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What is the last video game you completed to the end credits?

The Layton games on mobile, not only they have been enhanced, but the stories are still so good that i played them to the end credits.

Sadly, one of my favorites, The Last Specter isn’t on mobile, if it was, i would have done the same.
I bought the game around a year ago! Have you tried the DLC yet? From what I've played, they do not deserve to go as hard as they do
I haven't, sadly. I have a personal rule not to buy any DLC until its under 5$. It encourages creators to milk their players like cash cows so I don't wanna buy high priced DLCs. I'm still waiting, but I've heard great things!
I haven't, sadly. I have a personal rule not to buy any DLC until its under 5$. It encourages creators to milk their players like cash cows so I don't wanna buy high priced DLCs. I'm still waiting, but I've heard great things!
Fair enough! I've as of now only played the Trunks one, which is honestly better than the base game. Though I am biased, as a huge fan of the character
Fair enough! I've as of now only played the Trunks one, which is honestly better than the base game. Though I am biased, as a huge fan of the character
I totally get being a fan of Future Trunks tbh. He's probably the sanest protagonist DBZ and DBS have had, if we're being objective. I also love that DBS TrunksxMai pairing, it's adorable.
I totally get being a fan of Future Trunks tbh. He's probably the sanest protagonist DBZ and DBS have had, if we're being objective. I also love that DBS TrunksxMai pairing, it's adorable.
The Future Trunks theme in ultimate battle 22 is legendary.
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