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Mx Female Let Me Tell You a Secret (Fantasy, Historical, Slice of Life, Adventure)


Sep 22, 2022
Greetings, traveler. Take a moment to rest your weary feet as you enter into my demesne...
(Note: Currently craving plots from my Fake Relationships section!)

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Welcome to a realm of the fantastical, a realm of the passionate and romantic. Noble knights with moody witches, lonely sirens who take their chances on the humans they should see as prey... These are the tales that pluck at our heartstrings, and they're the types of stories I would like to write here. What sort of tale will we weave, I wonder? I suppose that all depends on you. Below, you'll find everything you need to know about what I want to write and why, and while yes, this introduction is a bit over-the-top, I wouldn't have it any other way. Share with me your deepest desires and I'll share mine in kind.

First are the plots and pairings I'm most interested in writing at the moment. I'm sure there will be at least a few that catch your eye...

In this section I will very briefly state the kind of things I'm looking for from your character. I have a wide range of tastes, but my absolute favorite female leads to write opposite of are ones who are intelligent, insecure, depressed, emotional, affectionate, passionate, and noble. I love both switches and subs, and I like characters with a lot of nuance to them as well. Academically inclined/booksmart characters are very appealing as well, as are ones with rich histories, either good or sad. In terms of physical appearance I can appreciate most female body phenotypes, especially when they have something to do with the character's story or personality. Characters who are emotionally available and with a functional sense of sexuality/sexual identity are also a huge plus for me. Finally, dark personalities can also be appealing, including the goth girl vibe as well as other dark tastes.

To put it bluntly, one of the most common archetypes of female lead is also one of my least favorites: the strong, independent, and/or bratty type of female character. I'm not looking for a character who's necessarily a docile lamb looking for a shepherd, but I am very bored of, for example, princesses who care little about their duty to their people or adhering to social standards. While I think it's fantastic for a woman to be independent in the real world, I find it usually makes for lousy romantic pairings since if the character can self-actualize without their romantic partner, there isn't much impetus for the two characters to fall for each other. I also don't really care for unaffectionate characters, ones who don't crave physical touch or the attention of their partners for example, and neither do I care for oblivious leads unless it's specifically done for comedy. Analytical characters can work, as I do like intelligent females, but with the caveat that they shouldn't be emotionally stunted except as a character flaw the character is most likely aware of. Finally, emotionally unavailable characters when written without care tend to kill romance plots for me very quickly, so I am wary of them as well.

I've put more thought and detail into these plot ideas than the simple hook presented here, that I'm hoping we can discuss when you reach out.

-Demon x 'Maiden': In the realm of Hell, demon lords are constantly at war with one another. Yet there is one type of demon exempt from the fighting: the maidens. These maidens oversee diplomacy and the laws of magic itself to maintain some semblance of order as each demon lord tries to outdo the other. It is strictly forbidden to injure, harm, or kill a maiden, and doing so usually warrants the wrath of the entire realm of Hell itself. So when MC, an ambitious demon lord, begins to use YC to help devise a strategy to take over Hell once and for all (itself already a punishable offense), also falls in love with his Maiden, the two must put everything on line or face the ultimate punishments.

-Businessman x Siren/mermaid: A lonely siren/mermaid is an outcast from her people and meets MC, who she gives up her fins for to look human and live with him, only to discover he's not quite who he said he is, and now they're stuck together.
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-Any x Witch: She'll put a spell on him in more ways than one. Or maybe she's just lonely and he gets her in a way no one else does with her dark sense of humor and morbid interests. Fairly open-ended, with both medieval fantasy and contemporary witches in mind, and everything ranging from truly romantic plots to more sinister and harrowing tales as well.

-Any x Widow: She thought she would never find love again, but she was thankfully mistaken. Maybe she's met a soldier who understands her grief, or perhaps a younger man who is willing to help her heal.

-Male Roommate x Secretive Female Roommate: Another open-ended plot, but basically MC's new roommate has a big secret she keeps trying to hide, and eventually he discovers she's not quite human...

Knight x Dragon: He was sent to slay her, or perhaps ask for her help to save his people. But their story doesn't end there...
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-Adventurer x Tiefling: She didn't think anyone could ever love her because of her heritage. And yet...

-Samurai/Warrior or Modern Male x Kitsune: Her kind is hated across the land, but when he finds her barely clinging to life, he can't help but take pity on her and nurse her back to health. Now he's got a bigger problem: he has feelings of another kind...
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-Librarian x Daughter of an Elder God: A librarian meets a regular who keeps checking out the same kinds of books, fiction or otherwise, about elder gods. Realizing they share an interest, the librarian asks her out on a date to discuss their favorite Lovecraftian tales. However, the night goes a little too well, and before MC knows it, he's being drafted into helping the daughter of an elder god into reconnecting with her father...

-Nomad x Exiled Princess: MC is a nomad, one of the horse riders of the steppes and part of a roaming tribe. YC is a princess who was just kicked out of her kingdom and left to die in those same steppes, assuming MC's tribe were savage barbarians. Instead, MC takes pity on YC, seeing she is on the brink of death from dehydration, and introduces her to the tribe. YC is allowed to stay in the tribe if she can perform two tasks: the first is to become a warrior of the steppes by learning horse archery, and the second is to bear a son for one of the men of the tribe. But who that is, is up to her, for while the nomads marry, their society is much different than her own, and the man who rescued her may not be the one who wins her heart...

Now, I'm not interested in any particularly wild kinks, which I know some may find disappointing. However, below I explain that in detail, and I hope that you'll agree with me that these stories can be just as exhilarating to write regardless.

I have a bit of a complex taste when it comes to writing smut that goes beyond just the physical acts themselves. I love character growth not just emotionally but also externally, such as in status or power. Lonely female leads are also a major heartthrob of of mine in terms of personality, including widows, exiles, outcasts, refugees, disinherited nobility, and so on. I'm hoping to have something resembling a real relationship with its ups and downs and a lot of juicy drama in-between, with characters who are often uncertain about the status of their relationship and with subtle context that adds so much weight to every scene the characters spend together. I'm looking for passion and drama, and while I list my kinks below, these are the real kinks for me.
Writing out long-term relationships is also something I love doing, including characters who have children together and even raise them. I have flexible tastes when it comes to body shapes and sizes, so long as the shape of a character says something about them, like a woman too over-worried about her makeup, or a malnourished refugee begging for the affections of a man far above her in status. Whatever the case, stories can make ugly things into beautiful ones, and vice-versa, and that's the most satisfying thing I could hope for while writing here.

Instant Waifu:
-Sex for impregnation
-Risky sex with accidental creampie
-Fantasy races (elves, fae, etc)

-Risky sex
-Pregnancy & Family Planning
-Realistic Bodies (tits on the larger size of realistic, but A-cups are fine, too!)
-Breast play
-Cum on Tits & other marking
-Lotus position (sitting facing each other, so intimate!)
-Passionate Kissing
-Low-cut dresses and skimpy clothes
-Accidents (couldn't pull out in time, fell during sex, other funny/unintentional moments)

-Incest (Plot reasons only)
-Capture scenarios
-Excessive cum

-Bathroom play

The rest of my thread is a bit dated in terms of when I've last updated it, but if any of these ideas suit you, then let me know, for every person will feel a calling to a different plot and I aim to provide a great variety of choice for whatever your heart may desire.

I'm an experienced writer who typically writes between 3-6 paragraphs per post with an emphasis on writing that is easily digestible and punchy, impactful. This thread is for male x female pairings, in which I would be writing from a male perspective. I like a good balance of smut and some context for that smut that makes it interesting. I am long and short term friendly, and ghost friendly as well. I'm easy to reach, friendly, and won't ever be a creep to you; I'm here to write first and foremost and I mean that. I pride myself on being a good, communicative partner who wants to create a real story that is intriguing and satisfying to write, or even just plain fun to write, as well as completely indulgent smut we can ideally both enjoy.

I am looking for laid-back, experienced, and fun partners who like to write characters with flaws and a lot of personality. I find that interesting characters are essential in good RP, more so than good prose, especially in strange or unique character situations. In general I'm much more likely to stick with a thread if my partner's character has some kind of unique personality trait or quirk that makes me want to keep writing with them to see how they would react to certain situations. I love humor, including cringe/awkwardness, realism, and find character interactions much more interesting than sexual positions/acts when it comes to writing. Finally, I prefer writing in threads, for as superficial as it is, I love making my post count on my profile go up. I'm open to messages but definitely prefer threads!

Here are some of my actual plots. At the moment, these can be as smutty or serious as you want. Feel free to put your own spin on these ideas if any of them suit you.

-"Heartseeker": An ambitious noble (MC) and an elven princess/mage (YC) concoct a plan together to steal something, gain power together, or something else of that nature. To do so, the elf changes her shape to a human form, pretending to be MC's new wife, complete with a fake marriage. As the two work toward their goal together, and the situation of the world begins to deteriorate, their relationship begins to change beyond the professional...

-"The Golden Game": Two spies, each with a reputation, are forced to work together after both recently got into trouble with their organization. Their mission this time is simple, a chance to prove themselves: convince an entire town to turn against their mayor. To do so, they'll need to infiltrate as a couple, and go to small town get-togethers, bars, festivals, and more, until their mission is complete, or the two of them are decommissioned for good...

-"Inheritance": MC is the son of a rich businessman, and the younger of two brothers. When MC's father announces he will be abdicating his position as the head of the company, the two brothers begin to fight over who is better for the succession. The fact that MC is still single is mentioned as an issue, and so MC sets out to find the impossible: a woman who would help him get his inheritance by pretending to have a relationship with him. YC, however, is doing everything she can to win over his heart, at first because she wants to get the promised money, but later, because she's fallen head over heels for him...

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-New Blood in the Old West: MC is a rancher who orders YC, a mail-order bride, to help him take care of his land and legacy. What he doesn't realize is that YC is harboring a dangerous past: perhaps on the run from her husband, or something else, but YC's arrival heralds strange new things happening in the town of Salem, including supernatural creatures, anomalous events, and more, and the two learn to work together despite an initial distaste for the other.

-La Llamada de la Sirena: MC is a middle-aged man down on his luck. He goes down to the pier one night, thinking of drowning himself, but decides not to. The next day, he sees a strange ad in the newspaper: someone is looking to get married, and, seeking something to break the monotony, MC calls and agrees to the marriage. However, when he arrives, he realizes too late that he has promised himself to a siren, who has plans for him in the world beneath the waves...

-The Heart's Sojourn: MC is the leader of a tribe of warriors threatening to destroy the Empire; however, after a parlay, the local Imperial governor offers to give the warlord not only riches, but a prize to secure his people's independence: the hand of his own daughter...

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-Refugee: MC and YC are residents of a village in The Empire that one day is attacked by raiders, burned to the ground, and most of the people killed. During the attack, MC helps YC to escape, but is unable to save YC's husband, who has stayed to try to fight, and whose fate is unknown in the aftermath of the attack. MC and YC then try to go to the capital to tell the Emperor what has happened, but the road is unkind to two commoners, as they will soon discover.

-Soldier's Heart: MC is a soldier from a foreign land, who flees a losing battle, badly wounded and in need of aid. He finds YC, who helps him, but that's only the beginning of their troubles...

-The Maid and the Butler: MC and YC both work for a castle's staff, and while everyone is shipping them because their shifts often overlap, the two couldn't imagine being with the other. However, both of them overhear a conversation they weren't supposed to one day, leading to the two of them discussing what to do with this 'sensitive information,' and also resulting in them spending more time together outside of their shifts as the information they overheard starts to put them in great danger...

-My Sword was Made For You: MC is an assassin sent to kill YC. However, when MC finds the perfect opportunity to kill YC, she is openly weeping, at which point he decides not to kill her, but instead inquire why her heart is broken, and this alone is enough for him to sway allegiance, and become YC's new personal bodyguard...

-The Wanderer: MC is a famous wandering swordsman, who ever lives on the run from those who wish to get revenge on him, or those looking to hire him. Everything changes when he meets YC, perhaps a damsel in distress, or a swordswoman, but one thing is certain: MC won't be traveling alone anymore, at least.

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-Woe to the Vanquished: A Roman general conquers a Celtic city and occupies it with his army. To subdue the local royalty, he takes the daughter of the chieftain, YC, his only living heir as his wife. While it's understood YC will hate MC for this, things get complicated when MC begins to instead fix many issues with the Celtic settlement: starvation, housing, sanitation, and more, to the point where many begin to prefer MC to the old chieftain, leaving YC in an awkward position indeed...

-The Nomads of the White Stag: YC flees her home one day, perhaps due to war or an abusive home life, onto the neighboring steppes where the nomads are said to roam. Out of food and water, she is found one day by MC and his band of warriors, who take her back to the tribe and decide what to do with her. She is given a test: if she can ride a horse successfully for a full day, she will be accepted into the tribe and taught the way of the nomad. If she fails, however, then YC's life will at last come to an end...

-The Broken Lance: MC and YC are both knights in the late medieval period; however, YC has been concealing her identity as a woman her entire life, something which MC finds out when she is badly wounded one day. Rather than exposing her, MC instead insists YC tell MC her life story, initially to use as blackmail, but as the two are on campaign in a dangerous war, the secret is kept for the time being, at least...

-Bastard: This medieval tale begins with YC being brutally raped by a local nobleman; YC is perhaps a noblewoman, whose status is now ruined, or a common peasant woman in the wrong place at the wrong time. Following this, she meets MC, another noble who is kind to her, offers her a place to stay, and allows her to heal from the terrors of that night. Nothing is free, however, and when YC has finally healed, MC reveals an ultimatum: become his wife and help him achieve his ambitions despite his status as a bastard, or be thrown onto the streets in disgrace.

-Darkest Designs: MC is a knight on a quest to rescue YC from the clutches of an evil cult; by the time he has arrived, however, he is too late to save YC from their goal: impregnating her with the essence of a dark god. Slaying her captors, MC vows to save YC from her fate, even though it seems hopeless...

-Savior: YC is a mythical or supernatural creature, whose population has begun to die out. Desperate, she seeks out a protector, and finds MC, a man of dubious morality yet possessed of some wealth and status. He agrees to help her, under the condition that he personally breed her... and he won't take no for an answer.

-Captured!: This idea can be as dark or not as you'd like it to be. I'm thinking medieval, or fantasy, but we can adapt this to other settings as well. MC is a warlord, or perhaps a king who manages to capture YC. Perhaps she is some common maiden, or a princess, someone dignified who will be spoiled by this event, or perhaps she is a rival general and MC will finally get his revenge for how long she has harried him and been a thorn in his side. It's fairly open-ended on purpose, as I would love to discuss this with you further!

Most of my plots are flexible, so if you think you'd like one with just a few changes, let me know in your message. Don't hesitate to reach out if something catches your eye! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon...​
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