Mx Female Sensationally Dubious : On the prowl to find the perfect partners~


Nov 3, 2022
Sri Lanka
Greetings! I'm relatively new to this forum, but I've taken the time to go through requests that go down here, and it seems like the perfect crowd to mingle with~ I am by no means a perfect roleplayer, as I had my initiation to this smut-filled hobby from chat-based roleplay sites. However, I would love to find partners that would be willing to play around with my various cravings and interests. The age old saying "Scratch my itch, and I will scratch yours" is alive and well, trust me. ;)

I'm interested in playing M/F and M/Futa. In the rare cases if the scenario really clicks, I might agree to play two male characters. Let's see how it goes!

Keep in mind, I'm not used to writing a lot per reply. I do a paragraph at minimum, and if the mood sets in and the content grows, I might write more as well. I'm very open in terms of scenarios and roles, so as long as our kinks match, we can converse and hopefully come up with something that we will both have fun playing through.

I like a healthy 50/50 mix of plot and smut in my roleplays, but depending on the scenario and how interesting it is, I don't mind working around this.

Let's get onto the important stuff, like the depraved kinky shit I'm into. Keep in mind that I'm pretty flexible when it comes to these, and this doesn't mean that I won't play RPs that do not include these.

Not gonna lie, I've always been interested in playing characters at age 15. There's something alluring about it, especially when the play happens between a younger gentleman and an experienced grown woman, intent on showing what being a grown up is all about. A good age gap certainly makes things exciting.

Cheating and other morally questionable implications
There's something sweet about having a character make impulsive yet sexy decisions, only for them to have reality set in and for regret to flush them, in the midst of the act. It's also super sexy to see long term bonds shatter due to sudden pangs of passion.

While consent is the sexiest thing in the world, I'll be lying if I didn't enjoy a little bit of dubious consent in the world of roleplay. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that this happens from just my character's end. It's quite the contrary...

...Because why let all that passion go to waste?

Semi-Public Scenarios
Anything ranging from getting it on in a dim theatre to two people doing the dirty on top of a table in a coffee shop.

Roughness all around
Safety's overrated. Who said you need to really care about whether the weight of your body is crushing the partner that she has been riding for the past 30 minutes? Finger nails dug onto someone's side as each thrust causing the grip to tighten and for bleeding to occur? No biggie.

Older partners
Not to be mistaken with characters that delve into GILF territory. It's simply a preference to play with characters older than my own.

An unhealthy obsession with rimming (both ways)
I wish I knew how to explain this, but I really don't. It is what it is. :3

and many more, for you to find out :D

I'm also open to roleplays set in franchises, as long as I'm familiar with them. I'll list out a few for those who might be interested.

  • Overwatch
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Sonic The Hedgehog
  • Street Fighter
  • Marvel/DC
  • League of Legends
  • Naruto
There might be more, but these are all that comes to mind as of now. Keep in mind that I prefer playing OCs in most of these RP. There's only a very small pool of characters that I prefer playing when playing fandom RPs.

If you're interested, please drop me a PM here, but you can probably reach me faster if you reach out to my Discord. MCSexuality#0760
I do also RP on Kik and Google Hangouts, but you will have to ask me on PM first for my details.

I hope all of you have a good day, and happy roleplaying. <3
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