but I like at least some lead-up to the smut
  • If you're not comfortable with something or don't know where to go, please tell me; I'm plenty easygoing
  • I don't check in on this thread very often, so please PM me with an idea of what you'd be interested in!
  • I rp here through PM's or threads
  • To quickly state it outside the F-list: I'll consider dub-con, but rape for any of these isn't something I'll play out
  • F-List
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