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Mx Male Vampires


Aug 31, 2022
Hello there! I'm looking for a vampiric themed roleplay. I only have a couple of very basic starting ideas for this and would love to improve upon the ideas with my partner!

A bit about myself;
I'm a literate roleplayer, I typically post between 2-5 paragraphs per post but can do more if given enough to work with. I post in third person.

I will post a reply at the least once a day but as I presently have an abundance of free time you can expect more than that. You can also expect to be kept up to date if something comes up that will prevent me from posting.

Enough boring stuff, on to the plot snippets! Keep in mind, I am open to combining ideas as well and hearing out your ideas!
  • A human gets bit by a vampire and has to make do with the fact that they are now a vampire. Maybe they hate it? Are repulsed by the idea? Maybe they love it? Either way the vampire that bit them needs to keep them under their eye and teach them what it actually means to be a vampire.
  • A vampire hunter has found his next target. Maybe they just discovered their best friend is actually a vampire and has been all along? Perhaps they found a newly created vampire on the streets but they don't realize what they are yet and definitely don't act like the normal newly made vampires do and take an interest.
  • Two centuries old vampires are at odds with each other for some reason. Maybe one intrudes on the other's hunting grounds? Maybe an outside force forces them to be together and work together begrudgingly.
Feel free to DM me as well if you have questions or are interested! And thank you for taking a look!
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