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Perversions (Het, girls only) [UPDATED FOR POKEMANZ]

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Jan 19, 2009

Hello and welcome back! To those of you who remember me (probably not too many of you), I'm a resident perv who just happens to be rather flexible. Not TOO flexible, mind you: I only like gals, so guys are gonna have to keep searching. Many apologies in advance. I also only play male chars...I learned the hard way on that one.

I am in need of exciting RPs, although my current tastes may seem picky, I'm not that strict about the RP scene :)

CURRENT FAVES: (Light blue means I WANT!)

- Beasty (any combo you like, although I'm becoming partial to the me/female/female beast combo if you're up to it:p)
- Multiple girls (Many, many girls is always a fantasy of mine :D)
- Furry girls/Mythical girls/Monster girls (From driders to elves to nekos to arctic vixens, I like very much. Usually, the more exotic it is, the better!)
- Willing partners, girls wanting it (Ok, there's nothing wrong with you girls that like being a sub and adding a few whips and chains into the equation. That's all well and good. But I've had FAR too many generic slave archetypes. the 'please don't hurt me' rape scenario has been done to DEATH. Same with the 'yes master, thank you master' grovelling sub. And for those subs that think it's fun to fight everything I want to do at every turn, then all they can get in return is away from me. I'm bored with it and it just isn't that fun for me anymore. I'd prefer a girlfriendish char, preferably very frisky, and if she calls me master it'll be in a playful way, not like it's an obligation or chore. Lighten up, have fun with the sexyness!)
- Being rough. (On both ends, although I really prefer a dom role, even if it's only a little bit of dominance. It can be fun to mix it up a bit, too!)
- Smut. (I admit, I like smut. Although I'm imaginitive and I'll definitely add details to whatever storyline I'm in, I'm here to have fun. If I want to write novels, I'll write novels...but here I'm just in it for porn with a creative twist and a little backstory. Of course, if the story is fun and has lots of action, sex, intrigue, and sex, then I am (as they say on the streets) 'down as hell wit dat'.)
- Creativity (I ADORE creative girls. When creativity and perversion mingle, a whole lotta good shit goes down. Let your imagination go wild!)
- Fantasy (No, not just the medieval kind. I like futuristic stuff, oldschool fantasy stuff, and alternate realities. They're all fun and offer a lot of possibilites.)

BIG NOs: (That shit ain't cool, holmez.)
- Bathroom fetishes. Can't stand these. Just too out of my interests.
- Amputations. (Have all of your limbs. If you can't get some cyberware or automail, ffs. I'll even pay for it.*)
- Blood and gore. (Ok,this one's a half truth. Some blood can be fun, if it's a little bit here and there. After all, vampires are dead sexy. And when it's an action-packed fightscene, I have no qualms with turning a foe to red mist. But in sex, I like things to be enjoyable. A little pain is good, a little blood can be fun...but I'm not gonna go Manson on your ass.
- Insanely young girls. (I'm cool to some extent, but when it gets too young it's wierd for me. It's just a no for me.)
- The undead. (Excluding vampires, spirits, or that egyptian chick from the mummy. NO ZOMBIES ALLOWED, GET ON BACK TO L4D!)

*I will not pay for your cyberware.

Everyone, meet Dash.
Dash, my friends, is what traditional european mythology refers to as an 'incubus'. Son of a lesser noble demon, he decided to move away from a life of aristocracy and towards a life of hedonistic delight. If he's feeling brave, or in a place non-humans are allowed, the horns and tail will be prevalent. If not, then he'll remain as normal as he can. He's not remarkable in battle or anything like that, sliding towards the 'trickster' end of the scale. Reincarnation is his beneft, and at the age of 13 each lifetime he regains an inherited memory of his lives and desires. This has, needless to say, made him popular with a wide selection of females.


Alex in wonderland: Alex, your average victorian boy with a bit of an knack for exploration, sees out of the corner of his eye a flash of movement. It seems a white-haired (or furred) bunnygirl is rushing to get somewhere. Intrigured by the strange girl, he follows, tumbling down the rabbit hole. He then encounters female counterpartds to many of the standard alice fare (caterpillar, tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee, the cheshire cat, mad hatter/march hare, etc.) and proceeds to enjoy smutty adventures with htem, all leading up to a confrontation with the queen of hearts. Lots of creative potential here, and I've been wanting to do this one for a long time now. Probably has to be over messenger, seeing to its long-term nature.

Harem!: Not much complexity here...if you like playing multiple girls, particularly of the above (elves, monsters, furries) varieties, then I'm willing to take on your suggestions! Bonus points if you have a few pictures to add a visual element to the fun : )

Farm life: So a furry cow girl (I can find pics if needed) and myself are a couple on a large farm, alotted our own house and the like. She's the frisky type, I'm the type to's very enjoyable. Throw a little bit of milking into there and there's plenty more fun to be had. But my character has a secret kink, specifically a little beasty now and then. One morning, he decides to take a risk and reveal his kink to her, probably by playing with some animal puss in the barn. She takes it very well and joins in on it. A good one for beasty, albeit a little less flexible than some of my other ideas. Still, anything you'd like to add to spruce it up, do tell!

Adventurers: A pair of adventurers, a lad (possibly incubus) and a lass, go out in search of generic RPG-style good times. things get a bit more intense, however, as their enconters with monsters and each other get a bit more...close. Neat magic, plenty of potential to throw your own kinks in, and some action. what's not to like?

Show and tell: Another very simple one. A rich couple (both leaders of industry or something of the like) both share a secret fetish: of course it seems it's beast. On days off, they visit their very own barn, stocked with exotic creatures cared for by a private staff...that is, when they're not visiting. Together, they take turns enjoying their pets and spurring each other on, all as foreplay for their time with one another. Again, lots of room to throw more stuff in, so lemme know!

Science!: A pair of particularly intelligent geneticists have been researching genome splicing and have been harboring a more...secretive expiriment of their own. Both are together out of shared fetishes...a little bondage, a little ponyplay...and bestiality. Whilst perfectign the process they create a means to generate 'perfect playmates', combining characteristics of creatures they find attractive to fuel their sexual encounters. What's better is one has decided to spring this discovery on the other as a surprise! A LOT of flexibility in this one, especially for gals that like beasty. :p

Pokemon adventures?: I normally am not a fan of fan-based things, but lately I've been craving this. there's three options: A male trainer and his female pokemon (an okay idea, but not my favorite), a trainer and a pokegirl/boy (depends on who wants to play who, although still not my favorite of the three!), and two trainers having an 'exhibition with their pokemon/pokepeople (I VERY LIKE!). If this is your fandom of choice, sign me up!

Oh, one last thing:

I WILL RP on site, don't get me wrong...but messengers are just so CONVENIENT. Instantaneous roleplay, right at your door! If you have a messenger, that would be my preferred method of contact. :D

AIM: texasdraconiam
MSN: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
YAHOO: ^ That same one

...dear god, someone PM me! :D
Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

Did you send me a message? I think perhaps I lost it :(

If you could resend, I'd gladly discuss RP with you. :)
Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

I'd be more than willing to do a consensual rp with you. Unfortunately I don't do anything off site, so you'd have to do it over that alright?

Let me know if you're interested through PMs.
Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

Do send me a message...and as for anyone else, I bump for thee.
Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

I am feeling a lack of love...mayhap we need to increase productivity? :D
Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

      • I will be sending you a PM,
        simply because instant messengers don't get along
        with me.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Perversions (Het, girls only)

Your not having much luck are you? =D

I would love to do a neko rp with you sometime

The only thing that you may not like is that I would rather not use messenger to rp...
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