Mx Female Enter the Chef's Kitchen (NSFW, DomM for SubF)

Charbroiled Chef

Aug 26, 2021
Welcome to my Kitchen ladies, I'm your chef for this thread and we'll be cooking up a nice rp with this thread. I decided to keep this thread nice and easy to read so you can focus on what aspects of things that you want at any given time. But to summarize the important points to save some of you some time. I enjoy my smutty times but I do enjoy plot too. I prefer responsive snappy rping with some detail rather than short and quick or long and exhaustive. I am a Dom and I won't play a sub at all. And I prefer artwork and not a fan of photos for faceclaims and the like. If you're not scared off yet feel free to click the topics below to find out more.
What I bring and expect
So here I'm going to go ahead and just say what I bring to the table for any potential rp. As well as potential issues. Figure best to be upfront.
Posting Length and Frequency: I find I'm most consistent when I'm doing 100-250 words a post, I tend to respond often and quickly. Going to 250-450 words I'm a bit more infrequent. Going up to 450-1000 word range I am very slow and tend not to be as motivated, while I can do it I personally find that word range leads more to "yes but" rping rather than responsive rping. Now of course, posting length should vary over the course of the rp naturally with what is needed for the given scene.
Images: I'm a fan of drawn images, specifically more in the anime-ish style. For my own personal characters I tend to use AI art as I find I get what I want much better using that than if I tried to find an image that sort of matches what I'm going for. Though I will also use actual art for inspiration for ideas as you'll see in my scenario section.
OOC: I'm pretty responsive in out of character talk, bring up a topic and I'll usually have some comment on it. Get me going on games, tabletop rpgs, or manga/anime and can certainly talk your ear off on it. I would say news/politics, but lets be honest when has there ever been a random conversation about either that didn't lead to fighting?
Issues: I am definitely someone affected by current environment. If it gets oppressively hot or cold I definitely stop being as responsive. If some major stress such as needing to get pipes fixed in my old home and its taking a while then that'll also slow me down. I'll be quite honest about such things if asked of course.
Dominant Characters: I play Doms, what I enjoy, what I am, just simple as that. Now whether I bring a reluctant dom, a tease, a brute, an oaf, a himbo, a mastermind, or anything else is a matter of discussion for the idea.
Style: I tend to enjoy a more light-hearted affair with a pretty flexible smut vs plot ratio. I prefer an early smut scene though given I find its an important compatibility test. I'll vary in my ratio of plot vs smut, some ideas I'll want to keep it high 70-80% smut, other's I'll go down to 20-30%. So I generally prefer to say I prefer a flexible 50:50 ratio.
Ghosting: Honestly I've given up on expecting people not to ghost and I'm at the point where I won't bother contacting either. But if we work out an rp, go through all the planning and then I write up a starting post and you ghost me then and there I'm adding you to my ignore list. Or if you make me go through multiple pages of plot only to ghost me the moment we get to our first smut scene then you also are getting added to the ignore list. Ghosting me within the first page or first week I'll likely add you to ignore for half a year to a year, just whenever I go through my ignore list and see who I don't really mind giving another chance should opportunity arises.
"Poking": I generally give you a "poke" in OOC 3ish days after not hearing from you for a bit, the longer we've been rping the longer I'll wait before doing so. Way I figure 3 days is a good amount of time to wait for a sudden IRL issue to clear up. If you have IRL issues let me know IRL is getting in the way (no details are neceessary) and we can put a pause on things or stop things entirely and try again at another time, won't hold it against you. I certainly will let you know if I want to continue rping but IRL is keeping me too busy/distracted/etc.
Changing Ideas: If you like rping with me, but the current rp isn't doing it for you let me know and we can discuss things. I'm not opposed to switching ideas or course correcting.
Character Ages: I want 18+ only for characters. My ideas are written as such. If you like a character image whose character is canonically younger but they look like an adult that's fine as long as you're not playing THAT character but just using the image.
This would be exactly what you're thinking, my kinks, how much I like them. Linked images are certainly NSFW and are for the ones I have a particular liking for, or to give an idea of how I like the kink. Necessary Kinks are ones I pretty much insist on including in rps. Favorites are ones that always earn points for me. Loved kinks are ones that I enjoy but I hardly need in every rp. Enjoyed kinks are ones I like seeing, but I won't really go too far out of my way for. Liked kinks are ones I enjoy but hardly are necessary. Willing kinks are ones I'm a bit ambivalent towards. And Not Happening kinks are just not happening, there might be some exceptions I will mark an exception with an "!" mark on either side of the kink and these will most likely be listed in an idea of mine, but other exceptions are only for people I'm comfortable with and trust as a consistent rp partner that won't push my limits much.
Not Happening​
Fandom Settings​
!Fandom Characters!​
Malesub stuff​
Hard Vore​
Bathroom Stuff​
Full a more generalized and less fun list here's my (admittedly slightly outdated) (NSFW) F-list
These are my actual scenario ideas. These ideas are generally more malleable and flexible than a lot of "plots" you'll find in request threads as what I generally look for with rps are the concepts behind them rather than the specifics. So my ideas are very open to alteration as long as the basic concept of the idea is kept intact. I will keep this in tabs by basic structure of the rp with each tab having its own selection of things. I'll list the number of scenarios as well there. In each tab I'll star "*" each plot by how much I'm currently wanting the idea or not. One stars "*" means I'm up for it but not high priority for me. While five stars "*****" is yes please all of this. And the elusive six star "******" is this is a high craving. And If I have the idea crossed out it means I'm not currently wanting the idea or I've gotten enough of it but keeping it up for record keeping purposes.
  • This is my collection of ideas that are a bit more relaxed character/relationship driven ideas. Definitely a much higher percentage of smut in these, but they focus more on the way our characters live their day to day as well and their relationships. While we can have multiple characters in these ones, they're designed with a one on one in mind.

    Daily Life of a Petgirl (*****)
    MC: The Master(s)
    YC: The Petgirl(s)
    Summary: A simple idea really, kemonomimi exist in the world for one reason or another, humanoids with animal ears and tails but are otherwise human appearing. And they either have to live with a human, instinctively want to live with a human, or just are another race. Our characters live together, with mine "owning" yours, how literal that is will be based on how societal we wants thing. They live in a free use scenario where your character is just available for mine to use whenever he wants in exchange for a comfortable place to live, affection, and of course entertainment.

    Room Mate Rutting (***)
    Inspiration: NSFW1 NSFW2 NSFW3 NSFW4 NSFW5 NSFW6 NSFW7
    MC: Male Character
    YC: Female Character
    Summary: A simple idea, our characters are roommates, and for some reason they've entered into a free use agreement. Either just because neither has time/money for dating, your character unable to meet the rent, or just because they're both nymphos. And we're just going through their daily life.

    Horny Home Humping (****)
    MC: Male Character(s)
    YC: Female Character(s)
    Summary: Our characters are living together, either as room mates, family members, or some other arrangement. And they'll be either already in a free use relationship or will be entering one soon enough. Where my character can fuck your at any point they desire. This can be any number of characters on either side.
  • These ideas are more about exploring scenarios or settings, where the rules are definitely different and are more anthology focused ideas with loads of characters to explore things.

    Sublimely Signed Shirts (****)
    MC: Varies
    YC: Varies but girls in the shirts
    Summary: There exists a town where all the girls wear shirts with rather lewd sayings on them. The town is a town where only adult women live, all the children living in a nearby town with their fathers. The girls wear the shirts, all of them containing instructions directing people to fuck them in specific ways and the men from the nearby town commute on their days off of working to enjoy themselves in town. Walking around and fucking the girls according to the instructions, and once they can get through them they are allowed to continue however they please.
  • These ideas are more about rougher scenarios, a bit more focused on short term scenes in general rather than long term things. But not necessarily opposed to long term here. While I say this section is dubcon/noncon, these ideas can be entirely con as well.

    Breeding Bunny Buns (*****)
    MC: The Hunter
    YC: The Bunnies
    Summary: Your characters are bunny girls who are going about their day, unaware that someone is out to get them. Whether this is a more secret thing that they aren't aware of or they know that they are being "hunted" is a matter of discussion. My character is looking for them and is planning to breed each and every one of them, whether its part of a game, a job of his, or anything else. One idea I had with this is that my guy is a "professional escort" of sorts who fulfills a hunting fetish for the girls who want to feel like prey only to get bred.

    Bound Breeding (*****)
    Inspiration: NSFW1pt2pt3pt4 NSFW2pt2pt3 NSFW3 NSFW4 NSFW5 NSFW6 NSFW7 NSFW8 NSFW9
    MC: The Surprised Person
    YC: The Bound Person
    Summary: Your character ends up tied up and strung up in some way, it could be a magical book like the first set suggests, it could be she got tied up by someone. But she gets tied up and left somewhere for hours as the ropes rub against her and tease her in just the right ways. Leaving her hot and bothered by the time my character walks in on where she's been sitting/standing/suspended/etc. Surprised to find her there, but not about to let a golden opportunity pass him by.

    Shivering School Sluts (***)
    NSFWGif 1
    MC: Male Teachers, Guests
    YC: Students, Female Teachers
    Summary: A special finishing school exists, known for its excellent education system and how it nearly has a hundred percent success rate for getting girls into college. The girls go in for a year before they head to college at eighteen, living on campus and not leaving for the entire year. What isn't known is that while at the school the girls, whether the students or female teachers, are all available to be used by the teachers and guests at the school at any time. To be bent over and fucked without notice.

    Breeding MAIDens (***)
    MC: Master of the House
    YC: The Maid(s)
    Summary: The master of the house has recently found out he needs to sire a child, either because of inheritance reasons, a magical curse that makes him need to breed, a sudden desire for heirs, or any other reason. So he turns to look at his female maid staff, deciding they would be the perfect partners for him to have his heir with. Something he surprises his staff with randomly one day.
  • These are my weirder or even funny ideas. Definitely a lot of smut is to be expected with these, but with over the top elements as well. These ideas are just fundamentally out there.

    Slumber Seeding Sensations (****)
    Inspiration: NSFW1 NSFW2pt2 NSFW3pt2 NSFW4pt2 NSFW5pt2 NSFW6pt2 NSFW7pt2pt3 NSFW8 NSFW9 NSFW10
    MC: My character will vary. Could be the male chaperone (a teacher, a friend of one of their families, etc), or if you are into incest the older brother or father of one of the girls at the sleepover as an initial thought, but could also be an intruder
    YC: The Girls at the Sleepover
    Summary: Your girls will be sleeping over at some location, either on vacation or at one of their houses. However they all have a plan, they were being watched by someone older to make sure they didn't get into too much trouble. But they had other plans, each putting on a shirt that has the phrase "Pin Me Down, Knock Me Up" on it. And decide to tease their chaperone by parading around in them. Only for their chaperone to give into that very temptation. Perhaps slipping a drug into their drinks, spraying a mist into the air, or perhaps just sheer boldness and physical prowess he makes it so the girls go from teasing him to wanting him to do exactly what their shirts say.

    Finding Fucking Fairies (****)
    MC: The Fairy Hunter
    YC: Fairies
    Summary: My character has an obsession, an obsession with fairies and fucking them. The reason could be various, could just be his kink, could be that it gives some special powers or benefits, could be because he's getting revenge for some reason, or anything else. But whatever the reason he goes out to hunt them down, and luckily for him fairies aren't necessarily against it. Whether fairies find cum intoxicating, they love the idea of being impaled on cocks so large, the idea of beign caught by someone worthy is incredibly arousing to them, or any other reason. Fairies being mostly magical beings the size difference is not an issue for them at all and they only get pleasure from the act, and they can always change their size if necessary.

    From 3D to 2D (******)
    Inspiration: NSFW1 NSFW2 NSFW3 NSFW4 NSFW5 NSFW6pt2 NSFW7
    MC: The trapper
    YC: The trapped
    Summary: Your character comes across a magical book, mirror, painting, etc. This object pulls them into it, trapping them and allowing them to be used by the owner of the object. Whether its altering and transforming their body to please them, rewriting their mind, pulling them (or parts of them) out to play with, or just about anything else.
  • These are my long term ideas with a more defined plot to things, while smut will still be plentiful there will be a story of some sort going on that the smut will serve (and vice versa of course).
  • The ideas here are just pure smut, simple as that. Just a loose framework to move from one sex scene to another. We keep at it till one of us gets bored and then we finish out the scene to cap it off ideally.

    Betting Booty (****)
    Inspiration: NSFW1 NSFW2 NSFW3
    MC: Male Player/Bet Winner
    YC: Female Player/Bet Loser
    Summary: Our characters are playing a betting game of some sort, whether poker, blackjack, or anything else. And your character makes bets that eventually leads to her betting her ass (and possibly her friend's asses) to mine and ends up losing as a result. And my character collects his winnings naturally.

    Plundering Possessed Pussies (***)
    Inspiration: NSFW1 NSFW2 NSFW3 NSFW4
    MC: The Exorcist
    YC: The Ghost/Demon and the Girl being possessed, perhaps multiple
    Summary: My character is a specialist in possession cases, and he gets called in to handle another one. Possessions being most common amongst women as ghosts/demons love twisting and making them into nothing more than cum dumpsters for everyone around them. However Exorcists like my character have several abilities to deal with this. The first is locking the possessor inside the body of the one their possessing to keep them from escaping. The second is triggering the possessed body to ovulate and release fertile eggs. And the third is forcing the possessor into fertilized eggs in order to be reborn. Whether they are ghosts or demons.
    As an additional twist, could time skip or have my character start out much older and you can introduce his daughter who once they turned eighteen remembered being fucked in the possessed body and now can't get her father's dick out of their mind. Going to him to be bred just like her mother. Could additionally do this as a generational thing if I go with an immortal or similar type character, with each generation coming back to be bred by him as somehow they remember their own conception from their mother's perspective.
Additional information
Be sure to check out my second post for information that the Character Limit per post doesn't like right on here and still NSFW.
I'll be adding additional links to other things as needed as this request thread gets more complex.

And welcome to the bottom of my thread, if you're still here after the above then just bring that nice little cursor over my username and start a conversation. Tell me what you're interested in and lets figure things out from there.
Last edited:
Bump and Adding 1 noncon/dubcon idea, adding 1 plotty smut idea, and adding 2 pure smut ideas. Probably taking a few ideas off the active search next update.
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