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Trouble at the Barricade

Sep 21, 2013
'You can't go any further. This is a secure area.'

The driver got out of her car and stood defiantly by the barrier that blocked the country road.

'I'll go where I fucking well please.' Her tone was crisp and cultured, like an old fashioned school mam, which is what she looked like. Middle aged, straight brown hair streaked with grey, not much taller than five feet five if that, broad hips, wearing a white blouse and a pleated blue skirt, with black knee high boots.

The sergeant put his head out of the guard hut.

'Turn her car round, she probably can't reverse. And,' he added, checking out the woman who had now turned her back on them, 'teach her some manners. A slap or two on that fat ass should do the trick.'

The soldier grinned and approached the car. Yes, he'd enjoy putting her over his knee and giving her a good spanking.

'What the fuck are you doing?'

He hadn't heard her coming, so the voice was closer behind him than he expected.

'The Sarge told me to turn your car round for you.' He didn't bother looking at her.

'Take your fucking hands off my car.' Now the soldier turned. Maybe he'd teach her some manners before he moved the car.

He didn't see her foot coming. The first he knew was a sudden sharp pain cutting into his belly and his knees trembling. He stumbled back to the hut and collapsed into the door, retching.

'What the hell are you doing?' The Sergeant put down his mug of coffee and stared in amazement as the soldier spewed his breakfast onto the floor.

'S-s-she's r-r-ruptured m-m-me,' he managed to gasp before a spasm of pain doubled him over.

'Don't be ridiculous,' the Sergeant snapped. 'Pull yourself together and clean up this mess.' He strode out to deal with this irritating woman.

'Ma'am,' he addressed her politely but from a distance, 'you mustn't treat military personnel like that. They are entitled to respect.'

'Respect has to be earned.' Her tone was tart.

'Ma'am,' the Sergeant's tone matched hers, 'sometimes respect has to be taught.'

She straightened up and folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them upwards.

'And how might you do that, soldier?'

The Sergeant had a suspicion that she was flirting with him.

'A good spanking worked wonders with my kids.'

'Really? Well, I'm not a child any longer and it never had any effect on me when I was. Still,' she looked him up and down, 'you're welcome to give it a try, if you're man enough for it.'

'It sounds like a good thrashing with my belt is what is required.' The Sergeant unbuckled his belt as his spoke, watching the woman turn, raise her skirt and lean against the roof of her car. He was left facing a pair of flabby buttocks with the thin red line of her thong between them.

He did not put too much power into the first lash, but the way her buttocks wobbled as the blow landed and the red mark left as he pulled the belt away inspired him to greater effort. Apart from her buttocks, the woman had not flinched.

He put more power into the second stroke, which landed with a satisfying THWACK. Still the woman did not react.

It was not until the fourth blow that the woman reacted. She arched her back and let out a pained grunt.

Her heads and shoulders dropped after the fifth blow, but she pushed out her ass to receive the sixth.

For the seventh he hit her with the buckle.

'God, DAMN.' She shook her head, but did not complain or move away.

Her cheeks were glowing when the buckle hit home with the eighth blow.

'OK,' the Sergeant was surprised at how well she had stood up to his punishment, 'I think I've made my point, ma'am.'

The woman finally pushed herself upright and turned towards him. 'Did you enjoy that?' Her face was flushed, but it showed no sign of pain.

'Yes, ma'am, since you ask, yes I did.' The Sergeant replaced his belt. When he looked up, the woman was right in front of him.

'Let's see how much you enjoyed it?'

Her hand reached out and stroked his crotch. A smile spread across her face.

'You enjoyed it quite a lot.' The woman stroked his bulge and the Sergeant smiled back.

His smile froze as her hand slipped under his balls and gripped, like a vice.

He knew it was now her turn to challenge him, to see how much pain he could endure.

As her grip tightened, the woman twisted and pulled at his scrotum. His breathing grew harder and faster, his teeth biting his lower lip. 'PHEW' he blew hard, shaking his head, desperate to pull her hand away but refusing to give in.

Noticing that his legs were shaking, the woman pulled down, trying to force him to his knees, but he steadied him and resisted, making the pain more intense.

Suddenly, to his surprise, she released her grip and he staggered back. If he had hoped to get out of her reach, he was mistaken, because she immediately moved in close and brought her knee up into his crotch, nudging his balls, pressing harder as she spoke.

'You're tough, boy, like me, we're well matched. We could have some fun one day, maybe, but not know, eh? Your willy's shrunk now, hasn't it. No use to me. It's smaller than the other guard's, I bet.'

Her knee ground harder, forcing him up onto his toes.

'See you around, Sergeant.' She dropped her knee, then rammed it home, high and fast, crashing into his nuts. He slumped to the ground, shivering and moaning, aware only of spinning wheels and flying gravel. He managed to get to his knees before a spasm cut into his gut and he puked up his breakfast.

Now that she had gone and it was safe, the other guard walked over.

'How are you feeling, Sarge?' he asked with mock concern. 'You look like you could do with a rest. Tell you what, you go and lie down, while I clean up this mess.'

Neither spoke for the rest of their shift, each nursing his private pain.

It was only when their relief was due to arrive that the Sergeant spoke.

'How's it going, soldier? How do you feel?'

'The pain in my gut has gone, but I'm still sore. I've managed to piss, though, which is good, isn't it?' Having got no answer, he asked how the Sergeant was.

'Bit like you. The pain has eased but I'm still sore. Just glad I've had my kids already.' He tried to laugh but it didn't sound sincere.

They packed their kit ready for the transport that would take them back to camp.

'Look, soldier,' the Sergeant was tentative, something the guard had not seen before. 'I've been thinking. We don't need to report what happened, do we? Lots of paper work and medicals and God knows what. What do you say?'

The soldier nodded. He had been worried about the teasing he would get back at camp if it were known that he had been put out of action by a middle aged mom.

'So we won't say anything about it. This is just between us. No need for anyone else to know.' The Sergeant summed up their agreement as the transport was pulling up.

'You missed all the fun out here,' one of the relief laughed as he pushed past with his kit bag.

'Really?' the Sergeant avoided catching his colleague's eye. 'What happened?'

The other relief guard took up the story. 'This woman only drove onto the camp, straight past the entrance guard. She pulled up on the parade ground, marched over the Colonel and kicked him in the balls. He went down like a dud shell and she just drove off. No one tried to stop her at the gate, not after what she had just done.'

'How's the Colonel? Is he badly hurt?' the Sergeant asked their driver as they pulled away.

'Last I saw,' the driver grinned, 'was bags of ice being carried to his quarters.'
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