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[CS] My character is your favorite celebrity! [NSFW]

Character Sheet


Oct 30, 2009
I love playing celebrities and I do not play them as just face claims, I ty to play them as close as I can get to being them. So if you found my RP Requests and found something you would like to try and roleplay with me give me a couple of suggestions of YOUR favorites and we'll see what we can do.

My favorites? Oh, that is a tricky question. My favorites are usually just the ones that never/rarely get picked so I have a feeling they are not everybody else's favorites. lol
Personally I rank character and how the celebrity fit into a plot is higher than youth or beauty. Or even fame! I do like a "fall from grace" with my celebrities but it doesn't mean it have to be the biggest stars in the world. Maybe I do know of your favorite British or American comedian, a former popstar or beauty who is struggling these days or some forgotten Vine-star or a celebrity wife or some lesser known actress that have a smaller part in a show that seemingly nobody watches? Or actresses you haven seen much of lately? Don't be afraid to ask!

Here is my list (from the RP Requests) but keep in mind that most of these names is there because RP partners suggested them to me in the first place so this list is not here to really limit who you can pick.

And I would prefer to not play any of them when they were younger or "before they were famous" because then they would "just" be some young woman and not the character we know today.

So of course there are a lot of celebrities that I simply do not know enough about to do them justice in a RP scenario. There are celebrities I know of but have no idea what their personality is.
  • Of course I recognize that pretty Victoria's Secret model but I have never heard her speak so I can't really make a character out of her. Just being pretty is not a character I can play.
  • Yeah, I know who Taylor Swift IS but she have never been on my radar and I don't have friends talking about her. Maybe it is a Swedish thing?
  • And there are some celebrities I know about but… just doesn't feel comfortable playing.
Oh, and I only play in 3rd person as it just feels weird to call your favorite celebrity "me".

I also do not play the celebrities as sluts, they do not look for the trouble they end up in.
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