Mx Female Shaheer's On-Site Roleplay Request Thread!


Sep 1, 2022
Hello and thank you for reading this! This is my 2nd Roleplay Request Thread on this website so please be gentle! I am looking for a roleplay partner who can fulfill the following roleplaying requirements of my own:

1. Write in the past tense and third person perspective!
2. Reply at least once a day and let me know if you can't!
3. Write multiple paragraphs: at least 14 - 25 + sentences!
4. And communicate if concerns arise instead of ghosting!

Now then, onto the fun stuff, my craved plots & pairings!

1. A Knight's Arc 1 (RWBY, Post Volume 8, Jaune X Pyrrha)

After falling for what feels like an eternity into the abyss, Jaune and RWBY emerge into Valdemar, the land of the Gods and the fallen where they find that Pyrrha has become the Goddess of War and is living peacefully. Pyrrha remembers everything from her past life, including her regret of not making her true feelings for Jaune known to him sooner so that they could have spent more time as something more than just mere partners. But, when she meets him again in this afterlife, she is determined to seduce him into breeding her, multiple times, so that she can keep multiple pieces of him deep in her, before he has to inevitably return to Remnant. She also intends to continue his training and help him master his semblance so that he can use it on himself too. She will deem his training and aura mastery complete when he can defeat her in a one-one-one fight.

2. A Knight's Arc 2 (RWBY, End Volume 3, Jaune X Pyrrha)

After Pyrrha confesses to Jaune about her true feelings for him by kissing him, locking him in a rocket locker and sending him far away from her so that he would not get hurt, he breaks out by unlocking his semblance. Using his semblance and amplifying his aura, he would go back to Pyrrha and reach her just in time before Cinder kills her, intercepting the arrow that does and fighting Cinder off of Pyrrha & maiming her in the process. After Cinder escapes, Jaune would reunite with Pyrrha and together, they would set out with Ren, Nora and RWBY to Haven Academy in order to intercept Cinder at her next location before she can try to kill anyone else. Pyrrha also intends to continue Jaune's training and help him master his semblance so that he can use it on others too. She will deem his training and aura mastery complete when he can defeat her in a fight by himself.

3. A Knight's Arc 3 (RWBY, Mid Volume 5, Jaune X Weiss)

After reuniting in Mistral, Weiss notices how much Jaune has changed since she last saw him. She also notices that he still has not gotten over Pyrrha and trains with her video everyday. She feels genuinely bad for him. She feels genuinely bad for all of the times that she turned his advances towards her down, finally realizing now that it was never because of her family's last name, but because he genuinely loved her very much indeed. She would finally reciprocate his feelings of love for her by confessing her true feelings for him and help him move on from Pyrrha. She would also continue his training by herself, but be unable to unlock his semblance. Jaune would unlock his semblance later during the battle of Haven and after bringing back Weiss from the brink of death, he would amplify his own aura and go on to fight and presumably kill Cinder down in the Vault.

4. A Knight's Arc 4 (RWBY, Post Volume 8, Jaune X Weiss)
(This is a continuation of A Knight's Arc 1 From 1. Above)

While in Valdemar, Weiss would notice Jaune and Pyrrha's relationship and regret not reciprocating his feelings for her soon enough, especially after he brought her back from the brink of death in the battle of Haven. After returning to Remnant, she would notice that Jaune would be struggling to move on from Pyrrha and help him do just that by finally reciprocating his feelings of love for her by confessing her true feelings for him. They would end up in Vacuo after returning to Remnant and would have to defend the kingdom, Shade Academy and the Relic of Destruction from Salem and all of her forces which would also be including Cinder too. Jaune would attune himself to the Relic of Destruction and use it to kill Cinder and then, Salem. After Remnant is saved from Salem, him and Weiss would marry and settle down to have a family on the island of Patch.

So, if any of the plots and pairings above interest you, please feel free and do not hesitate to start a conversation with me here on Blue Moon and tell me what your Semblance would be if you're to be in Remnant! I'll also be adding more plots and pairings soon enough so please do not feel discouraged if you do not like any of the ones that I have listed above now! Thank you and have a wonderful day, wherever you are! ❤️
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