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Spunny's gay roleplay search! =D (M/M only obviously)

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Jan 10, 2009
It's been a long time since I've been here.

Hi! ^^
I am spunny, as you can obviously read.
I am searching for a yaoi roleplay, obviously as it shows.
I will only do yaoi roleplays.
Please don't put one liners. I mean, sure there are some parts where we can only put one liners, but I only give back what I get. (Or at least try to)
I do not like helpless skinny subs. I want one that can fight, can get drunk, aggressive, steal, bitch at people if they get pissed, and actually have muscles.
I think I better clarify this a bit more.
I do not want one that can be mistaken for a girl or looks and acts increasingly more and more like a female.
Yes, I know I keep leaving and leave roleplays unanswered for a long while, shush.

As for the things I like to have in Roleplays:
Possibly tickling
Public sex
Public nudity
And humiliating people. Like..I don't know. Forcing them to wear a dress in front of people, take all his clothes and scatter them so he'd have to collect them while he's naked, stuff like that.
And light bondage.

Things I don't like:
Excessive Bleeding
Things that should belong in a toilet

And that's just about it I think.
Give me one of your kinks and I'll see if I can do them. It's only right considering that you might accept some of mine anyway.

Ok, so I decided to delete this part since people just Pmed me about stuff from this list and I'm like "It's just there. It doesn't really mean anything, I'll probably do whatever." So..yeah.

I'll try to do pairings from games/Anime, but..well, I don't know that many. I just barely began rewatching anime, but I've always been a game fan.

Games I know:
Soul Caliber series
Dead Space (I'm actually wondering if someone would choose this.)
Star Ocean 4 (not finished with it though)
Jet Set Radio
Enchanted Arms
Phantom Dust
Dead or Alive series
Magna Carta 2
Infinite Undiscovery
Fallout 3
Mirror's Edge

And some that I can't really remember.

Soul Eater
Witch Hunter Robin
Natsume Yuujinchou

and I really don't feel like getting all into anime, so you'll have to ask.

And anyways, that's all.l
I prefer to do things over PMs but I'll do them over Threads too.
Just PM me to let me know your interested.
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