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Under the Sea (seduced2cheat and Candira)

Alex tried to forget the beautiful girl who had emerged from the sea twice to save him. No matter what he did nothing worked. He had briefly tried to forget the girl who he thought had told him he would never see her again. Everything seem to remind him of her. The sound of the winds whistling through the ships sails seemed to call to him with her voice. The bright morning sunrise lit up the sky in a blazing red like her hair. The deep green transparent glow of the see reminded him of the feeling as he stared into her eyes. When she abandon him that second time, he had tried to avoid thinking of her by laying into his employees and returning to his cold ruthless ways.

However, she had changed the way he understood the world. His ability to be so good at what he did was based on his complete lack of regard for anyone and his inability to feel compassion or love. He had been taught by Frederick to be cold and heartless and had learned his lessons well. Now, he found himself longing for companionship and understanding the profound loneliness in his life. Frederick had always taught him that female companionship was the source of all man’s woes. But Alex had started to notice that Frederick was not happier without his terrible assortment of women then he was when they occupied his time.

Alex became increasingly distracted and unhappy without Autum. He started to worry that somehow he had said or done something wrong to drive her away. Maybe she just decided she did not like him or was upset with his kiss. The kiss electrified his body and sent waves of pleasure through every nerve ending but maybe it also was something she neither enjoyed or welcomed. He became convinced that his kiss had driven the only girl he had ever wanted or needed back into the sea.

As Alex went through the motions of developing the oil platform in the sea, he noticed that the clear emerald waters seemed to be growing cloudy. He had his men run test and determined that the water level was quickly being contaminated from oil leakage seeping out of the drilling platform. Alex wanted to stop all drilling and cap the well. He knew that his father and Grimsby would be angry but believed that he might be damaging Autum’s home. He decided he would tell his father he was shutting down the drilling operation until the leakage problem was solved. He knew that the conversation would likely turn into a bitter argument.
Alex tried to forget the beautiful girl who had emerged from the sea twice to save him. No matter what he did nothing worked. He had briefly tried to forget the girl who he thought had told him he would never see her again. Everything seemed to remind him of her. The sound of the winds whistling through the ships sails seemed to call to him with her voice. The bright morning sunrise lit up the sky in a blazing red like her hair. The deep green transparent glow of the see reminded him of the feeling as he stared into her eyes. When she abandon him that second time, he had tried to avoid thinking of her by laying into his employees and returning to his cold ruthless ways.

However, she had changed the way he understood the world. His ability to be so good at what he did was based on his complete lack of regard for anyone and his inability to feel compassion or love. He had been taught by Frederick to be cold and heartless and had learned his lessons well. Now, he found himself longing for companionship and understanding the profound loneliness in his life. Frederick had always taught him that female companionship was the source of all man’s woes. But Alex had started to notice that Frederick was not happier without his terrible assortment of women then he was when they occupied his time.

Alex became increasingly distracted and unhappy without Autumn. He started to worry that somehow he had said or done something wrong to drive her away. Maybe she just decided she did not like him or was upset with his kiss. The kiss electrified his body and sent waves of pleasure through every nerve ending, but maybe it also was something she neither enjoyed or welcomed. He became convinced that his kiss had driven the only girl he had ever wanted or needed back into the sea.

As Alex went through the motions of developing the oil platform in the sea, he noticed that the clear emerald waters seemed to be growing cloudy. He had his men run test and determined that the water level was quickly being contaminated from oil leakage seeping out of the drilling platform. Alex wanted to stop all drilling and cap the well. He knew that his father and Grimsby would be angry but believed that he might be damaging Autumn’s home. He decided he would tell his father he was shutting down the drilling operation until the leakage problem was solved. He knew that the conversation would likely turn into a bitter argument.
Autumn had swum home in hopes of convincing her father that she should go ashore as a human. Sheâ??d told him that she thought a human â??developerâ? would be buying the land that wasnâ??t far from Atlantica. Perhaps if she could convince them to do otherwise, they wouldnâ??t have to be so secluded. Her argument was easily pushed aside by her father.

â??Such a thing is far too dangerous, Autumn. Even if I allow you to go, what would you say to convince them not to build here? That an ancient race of worlds long ago is currently inhabiting the area? Use your head, my princess. There is nothing to stop them. But from now on you must be more careful of where you go. If there are more people to come, then it is more likely they will see you. Do not go to the surface if you can help it.â? Triton shook his head forebodingly and announced that his word was final before leaving his daughter to her misery.

Gracefully, she glided into her bedroom and spent the remainder of the day crying. She could never see Alex again. She couldnâ??t go to the surface because her father was watching her more closely now. And if she went back again, she would only hurt him by leaving. She closed her eyes and slept, unaware of the fact that another was watching her. One who had more devious notions about the princess going to the surface.

* * * *​

The next day, Autumn was tending to some coral in the area when she was approached by two eels. She thought nothing of it, merely smiling at them as she worked to ensure the safety of the reef. â??Oh, my. What a sad expression. What is the matter, my sister?â? one asked, its voice but a wistful sigh that seemed to sooth her.

Autumn looked up at the creature and smiled softly. â??Iâ?¦â? she started to lie, but then decided there was no point to it. â??I hurt someone who loves me,â? she said softly. â??Someone I care about very muchâ?¦And now I canâ??t see them again.â? She frowned and sank down onto the reef she was just fixing. The other eel swam around her to look into her grey eyes.

â??What a sad situation. It is no wonder you look so distressed. But why can you not see them again, my sister?â?

â??Yes, surely there is a way to see this one you love again. To apologize.â?

Autumn looked from one to the other and sighed softly. â??Itâ??s not as simple as you might think. My someoneâ?¦is human.â?

The two of them feigned astonishment and then swirled around each other, swimming around her in lazy circles. â??A sad situation indeed. And forbidden!â? They sighed it in perfect unison.

â??What a shame! That you cannot be with the one you love, simply because they are human.â?

â??If only she were here, she could help you, sister.â?

â??Yes, yes. she could do it without any trouble at all.â?

Autumn looked at the two of them, her heart beating hard in her chest. There was someone who could help her? Someone who might understand? â??Who is she?â? she asked, her interest piqued. â??Who can help me?â?

The eels looked at each other and then back into Autumnâ??s stormy grey eyes. â??Why, Ursula, of course.â?

Autumn froze, her body already having started to follow them as they swam away. â??Ursula?â? she asked, her eyes wide and her voice shaking. â??The sea witch?â?

The eels began to circle her again. â??She is much changed since her banishment,â? one said. â??Yes, much changed.â?

â??She lives to serve now,â? the other continued, its eyes on her. â??She loves to help others get what they want.â?

Autumn was still rather skeptical, but then the two of them said something in unison that broke down every argument. â??I wonder how that poor human will fare without youâ?¦â?

Giving in, she looked up at them with pain in her eyes. â??Pleaseâ?¦Please take me to Ursula!â?

* * * *​

Ursula was a sea spriteâ??an ancient being with the power of magic on her side. She had spent her life using that power for evilâ??getting what she wanted and hurting those who stood in her way. Since her banishment, her powers had been weakened greatly by the sea king, Triton. She growled at the thought of him sitting on his thrown. How he would pay! Her beauty, over the years, had never faded thanks to her magic, but these days few were around to appreciate it. Just her minionsâ?¦and those poor unfortunate souls whoâ??d failed to live up to their end of the bargain. Now, they were little more than seaweed. Never were they to move again until Ursula turned them back into their righteous selves.

Now, as she plotted her revenge against Triton, she smiled a wicked smile. Her orange eyes glowed as she saw the perfect tool to the sea kingâ??s undoing coming her way. Yesâ?¦he would fall because she had his daughter and his heir. He would bow to her and suffer her wrath. The sea witch smiled, her deep blue skin shining in the light she used to light the cavern where she lived now. Her seaweed colored hair floated all around her and she fixed a cheerful disposition onto herself just as Autumn was led into the cave.

â??Why, hello there. And who are you, my child?â? She asked, full of maternal energy.

â??Myâ?¦my name is Autumn,â? the girl said carefully, taking in the lovely features of the evil sea witch. It was hard to believe that someone with her face could have been so cruel. Her voice was like music as it filled the empty cavern. Ursula knew what she wanted immediately.

â??And I am Ursula. Welcome,â? she said, swimming around the cavern, her bottom half like that of a humanâ??s but with webbed appendages and long claws. â??What is it that I can do for you, my child? You look so sad.â?

And so it was that the princess fell prey to the witch. She told the whole story and took the deal that was offered to her. In exchange for her voice, the girl had three days to get him to love her again and prove it with a kiss. If she could do it, she could remain a human forever, though she would never again have a voice of her own. If she failed, Autumn would belong to Ursula. Since it was the only way to see him again without breaking his heart, she agreed.

Hours later, the beautiful redhead lay on the beach without protection of any kind, her body naked to the elements. Instead of fins, she had a long pair of legs. She lay washed up on the beach near where Alex was anchored. If she didnâ??t receive help soon, she would surely die. She no longer held the kind of resistance or strength of a mermaid. She was fully a humanâ??and exhausted. And now, she had no way to call for help.
"Grimsby stop pestering my about Gwen. If you like her so much, then you spend time with her." Alex was frustrated with everyone constantly trying to distract him from the beautiful girl who had saved him from the sea. Even his father, the man who believed women were a trap designed to enslave mankind, was bugging him to spend time with Gwen. He knew his father was concerned that Alex was falling in love with the mysterious girl from the sea. Although Frederick did not believe the nonsense about her being a mermaid, Alex could think of nothing else since their brief encounter. Frederick was determined to eliminate the distraction that threatened to lead his son astray.

Alex climbed down to the lower deck to check the water monitor that was measuring the water for toxins. When he heard the voice that had haunted him since the first time Autumn spoke to him. It was the most beautiful melody that seemed to bounce off of the soft sea breeze. Perhaps, she had changed her mind and come back to him. He vowed never to let her go again. The ship had been on its way back to the island but they were still almost a mile out to sea. Her voice was so magical that the breezes carried her sweet song over the emerald green waters. Smythe, full speed ahead; we need to get to the island as soon as possible. "But Captain why?"

Alex thought for a moment and knew he was going to lie about the reason. It was not so much because he knew they would continue their merciless teasing but because somehow he did not want his world to touch her. She was innocent and untouched hidden away from the world of corruption that surrounded him. He did not want that world to ruin her. Though he wanted her with him, he was happy she belonged to the sea. The sea kept her safe from all that was corrupt in his world. He told the men to stop the ship when they got close to the island. He did not want to take a chance anyone would see her and contaminate her sweetness and innocence.

As they lowered the massive anchors in the bow and stern of the ship, Max began to bark incessantly. Alex went to Max and pet him warmly. "What is it Max? Do you see her? Where is she?" He looked in the waters next to the ship but did not see her anywhere. The moving sound of her voice had gone quiet after that initial beautiful rhapsody that played on the ocean breeze. He pulled out the spyglass and looked toward the island scouring the soft sand of the beach. "You were right Max but . . . she looks hurt." Alex panicked and was about to jump in the water to rescue her when he realized he might end up drowning and leaving them both in dire straights.

Alex quickly and discretely lowered a row boat into the water from the mooring hanging off the side of the ship. He climbed down into the boat and paddled as quickly as possible to shore. His growing love for her and concern for her safety providing the energy and strength to row as if he were ten men. The sea was rough and the current fought him but he paddled on driven by his need to make her safe. As he got close to the beach, he began to call to her, "Autumn, my sweet Autumn, are you hurt?" She did not seem to stir which only increased his sense of panic.

He fought the fierce current and breaking waves until he was finely pulling the row boat onto the beach. He jumped from the boat and ran to her taking her into his arms. He lifted her body and looked into her eyes. "My beautiful Autumn . . . what has happened?" He looked into her eyes and saw a hint of recognition, but she was so weak. Then he saw her legs . . . this had to be his Autumn, but his Autumn was a mermaid. Were Frederick and Grimsby right? Did he just imagine that she was a mermaid because of the bump to his head and the frigid waters?

Her voice that beautiful voice. He knew that this was his Autumn with her beautiful long flowing crimson hair, her beautiful heart stopping face and her grey eyes that seemed to be able to see all the way into his soul. All he needed to know for sure was to hear that beautiful voice that was always with him . . . calling to him. "Autumn, sweetheart, please say something. I was so worried about you." He waited for her sweet voice knowing he would kiss her again. He would let her feel his love for her flow through his lips and envelop her once he heard that sweet voice that cast a spell over him and separated her from everyone else in the world.
The sun and sea had stripped her of the little energy she had left. Her eyes opened upon hearing Alex's voice. It was too bright and her body was too cold. It hurt her to breathe. Her body had no protection at all and she felt a little embarrassed as she looked up at him. But the sensation of her world spinning made her forget the intense discomfort, and forced her to close her eyes again. Still, through it all, she was happy. He was there with her. He'd found her.

He kept asking her to say something. Even if she had had her voice, she wouldn't have been able to. She was exhausted and dehydrated, and she desperately needed attention. Still, she couldn't tell him this. All she could do was move her tired lips. "I'm sorry," they said to him, a small tear escaping her as she lost consciousness again. Her body was trusted to him. He could keep her safe and save her. He could keep her with him always.

* * * *​

Ursula cackled as she watched the inauspicious first meeting of Autumn and her foolish mortal via her crystal ball. It was fun to watch Triton's daughter suffer like her father should. It was fantastic to know that she held all the power in the world over the girl in the ball and the sea king. She would have SUCH delicious revenge. The problem, however, was that the human seemed to know who she was, and genuinely care. This simply would not due.

"It looks like I might have to make an appearance after all," Ursula said with a grin. "But we shall wait and see how this first day goes, my minions." She grinned and pet her eels before sending them off to spy on Triton and his court.

* * * *​

Gabe and Sebatian hadn't seen Autumn all day. It simply wasn't like her to not com and say hello at all. Worry built up between the two and they began to wonder whether or not they should look for her. By the end of their work day, they were driving toward the beach Autumn had told them about, searching for her. If nothing else, they could at least ask the wealthy developer about her...assuming they could get close enough.
Although the girl looked so much like Autumn, Alex realized it could not be her because she had legs. He felt her body shivering and realized that whoever this girl was she did not have the same ability to withstand the frigid cold of the icy sea. He removed his jacket and draped it around her in an attempt to warm her body. He also held her close trying to raise her body temperature. He buttoned the front of the jacket both to help keep her warm and to protect her modesty. As he studied her pretty face, he saw her mouth the words, "I’m sorry." He was confused -- sorry for what he wondered. She was very pretty, but he was disappointed that she was not his Autumn.

He needed to get her in some more dry clothes and out of the sun. He lifted her in his arms and held her in his lap trying to keep her warm with his body heat as he paddled the row boat back to the ship. Grimsby had noticed Alex was missing and was not surprised to see Alex overboard but was glad he was in a boat this time. Grimsby called down to Alex in the row boat, "Alex where have you been and who do you have with you?"

"I am not sure who she is though she must have fallen off of a cruise ship or something. I am concerned that she has hypothermia from the cold chill of the water and have no idea how long she has been laying on the island in the sun with nothing to eat or drink."

Grimsby lowered the tow lines and cranked the wench to lift the row boat out of the water. Alex handed the girl to Grimsby as he climbed onto the ship, then took her back and carried her to a stateroom. He pulled the bed sheets back and covered her with the warm blankets. "Grimsby have the cook make her some warm soup along with something to eat and drink, we need to feed her and give her a chance to recover her strength."

Alex called his father, "Dad, we will be coming home immediately. We rescued a girl who needs immediate medical attention." His father was livid, "You cannot let the timetable fall any further behind. You need to stay where you are and get the drilling platform completed. It will only take you a couple more days, then you can come back into port to get the girl additional medical attention."

"Dad, we cannot care for her adequately on the ship so we are coming back to port now!" Alex was furious as he thought of how easily his father was able to dismiss the health of this girl so they would not lose a little time on the project. He had always lived by the code ingrained in him by his father that single minded ambition was all that mattered while everything else was no more than a distraction. He now felt very conflicted about the direction his life had taken.

He collected Autumn’s tray of food from the cook and brought it into the stateroom for her. He did not know if she would be awake but knew she needed to regain her strength. As he sat on the bed next to her sleeping body, he noticed how sweet she looked. He found himself puzzled by how much she looked like the girl who had twice rescued him from the see. It seemed too much of a coincidence, but maybe he had only imagined she was a mermaid. He had certainly been affected by the cold waters. His father, Grimsby and the crew had all teased him assuming the bump to his head explained the strange girl from the sea. Maybe this was Autumn, but she was not a mermaid after all. When she awoke he knew as soon as she began to talk he would know for sure. He would recognize the beautiful voice that filled his dreams.
It would be a few hours before Autumn's exhausted body would recover enough energy for her to open her eyes. But that was about all she would have the energy for. She looked up at unfamiliar surroundings, confused and weak. Her body shook from the effort, but she managed to lift her head and look around her. She was in some sort of room, but she wasn't in the water. Immediately she began to panic. And as the panic set in, she remembered the deal she'd struck with the sea witch. Her voice for a life with the one she'd somehow managed to fall in love with. She needed that kiss...but there was no way she could do much more than squirm for now. She needed more rest, and it would take time that she most certainly did not have. Still, her body would not be denied.

Forcefully, her head came back down to rest on the pillow, her rich surroundings and the slight rocking telling her that she must be aboard the man's ship. Alex...her eyes fluttered closed and then reopened when she realized that there was a person on the far edge of the bed with her, watching her. It was him! Her grey eyes lit up with recognition, but she was sadly unable to keep them open long enough to gaze upon him anymore. She was back to sleep in moments.

* * * *​

Sebastian spotted the ship first as the cruised through the waters of the cove Autumn had described for them. Not that the ship was hard to miss, but Gabe was busy trying to make sure the boat they'd been doing maintenance on was performing the way it should. When they finally caught sight of it, the made sure it was the correct ship--the last thing they wanted was to hail a yacht that didn't belong to the man Autumn loved so deeply. The one who'd kissed her. Pausing to remember the romantic vision he'd had of her and her lover on this very beach, Gabe smiled. Once the moment passed, however, he was back in the game, hailing the ship and seeking permission to come aboard for some business with the one called Alex.
When he saw her eyelids flutter open, he was drawn into her soft grey eyes. He thought he saw a flash of recognition then she drifted off again. She seemed so much like the beautiful mermaid who he had touched his heart. The island was thirty-six hours by yacht from the San Diego harbor which worried Alex because the girl did not seem to be recovering. He was concerned that she needed more assistance then they had the ability to give on the boat. She seemed to be shivering even under the covers. He laid down next to her and stroked her face snuggling against her. He wrapped his arms around her trying to allow her to draw from his body heat. He hoped she would wake long enough to eat and drink something. As he snuggled her trying to keep her warm, he drifted off to sleep.


"Oh dear, Frederick is not going to be happy about this," said Grimsby as he walked in the stateroom and saw Alex asleep with the young girl he had rescued. Frederick had been clear that Grimsby was to let him know if there was any indication that Alex was again distracted. Grimsby called Frederick and informed him of the recent developments. "Grimsby, turn the ship around and head back to the island. Get the men back to work. I want that drilling platform finished by the end of the week."

"But sir, Alex will be very angry when he realizes that we are not headed back to port. He was very clear that we were to head home to get medical assistance for the girl who feel overboard."

"I do not care what Alex told you. I will take the helicopter and be there in three hours. I will deal with this myself. Just turn that ship around NOW!" Frederick roared.

On the ocean floor, the temporary seal that was used to cap the initial breach where the oil platform had been anchored began to fail. The water surrounding the drilling platform had gone from slightly murky to increasingly saturated with brown sludge. As the pressure continued to build, the seal held but was already on its way to failing completely.
Autumn remained asleep for hours to come. When she finally began to stir, she was vaguely aware of something warm wrapped around her body. She had no idea that what was wrapped around her was a man. The very man she'd risked everything to come and see. When she woke, there were shafts of sunlight pouring through the windows in the room. Her grey eyes squinted a bit and her raspy throat groaned. She was badly dehydrated and needed something to drink as soon as possible. A strange sensation came to her. She had legs.

She was human! Gasping, she realized that she had made it, and she remembered that he was on his ship. When she looked down and to her right, she saw that Alex was lying there with her, keeping her warm. She smiled softly and blushed as she stared at his lips. Her own were so dry. But the girl made her way closer and gently brushed hers against his. Instantly, she felt electricity pass between them. She'd made the right decision.

She tried to speak and then remembered that she couldn't....and she would never be able to speak again. The thought made her her so incredibly sad. Her heart sank as she thought that without her voice he might never know who she was. Hopefully, in the next few days she could get a kiss from him that meant something real. Something that proved they were in love. She silently willed him to wake up.
His sleep was filled with dreams of the beautiful mermaid who had rescued him from the sea. He began to feel restless and stir as the rays from the morning sun began to move over his eyes. In his dream, he was holding her close as he instinctively pulled the mysterious girl in his arms closer while kissing Autumn passionately in his dream. "Autumn . . . love you," he moaned out loud as he began to stir. He felt himself melt into the kiss in his dream as consciousness began to tear him away from his happy slumber. He felt a sense of dread sweep over him as he felt himself waking and leaving his happy dream filled fantasy world. He fought not to wake up and clung to the world of his dreams. When he surrendered to the morning sun, he felt an immediate sense of loss leaving Autumn behind in his sleepy wonderland.

Then he saw her face but did not understand. It was the beautiful mysterious girl from the sea . . . his Autumn. His face showed a flicker of joy and recognition as he looked into her mesmerizing grey eyes. As soon as the look flashed on his face, it was gone. It was not Autumn, but the girl he had rescued from the island. She looked so much like Autumn, but he could feel her legs snuggled against his. He saw the dryness of her lips and slid his arm under her head lifting it gently from her pillow. He tipped the cup to her lips slowly letting the cool drink soothe her lips and nourish her. He then offered her food. How could she look so much like the girl from the deep emerald sea who had captured his heart. As she ate pasta, he asked tentatively, "Autumn . . . is it you?"


Frederick dialed Grimsby’s cell phone number as he struggled to hear over the roar of the engines and the propellers of the helicopter. "Grimsby, I am an hour away. I am bringing the girl back with me. I will dump her at San Diego Metro Hospital. She can be their problem. I want Alex to remain there so we can get the platform finished. The contract with the oil refiner has a "time is of the essence clause" so it will start costing us $125,000 per day if it is not finished on time."

"Sir, Alex is . . . well . . . they were in bed together when I went to bring her some food this morning. I do not think he will let you take her without . . ."

"What!" Frederick roared. "Grimsby, how could you allow this to happen? I trusted you to keep Alex focused on the project. I do not care if I have to rip the girl from his arms. He is not going with her. You better figure out how to get them apart before I get there!"
She smiled softly when she heard her name followed by the three words she'd always wanted to hear: "I love you." Autumn had never been so happy...and then she realized that he would have to be awake to say them and actually mean it. She saw a glint of what looked like recollection in his eyes before it vanished as he awoke. She drank heavily from the cup he provided, though she knew that she should be careful not to drink too much too quickly. The relief that it brought was instantaneous.

When Autumn was offered food, she was a little curious as to what she should do. She vaguely remembered Gabe teaching her how to use a fork to eat food, and she happily tested her skills. She found out that she wasn't so bad at it. The strange dish she was eating was delicious, though she had no idea what was in it. Something she'd never tasted before. It made her smile as the warm food nourished her. About halfway into the dish he reminded her of his presence and asked if she was Autumn. She stopped eating and turned her head to him, swallowing her food with a nod. Unfortunately, she could never actually tell him. She set the plate down and gestured to her throat, then tried to speak. No sound came out.
He was confused as she nodded but did not speak gesturing to her throat. When she nodded, his heart leapt thinking she was his Autumn but that she had laryngitis but realized that was ridiculous. People did not literally lose their voice but only struggled to talk. She could not make any sound so she was probably incapable of speech. He figured she probably did not even understand what he was asking which is why she nodded. He looked at her long legs and was sure that this was not Autumn. She was indeed beautiful and looked so much like Autumn, but Autumn was a mermaid not a human girl. He was amazed that they could look so similar, but Autumn’s beautiful voice still haunted him.

He fed her and took care of her never leaving her side. He forgot the project and the other things that needed to be handled. Grimsby kept barging in trying to get Bill to leave her side, but he had decided he would stay with her until she had the strength to join him on the deck. As she drifted off to sleep, he could not help watching her. She found himself drawn to her but could not decide whether he was attracted to her for who she was or who he wanted her to be. As the night darkness began to engulf them, he found himself drifting off to sleep again. He laid down next to her and wrapped her in his arms. He whispered in her ear, "Goodnight my sweet mysterious girl."

Suddenly, he was awakened by the sound of Grimbsy and his father. "Sir I tried but he would not listen."

"Well, he will listen to me. Where are they!" His father bellowed in rage.

Alex was still snuggled up to Autumn when his father burst into the room. "What the fuck is going on here," he demanded.
Autumn felt herself start to cry again as she realized that he didn't think it was really her. When she had finished her meal and the drinks she'd taken. Without her voice, she wasn't sure he would ever love her. She closed her eyes and rested when he asked her to, and fell asleep again. Actually, she was still sleeping when she heard the most hateful noise in her life. Autumn dragged herself out of her sleep and looked up at a man who was absolutely livid. Apparently, he didn't take kindly to the fact that she was on the boat at all, much less with Alex, who the man appeared to be looking straight at. And by the looks of his expression, he didn't think much of her existence at all.

With some effort, she managed to drag herself up into a sitting position, her body covered with a large, mens' shirt and some of the covers. She looked up at the man with large, innocent eyes, and wondered just what he had against her. After all, they'd never met. She looked at Alex next, wondering what she should do and what he was going to say. If only she hadn't lost her voice...She had to get him to love her. She just had to. And she needed to write if she was going to do that.
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