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Mx Male Let's Get Gay! (prompts, ideas, and characters)


a clump of mushrooms pretending to be a person
Jun 27, 2022
I'm gay, you're gay, let's write some gay shit. I'm looking to play male characters against male characters (including trans men and masculine-leaning nonbinary people). I have a few ideas, ranging from cute slice-of-life romance all the way to dark and sadistic monster depravity, so there's something here for everyone. Feel free to reach out to me if anything here tickles your pickle.

A little about me and my writing style: I'm a night owl, and available to write more or less daily. I'm not a stickler about reply length most of the time, and tend to match the preferences of my partner. I'm flexible and reasonable - I don't expect you to write two paragraphs if our characters are just sitting on a couch having a conversation. But I can definitely pour out multi-para responses when the story calls for it, and I love detailed writing and character development. I can write in forums, via PM, or on Discord. I don't really have a preference either way. Most of my characters are switches. Some of them may lean toward bottoming more often or topping more often, but it's very rare that I write a character who is strictly a top or strictly a bottom. All of my stories involve a blend of plot and porn, and vary in kinkiness.

1. Light Academia, very cozy vibes. At a prestigious school for the arts, romance blooms between the quiet, reserved, and often serious school librarian, and a charismatic professor. Professionalism dictates that they keep their relationship hush-hush, but as their feelings for one another grow more serious, it becomes harder to keep things behind closed doors. (I would happily play either character in this one. The setting could be modern or historical. There's definitely some opportunity for kinky stuff here, but it could also be pretty vanilla.)

2. Cowboys! In the lawless wasteland of the wild American West, two bounty hunters are after the same quarry, and find him at the same time. In a dramatic fight in a dark town in the middle of the night, both bounty hunters fire their guns, and their quarry falls dead. It's unclear whose bullet killed him, and an argument ensues over who will collect the money. In order to settle things, they collect proof of their kill and decide to travel together to the town where the bounty was posted, in order to ask the Sheriff which one of them has the right to collect. It's a journey of several weeks, and over the course of their travels, they must rely on each other again and again to survive. An uneasy friendship grows into something more.

3. Minotaur sweetness. MC is a minotaur farmer who owns and lives on a small orchard of fruit trees. YC needs a place to stay.

1. A prince and his guard. In a distant kingdom always on the very precipice of war, a king takes ill. With the knowledge that the king's death is fast approaching, his eldest son, the crown prince, must be placed under guard to prevent him from being killed to enable a coup. A soldier from the royal guard is selected to be the crown prince's constant companion and keep him safe until he takes the throne. The characters are a study in contrasts, and an exercise in subverting expectations. The prince is soft spoken, delicate, and might even be considered pretty, but he is in a position of great political power and importance, and expects respect and deference from those who serve him. The guard is a strong, masculine, stoic type who is loyal and subservient to the prince. The prince views his new guard as his plaything, and together they play with and subvert concepts of dominance and submission. (I would be happy to play either character here as well).

2. Good old fashioned nerd vs. jock trope. Set at a university. MC is a scholarship student, out of place among his rich classmates, who devotes himself to his studies out of a sense that he has to prove himself. YC is a star athlete (in some preppy rich-boy sport - think lacrosse, rowing, tennis). YC is generally disdainful of poor scholarship boys like MC. They have an altercation, and it comes to light that MC kind of likes being bullied and pushed around. A kinky relationship develops, full of fun cliches. Locker room scenes, degradation and name calling. At first their relationship is entirely and exclusively sexual, and they basically pretend they don't know each other outside of their rooms. But as things progress, they become friends.

3. Cam Boys. MC is a server at a gay strip club, waiting tables and slinging beers, but on his own time he also makes amateur porn. YC is one of the dancers, a bouncer, or a bartender (your choice). MC is struggling to make ends meet, and approaches YC, basically because he thinks they would look cute together on screen, and they agree to start making videos together. Lots of room for kink exploration, toy play, bondage, etc. But also lots of room for developing feelings. Ideally, both characters would be switches/vers. I love doing this one with anthro characters, especially a prey/pred species pairing, but if you just wanna write humans that's okay, too. It'll still be real cute.

4. Religious/priest kink/demon depravity. MC is a priest who gets thrown out of his parish after confessing his love for another man. He is heartbroken and vulnerable, so when a demon (YC) masquerading as a human offers him comfort and companionship, he accepts. What follows is a downward spiral into sin, damnation, and lots of freaky demon sex.

And here's my f-list: F-list - Warning
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