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Fx Female The Satellites: The Idea That Brought Me Here

Oct 18, 2022
Hi everyone! This is my first request thread, so bear with me if it's trash. I'm going to try my best with it!

So, I posted an introduction (here:, but I'll give you the cliff notes of it just in case you don't want to read through it! My name is Eva and I'm pretty new to the roleplaying world having only just started off this year on a site that was less than reputable, I guess. As you'll see in this thread, I'm a huge sci-fi fan in the middle of a huge sci-fi obsession at the moment. As in, my usual love of the genre has been cranked up to infinity and beyond, and you can thank Disney putting Star Wars on their streaming platform for that. And also my friend sending me a PDF of the Esper Genesis rule book.

Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about the roleplays I'm interested in. Er, roleplay. I haven't had a lot of time to generate ideas šŸ˜“.

So, this idea is kind of an amalgamation of the media I've been obsessed with lately. It's kind of a mix of EG, Final Space, and the Broken Earth trilogy (though I'm being a bit careful about that last influence since it's about experiences that I don't have). The setting is essentially a generic space opera galaxy with all the basic trappings: starships, laser guns, aliens, technobabble, and the like. However, the galaxy is a much lonelier place than most space operas. Life is rare in the universe, and it's not often that the scale of cooperation or conflict exceeds the international level and escalate to an interstellar scale. You won't find an empire, imperium, or federation in this galaxy, mostly just individually space-fairing planets who are aware of each other but otherwise isolated in a cosmic sense.

That isn't to say that there are no synthetic similarities between civilizations. Since before recorded history, superstructures known only as the Satellites have floated either in orbit around most planets in the galaxy or tidal-locked with them. They're completely impenetrable, and no traces of the metallic material that they're made of have been found planetside. In other words, they can't really be observed or studied. Most planets are just content to just ignore them and treat them as fancy, most-likely synthetic moons. It is these mysterious structures that my rp idea revolves around.

So, here's a brief description of my character (it's related to the Satellites, I swear): Elanor Lightsend has always been somewhat of a drifter. She doesn't know her homeworld, though the fact that she's a human would imply that it is Hommesaria, the planet where humans originally evolved. She, however, didn't grow up on any planet. Instead, she spent her childhood onboard a research vessel, the Oracle, where she was subjected to dehumanizing experimentation. I won't go into detail because I doubt you're here to read about fictional child abuse, but I will say that it was bad. Bad enough that her first time doing what she would eventually call "channeling," it resembled the legend of Kari the Pale: the human with godlike power who slaughtered her tormentors in a gory display.

It's hard to explain what channeling is like to one who's never experienced it. Elanor's research vessel had landed on a planet for a brief moment when it happened, and it was like she had a second, non-physical body floating above her physical presence. As though half of her consciousness was split between the particles of air around her and half still inhabited her body. The floating, non-physical half of her mind felt drawn to the Satellite directly above her, meanwhile her physical self could sense the minute particles of air around her. And if she could sense it, she could manipulate it. Elanor turned her newfound awareness against her captors, electrifying the air and shooting bolts of lightning from almost every inch of her body, destroying the ship, killing almost everyone onboard, and barely making it out alive.

Having grown up now, Elanor has been in and out of various planetary prison systems. She doesn't stay in one place too long; even if she wanted to, armored mercenaries tend to show up when she gets too comfortable and try to either kill her or capture her. She doesn't know why she can use the Satellites in the way that she does, she doesn't know where she's from, and after years on the run she doesn't care to find out anymore.

And that's about it for my ideas! As for the actual plots/roleplays, I was honestly thinking we could just come up with something together rather than finding some kind of right-away-defined outline. Let me know if you're interested!
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