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Fx F or NB Flames could also be blue! New plots

Dark Haven

Aug 19, 2022
Hello Everyone for those who didn’t see my other request, I am Dark Haven, honestly call me whatever you desire! I go by many names.

About me
Ive been around the roleplaying community for a good number of my life. I'd say about 10-11 years maybe even a bit more than that. I consider my roleplaying style to be a lot more on the adaptive, I can post normally to a max of about 5 Paragraph as that's my limit to where my ideas may spring up. I normally try my best to reply at least once a day. Sometimes I reply instantly and other times I struggle to post as its based on my mood.

Writers block can be a thing so I understand if those have that issue! I will try to be as communicative as possible but in the end I may not always do that as I just go quiet. I do not ever Ghost anyone anymore, I'll give you a follow up be it a week or a month. I'll keep you in the know.

Rp info

Regarding what I am into for types of roleplays I have a long range of things, I don't mind the mushy kinds of roleplays or even just a roleplay that has many dark themes to it! I'm an open minded person so I don't think anything is really gross or have any limitations on my roleplay! You wanna kill off my character? Go ahead! I don't mind anything I think of my characters to have 'plot armor' I just like to think they can die like anyone else!

Regarding to sexual content though, we'll have to discuss this in Dms! I do participate in it but I don't exactly have a list of kinks I enjoy, but I can tell you one thing I know for sure, is that I don't have any limits. I'm always willing to give something a try atleast once or five hundred times!

Plot ideas and Pairings! (This may be messy!)
Will be updated Accordingly!
Note: these are pairings and plots are in both rt!

Looking for an insane Asylum rp atm would love be admitted there! I got a few ideas cooking but no full plot.

I am willing to play any pairing as a female here!

Slice of life

This can be a fantasy world or a medieval! There is a lot to work with in
There was a king who brought the kingdom into peace and no crimes were to be found among citizens. Everyone has some wealth and was happy while everyone outside of the kingdom was jealous and wanted rights over the kingdom itself. The king did bear an heir but was only able to produce a female. He knew that a female was not able to support the kingdom as it was running under a strict Patriarchy. Although he passed away and suddenly a dispute for succession happened. The heir, noble men and women, relatives. Either tried to marry the heir or tried to take the throne. Will the heir succeed in her efforts or will some unknown entity change the kingdom entirely?

Do you remember what happened a few days back? Here you are your body lying in the middle of a forest unsure of whatever happened. Although there is a another person nearby that's watching you, who is it?

For what happened a few days ago was a bad car accident. You were deemed dead with no pulse or heartbeat and evidence hidden of who was in the car was thrown into the a nearby river. Your body was never found though…

Around College One athlete was the best player on the team and did everything she could do to increase her superstar performance. Yet they still couldn't win anything, this caused turmoil in the team. That was when the star player was benched for a new girl. They started to win game after game with no issues. Suddenly when the former star player demands to have her spot back. The new star quickly teaches her a lesson and informs that she is not their best anymore and she shall be a team player making her better

There was said to be more than one god and they all controlled separate things. One of those gods had either fallen from the heavens or decided to experience human life. They retained their powers as they experience life with humans. Will the god be able to survive on their own or will they find help?

There was once an evil group of eldritch beings and a human decided to be foolish and summon one of them. Each and every evil being had the intention to destroy the world but they may grant one wish the summoner truly desires. Shall the human who summoned the evil being convince them to spare the world or will they be the last human to ever live on the planet?

This could go one of many ways, an old demon lord, greatest wizard alive, or we can have it as an old lover! Personally I have plenty of ideas for this and I hope I can find someone with this preference to do it!

This isn't your normal Isekai idea! I am looking for a gm or I will gm! But can also be a 1x1 variation.
You were a normal person living a normal life that was until you saw a summoning circle below you. Waking up you are surrounded by a small group of people in a forest, one that you never seen before that was when you noticed something. They are speaking a language you can't even understand. These people could be friend or enemy and you wouldn't know. Not only that you didn't seem to be given anything overpower in this world. How would you even survive here!

Having been bullied from middle school all the way to high school. You thought this was your big break. Something where you'd get a new life a not have to deal with bullies anymore. That was until you realize your roommate is the same person who bullied you your whole life. Now that you live with them things had changed a lot and the bully was able to be a lot more bolder than before. All they could do was submit to their torment and hope they won't ruin their life forever.

Having a gambling addiction you needed to take out a loan, that was exactly when you met someone who's fulfill your desires. Ofcourse all you needed to do was pay them back within a certain time limit. What will happen when they come to collect their debts and you don't have their money!

The demon queen was by far easily one of the most powerful women in the world that was until she was defeat and killed a few centuries ago. Having been resurrected slowly she had to regain her power that was until she had such an unfortunate event happening to her. She got enslaved and became a sex slave to by very human race she loathed

Being an innocent person until today MC was shocked when MC was suddenly approached in a slightly private area in the public by police officers when they would be talking about how they needed to round up a new prisoner. MC didn't realize they were talking about MC. In a matter of moments MC was an a max security jumpsuit with a gag and sent off to a max security prison.

I'm willing to discuss options here!

Please DM or reply here if you are interested! Anything that I didn't add feel free to question me about topics not brought up here!
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I am currently looking to do a roleplay on here! If I did a roleplay here previously with you let me know I’d love to continue or work something new out.!
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