Saint Celestine
- Joined
- Feb 17, 2017
Quick Introduction
Hello there, welcome to my thread. Please take a look around
I'll keep this concise; I'm new to the site, but I'm an experienced roleplayer of 6+ years. I've completed university, so I would say I have a good grasp of English; all my replies are checked for grammar and spelling, though I'm only human. If there are any fandoms that you wish to roleplay in that aren't on here, ask. I might know them.
Anything I'm bored
Historical/Fantasy plot ideas
The Rajah is Dead
Set in Ancient India like 1000BC, it centred around the Rajah(King) of India, who had recently died in a war against the Emperor of China. His only heir has taken the throne. However, there is dissent in his court. The kingdom is close to imploding with various warlords, generals, and nobles wanting to break off this war and form their small kingdom rather than be part of a unified India, especially with this war against China.
This Roleplay would have a good portion of a slice of life/wartime drama, as well as the primary relationship being between the young son and now Rajah and his mother; this plot is pretty loose, so it can go a variety of ways, from a redemption story of a young man growing into a legendary leader of his people to the complete opposite with everything falling apart around him. Again I'm open to any changes or suggestions for this.
King of England
Recently I've been reading and watching a lot of medieval-related content about the Tudors, Plantagenets, Lancasters etc. and would love to do a plot revolving around a possible divergence from history, with another house taking the throne, or perhaps writing something within this chaotic period as the background to our own little game of thrones. Sorry if this is a bit short. I don't know what to do; I was hoping to brainstorm something with a partner.
Original Plot Ideas
Wife Swap
YC is happily married to their husband, and everything goes smoothly. But, at the same time, the neighbour couple is always fighting.
One day the two ladies talk about the issues, and the neighbour lady suggests a "couple swap" for one day only. Like they do on TV. To see if this game helps with the relationship. YC doesn't want to do that and leaves the husband's decision, who agrees to the game, to its dismay.
I want to try it out, maybe make some twists to the story, and this wouldn't be super planned out other than the premise and the first scene. We can see how the characters react to the situation.
The Boss
YC is a newbie female employee assigned on a business trip with her Senior, Mister Nakata.
She is naive but fantastic, and the boss, Nakata, is fully aware of that, but he is also an asshole and has little patience to deal with her. Something that becomes very obvious from his lack of manners.
In return, she hates this boss's guts but being encouraged by the boyfriend (who supports her constantly via phone calls), she decides to do her best to pass this trial. Because after all, it's just for one night…
Another plot here that I'm okay with changing a little so it is more stretched out, and we can add even more drama and tension.
Incest and the Sea
The premise of this one involves quite a few dark themes, one of the main ones being the father of the story being abusive towards the mother, both verbally and emotionally. The father works away as the captain of a fishing trawler quite successfully, so the family overall are pretty well off. The father forbids her from wearing anything too sultry, etc. Also, the son has resent his father over the years, even after working on his father's ship. So the main elements would be hurt/comfort between the mother and son.
I still Got it!
So this plot centres around a catch-all for RPs involving older women, and by that, I mean Older women 40 plus. I know many people tend to consider women in their thirties old... I had various ideas for this but would be open to anything you might have in mind, from an older woman finding love after her husband died to an ageing actress getting back into the industry.
Sure, that is more than fair; here are some ideas.
The ExorcistA peasant village is under a reign of terror, as one of the villager's wives has been possessed by some evil spirit. Increasing paranormal activity throughout the village and several other ill omens plague the town. Finally, the local Lord's son stops by who wants to be an adventurer when he grows up and assures everyone he will solve this problem. Unfortunately, the young man is far out of his depth as he tries and fails several times to exorcise the spirit; it even tempts him into lying with the villager's wife, who it possesses. This I see ending badly for everyone.
The following day he finds the bed empty as his wife has been kidnapped; after tracking her down and rescuing her, he finds she is pregnant with monster spawn (Orc, Gnoll, etc.) and is left traumatised and different from the experience. Years pass, and the adventurer discovers his wife with a monster of her own volition, or perhaps the group come back and finds her, wanting her to be a priestess/brood mother for more monsters.
Adopted Monster
This plot would be about the kingdom of Exodia, ruled over by an Elven King and Queen (Can be human) in the brutal campaign of 578 DE. With the empire expanding into the dark forests of Arden, the King finds a baby monster (Your choice which one). He takes him in raising him as a son. Fast forward to 20 years later, the prince/monster is now a young adult, and hormones are hitting hard; unfortunately for the Queen and his adoptive mother, he sets his sights on her doing anything to mate with her.
Although the plot sounds pretty obscene, I was looking to do a fair amount of political intrigue and a slice of life around the war against a neighbouring kingdom, with the mother and son being the main focus.
Desperate Times
The King of Exodia is dead, leaving his young heir and his wife to be Queen Regent. 2 Kingdoms, the fierce warriors of Dune and mountain tribes of Kumona, have declared war and are ravaging the lands; the army has managed to force its two bitter enemies into a slow stalemate. However, they are slowly losing lands and people. The entire land will be lost if a third kingdom enters the war.
Therefore what choice do the Queen Regent and her advisors have? But to allow monsters into their lands, to make dark pacts with old gods and things that go bump in the night to save their homeland. But what will the price be of all this?
The downfall of the Queen
For this plot, I would be taking on a GM role in a certain sense in that I would be playing multiple characters around YC whilst you would just be playing the Queen, possibly a few more if you wanted to. The plot would revolve around a reasonably new Queen. I thought she was a Warrior Queen, using her strength and combative abilities to lead and grow the kingdom. The Kingdom she ruled was founded by her father, the first King of Exodia, who conquered the small rival lands under an iron fist and hammered them into a single kingdom. Though her father was a fierce and evil man, he committed unspeakable horrors to put a crown on his head, and his governmental system is generally pretty nasty. Although I thought she made some drastic changes with the new Queen, she isn't particularly evil at all, even if she is a warrior queen.
Though the fatal mistake she makes is she pisses off many nobles and people whom her father put into powerful positions, the biggest one being her grandfather, who is a warlock and helped nurture and guide his son to become King. Though now his son is dead and his daughter rules which would be okay with him, except the new Queen has no time for her grandfather, disregards his advice believes his methods are too cruel, his magic tainted and generally shuns him from her court. Thus he decides to 'put her in her place. We can discuss more if this sounds like something you're interested in.
Help my Monster Wife has been stolen!
So this plot is set in a fantasy world and can involve various monster race girls paired with a traditional human male. It will, of course, involve heavy NTR themes. A small list of possible monster wives that could be stolen:
Minotaur: Despite their large size and imposing features, the minotaurs are more than happy to find a mate amongst the smaller races. Despite their strength, they are generally very caring and peaceful. When dating other races, they prefer to pamper and give pleasure than receive it, though unless one is hung like a horse or is a male Minotaur, it's near impossible to satisfy them through penetration alone.
The males of the species are very jealous creatures, so you can be sure if they see one of their females stepping outside their race, they will become a target. They typically target a female in heat; the usual nurturing motherly sex cannot satisfy her primal urges. A male can seduce a female in heat long enough to breed her with their musk alone. Of course, she will immediately regret it, but it will be too late. Though have her instincts been awakened?
Orc: There are many misconceptions about orcs, and few people know they live in matriarchal societies. Behind every Orc Warlord, a powerful matron is ruling over him and her dozen other sons. While females usually live a sedentary lifestyle, it can happen for some to leave the tribe and find themselves a mate among other races. A female Orc is softer than a male but just as assertive. If she finds a suitable mate, she will push herself on him and flirt violently until her "prey" finally submits, even if she has to capture him in the end. Female Orcs usually prefer softer, more petite men - "unmanly" would be the term - as husbands, a stark contrast to the rugged and virile males of their species.
Interracial marriage within Orc culture is traditional but one-sided. The submissive partner is expected to stay at home and take care of the house, food and kids, while the dominant one is free to do as they please... including bedding other people. As long as this "contract" is respected, an Orc can be surprisingly doting and protective of her partner. Some might even grant their husbands relative freedom once they're sure of their loyalty. Orc sexuality is bestial and rough, and few people among other races can withstand it. Thus, a female Orc will usually get sexual relief elsewhere, usually with another Orc, and spend the rest of her intimate moments with her husband being worshipped, caressed and licked everywhere. Orcs are at the top of the sexual hierarchy, a female will inspire fear in others, and no one will dare stand in her way when she exhibits her mate proudly like a war trophy.
Fandom Choices:
So I'm not too sure about how to best explain this, but I will try my best. The Horror genre has a special place in my heart; I can't express how much I love a good fright from a movie or my heart speeding up during a chilling book. Something that makes it hard to sleep is right up my alley, thus my attempt at finding some writing partners that would be interested in writing such stories. Furthermore, I'm hoping to add erotica to this genre, maybe it's a bit strange, but I find creepy, nightmarish creatures terrifying and arousing. The nun from the conjuring movies is just one example.
Anyway, I've droned on enough. If you might be interested in playing some Nightmarish Waifus, drop me a message. We can hash something out, hopefully.
Hello there, welcome to my thread. Please take a look around
- I prefer about 1-4 paragraphs. I can do more if you want, but nothing less than a paragraph.
- Literacy is a must. If you have poor spelling and grammar, I won't be a perfect fit as a partner for you.
- The story is a must; of course, I expect a fair amount of erotica in the RP, but I'm looking for background and build; otherwise, the smut gets boring very quickly.
- I only Roleplay in the third person and expect my partner to do the same.
- Don't be shy, and I try to be as friendly and polite as possible if you have any ideas or kinks on your mind that aren't listed, tell me. I'm excellent with just taking one idea from any of the plots listed or pairings and coming up with something new.

Anything I'm bored
Historical/Fantasy plot ideas
The Rajah is Dead
Set in Ancient India like 1000BC, it centred around the Rajah(King) of India, who had recently died in a war against the Emperor of China. His only heir has taken the throne. However, there is dissent in his court. The kingdom is close to imploding with various warlords, generals, and nobles wanting to break off this war and form their small kingdom rather than be part of a unified India, especially with this war against China.
This Roleplay would have a good portion of a slice of life/wartime drama, as well as the primary relationship being between the young son and now Rajah and his mother; this plot is pretty loose, so it can go a variety of ways, from a redemption story of a young man growing into a legendary leader of his people to the complete opposite with everything falling apart around him. Again I'm open to any changes or suggestions for this.
King of England
Recently I've been reading and watching a lot of medieval-related content about the Tudors, Plantagenets, Lancasters etc. and would love to do a plot revolving around a possible divergence from history, with another house taking the throne, or perhaps writing something within this chaotic period as the background to our own little game of thrones. Sorry if this is a bit short. I don't know what to do; I was hoping to brainstorm something with a partner.
Original Plot Ideas
Wife Swap
YC is happily married to their husband, and everything goes smoothly. But, at the same time, the neighbour couple is always fighting.
One day the two ladies talk about the issues, and the neighbour lady suggests a "couple swap" for one day only. Like they do on TV. To see if this game helps with the relationship. YC doesn't want to do that and leaves the husband's decision, who agrees to the game, to its dismay.
I want to try it out, maybe make some twists to the story, and this wouldn't be super planned out other than the premise and the first scene. We can see how the characters react to the situation.
The Boss
YC is a newbie female employee assigned on a business trip with her Senior, Mister Nakata.
She is naive but fantastic, and the boss, Nakata, is fully aware of that, but he is also an asshole and has little patience to deal with her. Something that becomes very obvious from his lack of manners.
In return, she hates this boss's guts but being encouraged by the boyfriend (who supports her constantly via phone calls), she decides to do her best to pass this trial. Because after all, it's just for one night…
Another plot here that I'm okay with changing a little so it is more stretched out, and we can add even more drama and tension.
Incest and the Sea
The premise of this one involves quite a few dark themes, one of the main ones being the father of the story being abusive towards the mother, both verbally and emotionally. The father works away as the captain of a fishing trawler quite successfully, so the family overall are pretty well off. The father forbids her from wearing anything too sultry, etc. Also, the son has resent his father over the years, even after working on his father's ship. So the main elements would be hurt/comfort between the mother and son.
I still Got it!
So this plot centres around a catch-all for RPs involving older women, and by that, I mean Older women 40 plus. I know many people tend to consider women in their thirties old... I had various ideas for this but would be open to anything you might have in mind, from an older woman finding love after her husband died to an ageing actress getting back into the industry.
Sure, that is more than fair; here are some ideas.
The Exorcist
The Kidnapping
A retired adventurer is enjoying the quiet life on a peaceful homestead in the middle of nowhere; his two grown children have left. Age has taken its toll on the hero, but his wife, an Elf, remains beautiful. The two travel away from the homestead to the nearest city for some essential supplies needed for the coming winter. At an Inn, the adventurer notices some unsavoury characters, followers of Lamashtu, but not wanting trouble, ignores them and heads to bed; his wife says she will come soon.The following day he finds the bed empty as his wife has been kidnapped; after tracking her down and rescuing her, he finds she is pregnant with monster spawn (Orc, Gnoll, etc.) and is left traumatised and different from the experience. Years pass, and the adventurer discovers his wife with a monster of her own volition, or perhaps the group come back and finds her, wanting her to be a priestess/brood mother for more monsters.
The Kingdom is at war, and things are not going well; the King is sick and dying, there are treacherous elements within the court, and the prince and heir are buffoons. The prince, spoilt rotten all his life, is also under the influence of the Grand Vizier, who is a double agent, purposefully misguiding the prince to spell doom for the Kingdom. One such idea planted in his mind is that the Prince's bloodline is too pure and powerful to marry any noble family, and he should keep it within the family.
The Monster Layer
This one is the least fleshed out, but the basic premise was a series of short stories about men and female monsters. From a peasant villager selling his soul at the crossroads to losing his virginity, the woman who visits him is a horrifying Succubus. To a bitter man wanting revenge on a village and laying and bargaining with a Coven of Hags to bring ruin to the place.
The Kingdom is at war, and things are not going well; the King is sick and dying, there are treacherous elements within the court, and the prince and heir are buffoons. The prince, spoilt rotten all his life, is also under the influence of the Grand Vizier, who is a double agent, purposefully misguiding the prince to spell doom for the Kingdom. One such idea planted in his mind is that the Prince's bloodline is too pure and powerful to marry any noble family, and he should keep it within the family.
The Monster Layer
This one is the least fleshed out, but the basic premise was a series of short stories about men and female monsters. From a peasant villager selling his soul at the crossroads to losing his virginity, the woman who visits him is a horrifying Succubus. To a bitter man wanting revenge on a village and laying and bargaining with a Coven of Hags to bring ruin to the place.
Adopted Monster
This plot would be about the kingdom of Exodia, ruled over by an Elven King and Queen (Can be human) in the brutal campaign of 578 DE. With the empire expanding into the dark forests of Arden, the King finds a baby monster (Your choice which one). He takes him in raising him as a son. Fast forward to 20 years later, the prince/monster is now a young adult, and hormones are hitting hard; unfortunately for the Queen and his adoptive mother, he sets his sights on her doing anything to mate with her.
Although the plot sounds pretty obscene, I was looking to do a fair amount of political intrigue and a slice of life around the war against a neighbouring kingdom, with the mother and son being the main focus.
Desperate Times
The King of Exodia is dead, leaving his young heir and his wife to be Queen Regent. 2 Kingdoms, the fierce warriors of Dune and mountain tribes of Kumona, have declared war and are ravaging the lands; the army has managed to force its two bitter enemies into a slow stalemate. However, they are slowly losing lands and people. The entire land will be lost if a third kingdom enters the war.
Therefore what choice do the Queen Regent and her advisors have? But to allow monsters into their lands, to make dark pacts with old gods and things that go bump in the night to save their homeland. But what will the price be of all this?
The downfall of the Queen
For this plot, I would be taking on a GM role in a certain sense in that I would be playing multiple characters around YC whilst you would just be playing the Queen, possibly a few more if you wanted to. The plot would revolve around a reasonably new Queen. I thought she was a Warrior Queen, using her strength and combative abilities to lead and grow the kingdom. The Kingdom she ruled was founded by her father, the first King of Exodia, who conquered the small rival lands under an iron fist and hammered them into a single kingdom. Though her father was a fierce and evil man, he committed unspeakable horrors to put a crown on his head, and his governmental system is generally pretty nasty. Although I thought she made some drastic changes with the new Queen, she isn't particularly evil at all, even if she is a warrior queen.
Though the fatal mistake she makes is she pisses off many nobles and people whom her father put into powerful positions, the biggest one being her grandfather, who is a warlock and helped nurture and guide his son to become King. Though now his son is dead and his daughter rules which would be okay with him, except the new Queen has no time for her grandfather, disregards his advice believes his methods are too cruel, his magic tainted and generally shuns him from her court. Thus he decides to 'put her in her place. We can discuss more if this sounds like something you're interested in.
Help my Monster Wife has been stolen!
So this plot is set in a fantasy world and can involve various monster race girls paired with a traditional human male. It will, of course, involve heavy NTR themes. A small list of possible monster wives that could be stolen:
Minotaur: Despite their large size and imposing features, the minotaurs are more than happy to find a mate amongst the smaller races. Despite their strength, they are generally very caring and peaceful. When dating other races, they prefer to pamper and give pleasure than receive it, though unless one is hung like a horse or is a male Minotaur, it's near impossible to satisfy them through penetration alone.
The males of the species are very jealous creatures, so you can be sure if they see one of their females stepping outside their race, they will become a target. They typically target a female in heat; the usual nurturing motherly sex cannot satisfy her primal urges. A male can seduce a female in heat long enough to breed her with their musk alone. Of course, she will immediately regret it, but it will be too late. Though have her instincts been awakened?
Orc: There are many misconceptions about orcs, and few people know they live in matriarchal societies. Behind every Orc Warlord, a powerful matron is ruling over him and her dozen other sons. While females usually live a sedentary lifestyle, it can happen for some to leave the tribe and find themselves a mate among other races. A female Orc is softer than a male but just as assertive. If she finds a suitable mate, she will push herself on him and flirt violently until her "prey" finally submits, even if she has to capture him in the end. Female Orcs usually prefer softer, more petite men - "unmanly" would be the term - as husbands, a stark contrast to the rugged and virile males of their species.
Interracial marriage within Orc culture is traditional but one-sided. The submissive partner is expected to stay at home and take care of the house, food and kids, while the dominant one is free to do as they please... including bedding other people. As long as this "contract" is respected, an Orc can be surprisingly doting and protective of her partner. Some might even grant their husbands relative freedom once they're sure of their loyalty. Orc sexuality is bestial and rough, and few people among other races can withstand it. Thus, a female Orc will usually get sexual relief elsewhere, usually with another Orc, and spend the rest of her intimate moments with her husband being worshipped, caressed and licked everywhere. Orcs are at the top of the sexual hierarchy, a female will inspire fear in others, and no one will dare stand in her way when she exhibits her mate proudly like a war trophy.
Fandom Choices:
- Naruto
- My Hero Academia
- Bleach
- One Piece
- Dragon Ball
- Avatar the Last Airbender / Legend of Korra
- Full Metal Alchemist
- Code Geass
- Steins Gate
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Marvel Comics
- DC Comics
- 2000 AD stuff
- Dark Horse Comics
- Valiant Comics
- Warhammer 40k
- Warhammer Fantasy
- Witcher
- Resident Evil
- Devil May Cry
- Mortal Kombat
- Street Fighter
- Tekken
- Overwatch
- Guilty Gear
- Warcraft
- League of Legends
- Legend of Queen Opala
- Bayonetta
- Steven Universe
- The Legend of Zelda
- Hades
- Stardom
So I'm not too sure about how to best explain this, but I will try my best. The Horror genre has a special place in my heart; I can't express how much I love a good fright from a movie or my heart speeding up during a chilling book. Something that makes it hard to sleep is right up my alley, thus my attempt at finding some writing partners that would be interested in writing such stories. Furthermore, I'm hoping to add erotica to this genre, maybe it's a bit strange, but I find creepy, nightmarish creatures terrifying and arousing. The nun from the conjuring movies is just one example.
Anyway, I've droned on enough. If you might be interested in playing some Nightmarish Waifus, drop me a message. We can hash something out, hopefully.

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