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Looking for awesome yaoi and het smut on messengers >3

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Jan 18, 2009
I would love to roleplay some yaoi and het. I'm mostly a dom, a seme, if you will, so I'm looking more for submissives. I'm usually very heavy on the smut. I can certainly do a plot, however marginal, that will get to the good parts, although some of the kinks may be plot-intensive if you want to make it so. It all really depends on what we're playing and how I'm feeling and so on. Regardless, sex is in there so I must ask that you be over 18. You should be if you're here, anyway.

-In general, what I go for-
I love intensity in my RPs, mostly toward the sexual end of it. The more graphic, the better. Teasing, foreplay, the sex, the love, all of it. So if you're in it for the smut, however naughty or dirty or just plain awesome you want it, I might be the guy you're looking for. As for whether I prefer het or yaoi, it doesn't matter to me. They're both great.

Speaking of smut, there are some kinks out there that I'd be willing to try. Anything with magic, hypnosis, time travel, pregnancy. Well. That's a random list right there. XD There's more I can't remember, but you can always ask me if I like whatever you do. There's a Rabbit Hole link right here with more of those things.

I do originals (pretty much anything, like your basic band thing or a sweet uke white elf and a horny, seductive black elf connecting in some forest somewhere) but I find it even more fun to do fandoms. I'm huge on Naruto and FMA along with older titles like Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yuugi, and Escaflowne. I also REALLY want to RP Soul Eater, though it probably wouldn't have much smut (yet, anyway, I need to actually be the characters a bit)

Also I like doing historical RPs, be it Greece or Rome or something generally in the past.

I also have a new plot idea concerning a rabid yaoi fangirl/fujoshi and a male yaoi fan. :p Lame, I know.

-Where to find me!-
As for messaging me, I'm messengers only. I have AIM at fivemonthsoff. If you want MSN or Yahoo, just tell me what you got and we'll go from there.

Hope to get to talking and RPing soon. Should be some great fun! ^^
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Bump it for the first time.
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

I'd RP with you but I hate RPing on AIM. ^^; I only do PMs.

Good luck. <33
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Thank you bump.
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

;raises hand enthusiastically; ^^'
I wouldn't mind role-playing with you on aim, just I don't want to be on my messenger for the rest of the night XD
So if you can wait until tomorrow then yes! <33
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Yay bump!
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Wooo bump.
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

AIM huh? I do AIM. -nodnod- Some days I'm busy and don't always want to be logged into a site just to have to RP with people.

Fandoms? Now you have me won over. But my style of tackling them is a bit odder than what you may be wanting.

Ah well, to see if you're interested, just click on "Request I" in my sig, for my no-plot, lets-just-get-right-to-it setup.

I know when I'm busy with stuff, I really don't want to rack my mind with a plot.

But yeah, go see my request, reply there or PM me or something. My AIM contact is there too if you wish to just fire an IM my way.

If nothing appeals to you out of what I crave, then take this as a good luck bump. ^^
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Morning bump.
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Newwww page?
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

Bump it again.
Re: Ok, one more time for a total yaoi and het pervert. 1x1 AIM!

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