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Secrets of Spruce University | Part 1-The End-

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Character Name: Jon McNeil & Gordian Alva.
Player/Group: Madeline Abbott (@Rheya).
Location: Spruce University Gymnasium/Parking Lot.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

Other players besides Harj and Vergil slowly made their way out of the locker rooms and back onto campus grounds after the game. Everyone seemed to have the same feeling, that they were robbed of a fair outcome in the final seconds of the game, after so many agonizing moments of tight scoring and effort. Cohesion was weak, and only a few walked out in pairs or small groups, chatting lightly about the evening to come. No, most wanted to sulk and recharge, or find what solace they could in a bottle or companionship if they could.

The first player to walk out, Stanley Farrel, gave Madeline the most exhausted look, before brushing by without a word. But behind him, Jon McNeil, werewolf, who could be aggressive both physically and with boundless enthusiasm, was more than happy to step up to the plate to be asked. Shit, it was never usually him. Usually one of the others who put up double digit scoring numbers, like Harj or Vergil or Gordian. Who didn’t want to be quizzed about whatever by a cute girl?

And slightly behind him, Gordian exited the locker room, slumping a heavy bag over a broad shoulder, eyes lighting up in recognition when he saw Madeline but hung back in the rear, turning to watch Jon with an incredulous raise of his eyebrow. Really, this clown?

”Robbed? No, the other team just played their hearts out. We played our hearts out, they played their hearts out. It was a good game, very close, very tight. We came to dominate but they just wanted it more, you know?” Jon explained to Madeline in rapid form, speaking too fast because of his excitement. And he gave such a…boring answer. A good sportsmanship answer, so neutral and acceptive and absolutely not going to garner a glance or lick of attention. Not to mention, he was just trying to put a good spin on a shitty situation, thinking it made him, them, the team, look more honorable.

”Nah, what the hell? What game were you watching?” Gordian put in, hand on Jon’s shoulder to pull him back. Jon, despite his werewolf origins, was shorter and less imposing than Gordian, a vampire, on the court. And he knew it. The stats did the talking and Gordian put up way more, which in their little team hierarchy let him speak before Jon if he wanted to. Jon, pouting, let himself be usurped. But as Gordian came to the fore, he looked Maddy up and down and smiled, clearly admiring what he saw. He always did, didn’t he?

”Yeah we got robbed out there. The ref had it in for us. He was the same last year too, but we overcame that. He was just one step ahead this time.” Gordian remarked, giving Jon a glance to reinforce this was the narrative, all seemingly shared by the team. Shouldn’t go against the grain, right? Jon sulked away. ”But here’s something for my fans. This is just one game, one L on the scoreboard. We ain’t going to let it get to us.” He assured Maddy.

And sized her up again, his tongue playfully lingering at the corner of his mouth for a moment. ”What about my other favourite fan, you going to the party later?” He asked her, clearly not wanting to be on the record anymore.
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Character Name: Scarlett
Player/Group: Lilith ( @MsBloom ), Valarie ( @Kosmik_Khaos ), Maddy( @Rheya )
Location: Petes Seafood-> Elins place
December 14th, 2022

While the four witches walked out of the diner and along the boardwalk chatting about supplies and the after-party, Maddy's watch buzzed. Alerting everyone that it was getting later into the night. Time was moving very quickly. Scarlett thought about the conversation from Pete's Seafood and then thought about her aunt Camilla, who seemed so well-versed in the world of magic. Granted, she was several years older than her, but Scarlett wondered if she would ever get to that point. Witchcraft, in theory, was very interesting, but she needed to find out if it was a part of her interests the older she became. She hoped the solstice shed new light on this aspect of her life.

"I'll send you Corey's address!" Scarlett said as she waved to the already sprinting Madeline.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Elin's Place☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙​

When Lilith, Scarlett, and Valarie entered Elin's place, they seemed right at home. Scarlett riffled through the clothes for something to wear and settled on a skin-tight black jersey knit dress with long bell sleeves; the scalloped hems provided a gothic look that complemented her two-tone hair color. She had left her hair down and donned the same black boots from her outfit earlier in the day. Sitting at the edge of the bed, she flipped through a magazine.

"Who else do you think will be at the party?" Scarlett asked as she crossed her legs at the angles. " Also, would someone cover for me if Camilla calls? She thinks I'm at the library with Val. I don't want to go through another one of her: "You should be working towards the future, not spending long hours at parties, in the forest, blah.. blah... blah." while she spoke she pulled out her phone and texted Maddy the address to Corey's place:

Hey, Maddy-- Here's the address: Maps
Be safe ♡

Character Name: Evalyn
Player/Group: Vesper ( @ThatGeckoGirl )
Location: Ice rink
December 14th, 2022

Evalyn was not a master in the art of skating; she was just as clumsy as a dog placed on ice. But the giggles that erupted would outweigh all the nerves and yelps that escaped her lips.

"Josie kinda scares me. You think Harj is alright?"

Pausing and trying to catch her balance, she shrugged her shoulders, but that wasn't easy to see in her tan coat. "I mean...Some guys like that kind of girl." Evalyn thought about Leo; Tala was sweet, kind, and gentle... But she had no other comparison, and Vesper was incredible and lovely. " I'm concerned about Tala. After Leo and she broke up, she dated some guy named Ryan, and he's a jerk. And I feel protective because that's... like my sister? I mean, not biological sister, but... I've known her since I was a baby." Pushing forward, she reached her arms out to balance herself. "And Josie is nice, In her way--I've never had a problem with her, but they are too headstrong. And she's in every club, always going to his games, always there. That has to weigh on someone. She's basically a glorified trophy girlfriend. Sounds like a lot of work."

"Eva, your nose is all pink and cute,"

Eva's eyes crossed, and she giggled more when she saw how pink her nose was. She reached out to Vesper's hand and smiled warmly at the peck on her cheek before her expression changed the moment Vesper lost balance.

"Oh no! Vesper, are you okay?!" Eva asks, leaning over her girlfriend and lightly brushing the snow from her fair-colored hair. Without hesitation, she tried to help her up, keeping her knees locked, so she didn't fall over.

" I... I don't think this was an accident!" Eva laughed as she straightened herself, then immediately pulled her girlfriend in for a hug. Lifting her head to look at the sky. "Hey.. look at that!" She exclaimed, pointing to the sky with her mittened hands. When she felt Vesper was distracted enough, Eva playfully released her and started to skate towards the farthest side of the rink, her arms out to keep her balance.

"Last one to the party has to... I don't know... I'll make you drink some gross concoction!" Eva teased while glancing back.

Character Name: Leo// NPC Chet
Player/Group: Tala ( @ThatGeckoGirl ) Kahoni ( @Kosmik_Khaos )
Location: Petes Seafood-> Corey's place
December 14th, 2022

After Kahoni had ended his glass, the trip made their way to Pete's seafood--It seemed like old times. Laughing, talking about their shared time in the coast guard, and his classes, it all had seemed like a strange flip. He had lived this whole life and chose the university towards the end of his career. But either way, he felt more prepared. Occasionally, he stole glances at Tala but then diverted his attention to the ocean outside, to times in the middle of nowhere and in some of the harshest and coldest environments. Oh, how difficult it was to keep his wolf in check during the phasing process. But he wouldn't have traded it for anything.

"Well. It's getting that time. Should we head to Corey's" He had set his arm behind Tala's seat, but now he removed it and stood. Leaving a tip for the waitress, he headed out to wait for the others. Typically, Leo didn't smoke, but this would be a significant social event for him. That meant a lot of bodies, a lot of pent-up rages, alcohol, and whatever else he could imagine; he wanted to keep himself in check.

The party had already begun. The music thumped against the walls, rattled the glass of the beach house, and seeped into the sand. He recognized some songs and some he didn't, but Leo had an affinity for this type of music, much to his sister's dismay. Leo immediately found other werewolves hanging around in a group as they entered the home. He wanted to avoid them. Wolves tended to have firm opinions of each other, and while his father may have been their Alpha, he didn't want to talk about how "great" he was. They never saw Leo for who he was, even if his father praised him for his brief service. Leaving the town allowed Leo to find himself and what was necessary and vital. These guys would never know. They were wolves through and through. Would his presence make much of a dent in the security around Rockford? Grabbing a few beers from a cooler in the kitchen, he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

"Move, fish-boy." The voice came from Chet, one of the tree trimmers from his father's business. Chet had dropped out of high school, and Leo's father took him in and taught him the ropes. Literally!

"Fuck, man, I don't want to start shit," Leo said, holding up his hands, clearly tired of this man's presence. Chet wasn't even a blip on Leo's radar, but Leo was magnified a hundred times in Chets.

"I just think it's funny..." Chet started as he snapped up another beer from the cooler and ripped off the cap with his canine tooth. "...How you chose fish over your kind."

Leo couldn't be bothered to entertain this, but Chet stepped closer; somewhere in the night, he had lost his shirt. And the closer he got, Leo could tell the wolves had been scoping out the forest. With the hand holding the beer, he poked his middle finger into Leo's chest. "You're a traitor, man. A damn traitor."

"Whatever, man. It's a career." He said, trying to move away and nearly tripping over the cooler. "Maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you'd know what that was." With that, Leo filtered back into the party. Chet, on the other hand, glowered at Leo, his tension only building before he looked past Leo and to the others who were waiting for their ring leader, and with a cock of his head, the other werewolves filtered into the crowd.

Character Name: Josie
Player/Group: Harj ( @BennyQ ), Vergil ( @ThatGeckoGirl )
Location: Harj's Car-> Campus
December 14th, 2022

Josie glared as he slammed the door, and she leaned against it to watch him yell at her.

" Jesus, woman, you act like you were the one who got screwed out there. Not you. Me. I was the one on the court, alright? Kuthi jinani."

The Harpy had crossed her arms in the car and was silent. She never snitched to her parents. Somehow they always found out. How could Harj say these things to her? How often did she say that to him?

This seemed to send Josie into a fit, and she started crying, "I don't even know what you're saying!" She held her face in her hands, smearing the mascara on her palms before he got in and turned in his seat to yell at her more.

"I don't care what this...This fucking Lebron James is doing..." Then she paused, sniffled, and looked at him as if something had become apparent. "--So you LIED to me!" She accused. "You said you hit the ref! What... What now? You're lying to me!?" She crossed her arms and slammed herself into the back seat as Harj drove, trying to figure out what he meant by his words, "calm down." How could he say that? She was calm until he did this! Josie was silent, and as Vergil got out, Josie wiped away the black makeup from under her eyes. She liked Vergil. He was kind... and sweet, and she thought he was a good friend for Harj. So it was embarrassing when these fights happened, but she couldn't stop herself. She was far too reactive to scale back and let it go-- nothing ever got done that way.

" Why are you taking this so personally anyways? Relax, girl. Nobody is going to be talking about you, anyways."

"You never understand me! You need to figure out what I do around this campus and how many things must accomplish, then maybe you'll have respect for me! You know that jobs want good, solid applications. What would it look like if... if they saw this!" She leaned forward, and her shoulder started to shake, and she cried, though truthfully it wasn't genuine, it was for a show; he must know this by now.

"And.. and poor Vergil! You always make me look bad in front of your friends!" She held out her hand and retracted it as Vergil returned. She leaned forward. "I don't want this poor boy to see us fighting, okay, so cállate." Quickly Josie turned away and started to rifle in the back of the trunk of Harj's Jeep, acting like everything had been resolved.

"Baby, look! I did pack a dress. It must have been from the last party. I'll just change into it when we get to Corey's, okay?" She pulled the slinky neon pink dress up and out of the back then folded it neatly onto her lap. Then Josie sat up in her seat, prim and proper, smiled at Vergil, turned her head to look back out the window into the night glared, and rolled her eyes at Harj in the rearview mirror.
Character Name: Lilith Morgan

Player/ Group: @Kosmik_Khaos @Kassia @Rheya

Location: Elin's apartment.

December 14.

Once Valarie and Scarlett had arrived and everyone had had a shot or two Lilith changed into her dress while Scarlett went through most of Eli's wardrobe before finding a dress she liked.
"I wore that to Halloween last year," Elin commented now regretting that she hadn't thought of it for herself. Then again the outfit she had laid out and told Scarlett was the only thing off limits, a short black skirt with white stripes and a long sleeve shoulderless top which she wouldn't wear a bra underneath wasn't half bad looking either, or as Lilith put it: "Smoking hot," with an added whistle and a wink.

While getting dressed Elin had downed another two shots and was starting to get into her party persona, playful, giggly and teasing. For instance after Lilith's comment she gave her a quick playful lap dance before bouncing towards the center of the room continuing to dance to Cinderella Snapped.
"Oh that's right ... I just remembered," she suddenly said.
"I managed to score some pot earlier today."
She went to the kitchenette and took out a small plastic bag with two prerolled joints in it which she shook invitingly before taking one of them out. She lit it and took a deep drag and as she let the smoke out slowly held it out for any of the other witches to have a drag if they wanted to.

Lilith got up off the couch and opened the window to the garden, where she knew her mum had a little patch of marijuana of her own, had Elin only asked she probably wouldn't have paid for it. She then took the joint from Elin. Took a drag of her own and held it out towards Valarie and Scarlett.
Character Name: Vesper Agnolo
Player/Group: Eva (@Kassia )
Location: Ice Rink
Time: December 14th, 2022

"Hmmm, you're right. It does sound like a lot of work," Vesper mused. She hadn't thought of Josie and Harj's relationship quite like that. She felt she always noticed the rising tension between them. Plus, she got the scoop from her twin. There were no secrets between her and Vergil. Vesper didn't know Tallulah Neith very well, but she had met her a few times being Eva's girlfriend. Tala always seemed to be really nice and sweet. Was she really dating some jerk? "Hopefully Tala will realize the guy she's dating isn't good for her. Maybe it'll just take a bit more time for her to recognize that," She said, wanting to try and ease her girlfriend about the situation.

"Ooo what are we looking at???" Vesper piped up happily as Eva drew attention to the sky. Her arms were tightly wrapped around Eva's waist as she hugged her. She gazed up at the sky with sparkling eyes, searching for whatever it was that her girlfriend had spotted. The idea that Eva was just trying to tease her didn't even register in her mind. Vesper was as gullible as they came. She was just too pure. So, she was shocked when Eva suddenly pulled away and issued a challenge!

"H-Hey! No fair, you have a head start!" Vesper yelped with a small laugh.

Using the wall, she pushed herself off to the broad expanse of the ice. There wasn't anything to grab onto to aid in her journey. She was racing Eva to the party! The last thing she wanted to drink was something gross. For a split second, Vesper eyed one of the push bars kids got., she couldn't snag one. That would be too cruel! She would win off her own merit! Just one step at a time! Step, step, glide. Step, step, glide. Eventually, she'd make her way there and bring in victory! No gross concoction for her. Vesper bit her lower lip in concentration as she kept her arms out for balance and stepped as quickly as she could.

She was motivated. Eventually, Vesper was able to get to the far side of the rink like Eva had. All that was left to do was take off the skates, return them, hop in her car, and make it to Corey's party. Once she stepped off the ice, Vesper awkwardly jogged towards the benches in the lobby. She plopped down next to Eva and began to quickly unlace the skates. Once she got one off, Vesper slung the leg over Eva's lap to impede her own actions. "Distraction!" She beamed after her 'attack.' Vesper tugged off her last skate then started to slip on her boots. "I'll see you there, Eva! I'm totally going to beat you," She cheered, pausing for a moment before cupping Eva's cheeks in her hands and kissing her. The kiss was passionate, but far too short lived.

"There's more where that came from when I beat you to the party," Vesper winked before quickly pulling back, "Love you!"

She rushed her skates up to the counter to get them returned, hopping foot to foot as she waited in line for her turn. The moment it was, she gave the worker her skates with a chipper 'thank you,' then jogged out to her car. At this point, she had no idea if Eva was ahead of her or not. All she knew was that she needed to get to the party! Vesper hopped into her car, started it up, and began to speed off, within the speed limit of course, to Corey's house.

Character Name: Tallulah "Tala" Neith
Player/Group: Leo (@Kassia ), Kahoni (@Kosmik_Khaos )
Location: Corey's Party
Time: December 14th, 2022

The vibration of the beat from the music thrummed in Tala's chest. It was something she felt she could never get enough of. These kind of strong beats weren't like the vibrations she felt from the ocean. At all. It felt thrilling. No matter how many times she experienced that whole-body experience of the music thrumming through her, she never got enough of it. The manner of the music never mattered to her. It could be rap, pop, metal, anything. A smile spread across Tala's lips without her even thinking about it. It had been a long time since she had gone to something like this with her friends. God, she was excited. She was happy that she decided to come here with her friends instead of turning them down. Leo walked off, probably to get drinks, and Tala turned towards Kahoni with bright eyes. "Do you feel the same kind of thrill from music like this that I do?" She asked, raising her voice in order to be heard over the beats of the music and clamor of voices from all the guests. Tala bopped up and down on the balls of her feet to the beat of the music. There was so many people! Not a lot of people recognized her here, which was good. Maybe they'd feel awkward if they knew she was an off-duty cop.

"Leo! You're back!" Tala beamed happily as he returned with some beers. She snagged one of the cans he brought back with him and opened it. "Thanks for the drink!" She winked at him, clinking it against his even if it wasn't opened and taking a swig. Ah yes, the refreshing taste of a college party's cheap beer. There was nothing like it. It was the kind of beer you wanted to drink quickly so you could get to the next one. It was perfect for nights like these, where getting intoxicated and having a good time was the goal of the night. Tala tossed an arm over Leo's shoulders naturally without thinking. It just felt normal for her to do. "So, what would you guys like to do?! Dance a little? Get drunk first? Play drinking games?" She asked in bubbly excitement. It had been way too long since she's gone out with friends like this to have fun. Tallulah was ready to make the most of it!

Tallulah hadn't seen the situation Leo ran into with other werewolves. Where he had been at the cooler had been out of sight for her. Plus, she had been talking to Kahoni. As far as she knew, this night was going to be a good time and be without issues.
Character Name: Madeline Abbott
Player/ Group: Jon McNeil & Gordian Alva (@BennyQ)
Location: Spruce University Gymnasium
Time: December 14th, 2022

Maddy perked up as the enthusiastic werewolf made his way over to her. After being passed by the sulking player, she thought she may have to resort to interviewing an attendee rather than one of the Lancers. Students would want to hear from the players, not their classmate. The fact that Jon wasn't one of the star players mattered little to her. The witch scarcely knew much about her university's basketball team. She'd heard, what she assumed were the star players' names in passing; Khanna, Agnolo, Alva, but aside from that, she'd mostly kept to her small group of friends, the school newspaper, and her non-academic studies.

Nearly matching Jon's enthusiasm, she began quickly transcribing word-for-word onto her notepad. She'd expected the player to give a passionate interview about how the game had been stolen at the very last minute.

ℳ𝒸𝒩ℯ𝒾𝓁 - "ℛℴ𝒷𝒷ℯ𝒹? 𝒩ℴ, 𝓉𝒽ℯ ℴ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇 𝓉ℯ𝒶𝓂 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎ℯ𝒹 𝓉𝒽ℯ𝒾𝓇 𝒽ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈....
Almost immediately, her pen stopped.

Uhh...wait, what? What alternate reality was this? Maddy may not have known much about the game, nor did she notice the slap by the Matador's alarmed defender but judging by the uproar in the stands and on the court, more than playing their hearts out had been at play. "So, you don't feel like the ref missed a call-?" She started before Gordian stepped in, pulling his teammate back and taking the forefront. The vampire voiced what the girl was thinking, albeit less tactfully.

"Last year... Any idea why he has it out for the Lancers?" It was pretty bold to claim the referee had it out for the team, but she'd be more than happy to print it assuming the Lancers' guard had more than just 'because I feel cheated' to back it up. The vampire's glance towards his teammate didn't go unnoticed by the witch, to which she narrowed her eyes. "Like did something happened between him and a Spruce player or does he have a family member on Pinewood's team?" She inquired hoping Alva would give her something juicy to write that would almost certainly assure another big story in her future.

"Your other favorite fan? You must not have many because I don't even know your name." Maddy rested her pen at her side and tilted the notebook down, not-so-discreetly showing Alva that she had written McNeil's name down but not his own. She placed a hand on her hip, smirked, and sized him up just as he had her moments ago.

"I am, which reminds me, I should probably get going." The brunette pulled out her phone to see the text message from Scarlett with the google map link for Corey's address. Perfect. She'd already had her fill of testosterone for tonight.
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Character Name: Valerie Keoni

Player/ Group: Scarlett (@Kassia ), Lilith/Elin (@MsBloom ), Maddy (@Rheya )

Location: Pete's Seafood ----> Elin's place ----> Corey's party

Time: December 14th, 2022

Valerie ordered her favorite meal from Pete's, the fried oyster po'boy with a side of hushpuppies and a sweet tea with 3 lemon wedges. When her food and drink arrived Valerie quickly got to work on her food, the first lemon wedge was squeezed into the tea, the second was squeezed over the oysters along with a healthy dose of hot sauce, the third was for her and she happily bit into the sour fruit. The tang danced through her mouth and instantly set her mouth to watering. Putting the cleaned peel on the side of her plate she took a the first bite of her sandwich and made a very unlady like sound of bliss. Her arms even erupted in goosebumps from the simple pleasure of a good meal. The entire time she reacted like this her face never once twitched from it's placid expression. Valerie ate like she was being paid to do it, every so often letting out a sound of satisfaction and her small contributions to the conversation.

"I will take the place of the Crone if no one else want's it." She offered up after Scarlett stepped down from taking the place of the Priestess. Turning to face Scarlett she gave the girl a supportive look somehow without changing her expression. She let the subject change to where they would meet up to pre game for the party. "Okay, we can meet you there, I need to swing by the house on the way over to get an outfit for myself." Valerie's house was on the way and the tall girl wasn't likely going to fit in anyone else's clothes comfortably. Saying her good byes to Maddy giving her a definite maybe on joining the paper. She finished her food and while waiting for Scarlett to finish she went up and paid for both of their meals. Coming back to the table she dropped some bills down to add to the tip. She had given Scarlett a ride from the school to Pete's and was going to be taking her to the party later as well.

Leaving with the restaurant she opened the Jeep's passenger door for Scarlett, closing it behind her then entering the car herself. Buckling her seatbelt she started the Jeep and pulled out of Pete's and started off towards her house. Once she was moving with the flow of the light traffic she took her right arm from the steering wheel and put it on the center armrest. A moment later she slid her arm over just a tiny bit so it was resting against Scarlett's. Val's knuckles gently brushed over the back of Scarlett's hand before her pinky reached out and hooked with the other girls. She drove in comfortable silence with her until she had to take her hand away to make the turn to her house. "I'll be right back, I'll change at Elin's". With that Valerie got out of the car and with her long legs quickly ran into the house. Less than two minutes later she was jogging out with several pieces of clothing loosely tossed over her arm. Opening the door she carefully tossed them in the back and then got in ready to head to Elin's now.

It only took them a few more minutes to get to their destination and make their way to Elin's apartment. Seeing the others changing right there Valerie shameless stripped out of her school outfit revealing she did not wear underwear. Pulling on the leather pants she brought she had to shimmy a little to get them up all the way. She then donned a simple white short sleeve shirt and a black denim jacket to complete her outfit.

Valerie agreed that they all looked smoking hot tonight. "We're definitely going to be catching attention tonight." Accepting the joint Valerie smoothly inhaled and held the smoke before tilting back her head and exhaling the smoke into a series of rings. "Not bad. Almost as good as Uncle Joe's." She remarked looking down at the joint in hand before passing it off to the next person. "It's Corey Taylor throwing the party. Everyone will be there. Do you think the Kelekolio cousins will somehow start a dance off again?" She asked amusement in her voice. "Yeah, if she calls any of us can cover for you. No need to worry, tonight we're going to have fun."

Standing up Valerie looked around the room and spoke up. "Well ladies, I think we are ready, Scarlett and I can take my Jeep, if you and Elin want to take your car Lilith?" After figuring out the rides Valerie made her way to Corey's, twenty minutes later parking to a house that was already clearly in the throws of a party but it was easy to see there were going to be more bodies arriving over the next few hours. "Are we meeting Maddy out here or inside?"

Character Name: Kahoni Kelekolio

Player/ Group: Leo (@Kassia ), Tala (@ThatGeckoGirl )

Location: Pete's Seafood ----> Corey's party

Time: December 14th, 2022

After his class Kahoni met back up with Leo and Tala at Pete's for food. He listened to their stories about serving together and told Tala about his role in the new production the school would be putting on. He was enjoying the company and food, a good way to end the day and start the night off right. He followed Leo and Tala to Corey's place where the party had already started. Corey Taylor himself somehow manifested near the door and greeted them all to the party giving them quick directions to all the relevant places in the party before disappearing again.

Watching Leo take off to grab the first round Kahoni started to move his body. When Tala turned to talk at him he returned her beaming smile. "I see why he loves you." He said out loud at how happy she looked but not too loudly. "Oh yeah! This is like paradise." He said much louder this time, his body moving more to the music as he felt the beat wash over him. Seeing Leo return he accepted the offered beer. "Thanks bro." He said before following suit and popping his can and clinking it to Leo's before chugging half the can. If it wasn't for his long hair, the others could have sworn Kahoni's ears literally perked up at the mention of dancing. "Yes! Let's dance!" Finishing his beer he handing the empty back to Leo. "You're too slow so I'm stealing your lady." He teased as he took Tala's hand and all but pulled her towards the "dance floor" that was the temporarily emptied dining area, which was massive.

Once he had Tala on the dance floor he let go of her hand and turned to her his body quickly finding the beat as he danced. "How long do you think I can get away with stealing you from him like that before he cuts in?" He asked with laughter on his face and in his voice.

Character Name: Alaula Kelekolio

Player/ Group: All at party

Location: Corey's Party

Time: December 14th, 2022

Alaula was just leaving her last class of the day when her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Pulling out the device she saw the message was from 'CMFT'
Hey sweet buns, you gonna be at the party tonight?
She snorted at the message before replying that of course she would be. Now having something to do for the night Alaula changed course. She was going to the library for a little while before hitting the gym but now she was going to go to the gym, then get ready for the party. She kept her workout light and only did an hour before she wrapped up and headed home. She couldn't decide on she wanted to wear.

After nearly half an hour of debate she looked at her phone and pouted at it. "I'll show you sweet buns Mr. Taylor." She said to the phone deciding on what she was going to do. Alaula spent the next couple hours going all out to doll herself up. Standing in the full body mirror of her bedroom she struck a pose and checked herself out. "Damn I look good." Giving herself praise she gave herself a few more poses to admire and ended with blowing herself a kiss with a wink. "Now to go fluster that punk." She said as she left her apartment.

Ten minutes after leaving she arrived at the party which has just started to pick up. Making her way to the house she couldn't help but grin at the looks she got. She loved the admiration, the desire, the jealousy, envy and even the hate. She worked hard for her body and she loved it being seen. Going to the door she went in and just like with every guest that stepped though Corey emerged from the crowd like he was summoned. He started to wave but stopped midway of lifting his hand and just stared at Alaula. She smirked at his dumbstruck look then gave him a full spin to show off her outfit. "Holy damn and hot shit!" He finally was able to speak after a moment of looking her up and down. "Where are the buns?" He asked looking pointedly at her straightened hair. "You can't be sweet buns without the sweet buns!" He said in almost a whine.

Giving the man a flat look she let out an exasperated sigh. "Really Corey, come to your door looking like this, with these" She reached behind herself to grab her own ass with both hands. "sweet buns on display and you are whining about my hair?" Corey looked at the woman knowing he had put his foot in his mouth, but being Corey "Mother Fucking" Taylor, he decided he could easily fit the second foot. "The dress is nice and anyways, I've seen you in less than that." He said dismissing her with a shit eating grin. Alaula let out a bark of laughter and punched Corey in his chest, not to hard though. He stepped back from the blow and rubbed his chest. "Did you just boob punch me?" He asked disbelievingly. "Yeah I did punk." They both looked at each other for a long moment before both laughing. When they finally were able to stop Corey pointed out where everything was and assured Alaula that she did look great before slipping back into the party moving from guest to guest with practiced ease.

Following the given directions she found one of the mixing stations and made herself a rum and coke and carried it with her deeper into the party dancing with the music as she moved not really paying attention to who was around her, just enjoying the life of the party.
Character Name: Gordian Alva.
Player/Group: Madeline Abbott (@Rheya).
Location: Spruce University Gymnasium/Parking Lot.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

Last year... Any idea why he has it out for the Lancers?

”Everyone has it out for the winners.” Gordian retorted to Madeline, brow furrowed in mock confusion as to why she wouldn’t know that. Maybe because she didn’t win like they did. He could teach her though, show her what it meant to be a champion, if she acted right. Didn’t seem likely though. ”Just what it means to be successful. The more haters you got, the better in life you must be doing.” Gordian smirked at her. Or you were just an asshole who naturally created haters.

Like did something happened between him and a Spruce player or does he have a family member on Pinewood's team?

”Refs are always corrupt. Look at the NBA, the refs be taking bribes and being selective on what calls they make.” Gordian informed her, though that was just a conspiracy theory and hardly proven. It was proven at the college level though, with various tales out there about the mafia being involved and the whole concept of point shaving. Was there something deeper? He didn’t know. Maybe there should be. Maybe the dumbass ref didn’t know who Gordian’s father was and something ought to be done about that.

Your other favorite fan? You must not have many because I don't even know your name.

Gordian’s heart ached and he could feel the blood starting to pump at the very obvious slight, but on the exterior he managed to maintain a smirk and rolled his eyes. ”You should look into some glasses then, if you can’t read or see the names on the back of the jerseys. Maybe start there if you ever want to hack it as a…whatever you are.” He retorted in a casual tone. What sort of cheap journalism was this? Fuckin’ bitch, say that to me? He was definitely top three on the team. She expressed some desire to get going and Gordian didn’t stick around for that, shaking his head and sizing her up as he brushed past. Who did she think she was? She had no clue who she was messing with. All he had to do was slam her against the wall and wrap his hands around her pretty little neck and then she would learn. Oh, she was going to learn…

Character Name: Harj Khanna.
Player/Group: Vergil Agnolo (@ThatGeckoGirl), Josephine Rodrigues (@Kassia), Corey Taylor (@Kosmik_Khaos).
Location: Spruce University Dormitory -> Corey
Time: December 14th, 2022.

”Just send it.” Harj told Vergil, who did have the address, but in any event it would probably end up with Vergil navigating anyways, because that would be safest with Harj driving there. As for getting back, since he would be drinking, that was a river to be crossed at a different time. As they arrived, Vergil wisely got out, leaving the boyfriend-girlfriend couple to continue their spate in relative privacy, though that had never been an issue for them before. At parties, in the classrooms, the hallway at school, him and Josie could either be fiercely arguing or fiercely tonguing each other. There seemed no middle ground.

Anyways, back to the grind. He hadn’t even been listening to half of her harpy screeching. A small part of it was pleasing to hear. ”Someone is going to reject you from a job because your boyfriend got screwed over during a basketball game?” He asked her incredulously. He adjusted his rearview mirror again, catching sight of her teary eyes…and wasn’t remotely fooled. She cried over everything. Of course she’d cry over this. ”Oh relax, that man is a rock. He’ll be okay.” He waved off Josie’s concerns about Vergil. The man was literally too nice to ever hold a bad feeling about someone.

”What the hell you looking for?” He asked her when she began searching around the back. ”Heh, maybe you’ll find my mistress back there.” He teased and taunted her. Now he was asking for it. Literally stepping to the edge of the abyss himself.

That dress? No way. The entire mood shifted from being her opps to looking out for her. Well, not entirely. ”What? You ain’t wearing that. Don’t you understand, just how it’ll make me look?” He said, using her own words against her. ”What’s wrong with what you’re wearing? Or come in, you can wear one of my shirts. One of the nice ones.” He even offered her, which usually meant he was never getting it back but that was okay. He reached back and put his hand on her knee, shaking it encouragingly. ”Relax.” He said again, with a genuine smile. ”We can go shopping right now if you want.”

If she didn’t want to go home, or go shopping, or wait in the vehicle, she could come inside his and Vergil’s dorms and chill. He even got out and opened her door, like a gentleman, despite all the fire they spit at each other. Inside, Harj took a good shower, washing away the grime and sweat of the game, though he couldn’t shake off the occasional stab of regret, anger, and betrayal at the ending. In his room, he changed into his party outfit, black dress pants, an equally black turtle neck, and an equally black dress shirt. Perfect contrast for the gold chain and gold watch he adorned himself with. He did his hair up nicely, used the little comb again to straighten out the whiskers of his stache. If Josie wanted to raid his closet, she could. He had plenty of shirts she could nab, maybe even a jacket or hoody.

And no, he didn’t catch Vergil winking at himself.

”We good to go?” He asked his squad. ”Then let’s roll. Verg, your sister need a ride too or is she good?” He asked her, keys in hand. Together the trio could head back down to his whip and get on the way. Same arrangement, men in front, woman in the back. Vergil would have to help navigate Harj to Corey’s house, which they arrived too without further delay. ”What you gonna drink today?” Harj asked Vergil as they drove. ”Rum and coke? Beer? Maybe some cocktails, you know, Sex On The Beach. With a girl?” He teased Vergil. The man could pull any chick in that place, if he just was more outgoing. Any chick…and any dude, Harj figured.

He got out and again, he opened Josie’s door for her to slip out. And gave her butt a little pat as he shut the door behind her. And then together the trio could walk in. Corey was there to greet them at the door. ”What’s good, bud?” Harj declared, balling his fist together to bump the other man in greeting. ”You didn’t invite any Matador punks here, did ya?” He joked, knowing it would aggravate Josie at his side a little. She hated Harj getting into fights. He was trying to be in a good mood, but when he felt like no one was looking at him, he would drop his smile, and his cheer, and let the inner fury manifest in his expression and eyes. What a fuckin' day.
Character Name: Lilith Morgan / Elin Morris

Player/ Group: @Kosmik_Khaos @Kassia @Rheya

Location: Elin's apartment ->The Party

December 14.

"Right behind you," Lilith said and took one last drag on the joint before crushing it against the bottom of the sink an letting it drop into the drain. She grabbed her hooded black wool coat and instead of going out through the back like Valarie and Scarlett she and Elin went down to the garage and got into Lilith's yellow Miata X5 convertible which was nothing less than pure joy to take out on the open road in the summer, top down, loud music and high speed. It had been the first thing she had done with Elin as she moved in above the garage, a road trip up and down the coast. It was perhaps not as much fun to drive in the winter but she still loved her car.

It wasn't that long a drive before they pulled up on the private road that led to the party house. She didn't exactly know the host, or all that many of the others she had heard mentioned being invited but with her sister-witches all attending she was not about to miss what might be the second biggest even in Rockford that winter.

"Outside I think," Lilith said as she got out of the car hearing Val's question.
"I mean I thin we should make our entrance in style, as a coven, rather than just slipping inside."
"We're certainly dressed for it," Elin added and looked over at Scarlett.
"That dress looks absolutely stunning on you. And Lilith is dressed to knock the guys off their feet."
She then turned to Valarie with a smile.
"And those pants are absolutely lethal. You sure you don't need a licence to wear them in public?"
She giggled and felt as if she was already crushing this party, dancing to the only slightly dampened music coming from inside the house.
[information=Episode 2]
December 14th, 2022
Corey is hosting a party at his beach house; everyone is going to be there! Both rival basketball teams, werewolves, sirens, and vampires. All these personalities are in one place. What could possibly go wrong?

Character Name: Scarlett
Player/Group: Lilith/Elin ( @MsBloom ) Valarie ( @Kosmik_Khaos ) Maddy ( @Rheya)
Location: Elins place -> Afterparty
Time: December 14th, 2022.

Scarlett set her phone down while sitting on the edge of Elin's bed and took the shot she was handed, and made a face. She typically did not drink except when she went out with friends, so alcohol was still new and offensive to her senses. She thought Elin's outfit was eye-catching and wondered if she was underdressed for such an event. So she played with her hair momentarily, trying several styles before settling on two steps of hair clipped behind her head, just enough to frame her face.

"I managed to score some pot earlier today."

She was hesitant; if Camilla even caught a whiff of pot on her, she was going to lay into her about how irresponsible she was. Even though Scarlett's time was clearly devoted to her aunt's interest.

"I just dont want you to end up like I did when I was your age..." she would say and then feel the guilt wash over her before going out for a nighttime ride on one of the stabled horses. Scarlett hated disappointing her aunt, but she also wanted to experience college for what it was. So, she took a drag from the joint and passed it on.

"Not bad. Almost as good as Uncle Joe's."

Scarlet looked to Valerie; uncle joe smoked weed? She was learning new things every day about this woman's family. For a moment, her eyes lingered on Valerie, she was willing to stand up to the wolves to get them the right spot for the ritual, and she carted Scarlett around, which was a plus because she couldn't stand the music her aunt played or the constant talking about school. She leaned in against Valerie's shoulder as she adjusted her place on the bed and ticked the phone into the side of her boot so it wasn't in her hand the whole night.

"It's Corey Taylor throwing the party. Everyone will be there. Do you think the Kelekolio cousins will somehow start a dance-off again?"

"I would pay money to see that." Scarlett blurted out with a blank stare, allowing the smoke to cloud and relax her mind, then looked to Lilith " I love that coat, Lili. I'll need to borrow it sometime."

She pulled herself up reluctantly as the others started to get ready for the party but linked her arm with Valerie as she mentioned taking the Jeep. "That's good... Because I am in no shape to drive." She giggled, then started her journey to the door and driveway, singing, " let's go, let's go, let's go~."

She nearly crawled into the passenger side of the Jeep while the other girls talked; Scarlett stood up and lazily leaned against the Jeep's roof frame. It was going to be a goodnight, Scarlett could already tell, the warmth in her belly from the shots and her head swam from the pot; she was already put at ease. It would take a lot to pull her out of that state.

"We should make an entrance! I'm sure the wolves did. We need to let people know we are not to be trifled with!" She giggled again and tried to be serious, but she was far too entranced with the night to take anything serious now.

Character Name: Josie
Player/Group: Harj ( @BennyQ) Alaula ( @Kosmik_Khaos )
Location: Spruce University Dormitory -> Afterparty
Time: December 14th, 2022.

" What? You ain't wearing that. Don't you understand, just how it'll make me look?"

Josie smiled sweetly and looked into the rearview mirror at Harj. She would wear this dress, and he would simply need to suffer through the night.

"But, I like this one... I don't want some... oversized shirt." She didn't pout, but she did furrow her brows as if contemplating her decision, then settled on it as she followed the boys into the dorm and used their bathroom to change. From her small backpack, she pulled out an ox blood red lipstick and tinted her lips with it before smashing them together to spread the color. Meanwhile, Josie flipped her hair several times to give it much-needed volume. Josie always took her time; she turned a few times in the mirror, snapped portions of the pink fabric against her skin, adjusted the cups of the dress, and sighed. It would have to do for the such short notice.

As the other two were finished dressing, she pulled herself from the bathroom and followed. slinging her tiny backpack behind her and stepping into the car. The car ride was short; she was thankful because sitting in this dress was unsuitable for sitting for long periods. As Harj removed himself from the driver's seat and then held the car door open for her, she stepped out. Ready to own this place if she needed, that was until Harj started talking to Corey.

" You didn't invite any Matador punks here, did ya?"

This irritated her; was he trying to draw that side of her out? She slid her eyes to him and red lips her lips pressed together in a thin line. She had taken hold of his arm and leaned into him affectionately, but the moment his mouth opened about the game, she pulled herself away and crossed her arms.

"I need a drink," Josie said with a sigh; she would allow the boys to talk and find something else to occupy her time.

The music thumped loudly in the house, and she felt aggravated by this as well. Once she had stepped into the house, she glanced around for the kitchen. It wasn't hard to find, but it was overcrowded with people.

"Maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you'd know what that was."

Josie pushed past Chet to grab a beer, who immediately looked at her in her hot pink dress. Josie knew she had walked in between something, a fight, or escalation, perhaps, but she could care less at this point.

"Where's your boyfriend," Chet asked, trying to be smooth and enticing. Popping the tab to the beer, Josie looked him up and down, then looked back at the party-- where Leo had disappeared, and then back at Chet. she took a long sip of her beer, her mind whirling. If he tried anything at all, she would take him down. She was that upset.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." He barked while pushing a strand of her hair away from her shoulder. Momentarily, she saw herself grabbing this man's arm and kneeing him in the face. But instead, she pulled away, unamused by his advances.

"Fighting with Leo is stupid, Chet. You know who his dad is, right; they would have the pack on your ass." She sipped at the can slowly.

"What do you know about wolves? Josie, you're a harpy or some shit." Chet grumbled and crushed an empty can in his hand before grabbing another.

"Enough to where I know not to mess with them." Josie rolled her eyes and returned to her people-watching.

Chet clearly did not like hearing this, and as he started at the harpy with rage in his eyes, not only from being rejected but also from her bitter words, he stalked out of the kitchen. At this point, Josie moved to one of the mixing stations that were less crowded. She still needed to collect herself.

"Girl, I love your outfit." She said to Alaula, who had made her way over to the station. She had seen her on campus before and had also admired her appearance and style, but she had always felt she was looking through a magazine; now here she stood in all her glory, beautiful and strong; she bet Alaula could kick Chet's ass. She wondered if staying by this woman would be an intelligent movie.

"I'm Josie," she spoke with a kind smile. "Can you believe some of these guys here tonight? Ego's off the charts."

Character Name: Leo/ Eva
Player/Group: Kahoni ( @Kosmik_Khaos ) Tala/Vesper (@ThatGeckoGirl)
Location: Pete's seafood-> Afterparty
Ice rink-> After party
Time: December 14th, 2022.

Leo had returned from the kitchen with a drink for everyone. After passing them out, he looked around at who else had attended. There were so many faces he didn't recognize, and that made him uneasy.

"So, what would you guys like to do?! Dance a little? Get drunk first? Play drinking games?"

Kahonie took the lead before Leo could even make a move and take Tala's hand, but he felt comfortable with that. At the end of the day, he wanted her to enjoy her time with them. Maybe if she had fun, she would hang around more often again; he missed that. She looked happy, happier than he had seen her in a long time while dancing. He knew this party would be good for her. Eva had come in through the large front doors, and he waved them over. Immediately she hugged her brother, who seemed confused that she had entered the party without her girlfriend.

"Where's Ves?" He asked as Eva settled in next to him on one of the living room chairs' arms.

"I won," she said with a happy voice. " Were were racing back from the date, and she drives like a grandma, so ...I won."

"You drive like mom; she's always in a hurry, occupying 2 lanes and shit." Leo laughed.

"Well... Let's hope that's the only thing mom and I have in common." Eva retorted while Leo handed her a beer. "This is crazy!" She said excitedly, watching everyone dance, and looked at Tala and Kahoni while they danced. "Aw, cute! But.. that should be me."

Eva's nose was still pink from their date at the ice rink, but she knew she would warm up soon with alcohol. Though, Admittedly, she was still winded from Vesper speeding off from the rink after she tried to distract her, and that was warming her a little.

Immediately she pulled away from the chair and playfully skipped over to the two dancing. " I appreciate you are holding my place in the dancing department, Kahoni-- but I'm here now." Eva gave a sassy head tilt, smile, and set one hand on her hip. Dancing with Tala always reminded her of being small and listening to music that was far too adult for her, but she had grown this relationship with Leo and his best friend, and now she was so engrained in their life she saw this as her sister.
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Character Name: Madeline Abbott
Player/ Group: Gordian Alva (@BennyQ) // Scarlett (@Kassia), Valerie (@Kosmik_Khaos), Lilith/Elin (@MsBloom)
Location: Spruce University Gymnasium -> Spruce University Dormitory -> Afterparty
Time: December 14th, 2022

Gordian's answer, Refs are always corrupt, was hardly the juicy break she'd been hoping for. Sure, students enjoyed a good conspiracy theory, but without any proof, even a university newspaper wouldn't run the story. Maddy's mood was quickly soured by disappointed. Her first big cover story, and not only had the Lancers lost, but she lacked a decent interview to make up for it. Though after a loss like that, she doubted anyone would want to read a segment detailing how the team was robbed of the title anyway. And Jon's answer, well, printing anything the player said would only stir anger among the student body.

Maddy rolled her eyes right back at him when he'd insulted her and didn't react when he brushed past. She knew his type, every school had one. The self-important rich kid who felt entitled to everyone's admiration and affection. Gross. This was exactly she'd feigned not knowing one his name. How dare she not worship the ground beneath his feet, give me a break.

• • •
Maddy wasted no time, hopping into her 1996 Ford Bronco and driving the short distance to her dorm so that she could get ready for the afterparty. The twenty-year old had never one for big parties or gatherings but was genuinely thankful for the distraction. It was something else to worry about, rather than wallowing in self-pity. She hadn't even been the one to lose the game, but she still felt the disappointment all the same. She told herself it was the crowd, their emotions rubbing off on her, but the truth was far more selfish. Her first story would be a flop no one would be interested in reading. A decent interview was supposed to turn that around, but alas, it wasn't in the cards tonight. There was one silver lining though, a brief interview meant she might arrive just in time to walk in with her coven.

Speaking of cards, she stepped into the shared dorm room and immediately went over to her desk drawer containing a black wooden box filled with beautifully illustrated tarot cards. "What's in the cards tonight?" The witch hardly had the gift of premonition like Lilith, but she still kept cards around, liking the idea of them even if she'd never admit it aloud. She pulled a card from the deck and flipped it over. Upon seeing the image, she rolled her eyes and placed the deck back in the desk drawer. Well, that was about as useful as a pack of playing cards purchased at the nearest gas station. Onto more pressing matters I suppose...

What the heck was she going to wear? She didn't want to be under dressed, but being overdressed was as much a crime. This would be her first SU party. Her chance to make an impression, no matter how much she pretended she didn't care what others thought of her. Flipping through her closet hanger-by-hanger, Maddy took stock of her wardrobe. Jeans with holes, black halter, black shirt, more black jeans with holes... oh, that's a cute top, but what would I even wear to go along with it? Ugh. Why did this have to be so hard?!

This wasn't the first university she'd attended, nor the second, her mother choosing to move the two around often. She hoped this would be the first one she'd spend a whole year at. The witch was utterly sick of moving, always having to make new friends and find where she belonged made her feel stunted in some way. Despite being in her second year, Maddy had yet to attend a party. There had been one dress she'd purchased on a whim, hoping to wear it to a New Year's party back in East Haven only to move right after the Fall semester ended. She'd nearly discarded the dress, questioning why she'd purchased such a thing. Sure, it was pretty, but it was a far cry from her normal jeans, plain shirt, and leather jacket. She liked her current get-up, it read 'invisible unless I choose to speak.' Not too flashy to attract attention, but cute enough to keep their attention should she make herself seen. Best of both worlds, she'd say.

Come on Maddy, live a little.

With her mind made up, she set to work curling her hair into flowing loose waves, touched up her rather natural looking makeup, and added some lip gloss. The brunette slipped into the black dress, adorned herself with a decorative choker, and took a look in the full-length mirror. After a few deep breaths, she assured herself. You've got this. You'll just wing it like you always do, Maddy style. Of course... you may freeze in the process. It was the nearly winter after all.

• • •​

Twenty minutes later and she was driving up to Corey's beach-side house, making up some time by speeding down the winding roads. As she was pulling up into the makeshift parking lot, she spotted her friends walking towards the house. The feeling of relief washed over her knowing she'd get to walk in alongside her coven rather than all by herself. Quickly pulling into an open spot, she jumped out of the truck, threw on her leather jacket, and began cautiously sprinting towards them as fast as one could manage in heels.

Don't fall, don't fall.

"Lilith, Scarlett, Val, Elin!" she hollered in their direction.

"Thank gawd, I didn't miss you guys." She came to stand beside them out of breath.
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Name: Tallulah "Tala" Neith
Player/Group: Kahoni (@Kosmik_Khaos ), Leo/Eva (@Kassia )
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

Like Kahoni, Tala easily chugged her beer. Given her past military past with Leo, drinking alcohol didn't phase her. The first time she drank had been rather rough. She had wanted to spit out the poisonous drinks. Now, cheap beers like these went down as easily as water did. Instead of Leo taking her out to dance, Kahoni quickly stepped in and snagged her instead. Tala went with the vibe, happy to be swept off and taken in by the vibration of the music's loud beats. Earlier, she hadn't been sure what Kahoni had first said to her. His mouth had moved, but the commotion of the party had drowned out his words. Tala had heard his next words, saying how this party was like paradise. She couldn't help but agree. Loud commotion and music was so different than what life was like beneath the surface of the water. It was quieter and, in some regards, slower. Life on the surface was exciting and loud, but could slow down too. In a way, it was like a paradise. In other regards, it wasn't. For now, Tala decided to see it as paradise like Kahoni did.

Tala let the music thrum into her being. She danced by Kahoni, allowing her body to swish and sway to the beat of the music as she felt it vibrate through her. "Before he cuts in? He might not! I mean, why would he?" She asked with a small smile to Kahoni, entirely oblivious to what it is everyone else saw.

As far as Tala was concerned, Leo still just saw her as his best friend. Since their attempt at a relationship didn't end up going as well as they had hoped, she figured he didn't hold any lingering feelings for her. Sure, she had some for him, but that didn't mean it was reciprocated. No matter their title, they both cared about each other. That was the important part. She didn't even consider the possibility that Leo could ever be jealous of someone, or want her to himself. Tala continued to dance by Kahoni, only to beam as Eva approached. She was surprised to see that Vesper wasn't alongside her, but was far too excited to dwell much on it. Quickly, she gave Eva a hug. "Eva, you're here!" She said with excitement before pulling back, "Let's dance, girl! Once Vesper sees, she won't be able to stay away!" Tala directed a wink to Eva before grabbing her hand and pulling her to join in on the dancing.

Eva was basically a little sister to her. She's known Leo's younger sister for years. Tala danced alongside Eva, her hips swaying and moving with the beats. Her black hair tossed and swirled around with her movements. She drew Eva in at times with small little pairs dancing every so often, having fun with the sister of her best friend and Kahoni. She wondered why Leo hadn't joined, but still continued her movements and dancing. She'd need to grab another drink soon!

Name: Vesper Agnolo
Player/Group: Leo/Eva (@Kassia ), Kahoni (@Kosmik_Khaos )
Location: Ice Rink -> Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

"Another successful safe drive," Vesper chimed to herself happily as she parked her car. The roads were filled with parked cars for Corey's party. She was a bit away from the entrance, but walking had never been a problem for her. She stepped out of her vehicle, smoothing her clothing before quickly walking towards the beach house. She totally beat Eva here! It was too dark for her to adequately scope out for Eva's car, but she left the ice rink first! That meant she totally won so long as Eva listened to road rules. Vesper paused mid-step at this thought, narrowing her eyes. Eva listening to road rules....shit, it was possible her adorable werewolf girlfriend beat her here. "Nooo!" She huffed under her breath, turning to a careful jog as she quickly made her way into Corey's party. Already, she expected that she would run into her twin at the party. Ves knew he was coming, but had stated he'd be showing up with Harj. That probably meant he was also showing up with Josie.

The moment Vesper stepped in, she got the information from Corey, who was greeting everyone who was entering the party and pointing things out. From there, she was free to do as she wished! Where would Eva go first if she was here? Dance floor? If Leo was here, she would probably seek him out first. Vesper stepped towards the coolers, grabbing herself a beer. She popped open the can and took a swig as she pushed her way through the party. It was Leo that she spotted first. Her sky blue eyes lit up upon seeing him without Eva. That must mean she won! Vesper flounced over to Leo, her movements so light it was as though she was dancing on the air itself upon heading over.

"Leo, hi! I totally beat Eva here! We were racing from the ice rink," Vesper beamed at him, looking all proud of herself, "Honestly, if she just followed the rules of the road like speed limits, she might find that she'll arrive places faster!" She giggled before taking another drink. That was when, however, she looked just beyond Leo and saw her girlfriend dancing with Tala! Vesper gaped, sucking in a dramatic gasp at the sight. "Ah man," She whimpered, plopping her forehead against Leo's chest in defeat, "I have to drink something totally gross now. I can't believe she beat me here, and is dancing with another girl!" Vesper pulled back, clearly pouting as she took another drink of her beer. Her eyes trailed Eva. The disappointment at losing their bet dissipated quickly, instead the depths of her eyes softening in watching Eva with a look of pure adoration. A faint blush even colored Vesper's cheeks, still getting a small sense of butterflies in just seeing her girlfriend. Eva was so beautiful and fun...Vesper loved it. She was shy to admit the depths of her feelings towards her girlfriend, but it was always on the tip of her tongue.

"Guess I gotta steal her from Tala, huh?" Vesper laughed to Leo, "You better snatch Tala before someone else does! Kahoni has some good moves! Or maybe I'll recommend my brother to meet her."

Vesper dropped a wink Leo's way before skipping off towards Eva. "How many speed limits did you violate?!" She scolded playfully as she moved between Tala and Eva. She wrapped her free arm around Eva's waist, drawing herself close to her before pressing her forehead against the side of the werewolf's neck. She lightly kissed her skin, moving her lips towards Eva's ear. "What do you think about not making me fulfill my end of the deal?" She whispered in her thick Italian accent, doing her best to be convincing through seduction. Would it work? Probably not. But what did she have to lose? Nothing!

"You two have fun," Tala laughed, "I'm going to get another drink." Vesper watched as Tala moved towards the coolers Leo had been by to grab another beer, quickly turning her attention back to Eva. She didn't think there was anything to worry about. Besides, she didn't even know Chet.

Name: Vergil Agnolo
Player/Group: Harj (@BennyQ ), Josie (@Kassia )
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

"Rum and coke for me," Vergil grinned over at Harj. He gave a light laugh at the sex on the beach joke made. Yeah, right. Besides, he wasn't really a one-night stand kind of person. Not that there was anything against it. Sometimes, Vergil wished he was. Instead, he tended to need that emotional sensation - the romance and the connection with the person he was with. It drove those feelings of desire and want more than just lust and the promise of a fun time. Vergil blamed it on the angel blood coursing through his veins, and he assumed Vesper was the same way. Even though he was confident, Vergil knew he wasn't the most outgoing person in the world. He took more of an interest in meaningful and deeper conversations that small talk. He was happy to be quiet and attentive when the time called for it. He didn't typically dominate conversations, more than happy to observe and give his input when needed. He wasn't shy, though people tended to have the misconception that he was. People that first got to know him either thought he was shy and quiet, or a confident prick. All of which wasn't true for him, but first impressions tended to matter more than reality.

The party was large and full of people. It was sure to be a fun and energetic night despite the loss. Music filled in the few spaces between the bodies of the party goers. Vergil figured it was very possibly and likely he and Harj would be around people basically all night. They were infamous tonight for losing, after all. If only this night could be a celebration of a win instead. Vergil forced himself to push it from his mind. They'd win next time. The only reason they lost tonight was because the ref didn't make a call he should have. The nephilim's eyes trailed Josie as she walked off, likely to get a drink. She seemed irritated. But then again, he found it was common to see her aggravated when around Harj. The same was true vice versa.

"Well. Guess we might as well start the night of drinking off, right?" He spoke to Harj as he looked over at his friend and roommate, "Things okay with you and Josie? Seemed a little tense in the car." Vergil offered up the conversation if Harj wanted to talk about it at all. If not, then that was fine too. He couldn't help but scan the crowd, looking for a hair of gold like his own. He figured Vesper was likely here somewhere. He wondered how her date with Eva went. It was probably best to just shoot her a text rather than worry and look. He sent a quick text to her, asking if she made it to the party. It was replied to quickly, saying she was, and Vergil felt himself relax. It was time to enjoy himself the best he could and get drunk enough to forget about the loss they took. That's how parties like this always tended to go, right? If he was lucky, maybe he'd meet someone.
Character Name: Corey Taylor
Player/ Group: Harj (@BennyQ ) Josie (@Kassia ) Vergil (@ThatGeckoGirl )
Location: Corey's party
Time: December 14th, 2022

Corey beamed at his teammates and happily greeted them, giving them the rundown of the party and singing their praises on how well they played even with the bad calls. Hearing Harj's question he just laughed and shook his head. "Nah, no Matador's here unless they decided to try and crash the party." What he wasn't telling his volatile teammate was the he had invited the Matador's. Their entire team, but they had their own celebrations going on tonight. He didn't quite frown when Josie walked away but he did look at Harj with a questioning eyebrow raise. "Harj, you know were cool and all, but sometimes you should be less of a raging cock face bro." He said with a chuckle. "I mean I really don't get it with you two, y'all are the absolute WORST for each other. Every time I see you two you're sniping at each other man." His voice was light, holding no judgement or condemnation of their behavior, just a searching quality to it. He was really trying to understand why they loved to make each other miserable. With a shrug Corey dismissed the whole thing. "Eh, it's not really my problem. I just think you two should find people that make you happy is all." Reaching out he clapped Harj on his shoulder. "You deserve it brother, you're a great guy, don't let a bad relationship twist you up into a bitter bastard." Removing his hand from Harj's shoulder he turned to Vergil and gave him a slight sympathetic shrug and made his way back into the crowd. He knew Harj was in a heated mood tonight and Vergil had somehow become a sort of grounding for him. He wished his fair haired friend the best of luck tonight.

Corey needed a breath of fresh air. He figured there would be a bit of drama, there always was in big events. He just hoped no one came to blows tonight. "Step outside, get a breath of fresh, then I'll find Timmy and make sure he hasn't tucked himself away in a corner or something."

Character Name: Valerie Keoni
Player/ Group: Scarlett (@Kassia ), Lilith/Elin (@MsBloom ), Maddy (@Rheya )
Location: Corey's party
Time: December 14th, 2022

Valerie looked up when their group was called and saw Maddy doing her best to run to them. Letting out a low whistle she looked the girl up and down with appreciation. "Let me guess?" She started to tease. "Doing it Maddy style tonight." The outfit looked amazing on her friend. "You do look really good Maddy, you should dress up more often." She complimented, her sweet words clashing with stoic face.

Taking a moment to look at the four gorgeous girls around of her she had to seriously fight the urge to smile. That was the last thing she needed, to walk in looking like she was about to turn the host into a skin suit or something. "It's come to my attention that we want to make an entrance, and I agree. I mean look at us, we're freaking gorgeous." She stated the obvious truth in front of all of them. A change came over Val as she set her mind to the goal at hand. It could be seen in way her eyes suddenly became razor focused. Taking a step back she looked, no examined each girl, dark eyes drinking in every detail. Val was treating this as a photoshoot now and her serious business face, which to be fair wasn't much different than any face, was on display. Starting with Elin she gently guided the girl to her designated spot and instructed to wait. Next Scarlett was positioned slightly to the right and in front of Elin. With a larger gap she positioned Maddy directly to the right of Scarlett, and Lilith to the left and slightly behind. Taking the gap between and slightly behind Scarlett and Maddy. Looking at their positioning she smiled internally. She really wished she had her camera for this. With a little instruction on setting the best walking pace Valerie deemed them ready to make their entrance.

Valerie held back nothing in the relatively short walk from their cars to the front door, strutting down the sidewalk like it was a runway. She exuded confidence in how she carried herself, tall and solid like the Spruce the town was named for, but her movements were like tall grass in the wind. A gentle but mesmerizing sway to her hips with each step. Hands tucked in her jacket pockets Valerie looked around the outside as they passed people who were either waiting for their own friends or just hanging out outside the party. She could see the looks they were getting, even a few conversations stopped. As they drew closer to the door more people were taking looks at the quintet.

When there were nearly to the house the front door opened and Corey Taylor himself stepped outside. He was looking behind him when he first walked out, chatting to someone inside. When he finally turned around he caught sight of the five and stopped, well mostly stopped. His left hand flopped in the air behind him in a mindless effort to find the doorknob that he was missing by a very wide margin. He was awestruck by the five woman making their way to his house. He recognized Maddy right away, having done a couple interviews with her in the past, and Valerie was vaguely recognized as the really tall girl on campus, and of course the white hair of Scarlett, but he didn't know either of them personally, or the other two girls with them. Realizing he had gone from staring to gawking he stopped his fruitless search for the missing door knob and threw his arms out wide and slightly skyward with loud whoop followed by a sharp cat call. "Hot. Diggity. Daaaamn~" Approaching the ladies he gave them all an appreciative up and down. "Y'all got the looks, the moves, and this whole coordinated walk going on." Corey brought his hand to face and made a chef kiss. Turning his attention on Maddy he gave her his most winning smile. "Did you get a good interview after the game? I had to dip to come set up the party." He asked, genuine interest in his voice. Corey wasn't shy to admit it, he read every issue of the school paper. He also read the daily news papers, a habit that had been passed onto him by his father. "Well, I won't hold you gorgeous gal's up any longer." Giving action to his words he stepped back in with them and gave them the quick rundown of the place before turning away and muttering something about someone better not be hiding in a closet or something.

With the party layout explained to them Valerie looked at her Coven. "So where do we start? Drinks, dancing, finding or starting a drinking game?" Valerie paused for a moment and took a slightly closer step towards Scarlett. "I'm personally feeling a cocktail and made a few laps around the dance floor, how about you Scarlett?" She asked, looking down at her with a touch of pleading in her dark brown eyes.

Character Name: Kahoni
Player/Group: Tala/Vesper (@ThatGeckoGirl ) Eva/Leo (@Kassia )
Location: Corey's party
Time: December 14th

Kahoni stumbled, literally tripping over his own feet, something the graceful dancer almost never did. He stared at Tala in blank faced astonishment for a moment before a huge shit eating grin spread across his face. His best friend wasn't the only dense one in this situation. Before he could open his mouth and enlighten his fellow siren that pouty puppy being a wall flower wanted her in all the ways he was cut short by a familiar voice. "I appreciate you are holding my place in the dancing department, Kahoni-- but I'm here now." Deciding to keep his mouth shut for now he turned and gave Eva a polite, if not slightly exaggerated bow. "Of course my lady." He said lifting only his head to look her meaningfully in the eyes. Once he knew he had her attention he flicked his eyes to Tala then to Leo, then back to her with a slight grin and cock to his eyebrow. He hoped she picked up on his meaning. Tonight he was determined to at least get them to admit there was still something more there. "I will leave her in your capable hands." Standing straight Kahoni walked in a straight line through the dance floor, his normal grace being discarded as he all but plowed his way through. It might have been the way he carried himself but the bodies seemed to part for him.

Kahoni smiled when he say the blonde girl with Leo. Vesper had finally made it to the party. With here her Eva would be distracted and Leo will have no real excuse to not try and dance with Tala. Continuing his warpath to his roommate he finally reached him. Stopping in front of Leo he took the man's arm by the wrist and gave him a devious smile. "Since you didn't make the first move it's her turn to try." He said just before bodily pulling Leo onto the dance floor with him. Despite him being small, Kahoni was surprisingly strong, mostly due to working out with Alaula, and the dancing. Kahoni 'dragged' his friend further into the press of bodies leaving some distance between them and the girls. Dropping Leo's arm Kahoni started to dance with him, or at least around him. "Come on Leo, dance with me, it will make Tala super jealous and she will have to come in and take you away from me." He teased his friend. "Look, now that Ves is here Eva will be all over her now, if Tala doesn't come over here herself I am going to kick you in your furry ass until you go and dance with her. Don't let some other jackass take her from you again." His words had multiple meanings, first being himself taking Tala's first dance of the night right out from under Leo, and the other a not so subtle reminder of Ryan, and a third, not letting some other dude try to pick her up and take up her time.

Still dancing at his friend he looked around the room and spotted Tala leaving Eva and Vesper and heading towards the coolers. "Now's your chance." Kahoni stopped dancing for a moment and fussed over Leo, straightening out his shirt, fixing his hair just a bit, he even smoothed out the man's eyebrows for him. "You look good boy, now go get your girl." With a quick peck on Leo's cheek he grabbed the man's shoulder and pushed him gently in Tala's direction, giving him a swat on his ass for motivation. He then gave Leo a look and pointed down to his foot reminding him that next time, it would be a kick to the tush to get him moving.

Character Name: Alaula
Player/Group: Josie (@Kassia )
Location: Corey's party
Time: December 14th 2022

"Girl, I love your outfit." Hearing the words of praise Alaula turned to see who had given them and was not at all displeased with what she found. "Thanks, you look amazing yourself." She returned the compliment. "So does that dress." She added as an obvious side note. Her compliment was for the woman, not the clothes she was in. "I'm Alaula, it's nice to meet you Josie. You look familiar." Alaula tapped a finger against her full bottom lip as she tried to place her face. "I don't think I've done any work on you before." She said before giving Josie another assessing look. "No I would remember getting my hands on you." She muttered to herself, loudly enough to be heard but not caring. Lifting her well toned shoulders in a shrug she dismissed the thought that was just out of reach when Josie committed on the egos in the room.

With a laugh that sounded a bit like a kookaburra Alaula had to shake her head in agreement. "Yeah, it's a trip. Though I can't say I'm much better, I mean look at me." She said gesturing down her body with her hands, she couldn't help but to flex her legs just a bit, showing off the definition of the muscles. "But like they say, when you got it, flaunt it." Smiling at the bombshell before her. "And you got it girl." Taking a sip of her cocktail Alaula noticed the lack of a drink in Josie's hand. "What's your poison precious?" She asked sitting her cup down and flipping a clean one off the stack to make her new friend a drink. "So you come here with anyone?" She asked, partially to make small talk, partially to play the field as she made Josie her drink.
Character Name: Harj Khanna. (Wearing.)
Player/Group: Vergil Agnolo (@ThatGeckoGirl), Corey Taylor (@Kosmik_Khaos).
Location: Corey’s House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

Rum and coke for me Vergil confirmed, which meant it was for the both of them now. Josie separated from them and Corey looked at him with an inquisitive raise of his eyebrow. ”Dude, I got this.” He assured Corey, tapping the party host back on the shoulder. ”Sometimes, when you play with fire, you got to use fire yourself, you know? It makes sense bro, just trust me.” He flashed a smile, two perfect rows of white teeth. ”Trust me, we’re happy. Except our happiness isn’t exactly PG13, so y’all won’t be seeing it.” He said, for both Corey and Vergil, since they both wanted to ask about it. ”Yeah, yeah I know. It’s fine man, we got our ups and downs, peaks and valleys, you know? Don’t worry about it, we came here to have a good time, we’ll have one. Not get some couples therapy.” Harj said, trying to change the topic. That’ll come later.

”Yeah let’s get those drinks now.” He said to Vergil, after Corey separated from them and Vergil commented earlier they might as well get started. As well as asking about him and Josie. He just gave blondie a smile, gesturing for him to follow towards a mix station, where he grabbed two cups for him and Vergil. Throw in some ice, pour some liquor until the ice started to float, then some coke. Coke Zero, cause they had bodies to maintain and no one wanted the rush of calories from sugar. It also meant they would probably be getting drunk a lot quicker. He handed the cold cup over to his buddy.

”Look, me and her are cool. It just seems like we’re always tense because our hearts are so big. We’re just passionate, but we’ll be alright. But never mind that shit. You need to try it yourself, then you’ll get it.” Harj waved his hand to dismiss the previous topic. Did he even believe that? Then he started poking Vergil in the chest challengingly. ”No more L’s tonight. You’re not spending this Christmas alone. We’re getting you a partner. Look at all these beautiful women. And you look better than most of them. How you not going to let yourself get locked down?” Harj said, holding his drink in one hand, slipping his other hand into his pocket as he leaned back against a wall. He espied Josie across the room, talking to a taller woman. That’s strange.

He went back to the original topic for a hot minute. ”Who’s that with Josie? You know her?” He asked Vergil, gesturing to Alaula. ”I’ve seen her before. I think she helped…uh, what’s his name, with the sprained ankle earlier this season.” Harj said, momentarily forgetting the name of a team mate, Mitchel Bose, who usually played off the bench and didn’t put up many stats. He had twisted his ankle during the second or third game of the season, back in October, poor guy. Foot injuries were the bane of any basketball player and Harj wouldn’t wish it on his worst enemies. He had been there himself before and would probably be again.

But probably not this pretty boy beside him.

”Who are those chicks with your sister? They seem nice.” He went back to encouraging Vergil to be more outgoing. ”Should we go say what’s up?” He suggested, knowing he should at least be courteous and say hello to his best friend’s twin sister. She would probably be willing to join in with this pursuit of finding Vergil a woman. Or a man. Either would be great outcomes.
[information=Clue #1] [/information]

Character Name: Leo Wilson ft Scarlett, Josie, Evalyn
Player/Group: Harj ( @BennyQ ) Vergil/Vesper/ Tala (@ThatGeckoGirl), Corey/ Valerie/ Kahoni/Alaula (@Kosmik_Khaos). Elin/Lilith ( @MsBloom ) Maddy ( @Rheya)
Location: Corey's House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

Leo had moved to sit on a short wall dividing the living room from the rest of the social areas and crossed his ankle over his knee as he drank and watched everyone dance. He had never been one to dance, but he liked the party atmosphere. Despite his quiet demeanor, several conversations were happening, and he found them fascinating. As Vesper raced into the house and greeted him, he raised his hand in a brief wave that broke his concentration from the conversations around him.

"...Honestly, if she just followed the rules of the road like speed limits, she might find that she'll arrive places faster!"

He laughed and shook his head. " I don't think Eva will ever do that. Honestly, I'm surprised-- because I drive way different than she does. Can't really whip a boat around though on the open sea like you can a car, though." He said, referring to his time in the Coast Guard.

From her place by Tala, Eva looked over at her brother from the dance floor and saw Vesper; instantly, she squealed happily and jumped while clapping, " I won! I won!" She hugged her girlfriend happily. " I think you would have too... but you drive like a grandma. Maybe we should stick with me driving-- we can get places faster!" She yelled over the music, playfully jesting her triumph for all to hear.

Leo shook his head. " You drive like a maniac, Eva. Anyways, is Tala still over there?" He asked his sister, who looked back curiously.

"I think I heard her say she was getting another drink. Also, I didn't violate any laws. Can't violate them if there aren't police around, right?!" To which a few partygoers cheered. Eva giggled and shrugged, "The crowd has spoken!"

Reaching out to her girlfriend, who wrapped her arms around her waist, Eva swayed to the rapid beat of the new song.

"What do you think about not making me fulfill my end of the deal?"
"I think that you would be dreaming!" Eva laughed. "Can't work me over with that accent, not this time."

Meanwhile, Leo had glanced a few times over the crowd and at the drink locations throughout the house, then saw Kahoni had returned from the direction of Eva and Tala.

"You look good boy, now go get your girl."

Leo shook his head in disbelief, "She's not my girl anymore, man. She's with that Ryan-guy now." Leo wasn't the type to steal another man's girl, even if she deserved better. But he couldn't get behind Ryan and his strange demeanor; something seemed off when he met him. Leo simply did not care for how he handled himself and forced Tala into a strange box. He would always be in Tala's corner; however, no matter what she chose, that was his family when he hadn't had the best version of it. Despite the differences in their culture, he had also been welcomed into her life.

Corey outdid himself with this party, but that was almost expected-- the guy knew how to draw in a crowd. He seemed to know everyone from every walk of life and hosted them all the same. It was admirable to Leo's standards, so as he removed himself from the short wall and filtered through the crowd, he clapped him on the back and thanked him. As he passed through warm bodies and spilt drinks, he found Tala. Setting a gentle hand on her shoulder to not startle her, he leaned in.

"Wanna get out of here and head to the firepits? "He asked, looking over at the back porch where people filtered in and out from the cold, the glow from the standing heaters dappled between their dark shadows; He left Tala to grab her drink and headed back towards the patio. Was it strange to still get the pang in his chest when he saw her in any compacity? He reached around her and picked up another beer. He'd need something to sip on during the comfortable silence.

While he waited outside on one of the patio chairs, he decided to do more observing.

"Girl, I love your outfit." He heard Josie say to Alaula. Josie was that way. She was fearless in speaking her mind in any capacity. Something was refreshing about that.

Alaula was another person he knew well from patrolling the waters around Rockford when he served on the Coast Guard. They had all been respectful to each other over the years. She and Kahoni operated larger vessels meant frequent stops. It was annoying to everyone involved, but it had become an irreplaceable friendship he hadn't expected since meeting Tala.

"I don't think I've done any work on you before."

Josie thought for a moment he could see this work on her face, long lashes flicking from side to side thoughtfully. " I don't play sports." She set her empty beer can down and adjusted the dress idly; Leo wondered why she chose that dress out of all the ones in the world. It was bright, strappy, and attention-grabbing, though he had noticed, like many others, that was just how Josie was-- that was probably the appeal or at least one of them.

"What's your poison precious?"

"Oh, anything. I'm not picky," she expressed with a sweet smile, her voice an octave higher now that she had found someone to talk to. She was ordinarily endearing, but Josie had a side to her that was easy to flip.

"My boyfriend plays sports. That's him over there!" Josie pointed to Harj, who talked with Virgil. She was smitten, swaying slightly in her place as she held her new drink close. Each sway pulled up the side of the dress more; she'd adjust it and go back to swaying or moving or shifting her weight. She couldn't stand still, and it made Leo uneasy. Leo still couldn't understand why people whose clothes were uncomfortable or needed to be fussed over. He assumed this was for the sake of vanity. She loved pointing out her boyfriend, and despite their fight, she always felt a sense of pride for who she dated. " You're in... sports medicine, right?" Josie asked. "I think I've seen you a few times on the court. I don't know how you put up with those boys!"

Leo snorted as he sat outside; Josie was someone he didn't mess with. When she opened her mouth to talk, he saw she was self-important. But he respected her need to provide for her family, despite them seemingly casting her out from their home due to her creature state. He had only known Harj from how she talked about him. She never spoke negatively about her boyfriend to others she barely knew.

"My boyfriend plays basketball."
"My boyfriend is taking me to a party."
"My boyfriend and I are hanging out."
"I don't drive. My boyfriend has a car"

She put him on a pedestal, but Leo assumed Harj did the same with her. By how they looked at each other, he could tell there was some strange deep-seated affection that he couldn't quite put his finger on. And as he watched the conversation unfold between the two girls. He thought about Tala. Did Ryan have that same love for her?

"Things okay with you and Josie? Seemed a little tense in the car."

He looked over at Vergil in thought, hm, maybe there was trouble in paradise.

Vergil, Vesper's twin brother, was also as kind as his sister, Leo had only met him in passing, but he felt comfortable with Eva being a part of their world. Though Vergil surrounded himself with people he played sports with, they weren't inherently bad, but they were so different from those Vesper hung around-- the contrast was strange. The world was full of questionable individuals. It would be easy for a nice guy like that to fall into the wrong crowd. He hoped that his friends would protect him from that.

In his thought, he glanced up to see the witches.

"Oh boy." He breathed, which caused Josie to look back and scoff as if Leo had commented about her affection towards Harj. The flip,he noted.

The witches and the wolves have always been at each other's throats. When Rockford was established, it belonged to the Keoni tribe. But the wolves protected it once they had established the town. So over the years, they took ownership of anything harmful that went down in the forest and had been blamed for a lot. And over those years, before the witches had settled into more... docile rituals, the wolves were blamed for the sacrifices made on the winter solstice. So the Wilson pack put an end to the gatherings.

And now, as if from a slow-motion movie, they came in, dressed in their heels and perfectly curated outfits, each showcasing their styles and personalities. They were spaced just far enough away they commanded attention. Conversely, the wolves came in like a pack, rough and jumping on their friends, howling, chugging beers, and crushing them in their hands. But not the witches; they knew who they were.

"I'm personally feeling a cocktail and made a few laps around the dance floor, how about you, Scarlett?"

Valerie was impressively tall; she appeared to have taken on her family's ancestral features, making her incredibly captivating and stoic. She looked over at a more petite woman with a two-tone back and white hairstyle who glanced behind her for her friend Lilith while lightly brushing her hand over Valerie's forearm and palm. Were they together? Leo didn't know, but the touch was similar to how Eva touched Vesper in a quiet conversation. Flirtacious.

"Cocktail sounds good!" Scarlett chirped happily and looked up at the woman; she had already had a few drinks and struggled to not push into those around her, though in a way, it could have been seen as endearing. He had only known Scarlett in passing; he knew her aunt worked at the university and that she was very involved with the university, was Scarlett just as involved? By her look and touch, something told Leo she valued her friends more.

The witch linked her arms up with Lilith and leaned into her, and he realized that these two must have been really good friends, he'd even classify them as best friends to save time. Lilith's mother owned a little shop down on the Rockford shops, which he had passed by a few times when he had taken Tala on dates in the past. The herbs were a comforting smell to him, and they seemed rooted in the culture of Rockford. What was Rockford without the witches?

Elin was new, he hadn't seen her around for long, but she was of interest. More witches meant more trouble for the wolves, so he would casually observe her to see her status in the group.

"Lilith, Scarlett, Val, Elin!"

And Madeline, who could forget the girl who reported on the news around campus. He had to be careful around her. She had her way of pulling information out of people he had observed; no doubt the basketball game would be in the university paper and what scandals the other team had done.

This was why Leo liked parties. He saw all of the most exciting people in one place, and with enhanced wolf hearing, he heard all of the most interesting information.
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Character Name: Lilith Morgan / Elin Morris

Player/ Group: @Kosmik_Khaos @Kassia @Rheya

Location: The Party

December 14.

With all the witches ordered for maximum effect to enter in style and leaving none oblivious to their arrival at the party. Lilith took a few seconds to adjust the corset of her dress, pushed her breasts up a little to make them pop even more than they usually did. Appearance was key to making a grand entrance and, she thought with a smile spreading across he face, so was bounce, and between the five of them there was more bounce than the entire basketball team could muster during a game. The thought had her giggling a little, probably due to both the whisky and the weed. Lilith wasn't much of a party girl in general but whenever she did party she did so the absolute maximum. What point would there be to it otherwise. It was like with everything else she did. Either do it to the maximum or don't do it at all. Her art certainly showed as much, at least that was what her professor said, very intense and unapologetic. When she painted she almost went into some kind of trance, forgetting both time and space, sometimes even forgetting to eat. It was pretty much the same way she also approached witchcraft and why she felt that the five of them should take this coming winter solstice to create their own coven rather than joining with their mothers and aunts.

At the back and to the right, with Valarie towering between herself and Elin she was perhaps not the focal point of the group as they cat-walked up to the house where they were greeted by Corey dropping his jaw and losing his ability to coordinate for a moment. The gawking look they got from him was exactly what they had hoped to achieve. It might perhaps have been even better had there been a larger audience to watch them but one guy staring as if it would kill him to look away was enough. Entering the house the width of the door compacted them slightly until the the three at the back were basically shoulder to shoulder but they did manage to enter the hallway without breaking up the general constellation in which they had walked up the steps and past Corey, and then if only for a brief moment they all spread out again, stopped and took in the party going on before them. It was already in full swing with people dancing and drinking. In the back there seemed to be some drinking game going on. No matter that The Lancers had lost by the narrowest of margins everyone still seemed to be in the mood to have a good time, party their troubles away as it may be.

Still though ... Lilith had an uneasy feeling, not a premonition as such perhaps, at least nothing concrete, just a feeling that something was about to happen, something bad, and soon. Not that night, probably, but within the coming week. She paused for a while and missed Val's question regarding where to start until Elin gave the most obvious answer.
"Shots first and then let's find a drinking game, and if we don't find one we like we make our own, before we all hit the dance floor together and take this party over ... witches style."
Lilith turned her slightly worried face back to a big smile and nodded.
"That sounds like a plan to me," she agreed.
"To the bar."

Already ahead of her coven Elin was already at the bar ordering shots of Tequila, two each.
"To a fucking awesome night and an even better Solstice," she said and licked the salt slowly off her hand, downed the shot and suck the wedge of Lime into her mouth where she bit down and sucked it dry.
It was also at that very moment she spotted Corey's friend Timmy sitting by himself a little to the side of the rest of the party and her face lit up with a big smile as she sought out the guy's eyes and winked at him.
Character: Vergil Agnolo
Player/Group: Harj (@BennyQ )
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

Passionate? As an Italian, Vergil liked to think he knew a thing or two about passion. Passion in art, passion in food, passion in language. Perhaps the love between Josie and Harj was a kind of passion he had merely not been acquainted with yet. Then again, who was he to judge? It seemed that, while the two of them seemed to be at each other's throats, there was something working out between them. He didn't understand a relationship that was full of animosity. But it worked for Harj and Josie. If they were happy, then he was happy for them. Even if it didn't entirely make sense to him. Vergil sipped on the coke and rum. It tasted great, but it was too bad they didn't have Italian limoncello. The stuff was strong, but it was also very well made. After all, the lemons grown in Sorrento are well known for how delicious they are. Not to mention Sicilian lemons. Anything in the United States flavored with lemon tasted bland in comparison. Similarly to pasta dishes sold at restaurants. At times, Vergil couldn't help but consider opening his own authentic Italian restaurant. It would be a hit! Sadly, he was far too fascinated with ancient history and anthropology. Running a restaurant and cooking for a living would only keep him interested for a few years before he lost interest.

"L's? Partner? Harj, my friend, there is no rush for me to find la mia anima gemella (my soulmate)," Vergil smiled as radiantly as an angel cast down from Heaven itself, slipping into his thick Italian accent when he spoke Italian with ease, "I will find that person eventually. It will happen when it is meant to happen, whether that time is today or even twenty years from now. What is it that devout Christians say? Dio provvede (God provides)?"

As Harj pointed out the lady by Josie, Vergil looked over. She was definitely familiar. One of students here working her way towards sports medicine, if he remembered correctly. He was usually pretty good with names. So was Ves. Was it an angel thing? Who knew. He gazed at her with his clear blue eyes for a moment while scanning through his memories before a lightbulb went off in his mind. "Yeah, she helped Mitchel Bose. That's Alaula, Kahoni's sister. She's in sports medicine. More an angel than me when it comes to helping us athletes," Vergil said with a voice full of gratitude. Without people like Alaula, many greats in sports wouldn't have gotten where they were. Injuries would put people quickly out of commission unless touched by some miracle. Vergil wasn't entirely sure if Harj knew Kahoni. He mostly knew him thanks to his sister. Since Vesper was dating Eva, he's gotten to meet Eva's brother Leo a few times. Kahoni was Leo's roommate, so he met the siren on one of those occasions.

"Oh! That's Eva, Vesper's girlfriend, and the girl walking off is Tallulah," Vergil said happily, "Yeah, let's go say hi!"

Character: Vesper Agnolo / Vergil Agnolo
Player/Group: Harj (@BennyQ ), Eva (@Kassia ), Kahoni (@Kosmik_Khaos )
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

Vesper pouted when Eva said that she wasn't getting out of the bet. But her seductive Italian accent always worked! "But Evaaaaa," She complained, burying her face against her girlfriend's neck, "I don't want to drink something gross."

"Also, your driving is scary. I gotta hold onto that hand thingy each time. My life flashes before my eyes," Vesper shuddered at the mere thought of being Eva's passenger in a car.


Immediately, Vesper's eyes lit up. She knew that voice mixed with an Italian accent anywhere! She spun around, letting out a small squeal of excitement as she saw her twin. "V!!!" She cheered before throwing her arms around her twin. They looked nearly identical with their golden blonde hair and clear sky blue eyes. The main difference was their sex and heights. The way the twins hugged each other was as if they had been separated for years rather than a few hours. To them, it felt like years when they spent nearly every waking moment together when growing up. They were each other's best friend and best support system when their parents neglected them to do their jobs. In an otherwise lonely environment, they mostly just had each other. Just as quickly as Vesper had left Eva to hug her twin, she abandoned Vergil and returned her arms around Eva. Vesper hugged her tightly, squeezing her affectionately as she nestled her head on the werewolf's shoulder.

"Hey Eva! Good to see you again," Vergil beamed at her, clapping Harj on the shoulder.

"Hi Harj! Great plays today! Honestly, super proud of you for not decking that ref! My twin must be an awesome influence on you," She winked at her twin's roommate, "Kahoni, you remember my brother Vergil!"

"What's up, Kahoni?" Vergil greeted with a smile, "Where'd Tala and Leo go?"

"Oh, you know, off kanoodling."

"Kanoodling?" Vergil repeated with a laugh.

Character: Tallulah Neith
Player/Group: Leo (@Kassia )
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

On her way to get a beer, Tala picked up a shot and quickly tipped it back. It went down smoothly despite it being rather cheap vodka. Hey, she survived the Coast Guard's drinking celebrations. The vodka might as well have been high end. She was here to have fun, regardless of being a newly hired cop and against Ryan's wants. She wasn't doing anything illegal, unless enjoying herself was illegal. Nowadays, it felt like it was. If she was honest to herself, a part of her had felt a longing to return to the ocean. To rejoin her people. There was a freedom to the vast open ocean that was lost on the fascinating yet limited surface world. Yet she stayed here even with some of the shackles. Tala couldn't help it. She had a fondness for the surface....and, most of all, for people on the surface.

"Wanna get out of here and head to the firepits?"

Tala looked over from the warmth of Leo's hand on her shoulder. She felt her heart pounding in her chest from the minor contact. The firepits? A smile curled its way onto her lips. "Yeah, sounds good to me. I'll meet you there," She responded. Her eyes trailed him for a moment as he walked out towards the firepits. Tala grabbed herself a beer from one of the coolers. It had been a while since she and Leo have gotten to hang out like this. Hanging out like a firepit and drinking beers? It almost sounded like old times, even before they tried their hand at dating each other. Before things had gotten complicated.

Tallulah walked out the doors and towards the firepits. The fire glinted in her eyes ,making her soften them for a moment. Fire was a fascinating element. It didn't exist beneath the surface of the water. Fire was a scary thing. Despite the warmth and beauty of the flames, it was so dangerous and destructive. It devoured without discrimination. Fire consumed, water engulfed. Two sides of the same coin and yet polar opposites. Fire unnerved her, but perhaps it was because she was a being born from the depths of water. Tala spotted Leo sitting by the impressive bonfire. It crackled and spit as it fed upon the wood to keep burning and raging. Tala sat down next to Leo in another patio chair as she popped open the tab and took a sip of the beer.

"Reminds me of the Coast Guard a bit," She said with a smile towards him as she took a sip of beer, "It's been a long time since I've gotten to relax like this." Tala fluttered her eyes closed and leaned her head back with a small smile. The warmth of the fire heated her face and her chest, fighting back the chill of the winter air. It smelled crisp and fresh outside mixed with the smoke of the burning wood. It was relaxing. "I missed this, Leo. Hanging out and spending time together. Sometimes I feel like a fish in one of those water Just swimming in a repetitive circle, contained and forever going in just one monotonous direction for the benefit and entertainment of others."

Tala peered open her eyes for a moment, looking up at the sky before bringing the can up to her lips and taking a long swig of it. She returned her gaze to Leo, giving him a warm and genuine smile, "We should do this more often. Stir the waters a bit. The ocean is always changing. High tide, low tide. Ease and ebb. Water is meant for movement, not stasis. You probably understand that more than any other surface dweller does." Tala knew it was her own fault. She put herself in this constant. But recognizing it meant she could change it! Maybe she could convince Ryan to go out and do more things together. It might even help their relationship from this odd rut it's been in. Tala sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments next to Leo. These silences never felt awkward. Neither of them needed the constant voice of someone talking.

"I brought the shots! It's time for the competition!" Someone called out as they came over to the bonfire. Cheers rose up as a bunch of shots were set up on a plastic table.

"Ooooh my god! Leo! I'm totally going to win this! Do you remember these during the Coast Guard?" She gushed excitedly, lightly smacking his shoulder in excited as she got to her feet. Tala shotgunned the rest of her beer. "I'm totally going to win! I kept up with you, remember?! Hold this for me, will you? I promise to toss it in a recycling bin when we head back inside," Tala winked at Leo, pushing her empty beer can into Leo's hand as she sauntered up to the table of shots.

"I'll join!" She called out. Her inclusion was met with another series of cheers. She took a few slaps on the back in welcome for the event as she lined up around the table with others. A bunch of shot glasses covered the table. They would take shot after shot, stacking their own piles until they dipped out. Then, at the end, whoever had the most glasses finished off won.

"Ready, set....GO!"

Tala took the first shot glass of vodka and shot it back with the others. She set it before her before grabbing the next one, tipping it back, and going on to the next. It didn't taste good, but it was easy for her to ignore it. She barely allowed it to settled on her tongue before she swallowed the alcohol. Her belly was warming more and more with each shot of vodka she got down. By the time she finished off five, one person stepped out. Six, seven, eight...more stepping back. Nine, and ten. The last person coughed and stepped back, admitting defeat as they handed victory to Tala. Tallulah beamed, raising her ten stacked shot cups in the air with an air of victory. Already, she could feel her head starting to spin a bit. Was this a good idea? Probably not. She was going to be absolutely plastered. Two beers and eleven shots. She wasn't going to have a good morning. Her victory raised cheers from others around her. She returned her way to Leo, stumbling just a little as she came over with a wide, cute smile.

"Leo! Did y'see me? You pre'ared me for vic'ory!" Tallulah giggled, plopping down in the chair next to him she had been in before, "Soooo lonely ov'r hereeee." She pouted before slinging her legs up...and over Leo's lap as she laid sprawled in her seat and his. Tala lifted her arms up a little in the air, "Much better!"
Last edited:
Character Name: Madeline Abbott
Player/ Group: Scarlett (@Kassia), Valerie/Corey (@Kosmik_Khaos), Lilith/Elin (@MsBloom)
Location: Afterparty
Time: December 14th, 2022

"Is there any other way?" The brunette smiled, giving the taller woman a wink. "Really?" She looked down nervously and patted the skirt. "You don't think it's too much?" Maddy asked, feeling vulnerable while out of her comfort zone. Valerie's kind words, however, gave her a much needed confidence boost in preparation for their grand entrance.

Maddy fought the urge to giggle as the witch's face shifted to a serious business look while arranging the group in the most aesthetically pleasing order. Looking from Elin, to Lilith, and then Scarlett, the brunette smiled with amusement dancing in her eyes. Sure, she'd expected they'd want to make some sort of entrance, but never had she expected for the most stoic of the group to take it so seriously. Settling into her assigned position right of Scarlett and left of Lilith, the witch quickly fell into step as they started up the pathway for the door.

This being the transfer student's first SU party, she wasn't sure what to expect, and was thankful to be in the company of friends. Judging by the number of cars parked outside the Taylor beach house, the floors would be packed with Rockford's student body.

Greeted by Corey Taylor as he made his way outside, Maddy fought back the urge to laugh as the host attempted to smoothly compose himself. "Remember that interview we did when the dining hall swapped out the sour cream with cottage cheese? Absolutely riveting compared to what I got. Not sure how I'm going to spice up the loss, but I'll figure out." While the school reporter was still feeling the bitter sting of disappointment, there was confidence behind her words. She would figure it out, she always did. Winging it was what she did best.

As they stepped inside, the woman took inventory of those in attendance. Surprisingly, she recognized many of the faces from either class or in passing on campus. It seemed all the major players, from popular cliques to the star athletes, were in attendance tonight. Maddy shook her head enthusiastically as Elin took charge, charting their gameplan for the night. "To the bar!" Maddy echoed. A strong drink was exactly what the young woman needed if she was going to relax in the company of so many peers. The butterflies of uncertainty and exhilaration, much like any freshman attending their first party, filled her stomach while her heart pounding nearly as loud as the thumping bass.

Following the redhead's lead, Maddy picked up one of the glasses and clinked it against the rest of the girls' in cheer before downing the shot. Grimacing at the cheap taste of the distilled liquor, she quickly picked up the lime and gave it a bite hoping to cleanse her palate of the after taste. Maddy peered over at Elin, impressed by her ability to not only down the shot but suck the sour lime dry.

Leaning against the bar, Maddy spotted the golden-haired forward in the distance beside the Lancer’s #1 star player, Harj. Hmm. If the opportunity presented itself, perhaps she could mix a little business with pleasure and sneak in an interview or two.

Character: Kimeya Neith
Player/Group: Tallulah (@ThatGeckoGirl) // Leo (@Kassia)
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

At the drinking competitions call, partygoers began funneling out to the patio. There was a contagious air of excitement as each group hyped up their contender. At the center of one of the groups was Kimeya, a social butterfly that found enjoyment in being alongside friends and got along with just about any crowd. For the siren, the chaos of the surface was far more captivating than the calm waters below in the sea.

In a matter of minutes, the area around the table had become packed, only allowing for the competitors and a few spectators. Peeking through the crowd, Kimeya could only see her friend and a few of the competitors.

"You've got this, Ana!" The group of girls cheered on their friend.

Ana did not in fact have this, tapping out by the third round while the other competitors were already on their fifth shot. The SU cheerleader pouted in defeat as she stumbled over to her friends for a supportive hug. "Ana, it's okay. It's just because you already pre-gamed it with a beer. You totally would have won otherwise." One of the girls comforted their lightweight friend.

As the victor raised their glass, Kimeya spotted a familiar face. Flowing dark brown hair, golden honey skin, deep alluring brown eyes... a Neith. Tala? ...Here...?

"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys," Kim called to her friends as they made their way inside and began heading towards the giggling Tala who had just plopped down in her seat. Watching as the siren swung her legs over her former beau's lap, Kim began questioning whether she was already intoxicated and hallucinating.

"Tala...?!" Kim asked, the shock apparent in her wide brown eyes as she came to stand in front of the pair. Yep, it certainly looked and sounded like her cousin. "Is Ryan here?" she scanned the immediate vicinity for the dark blonde mechanic. Almost immediately, she realized how stupid of a question that was. If Tala was drinking, acting carefree, and with Leo, Ryan certainly wasn't here. While the siren's boyfriend came across friendly, outgoing, and fun to others, Kim had noticed Tala losing her spark the longer the two dated. All too familiar with what it was like knew what it was like to be controlled, and in Kim's case, led on by a partner, she suspected that Tala would eventually open her eyes and sever the chain in her own time.

"You know what, nevermind, forget I asked." The siren quickly amended with a brush of her hand. "You look great Tala," Kimeya said while looking her beautiful cousin up and down, good choice, then leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek. "And you, too, Leo."

"Kim!" Came a call from inside.

"It was great seeing you guys." She waved to the pair before heading in to see what sort of trouble her friends were getting themselves into.

With each sauntering step, her satin peach dress swayed with her hips as she made her way through the dense crowd. Flashing a warm smile to each person she crossed, she felt entirely at ease with the booming music and chaos ensuing around her. Kimeya was single and ready to mingle tonight with one simple rule, no basketball players.
Character Name: Harj Khanna. (Wearing.)
Player/Group: Vergil Agnolo, Vesper Agnolo (@ThatGeckoGirl), Evalyn Wilson (@Kassia).
Location: Corey’s House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

”Uhuh.” Harj answered sarcastically when Vergil gave the usual spiel of delaying finding his one and only. He had lived long enough with the other man not to be too easily swayed by that charming smile. But he was swayed. A little. Making him content to drop the topic for now. But Harj did have one tactic that could overcome that damnable smile. And that was snitching. To a higher power. Like his twin sister who would surely agree with Harj on this. The man was too damn fine to be left on his own. And why not? He and Harj could even start double dating. He bet Josie would like that concept as well.

He quirked his dark eyebrow at Vergil when he brought up things that devout Christian said. Hello? Wrong hemisphere over here. ”You’re right, he does provide, like how I provide those passes that let you make those buckets.” Harj sipped his drink. ”Well I’m damn sure not going to miss this. Not going to be one of those…blink and you’ll miss it things. It’s going to be great.” He kept on hyping up Vergil, as they sipped and scoped the scene. Josie was talking to Alaula, Kahoni’s sister, to which Harj hummed with acknowledgement. He eyed Josie for a moment, looking damn fine in her dress. She seemed like she was having fun. Maybe he ought to keep his grumbling insides away from her. He was still very sour about the game. Luckily, there was plenty of distractions. But just one moment away and all that fury will be right there…

They walked over to greet Vergil’s sister and her friends, Harj seeing it as a form of paying his respects to Vesper, given their mutual acquaintance and the love they had for that man. Vergil was like his own brother and therefore, Harj supposed, that made Vesper like family too. He watched the twins embrace like they had been apart a lifetime, Harj’s eyebrows piqued in amusement and a little bit of envy. ”Hey Vesper.” Harj greeted her with a raise of his cup. He smiled politely and turned his head in a dismissive fashion when she mentioned his incident with the referee. His near-incident. He just played it off, trying not to let a dark mood settle on his mind. There were some pretty girls here. ”Yeah, he’s a good guy, I suppose. You see that dunk he made today? Man was soarin’.” Harj complimented Vergil. Too bad he can’t soar his way into some p-

”How’s it goin’?” Harj greeted the other woman now, offering his cup in a greeting toast to Eva, who he knew mostly by repute and the occasional interactions like this but never anything in depth. But they had the twins in common so they ought to be friendly to some degree, right? Small college, too. ”What’s everyone’s choice of poison tonight?” He then nodded to Vesper, who was tied to Eva. ”See any sweet poison for this guy?” He said, nodding his head in Vergil’s direction, hoping Vesper picked up the hint.

Character Name: Gordian Alva.
Player/Group: Kimeya Neith (@Rheya).
Location: Corey’s House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

”…so the man brings home some flowers for his wife. She sighs and rolls her eyes and says guess you expect me to spread my legs now. He says why? You don’t got a vase? Gordian concluded, causing the group of young men and women around him to burst in laughter at his pervy joke. Grinning, quite pleased of himself, Gordian raised his vodka cran to his lips, letting his brown eyes wander over the laughing faces and attention he was receiving…before he spotted her over the shoulder of some. Kimmy.


Did she see him too? Look at him, in the spotlight like he loved, commanding the group’s attention like a natural leader. And yet he wasn’t the locker room captain of the Lancers, much to his chagrin. But Gordian knew how competitive sports worked. One had to claw and fight their way to top. And that prick Harj wouldn’t stay there forever, given his…teetering temper tantrums, that was only spitting distance from being a suspension or worse, total ejection. He seemed to have everything over Gordian. Good grades, top of the scoreboard in stats…hot, slutty girlfriend. Look at Josie, swaying around in that dress. She knew what she was doing. Look at Kimmy, in her own dress. She knew what she was doing too.

One day Gordian will be at the top. He would be putting up those buckets for the win. And he would have his own dumb, slutty girlfriend to be perched on his arm. Polishing off his drink, Gordian silently detached from the group in a show of needing a refill. Why play in this puppy league when there were wolves in the forest to be fought? Maybe it was the liquor talking. He already had three in the space of a quarter-hour. No basketball players huh? What about old boyfriends? Gordian watched and timed it right, so that when Kimmy stepped to any of the drink station, he would be there as well.

”You look good.” He said to Kimmy, coming up behind her, tapping her mid-back. He used to touch her everywhere. ”What is that, Valentino? Mugler? Did I get you this?” He asked about her dress, picking top brands to associate with her style. He looked good himself. Grey dress pants, white dress shirt, Michael Kors, with the top buttons undone to reveal a gold chain, a strong bronze-hued chest and all, with the sleeves rolled up to reveal a gold watch and a ring on each hand. Family wealth. ”I heard you were coming. Finally got out of your shell, huh? Whatcha drinking?” He inquired, already picking up the coconut ciroc bottle, offering to pour her a nice drink. Obviously one that would be a bit stiff, to help her get tipsy, and lose some…inhibition. Because honestly, in his young adult life, how else did one talk to women? Get them drunk, and easy, and stupid slutty.
Character Name: Eva
Player/Group: Vergil, Vesper (@ThatGeckoGirl), Harj ( @BennyQ), Kahoni ( @Kosmik_Khaos )
Location: Corey's House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

"Hey Eva! Good to see you again,"

Eva nodded with a smile and hugged Vesper lovingly. "Good to see you too, V. Did you come with Harj? I saw the game; definitely a nail bitter!" As she spoke, she noticed Harj come up behind him and through the crowd.

" See any sweet poison for this guy?"

"You or Vergil?" Eva asked Harj with a giggle; she would have said more about Josie and their abrasive union, but she caught herself and swallowed down the wolf that seemingly tried to claw its way out of her body with snide remarks. "Uh, but... no. Besides, I don't think anyone is good enough for Verg here. He's too gentle. Girls here only want guys that toss them around."

The twins were close; it was rare that either one was seen without the other, and Eva liked that. She and Leo were close like that, so it felt normal and comfortable. Sometimes those who played sports were intimidating, so seeing them with friends, she actually knew, put her mind at ease. She then saw Kahoni and then raised a brow.

"By... Kanoodling do you mean--" Her words were cut short by someone yelling over the noise around them.

"I brought the shots! It's time for the competition!"

Oh no.

The crowd seemed very enthused by this new competition, and she looked around for her brother and Tala; they couldn't resist these things, and with Leo's high metabolism, she knew it wouldn't be a fair fight. But they were days away from the change, so if the competition turned sideways, she was sure her brother would tear this place apart.

"Let's go... Let's go watch the game." Eva enthusiastically said to Vesper, Vergil, Harj, and Kahoni, who had returned from the dance floor.

Leo and Tallulah were already at the table, but to Eva's surprise, Leo hung back, arms crossed, as Tala had decided to participate.

"I'm totally going to win! I kept up with you, remember?! Hold this for me, will you? I promise to toss it in a recycling bin when we head back inside,"

Eva watched her brother, who took hold of her cup, leaning in, his hand lightly resting on her waist and whispering something Eva couldn't hear-- which seemed strange given her enhanced hearing.

And Eva watched, her teeth buried into her lip as her brother and Tallulah carried on.

Character Name: Leo
Player/Group: Tallulah (@ThatGeckoGirl), Mentions of Kimeya ( @Rheya )
Location: Corey's House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

"Talla...? Is Ryan here?"

Leo looked at Kimeya. He was quiet as he didn't quite know Kimeya as well as he should have. He did know that she was a siren like Tala, that they had lived somewhere out at the cove, but she was younger, and while he was off with Tala, she was just a little guppy in the water growing up with others her age. But still, he liked seeing that Tala's family had allowed them to walk among the others.

Leo watched Tala as she stepped out onto the deck with her beer and stared at the fire. There was something beautiful about fire, its cleansing purities, and how it kept the small area warm and inviting. Safe. That was Tallulah to Leo, even if he didn't admit it verbally. He tilted his head curiously, then dropped his eyes to the flames.

"I missed this, Leo. Hanging out and spending time together. Sometimes I feel like a fish in one of those water Just swimming in a repetitive circle, contained and forever going in just one monotonous direction for the benefit and entertainment of others."

Leo looked over at her before reaching into a pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. Even if he didn't smoke one, he stuck it behind his ear for later. "Yeah? You don't give yourself time anymore. Between work and Ryan..." He cleared his throat and crossed his ankle over his knee before sipping his beer. "You should put time aside for yourself, is what I'm trying to say." He thought for a moment while he stared into the house. "What... what does Ryan like to do, maybe do those things?"

He didn't intend to help Tala form some intimate bond with Ryan, but he also didn't want to appear domineering towards the situation. Did she deserve better?Yes. Did Leo wish that it was him in Ryan's position? Yes. Was he going to break them up? No. Tala had to figure this out on her own, he knew that he had smothered her and pushed her away far too much in their past relationship, and he knew this was probably the better call.

"I brought the shots! It's time for the competition!"

Leo sighed; it seemed like their tiny slice of calm had been disrupted.

"Ooooh, my god! Leo! I'm totally going to win this! Do you remember these during the Coast Guard?"

"Yeah... But you have a different tol--" Before he could finish, she was up and inside the house, taking her station at the table. As she handed him the cup, he set his hand on her waist and leaned in."You have a different tolerance. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He knew that no matter the amount of reasoning he did, she was still her own person, and she was entitled to let loose. Truthfully, he was amazed. Tala slung back shots like she had done this professionally, his eyes were wide, but he kept a smile to which he refused to leave. All Leo could see was her, so even though the crowd cheered, and the music thumped, he was amazed by her determination. he set his hands on her shoulder to steady her.

"Leo! Did y'see me? You pre'ared me for vic'ory!"

Leo laughed and nodded. "I saw you! I was right there!" He led her back to the deck, sat back down on his chair, and watched as she did the same to hers but didn't stay secluded from her for long and laughed again as she set her legs on his lap. Leaning forward, he set the can she had handed him earlier on the coffee table across from them and then put his arms on her legs.

"I'm going to have to carry you home. I hope you know that." He set his head back on his chair and watched her, or admired her in the glow of the fire. He struggled with formulating a response to what he would tell Ryan. Would it just be better for her to spend the night in the dorm?
Character Name: Valerie
Player/Group: The Witches (@Kassia @MsBloom @Rheya)
Location: Corey's Party
Time: December 14th, 2022

A warmth entered Valerie's eyes that only her close friends would recognize, at the light touch of Scarlett. For a brief moments Valerie entangled her fingers with Scarlett's and gave them them a gentle squeeze before letting their hands part and laughing at Elin's eagerness to start the party. Raising to the occasion Valerie took both shots she and took them back to back, sans salt, but she did eat the lime leaving only the rind, having a love of all citrus fruits. "Ooh mother that is rough." Val said after a cringe and shake of her head. "Doesn't quite kick like grandpa's shine, but that isn't fair to compare that to normal liquor." She trailed off on a minor tangent, the earlier drink and smoke having had time to get her feeling the warm and fuzzies. "He uses magic to brew is shine. I think that is cheating."

Valerie caught Elin throwing a look across the room and the shy guy sitting a bit off to the side, she then looked over to Maddie who was also giving eyes to someone she couldn't see without having to turn almost completely around. Tonight was starting to look like a lot of fun was going to go down. Turning to Scarlett and Lilith she almost let out a smile but managed to catch herself. She spent a moment just admiring her, letting the growing buzz wash over her mind for a moment. "Scar you ready to dance?" She asked the smile missing from her face clear in her voice, the cocked eyebrow and glimmer in her eyes hinting at her desire to get her hands on the other woman and get to moving around.

Character Name: Alaula
Player/Group: Josie (@Kassia ) Mentions of Vergil and Harj (@BennyQ @ThatGeckoGirl )
Location: Corey's Party
Time: December 14th, 2022

Alaula laughed at Josie's response. "I don't just do it for the sports teams, though the PT part is the major, I still wanted to learn massage therapy so I could offer a better range of services to future clients what I work with. I'm always looking for new bodies to practice with. The whole class accepts volunteers actually so if you want, you can get some friends together and get free student massages." As she spoke she fixed a pair of Tequila sunrises for them, handing one to Josie after she was sure they were properly mixed...and strong.

Looking to where Josie pointed she spotted Harj and Vergil, vaguely recognizing them as star athletes. "That is a nice mustache, must be one hell of a ride." She joked giving Josie a playful waggle of her eyebrows. "So I see you have Tall, Dark and Handsome on lock, who is Tall, Golden and Gorgeous beside him?" She asked eyeing Vergil from across the room.

"Yeah, sports medicine. Gotta put those boys back together when they fall apart." She quipped. "Oh it easy to handle them once they realize that I can make them behave." She said giving her right arm a flex showing off the impressive muscles. "They act up and I will physically put them in line." She said with a warm laugh. In truth she had only had to manhandle one person, and they had snapped their ankle where justifiably in pain and flailing around when she helped get him off the field. She was in charge of holding him down after he nearly fell of the stretcher twice.

Character Name: Kahoni
Player/Group: Vergil/Vesper (@ThatGeckoGirl ) Eva (@Kassia ) Kimeya (@Rheya )
Location: Corey's Party
Time: December 14th, 2022

"Major kanoodling." Kahoni reaffirmed. "Good to see you Vergil." The call for a competion caused Kahoni's head to snap in that direction. He knew what was about to happen and a smile spread across his face. "This is going to be good." He said following Eva to watch the beautiful disaster in the works. They both knew what was in store. Kahoni was surpised with how well she did, but he could see it in how she moved Tala was trashed. "You know Leo is going to have to carry her home right?" He asked Eva.

Kahoni's attention was suddenly captured by a glimpse of a familiar profile that turned. He still recognized the back moving towards the drink station. "Hey I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, I think I just saw someone I know." Kahoni excused himself and made his way through the crowd with his dancers grace. It still took him a bit of maneuvering to get through the dense party, finally making it to the small clearing that somehow formed a few feet around the drink station to allow flow. Walking up to stand beside the beauty in the peach dress he got a better look at her profile and smiled. He knew he recognized her.

"Hey Kimmy, how you been?" He asked cutting into the seemingly one sided conversation the sharp dressed man was having at Kimeya. Grabbing a cup he started to make himself a Caribou Lou. "That dress looks amazing on you" He complimented letting her see him admire her outfit in a non-sleazy way. He had nothing to hide or be shy about, Kimmy had always been cute when they were growing up and she grew into that cuteness coming out the other side a beautiful young woman and he told her this frequently. Kahoni spoke his mind a little to openly sometimes, a family trait.

Character Name: Corey Taylor, featuring Timmy
Player/ Group: All present (@Kassia @ThatGeckoGirl @MsBloom @Rheya @BennyQ
Location: Corey's Party
Time: December 14th, 2022

The party was in full swing now. The music was bumping, the alcohol flowing, and the bodies moving. The best part, so far no one had tried starting any major trouble. He had noticed some of the egos were a little stoked, but nothing had sparked yet and he could live with that. Swinging by one of the beer coolers he snagged himself a can and popped it open taking a long pull. This was a success all around.

"This speech is my recital, I think it's very vital"

The words came on and Corey all but threw the can he was holding onto the closest table. "STOP THE MUSIC! TIMMY! TIMMY! WHERE ARE YOU!" Corey started to yell excitedly and run through the party screaming for his best friend. The music was stopped and people all around watched as Corey showed off his skills evading on the court with the bodies in his home. He finally saw Timmy who was all but glowing red. Quickly looking to where his bestie was staring he saw a pretty redhead giving him eyes. An even bigger smile grew on his face. No wonder his friend wasn't answering his calls.

The truth was Timmy had heard the start of the song as well and had hoped Corey wouldn't do what he was about to do. It was already embarassing enough being stared at like that by the cute girl across the room, if Corey made him do that he would die of embarrassment. Corey was standing in front of Timmy moments later cutting off the view of Elin from him. "You heard the song, it's time to dance buddy." "B-b-but do I ha-have to C-C-Corey?" He asked, his stutter not quite as strong since he had a few drinks in him. "Yes Timmy, if you love me you do." Corey said loud enough for people to hear. Sighing in defeat Timmy stood up and took a deep breath clenching his eyes shut. Grabbing Timmy by his wrist Corey lead him to the largest of the dance areas calling out for everyone to come and witness greatness. The floor cleared as the two stood in the center of the crowd. Both men trembled, Timmy in abject horror, Corey in pure delight. "HIT IT!"

At Corey's command the song was restarted. As soon as it began Timmy loosened up and started to dance with his best friend.
Character: Kimeya Neith
Player/Group: Gordian (@BennyQ), Kahoni (@Kosmik_Khaos)
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

Even before Gordian had said a word, Kimeya recognized the scent of woody citrus with subtle notes of mandarin, ginger, birch, and musk approaching from behind her, Creed Aventus... Gordie. The luxurious cologne that used to bring a smile to her lips only brought disgust at the memory. The siren didn't even bother to turnaround to acknowledge her former-beau's compliment as he tapped her exposed middle back. She tried to appear busy, searching for something to drink on the table, but their proximity was making it increasingly difficult. "No, Dior. The Mugler you bought me was black." She'd spun around, answering flatly. She'd nearly worn the gift, but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of seeing her in it.

It was so like him to offer a drink immediately. "Something fruity and not nearly as in-toxic-ating." Placing emphasis on the final word as it rolled venomously off her tongue. Their breakup may have happened just a few weeks ago, but she could feel the string from their last fight. She'd fallen for his sleazy tactics and played the role of the stupid girlfriend, ignoring all the blazing red flags for far too long.

"Oh, Kahoni, hey." The familiar voice caught her off-guard as she could feel herself growing heated. "I've been great," she gave Gordian a snide look, before turning her attention to the siren and smiling at the compliment. She gave a twirl, the silky hem of the dress lifting slightly with the movement to accentuate her long legs. "Thanks! I was worried it wouldn't arrive in time and I'd have to resort to something else. So! Are you planning on trying out for Phantom of the Opera? I'm auditioning Christine. From what I hear, it's going to be stiff competition for the leading roles."

Character Name: Madeline Abbott
Player/ Group: Scarlett (@Kassia), Valerie/Corey (@Kosmik_Khaos), Lilith/Elin (@MsBloom), Vergil (@ThatGeckoGirl), Harj (@BennyQ)
Location: Afterparty
Time: December 14th, 2022

Maddy continued staring at the golden-haired center and dark-haired small forward. Should she just go over to talk to them now? Would they be pissed if she just barged in asking for an interview while the two were trying to relax and drink away the memories of ? Of course, she could just wait until later, but what if they left soon and she never got the chance before her piece was due? Her mind spun in several directions as she weighed the pros and cons. Impulsiveness and deceased inhibition thanks to the shot of tequila soon got the best of her.
You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take...

"I'll catch up with you guys later," she turned to the group just after Valerie asked Scarlett to dance. Without waiting for a reply, she began to walk towards the two star players. Was this a good idea? Hell, if she knew, but she'd figure out something. She was good at improvising, good with words, she could speak to just about anyone.

She could speak to just about anyone...

"Uh-," the sound was no louder than a whisper as she came to stand beside the tall, gorgeous blonde, suddenly feeling a bit star-struck. Sure, everyone knew how beautiful the Agnolo twins were, but she'd never seen him this up close. Were his blue eyes always that striking, his smile so bright... Uhhh... She shook her head, trying to compose herself. Get it together Maddy! "Hi, sorry to bother you two during the party. I'm covering the game and was-" At that moment Corey shouted and the music stopped, Maddy finding herself momentarily distracted by the eccentric display, before trying to continue while Corey began running excitedly through the crowd, "ho-," she turned her attention back to the two men, "hoping to get an interview from the Lancer's top two players." That's right Maddy, butter them up, even if her timing couldn't have been worse with the dance-off starting.

Hoping she could catch a few sound bites before the music started, she pulled out her phone, its case decorated with a sticker from her favorite indie band, their logo a Paradox triangle.
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Character Name: Lilith Morgan / Elin Morris

Player/ Group: @Kosmik_Khaos @Kassia @Rheya

Location: The Party

December 14.

Leaving Elin to her own devices, whether that was a wise decision of not, Lilith followed her best friend since childhood and the tallest girl on campus to the dance floor and soon fell into the beat even if perhaps the music was not really to her taste. Dancing was fun though and she fully emerged herself in the movements of her own body and of the bodies around her more than she did in the music. The shots helped too of course, as did the buzz from the weed.

Elin had just ordered and downed another shot and started walking over towards the cute shy guy she had her eyes on, the guy she had decided to have some fun with that night, whether in one of the upstairs bedrooms or maybe if she could sneak him into her apartment above the Morgans' garage. Her seduction was temporarily interrupted though as the host of the party grabbed the attention of the guy and started a dance off with moves it seemed the two had rehearsed more than a couple of times, even if it seemed one of them was more comfortable with their little show and enjoyed it more.

She looked around and noticed that people had not started dancing again when the music came back on but rather stood around watching so she watched too, making sure she was standing right in front of the less comfortable of the two dancers, right within his line of sight and threw him her best smile and a wink while pushing her chest ut ever so discreetly but invitingly.

Emerged in the rhythmic movements of her own body Lilith had continued to dance a little while longer than most of the others when the music stopped and when it became clear what was about to happen she remembered how she and Scarlett had used to dance in front of the mirror and poked her friend nodding at the open space on the dance floor.
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Character: Vergil Agnolo / Vesper Agnolo
Player/Group: Harj (@BennyQ), Kahoni (@Kosmik_Khaos), Maddie (@Rheya), Eva (@Kassia)
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

"Oh, don't worry Harj, I'm always looking for sweet poison for my twin," Vesper grinned mischievously. Vergil let out an audible sigh at this, though he looked content with Harj and Vesper teaming up like this. After all, it likely wouldn't amount to much if he didn't feel some sort of connection to whatever 'sweet poison' they found.

"Uh, but... no. Besides, I don't think anyone is good enough for Verg here. He's too gentle. Girls here only want guys that toss them around."

Vergil's eyes widened, "They do?!"

"Well Eva certainly does," Vesper giggled, planting a kiss on Eva's cheek.

"Dio aiutami (God help me)," Vergil groaned in Italian before taking a drink from his rum and coke. "Well, I'll leave all the tossing to Harj and Josie. There's plenty of that in the dorm room already without me adding to it."

"Game?" Vesper questioned Eva with a curious tilt of her head before following her eyes, "Oooooo absolutely!" Vesper took Eva's hand and swung their arms a little as they moved to watch the downing of shots. She raised her eyebrows as Leo leaned in towards Tala with his hand in the small of her back.

"Your brother making moves?" She asked as she peered towards Eva, expecting her werewolf girlfriend with the perfect hearing had heard whatever her brother whispered. Perks of a werewolf girlfriend. "That looks intimate to me," She winked over to Eva.

The shot competition was won by Tala herself. Vesper was surprised. If she was Tala, that much alcohol would probably kill her. She was a lightweight! As Tala and Leo returned to chairs though, Vesoer gave a little smile in seeing the siren prop her legs up on Leo's lap then throw her hands in the air like she was going down on a rollercoaster. They were cute. It was a crime they weren't together. If only her angel blood was from cupid or something. She'd love arrow the hell out of them. Vesper nodded in affirmation to Kahoni's words. The start of a re-budding romance if she ever heard one! As the music blared out, Vesper turned to Eva with one of her breath-catching, glowing smiles (perks of being half angel) after Corey and Timmy's amazing performance.

"Oh hey beautiful, didn't see you there. Could I interest you in a dance?" Vesper teased playfully, acting as if she was picking up her girlfriend while tapping her foot lightly to the thrum of the music. If they danced the night away, maybe she wouldn't have to make good on losing the bet.

"See ya, Kahoni! Have fun," Vergil called as the siren dipped to see someone he knew. He turned towards Harj as the dancing started off, "You gonna twirl Josie out there and make everyone jealous in seeing the perfect couple?"

It was then that Vergil heard someone else beside him. A voice he didn't recognize. He looked over, his clear blue eyes settling on a woman with wavy long light brown hair. It was light enough some could argue it was a bit blonde. She was really pretty, and certainly cute at her approach. Vergil was rather used to wide eyes, giggles and shy eye aversions. He liked that, even though her eyes were a little wide in having initially approached him, she spoke business about what she wanted. From the sound of it (at least what he could hear over Run DMC) it seemed she was one of the school's reporters. Vergil glanced at Harj for a quick moment, figuring talking about the game would just rile him up. This was a job for his guardian angel to not get him in deeper trouble with Josie. Plus it was a great excuse to get out of breakdancing. He wasn't quite drunk enough to bring that out.

"Ha! Hear that, Harj? The two star players. That means I must be catching up to stealing your best player title," He grinned with playful competition, clapping Harj on the shoulder. Vergil moved closer to Maddy due to the blaring music so he could hear her better. "Interview away. I'm Vergil Agnolo but probably already know that, huh?" He stated with a sheepish smile, "I don't think I got your name...wait, no way!"

Vergil completely lost track of the interview part as Maddy pulled her phone out and he spotted the sticker on the back. His eyes lit up like stars as they widened. "You listen to Paradox of Habit?! I don't think I've met anyone else that knows who they are. They're so good! Have you heard their latest album?" The words rushed out excitedly before he gave a small laugh, "Ah sorry, you're supposed to be the one interviewing me."

Character: Tallulah "Tala" Neith
Player/Group: Leo (@Kassia), Kimeya (@Rheya)
Location: Afterparty
Time: Evening of December 14, 2022

"KIMMYYYYY!" Tala cheered out her cousins name when she heard her call her own. She beamed at her younger cousin, giggling when she asked if Ryan was here, "Haaaa nope!" She burst into another little giggle fit as she settled her blurry gaze on Kim. "Oh my Goddddd, Kimmy, you're so beau'iful. Go getter, girl! If anyone gives ya trouble, I'll 'rrest em!" Tala drunkenly punched her fist in the air with her show of support as her cousin slowly departed after the greeting. The comment of her arresting someone drew a few confused glances before it was ignored. It was then that she and Leo sunk back into their chairs, and she propped her legs on him.

"You were right there? The whole time??? No wonder I won! My good luck wolf was there!" Tallulah gasped, breaking out into the biggest drunken smile, only for her eyes to widen when he mentioned that he'd need to carry her home.

"Yay! Leo is my hero~!" Tala cheered in a sing song voice, tilting her head against the chair as she gazed happily Leo. She had no idea the stress he was under regarding Ryan. Tala looked up, the stars winking and spinning(?) in the sky. This led her to the nearly full moon.

"I's almos' wolf time," She commented, abruptly perking up. She tugged her legs back and leaned forward way too far, making her forehead plop on his shoulder, "Can I ride on your back? I promise to go awoo. You just have the fluffiest little wolf ears." In saying this, she leaned back just a bit to peer at Leo and poked the top of his head.

There was, without a doubt, no chance Tala would remember what she was saying in the morning.

"Oh! This is a par'y, we need more beer!" Tala's eyebrows furrowed cutely as a serious expression came over her face regarding beer.
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Character Name: Gordian Alva.
Player/Group: Kimeya Neith (@Rheya), Kahoni Kelekolio (@Kosmik_Khaos).
Location: Corey’s House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

”Shit, it’s hard to keep track, lookin’ good in everything as you usually do.” Gordian shot her a praise, raising his drink to sip again. As the cup came away from Gordian’s lips and Kimeya was facing him directly, he took the moment to let his eyes wander down and up her figure, in full view of her, his own eyes very much appreciating what he saw. It didn’t take much to get his imagination rolling, though he already knew plenty of what it was like under there. ”Dior, huh.” He remarked, like it was some sort of bad thing. A downgrade for her. Because his opinion would mean so much to her, right?

She asked for a drink, something fruity and not very toxic and he got the hint, though he merely smiled and nodded to her, one hand grabbing her a solo cup, and another just grabbing a bottle of limoncello that was nearby. ”You’re still sore about that, I see.” He pointed out, placing the half filled cup in front of her. ”Not in the fun way either.” He said pointedly, again raising his own cup to drink like it was some victory. Or emphasis, on good times, now left way behind after the huge rift that was put in the road they once shared.

By him.

He was about to open his mouth again to speak when another voice cut in, loud and interruptive. Gordian quickly raised his cup to conceal his scoff as Kimmy easily took to interacting with the other nosy party-goer. Gordian didn’t know him. He didn’t want to know him. Kimeya shot him a side look and he knew what that meant. Oh, you want to play that game, you sleazy ass hoe? He sipped longer to make sure the scorn didn’t show, or she might see that she so easily had gotten to him just by showing attention to another male, something he often tried to minimalize with her. Isolate her, and it was easier to control her. But now she was free, everyone able to build bridges to the lonely island he tried to turn her into.

He didn’t say any further words. He topped off his cup, took the bottle with him, and went to find somewhere more interesting to engage in. Gordian couldn’t let this stand. She wanted to play games, fine. So would he.

Character Name: Harj Khanna. (Wearing.)
Player/Group: Vergil Agnolo, Vesper Agnolo (@ThatGeckoGirl), Evalyn Wilson (@Kassia), Madeline Abbott (@Rheya).
Location: Corey’s House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

You or Vergil? Eva joked, causing him to smile and roll his eyes. Oh, don’t worry Harj, I’m always looking for sweet poison for my twin. Harj laughed, raising his cup to Vesper. This was good. He was having fun, forgetting the crime inflicted on him earlier when he was robbed of that fucking win. ”Sweet poison, for me? You know there’s only one kind for me.” He said, letting his eyes drift towards Josie to reference. But he meant Vergil, whom he kept his arm wrapped around the other man’s shoulders, not at all embarrassed or ashamed by such a display of brotherly affection. …girls here only want guys that toss them around… ”Guilty over here.” Harj confessed about himself, snickering. Yet Josie could return that energy all the same.

They do?! Vergil asked, ever so innocent and naïve. They were obviously messing with him, those two same traits being very well esteemed by particular women. Just had to find Vergil the one. Harj tried not to roll his eyes at the ridiculous shyness of his handsome friend though. The two women, Vesper and Eva, were very playful to a tee, causing the twin brother to curse his life. He just gave Vergil an assuring shake with his arm. He’ll find his, Harj just knew it. If only there was some sort of sign…

The girls wanted to go watch a drinking game and went on ahead. Harj polished off his rum and coke and nodded at Vergil, dropping his arm for a moment. ”Let’s crush these and get another.” He suggested. True bro shit, just getting a good tipsy vibe. With fresh drinks, they followed the girls to the shot competition, which Tala with tremendous fanfare. ”Damn, she’s good.” Harj said, occasionally trying to make eye contact with Josie, wherever she was. Talking with a new friend, that was good. Maybe she’ll be excited to tell him about it later. And he’ll be excited to listen.

You gonna twirl Josie out there and make everyone jealous in seeing the perfect couple?

Harj nearly spit out his drink, raising his cup to his lips to catch any of the overspill, laughing as he wiped his jaw with a forearm. ”God damn, cuz. Can you not read my mind right as I’m thinking it?” He joked, shaking his head. ”Yeah, I’ll take her for a twirl or two. Or three. Dancing is how we hit it off in the beginning. Bhangra, salsa, you know that’s some deadly spice being added together.” He nudged Vergil with an elbow to emphasis. And then-

Uh-, Hi, sorry to bother you two during the party. I’m covering the game and was- ho- hoping to get an interview from the Lancer’s top two players.

The game?! Ah, man, what the fuck, he was just beginning to let it go. A sharp panging sensation spread through his chest but Harj managed to keep on a smile as Vergil jumped on the question, and the interviewer. Harj had seen her around. Maddy? Madeline? Something like that. Some of the other boys talked about her, mistaking her journalistic coverage to be some sort of attraction or something. They just liked the attention.

”Sure, man. Stealing. Can’t take it like a man?” He fired back at Vergil, jokingly. ”Harj Khanna, Small Forward. He’s the Center.” He introduced himself after Vergil’s awkward own introduction. And that rather sheepish smile. Wait, could it be…? ”Maddy, I think, right?” Harj made a guess at the name, more for Vergil’s sake than any confirmation. Better he guess and get it wrong instead of his bud. Because Vergil began to go off on some sticker on Maddy’s phone, before coming back to the topic at hand.

Holding his drink in his left hand, Harj put his right arm over Vergil’s shoulders again, presenting a strong façade of brotherhood and friendship. This is what the whole team was supposed to be about, right? All the platitudes stamped on the locker room walls and all. An idea popped into his head now. A very wicked idea, some might say. Besides, he didn’t want to talk about the game anyways. Should look to the future instead and here was a future presenting itself so neatly. He didn’t know much about the band though, but he was a great bullshitter. ”No, no, those are good questions, bud. Vergil loves that group, always playing it. Besides, the party isn't going anywhere, right? Which tracks you into?” He asked Maddy, though Vergil would know Harj was bullshitting, never listening to the genre at all. Like he would know one band from another.
[information=Clue #2][/information]

Character Name: Josie
Player/Group: All parties
Location: Corey's House Party.
Time: December 14th, 2022.

"I don't just do it for the sports teams, though the PT part is the major, I still wanted to learn massage therapy so I could offer a better range of services to future clients that I work with. I'm always looking for new bodies to practice with. The whole class accepts volunteers, actually, so if you want, you can get some friends together and get free student massages."

Josie smiled as she listened to Alaula, she was very knowledgeable in her field, and Josie felt she could connect with her on that level. She took the drink and instantly sipped on it. The contrast between the flat and flavorless beer to this Tequila Sunrise made her smile, and her jaw hurt.

"Oh! I love this--" she expressed, holding it before her as if admiring a jewel. "-- I may take you up on this offer for a message. There's so much stress right now with school that I feel worn down, and then with relationships and expectations... You know?"

She crossed her arms again and leaned against the table as the two women looked out into the crowd. She giggled nervously at Alaula's comment about Harj's mustache and then looked at her when she pointed out Virgil, leaning into her as if sharing a secret to distract her. Despite the two's outbursts and fights, she didn't care to share her intimate life.

"That's Vergil, he's a sweetie, and then the blond-haired girl is his sister Vesper, her girlfriend Evalyn--" She paused to take another sip of her drink, catching Harj's glance over to her. At this point, the alcohol was working its magic, and she smiled and flipped her hair behind her as if teasing him. She also added a few sways to the music while holding her drink to add to her playfulness. However, despite Josie's typical demeanor towards him, she didn't want to be seen as rude, so she quickly returned to her conversation with Alaula and giggled more when she said she would keep the boys in line. Josie had no doubt about that. Compared to her, Alaula was strong and exuded confidence, whereas most had to work towards it.

"Scar, you ready to dance?"

Josie's brow rose curiously, and she looked at Alaula.

"Do... Do you think they are a pair?" She asked, almost astonished. Scarlett and Valarie couldn't have been more different. She had spoken to Scarlett a few times during her Equestrian training with Camilla, Scarlett's aunt. Josie loved horses. She loved how grateful and powerful they were-- and Scarlett shared that feeling. And Valerie-- her family had been some of the firsts in the town. Way before the town had even been a thought. For some reason, Josie felt fearful of that. It was as if Valerie was some type of Rockford Royalty. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that if Valerie and Scarlett were a duo, their powers would be infinitely more destructive. She felt like that was a bad idea. Josie would have to ask Harj later about their union. Maybe he knew more about the town's history. Scarlett nodded enthusiastically( and drunkenly) to Valerie's question, and the two headed out.

"I should probably get back--" Josie said, though she rather enjoyed Alula's company and made a mental note to seek her out on campus in the future. She had seen Maddy make her way over to Harj and knew that he was in for grilling about the events on the court. Not wanting to put him in an even more sour mood, Josie brushed her hand on Alula's arm and thanked her for the drink before excusing herself to return to her boyfriend.

"Oh hey beautiful, I didn't see you there. Could I interest you in a dance?"

Her eyes slipped to Eva and Vesper while she walked through the crowd, her hearing amplified due to her harpy lineage. The half-angle flashed a brilliant smile, and Eva let out a playful chuckle that could have been damming to any man in their presence. Before Josie reached hard, she watched as Eva took Vesper's hand, gave one firm nod, and then led the woman through the crowd to dance.

" Yeah, I'll take her for a twirl or two. Or three. Dancing is how we hit it off in the beginning. Bhangra, salsa, you know that's some deadly spice being added together."

Josie rolled her eyes as she came up behind the boys only a minute before Maddy arrived to ask about the game.

"You're going to take me for a twirl?" She questioned, raising one of her brows playfully while it accompanied a coy smile before the music switched. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw Corey enter the center of the room, which had been designated the dance floor, with others from the university crowding around. Corey seemed interested in pulling in his friend Timmy, and she waited as the music was paused and then restarted. While Harj and Virgil talked to Maddy about the game and the sticker on the back of her phone case, Josie watched the room shift in energy much like it had with the drinking game just moments earlier.

"Babe!" Josie said as she shook Harj's arm, "Mirar!" She slid her arm from his and grabbed his hand instead, "Let go watch; you know I love this song!"

"Can I ride on your back? I promise to go away. You just have the fluffiest little wolf ears.

As Josie moved through the mass, she observed others around her; Leo and Tallulah sat on the deck. Tala had won the drinking competition that Josie and Alaula had watched earlier while standing by the drink station. Evalyn, Vesper, Virgil, and Harj had also seen the event play out, and she noted the strange yet exciting way that Leo and Tala interacted. It was gentle, honest, and loving. She had never taken Leo as an aggressive man, even when he had passed Josie to grab beers for his group and Chet tried to make a move with her standing there. But she knew Leo protected, or attempted, to protect Tallulah to the best of his abilities, which seemed both vast and destructive.

Josie had learned in her shared class with him that Tallulah was dating some guy named Evan... Or maybe it was Ryan? She couldn't pinpoint the name as the tequila sunrise worked through her petite form. It seemed strange a wolf and siren would link up. But there was something beautiful about it. Though she would never let that be known. And Leo laughed. Tala was incredibly drunk; the Siren metabolism was undoubtedly worse off than wolves, but he found it endearing. That felt strange to Josie, she hated that Harj was too drunk, and she knew he reciprocated the same feelings about her in that state.

"Oh! This is a party; we need more beer!"

Though Josie couldn't hear him, she could read Leo's lips.

"No, I think you've had enough, Little Mermaid. We should get you home" He laughed.

Good. Josie thought. Tallula didn't need more alcohol that could hurt her. Harpies had a similar metabolism-- Josie had found when she was back home. She had entered many states of regret. This was why she didn't participate anymore in drinking games; truthfully, she was surprised that she was drinking now, or at least had been since moving to Rockford.

After Josie had watched Leo and Tala's interaction, she continued her gaze around the party; she had set her sights on the witches. They were all beautiful, all well-spoken, but they knew how to pull in a crowd. Attractively dressed, it made her feel strange, envious in a way that she couldn't put into words. She knew something was amiss when Scarlett's two-tone hair weaved in and out of the crowd without Valerie, and she grabbed Lilith's hand and pulled her onto the dance floor to counter Corey and Timmy's dance.


Josie didn't even know the witches could dance. She watched or scrutinized; she couldn't tell which at this moment... and wondered why this type of thing only happened at parties. Everyone seemed so reserved in class. This thought gave her some pride. Josie wasn't afraid to flaunt any part of herself; she wasn't afraid to show off-- Maybe she did have that in common with Aluala.[/information]
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