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π”‡π”žπ”«π”°π”’ π”π”žπ” π”žπ”Ÿπ”―π”’
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020
How could the darkness hurt? Maren could remember pain before the darkness.. The feeling of hands on her body, the pain as her body was violated, too weak to fight back. Raped, beaten... used again and again. Then beaten once more until she fell unconscious. Once she woke, the torment would start all over. For how long? She couldn't remember and when she woke, she wouldn't remember a thing. Only in this pain filled darkness could she remember what they had done to her. Her body being torn apart by liquid fire. Shadow claws toying with the tattered shields of her mind, worming through her thoughts, memories. Searching.. scouring for information. It had hurt, the woman had told her it didn't have to hurt, but where was the fun in that? She'd slowly picked her mind apart, like ripping the petals off a flower, the wings off a butterfly, shredding her past and remaking her as she wished. When she was done, she promised all those righteous morals would be gone and she would be nothing more than a puppet for them. A trap, with any luck for a High Lord who took pity on the broken doll they'd drop on their shores. The real question was whose shores should the whelp be dropped on?

Then the nothingness had taken her. Her mind and body fracturing into pieces. Even here in the dark, sensation had flashed through. Pain.. breathless drowning.. While those sensations had come and gone, she'd slowly begun to gather the shattered fragments of herself. Some parts were missing, as she put together the decimated picture of herself. Time here in the darkness seemed to have no meaning. Days, seconds? She didn't know one from the other. Each small razor sharp part of who she was slowly placed into the frame of her mind. Too many pieces were missing. The picture was fractured as the mind trying to place the razor sharp pieces together, each cut only adding to the loss. A tangled web. One that she couldn't put together no matter how she tried. Blood soaked fingers struggled to put the pieces together. If she couldn't she'd be forever trapped in this darkness, this hell...

That darkness was confusing. It was her reality, but was it? Her mind screamed at her that this wasn't where she was meant to be, but the small almost childlike part of her that bled to put the picture together seemed content to remain in this darkness. The darkness was safe. Here there was no pain. A floating feeling, warmth.. But no more pain. It was safe. No one could hurt them here. No more pain, no more hurt, no more fear. Safe. If I leave here.. there will be pain.. and I still don't have all the pieces.. not whole.. The voice was small, a quiet whisper that slithered through the endless dark, bouncing back towards her. Not whole... Needed to be whole, but even if they couldn't, that was okay. They could stay in the darkness. Float in the endless nothing slowly trying to put the puzzle of shards together. It could take forever, they might never escape and yet that didn't bother them.

The woman on the beach had once, perhaps been lovely. Laying in the sand, cuts and bruises covered her face, and any exposed part of her skin. It was safe to assume that the unexposed flesh had not been spared. She'd been beaten, tortured, perhaps more and left for dead. After a few long moments, her chest would rise, just barely as her body took a breath. Her skin was pale, marred in black and purple.. Blood crusted into cuts, the sea water not enough to wash all of it from her. Her hair was silver and grey, seaweed and sand tangled into it. Underneath blue tinged lashes, her eyes flickered. How long had she been there? It would be hard to tell. The sea water having dried out her lips, even relaxed it looked like she had a secret to share, the cut in her lip nor the rough appearance enough to hide it. Minutes would pass before another shallow breath was taken.

A small crab crawled from between her breasts, underneath the torn top, the knit of it rough. The skittering of its legs against her battered flesh earned no sound from her. Whatever had happened, she'd been through the mill more than once. Waves lapped at her body as the tide came in, her hands lifted in the surf slightly with each pull and push of the water. Was it not for that slow, labored breathing it might be easy to mistake her for dead. Above her the sun beat down on her skin, slowly burning her. Patches of pale skin slowly turning pink and then red under its relentless gaze.
Nyx Archeron sat at the large wooden desk, his steel blue eyes staring blankly at the papers before him. Countless of documents and correspondences splayed out across its ebony surface, all of them either needing his signature, a stamp of approval, or his immediate response. Despite all of that, the featherlight quill still balanced between his fingers, hovering. The black ink along its tip had long dried out from its lack of use and replenishing. Instead of writing, Nyx stared at the paper before him, the sixth one he had grabbed from the stack. A request to seize a vacated building in the artists quarter of Velaris. The letter explained how the property hadn't been used in years, and that the sender would like to turn it into a gallery for the artists nearby. It was a simple request, but Nyx knew the location. Knew why it hadn't been touch in Gods knew how long. The studio belonged to his mother. Had belonged to his mother.

After her passing he heard that the other artists had continued the free painting sessions in his mothers honor, but he supposed eventually they had stopped. After years and years, beings would eventually have other matters to attend, other obligations to keep them from running it. Furthermore, it just wasn't the same without her. Nyx personally never kept tabs on the property. He hadn't set a foot in that place since she was gone. Since they were gone. Despite all the invitations that he received to see the art, or just to stop by for a chat like he used to. He...couldn't. Or simply wouldn't. For the same reasons he hasn't been inside his childhood home by the river, or the townhouse, or the cabin in the mountains. He didn't know what he'd do if he passed those thresholds, was once again filed with all those childhood memories of fresh paint and nonsensical arguments.

He'd probably destroy it.

So Nyx took residence in mostly two places. The House of Wind, and the Moonstone Palace above the Night Court. Truthfully, he frequented the Palace. Not only did he invite the open air of its unguarded halls, but it gave him easy access to Hewn City, where he could let out the feelings that plagued him onto the degenerates that would do the same to him in a heartbeat if they could. Feelings that, currently, had him filling the entire office with night. No stars twinkled or glittered in its wake, just a pure void with no sense of direction or purpose other than to swallow everything.

Nyx dropped the quill and took a deep breath, calming himself until finally it began to recede, until he could once again see the paper before him and his office became recognizable. I need to get out.. He thought to himself as he stood from his seat. If he wanted to finish all of this by today he needed to clear his head. His membranous wings stretched out behind him in preparation as he stalked towards the balcony to the right of his desk and opened its doors. He was greeted with the slight chill of the early morning spring air. A blanket of mist covered Velaris as the morning sun began to peak over the mountains. He could smell the ocean mixing with the intoxicating scents emanating from the Palace of Bone and Salts as butchers and keepers prepared for the day. This was what he needed. He wasted no time jumping over the gilded railing, and with a powerful push of his wings, was flying through the air. The morning dew stuck to his raven dark hair and the chill of the air bit into his face, but he loved every second of it. Loved the burn of muscles he felt with each powerful thrust of his wings, the sound of rushing wind in his pointed ears, the feeling of plummeting when he allowed himself to freefall, only to pick himself back up again in a burst of flight when he got too close to the scenery. He flew for a long time, until the sun was finally shining over the mountains. He flew over the waking city, the sparkling Sidra, then aimed towards the beaches where ships were beginning to dock for trade. He planned to make this his final round, then he would turn back towards the House of Wind and get to work. Well, maybe he would stop by the Palace of Salt and Bone first for food. The aroma he caught this morning was like a siren call and he couldn't resist it anymore.

He flew a bit lower as he made his way over the beach, passing the ships and heading towards the more quieter area. He looked at the shadow he cast across the sand and ocean, imposing with his large wings tipped with talons. He had began to bank right when something caught his eyes just further along shore. Someone laying in the sand. He thought nothing of it. Many took naps on the beach, or would pass out there after a drunken night. He had fallen victim to the latter once or twice. But it was the way they laid that had him stopping his turn and continuing forward. They were too still, and way too close to the shoreline. He watched as a wave came crashing against the sand, then rushing against the body. It stayed still, its arms floating against the water. Lifeless And then he smelled it. Caught on a small breeze, the metallic sting of blood.

He dived for the body, and as he got closer, he could make out the mutilated skin. The splotches of discolored bruises and dried blood. He cursed as he spread out his wings and landed just past the body, sand spraying from his landfall. He turned and approached it, the cast of his wings protecting it from the blaze of the sun. "Gods.." He muttered, inspecting the extent of the injuries covering the female's body. He had seen worse, possibly inflicted worse, but never had he seen anything like this on the shores of Velaris. The brutality of it was completely foreign to The City of Dreams and looked more like something he'd see happening in Hewn City. How had the body even gotten here? He couldn't discern any other scents besides blood, the salt of the sea, and something else that made his stomach hollow out in disgust and rage.

Nyx knelt down beside her, brushing the females silver grey hair away from her face to see if he perhaps recognized her. He didn't, could barely discern some of her features if he was being honest. His eyes narrowed at the sight of a crab skittering from beneath the remnants of what could barely pass as a shirt and across her skin. He flicked the scavenger away from the corpse with a finger, but his eyes widened when a moment later he witnessed her chest rise, ever so slightly. Not a corpse. She was alive. He didn't know if that was for better or worse.

Quickly, he shouldered off the midnight black jacket he wore, deep golden stitching weaved within its fabric. He laid it over her body, covering the exposed, bloody skin. That left him in a simple matching tunic and black pants. He had to get her out of there and to a healer, but didn't know if moving her would cause more pain or damage. He didn't know what, or if anything, was broken. He didn't even know if she was healing. Cauldron spare him if this was her healed. It had to have been a hell of a lot worse if this was what she looked like. Fuck, he would have to fly her to the House of Wind too. He'd winnow them as close as he could. With a plan set in his mind, he looked back down at the female. "Bear with me, lovely." He warned, not even knowing if she was conscious, if she could even hear him. As carefully as he could, he scooped her up from the sand and her into his strong arms, holding her tight to his chest and body since he doubted she could hold on herself. He tried not to touch any wounds, but that was damn near impossible as they covered her entire body. As carefully but as quickly as he could, he shot into the air once more and winnowed.

There was the quick sound of rushing wind, the sensation of warmth and coldness and starlight all at the same time before they were back into the sky of Velaris, The House of Wind before them. He was grateful he hadn't winnowed straight into a building, as that tended to happen when he was in a rush and wasn't concentrating enough on the destination. He descended onto a private balcony of a bedroom, the doors slamming open for him as if the house sensed his urgency. He quickly tucked in his wings to fit through and didn't break his stride as he approached bed and gently set her down on the plush surface. He paused then, looking her over to see if the flight had reopened anything, caused any further injury.
The sun burned through her eyelids as she stirred slightly. A warm glow of blinding yellow and orange that made her want to retreat into the darkness once more. Suddenly something shaded her view from the sun and her mind gently pushed upwards. Something told her it would be safe, pieces missing or no. It was a coolness along her skin, that shadow and her mind reached out to the twisting tendrils almost childlike, seeing the comfort it offered. Struggling up the twisted web of her mind, she scratched and clawed to escape the shards of broken glass and blood that was the prison of her mind. A voice was heard, distant, soft.. Though there was something about it, much like the shadow that drew her.

"Bear with me, lovely."

The progress was slowed as she was picked up into strong arms, her body screaming in agony. Her lips parted, sun-bleached and cracked, fresh blood spilling as a whimper bubbled up from her throat. Warm and steady, she was held to someone? She felt the air around her body and then... darkness. a sucking at her skin and soul, what remained at it before they found themselves in the air once more. The coolness might have felt nice against her sunburnt skin, but as she woke from the nightmare of her mind she found only pain.

The tiny female shuddered in his arms as the doors slammed open for him and the thick lashes fluttered slightly and beneath her lids her eyes rolled and she groaned softly, the sound of her voice rough. Her body was laid onto something soft and she felt her body cry out again at the movement. Even with him being gentle every little movement was felt. The damage to her body was extensive that even being fae it struggled to heal the wounds. Whatever had happened to her had been long and drawn out, she'd been tortured clearly. Slowly oh so slowly her eyes opened and the first thing he'd see was the endless, crystal blue of her eyes. Unfocused they slowly searched until landing on his face. Her mouth opened and she winced before trying again. "Who are you?" her voice was like sandpaper, with nothing but salt water for goddess only knew how long.

"Where am I?" She started to rise and quickly decided better of it as her body violently rolled with pain. Panting she laid back in the bed, her eyes closed tightly as she waited for her stomach to stop rolling. The pain had nearly caused her to throw up, not that there was anything within her stomach. She was feeling cold, distant as her body fought off the feeling of shock and fainting and after a moment she succumbed once more to the darkness. Maren would wake almost ten minutes later only to repeat the process thrice more.

Rousing once again she whimpered and sought out the dark haired male. Her eyes were wide, frightened and she spoke again, voice still rough. "What happened to me?" His name, if it had been given, had already been forgotten as had where she was. It took everything she had to focus her eyes on him, to fight the tingling pull of blackness. Trying, all she could remember was her name and that was unlikely to help anyone when it was all she could remember. She couldn't remember her birthday, where she'd grown up.. the last thing she'd eaten, how she'd ended up so hurt.. she didn't remember him, not that she would. Nothing. There were a few things, but much like her name they didn't offer any clues. What would telling him she hates strawberries but loved raspberries do?
Nyx was preparing to turn around and fly out of the still opened doors when she began to stir. He watched as her eyes slowly opened, her pale diamond hues meeting his own starlit blue eyes once they came into focus. He said nothing, but did increase the space between them to not make her further alarmed as she came into consciousness. Her bleeding lips parted and she spoke, her voice so rough that even the house took notice and had promptly set a glass of water on the nightstand beside the bed. Nyx opened his mouth to answer her question, but then she tried to rise. "Don't move." He urged, seeing the pain that scrunched her face. "You're in-" he paused with contemplation. He had no idea who this female was or where she originated from. If she was even from Velaris. He thought that she had to be, there was no other possible way for her to be on that beach, but by the looks of it, it was as if she washed up on the shores. So he back tracked. "You are safe." He said with as much reassurance he could muster, with apparently being an absolute stranger to her. She has no idea who I am? Before he could further explain anything else, she had already fallen back into unconsciousness. She woke minutes later only to repeat her questions then fall back under. Healer. After her second succumbing, Nyx turned around and flew out the balcony doors.

He thanked the Cauldron that Madja was in her shop when he burst through its entrance, telling her that it was urgent and that she needed to come with him now. She had been the healer for his family for centuries, long before he was born and after. He could trust her to be discreet with this information. He explained to her the body he found, along with some of the injuries he was aware of from a glance and how she was acting. With this information the elderly Fae collected some things in a bag and went with him. The fast flight wasn't much to her liking, but they quickly arrived back into the room just as the female was rousing again.

"What happened to me?"​

"I was hoping you would be able to answer that for me." Nyx said as him and Madja approached the bed. He was hoping this memory loss of hers was due to the shock and would eventually dissipate. He needed answers, needed to know who was dumping brutalized bodies on his land, if they were still somehow in Velaris plotting to do it again. Was this one being or multiple? The urge to get into her mind was strong, but he withheld himself. He needed to make sure she lived first before he could press for answers. "I found you like this, laying unconscious on a beach." He then motioned to Madja. "This is Madja, she is a healer and she is going to help you." He explained gently. Madja stepped forward with a comforting smile gracing her wrinkled features. "Out." She ordered Nyx with a shoo of her hands before she set her bag down at the bottom of the bed. He began to protest, but the High Fae just gave him a look that had him tucking in his wings a bit more and biting his tongue. He didn't enjoy the thought of leaving her and the stranger unattended. She seemed harmless now, but once she was healed who knew how dangerous she could be. He wanted to keep an eye on her, but knowing Madja this wasn't going to be a battle he would win. He supposed that's what made her such a great healer, wanting her patients comfortable. She'd done the same for him many of times. So, Nyx took a step back and conceded. "I'll be outside then. Let me know if you need anything." He said, sparing one more glance at the stranger before stepping out of the large wooden doors leading into the hallway. They closed behind him.

As promised, Nyx had stayed outside of the room, just beyond the door, stewing over the possible threat within his court. It had gotten to the point where Madja insisted that he stew further away, the pressure of his powers and thoughts were practically seeping into the room. He travelled further down the hall and leaned against a wall around the corner. The pressing paperwork had long been forgotten. Madja had come out of the room at one point and requested that Nyx find some loose clothing for his new guest, probably to give him something to do other than think. He did the task, handing them over to her, only to then get a door promptly shut in his face. More time had passed and eventually the healer stepped out of the room, bag in one arm and his jacket in the other. It was dusted with sand, the though the fabric was dark, he could make out the spots of blood.

She told Nyx that she had healed what she could, but it would take some time for her body to fully recover from the trauma. She'd given her some medicines to take daily, but wasn't sure if she'd even remember to take them. "Her mind is in shambles. There is such extensive damage that I'm admittedly not equipped to handle or heal it. Only time and fate will tell if her amnesia is permanent or not." She explained before warning him. "Tread lightly. Though I highly do not recommend it, but if you do decide to go into her mind anyway, you must do so with the utmost care High Lord, unless you wish to break her further or kill her for your answers. Even I can see that it is extremely fragile. I request that you take her to see me in a few days so I can check on her state more thoroughly." Nyx only offered his thanks before helping her out of the House of Wind.

When he returned, he went straight to the room. He knocked on the door twice before entering. He was silent as he closed it behind him, wings tucked in close to his body. He stayed by the door however, leaning against the surface. Who knew what she had been through, and as much as he wanted to immediately question her, to try to pry every detail out of her despite her amnesia and Madja's warnings, he had to be careful about it. He couldn't cause more distress. So he took a deep breath, calming himself before he lifted his gaze to her. "You had asked for my name, but fell unconscious before I could give it to you." He said, his voice smooth and careful as he bowed his head slightly. "My name is Nyx Archeron, and this is my home." Lies. This wasn't home. "Do you know of your own name, lovely?"
There was a kindness in his voice, this stranger. His face was not one she knew, though she'd soon come to find she remembered little. Still the gentleness in which he told her she was safe was enough as she passed out once more, her body saving her from the pain it was in. Darkness not an unwelcome friend. She'd become more used to that darkness, more than she'd have liked and yet.. it wasn't quite the same as the darkness before. This was different and when she woke again, she found that it was not just the male, but someone new too. A woman. A soft groan left her and she asked her questions. That gentle voice had her seeking out him and she met his eyes, holding them for a moment. What had happened to her? There should have been a clear picture, shouldn't there have? Indeed it was like a veil of mist covered her memories. "Beach?" Closing her eyes she inhaled. She smelled of salt, blood and sand. His words made sense though she could not recall their meeting. Slowly her eyes opened and she looked to the woman he'd mentioned. The stern out and the way the smaller female ordered the man out brought a shy smile to her face as he obeyed.

The woman was efficient and even had a kind manner as she dealt with her various wounds, tending to them best she could. It was still amusing that the woman seemed to get annoyed at the male though he was out of the room. Maren could feel his power leaking under the door and she could see how it could be distracting to Madja, she found it almost... comforting to know the only person she had any real connection to at the moment was near by. Odd that that press of power would be a comfort. The pain was lessened bit not removed when the woman left her laying on the bed. Pale and sweat drenched. She'd take care and there had been some looks that told Maren enough about some questions that had lingered in her mind. With the damage to her body, it had been clear she'd been tortured. The second part was the one she was happy she could not recall. She'd been raped.

She'd been told to rest and lay in the soft bed, eyes closed listening to the sound of the wind along the mountains, playing with the ageless stone. The knock on her door had her eyes opening slowly and she called for him to come in, her voice rough and barely a whisper. She watched him as she pressed his back to the door after entering. He seemed as if he was wrestling with something. He spoke first however and she struggled to sit. After a moment, her back against the headboard her breathing labored she looked back to him. That sheen of sweet back on her forehead. "That's alright." A glass of water appeared near her and she smiled shyly. "Thank you." This was to whomever, whatever provided her with such comforts. "Nyx.."

She said his name, rolling it on her tongue before nodding. She'd no way to know if he was lying. But much like his face, his name did not ring any bells. Her cheeks heated and she laughed, wincing at the pain it caused. "I doubt I am lovely, at least at the moment." Her name, he'd asked her for it and she could recall it, at least she thought. "I.. am.. Maren." yes, that sounded right and she smiled, happy she could answer one of the questions he was likely to have. "I am Maren!" The joy she had for such a simple thing was palpable. Pale eyes lowered for a moment and she fought the urge to bite her lower lip, knowing it would only bring pain. β€œSeems a bit silly to be so happy about remembering such a trivial detail and yet others elude me. I feel with certainty I can say I hate strawberries, that that deep green of the sea is my favorite color and yet, where I am from, how I ended up on the beach… what happened to me.. they are all hazy at best and mostly absent altogether.”
Nyx watched intently as she repeated his name, looking for any small sign of familiarity, some kind of clarity that reached her eyes or features and told him that she knew who he was. Perhaps recognized his name at the very least. There was none he could discern. He loosed a small breath. It's not like a bit of healing and water would suddenly bring all of her memories back. He would have to be patient. He did however feel an instance of relief wash over him as he watched the blood rush to her face and tinge her cheeks pink. Even her small laugh, though followed by pain, was a good sign. He even found himself chuckling lightly at the sound. A better sign than he expected after what she had possibly endured. "Nonsense," he waved a nonchalant hand. "You are lovely. Just had to brush away a bit of sand and seaweed." He said with the most comforting smile he could muster. It was true that she was looking much better than before. Madja was able to heal most of the more gruesome wounds, even managed to quell a majority of the swelling and clean her as best she could. No more did she look like a freshly washed up corpse, but instead a woman recovering from battle. He could even distinguish features that were once hidden from her severe injuries. So he would call her lovely, especially if it earned him the sight of seeing color return to her face and a small laugh.

He took a single step away from the door, unconsciously pulled in as she recollected her name. The joy she felt in that instance made him both immensely happy and deeply enraged. He couldn't imagine the horrible things she must have been through. The brutality and violation that was inflicted upon her, but to then survive it, although with no memories, and have such unabashed joy at simply remembering her name; It was both infectious and heartbreaking. His smile was genuine but tight as he fought down his fury. He would find whoever or whatever did this and make sure the favor was returned with interest.

"I don't find it silly in the slightest," he assured her softly, and he truthfully didn't. "A beautiful name such as that is worth remembering, Maren." Nyx let her name roll off his tongue carefully and with appreciation as he made his way over to the fireplace, just to give himself something to do instead of standing there at the end of the bed. He was never one to just stand in one place. He didn't sit in one of the chairs by the fire however. He didn't plan on staying long, as surely Maren needed her rest, but he needed to just ask her a few things. "I for one love strawberries, so knowing that is truly vital. I will be sure to avoid presenting them to you." He told her before taking on a more serious manner. "Anything you can recall is important to me, no matter how hazy or presumably silly you think it may be Maren. I want to find out what happened to you and make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. With that being said, is there anything you could tell me for now? No matter if its not coherent. Could be a feeling, or a scent.." He paused, trying not to get ahead of himself. He couldn't push her too much for answers in this moment, unless he wanted to cause her further distress. Patience. He thought. "Do not push yourself though. Only if you're able and comfortable. We have plenty of time."
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