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...and modest to boot? Hot damn! - Seeking something BOLD

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Jan 20, 2009
The Frozen White North

I currently have a sort of generalized desire for something unique. Come to me with your weird, unique, or otherwise different plots. Everything will be considered with a smile.

Greetings, minions!

I am Scott. Or Abulurd, or what have you. A pleasure to meet you all, of course. Those of you who know me, nice to see you again, those of you who don't know me, please defer to those who know me, so that my transition to rockstar status goes as smoothly as possible. After all, I have a rightful throne to claim, and there's no time like the present, oui?

That being said, allow me to welcome you formally to my request thread. It's big, it's awesome, it's pretty much the place to be. I would reccommend, y'know, being here. Feel free to PM me for a roleplay request, or send me a message here, but know that I'll probably get to you faster if you PM your idea to me, "But Scott, you shimmering pillar of human achievement," you're no doubt asking yourself, "What could a poor, horny young lady like myself possibly do to appease you?" Why, I'm glad you asked. Quite frankly, I'll do anything, basically. My limits are so far off the map, they're like...not even on the map. Yeah, that's right.

So, anyway, moving on. I have a fairly open mind. I'll do...basically anything and everything you ask me to, with several key exceptions.

Under no circumstance whatsoever will I ever do any of the following. Ever:

NO ROMANTIC COMEDY BULLSHIT. If I wanted to go around with paddle boats and ice cream I'd do that in real life. Don't mistake this as 'No love', I just don't want to be following the standard dinner-and-a-movie format. I felt the need to add this after recieving a couple requests for like, "Oh, he's a jerk but she takes him out into the world and shows him how beautiful life is and she warms his icy heart and they fall deeply in love!" requests. Please direct these requests to Jennifer Anniston. She's lonely and single, she could use the inspiration.

Most series-based roleplay
Naruto. He deserves special mention because Naruto can go fuck himself right proper.

List subject to change without notice

See? List is small, and I like to think reasonable. I'm sure you can all work around it somehow. Those of you who can't? Well, tough, I guess. I'm not changing the list just to accommodate you.

Now then, as I'm sure you're already shivering with anticipation, the edge of your seat already having left your shapely behinds, you're wondering to yourself, "Scott, what do you do?" Don't rush me! I'm going at my own pace. God knows you've probably skipped to the good bits by now anyway. it doesn't really matter what I say here, does it? Anybody who declares that I'm awesome can have a cookie.

Pairings follow, my role on the left, where applicable, favorites are bolded at the top in order of desire:

SUGGEST SOMETHING (Seriously, nothing gets me more in the mood to please you than if you come to me with an original idea
Something with mind control...? Just toying with the idea in my head, nothing fleshed out.
Master / Servant (Maid, pet, etc)
My character / Assertive Submissive (As in the phrase, "Please fuck me, sir.")
Medieval Fantasy (Not necessarily exclusively smut, I enjoy playing with decent plots in this one)
Teacher / Student (Particularly art teacher, music teacher, something more original than just 'teacher')
Assassin (Mercenary?) / Target
Generally any authoritarian scenario

Anything involving some action, or intrigue, or excitement
Kidnapping scenario
Photographer (Sculptor? Painter?) / Model

I'm sort of burning through this quickly, so that I can just edit it later, so that list will grow with time.

Incidentally, if you are a boy, but want to play opposite me as a girl, do us both a favor and don't tell me your gender. I won't ask. Ignorance, as they say, is bliss, and I'm just not comfortable knowing definitively that the person I'm playing opposite is a boy. Sorry, but I'm pretty much as straight as you can get, and the 'boy playing a girl' thing gives me weird images of crossdressing. But yeah, don't ask, don't tell, as it were. That is all.


-- Nothing, as Yet

Edit History
03/07 10:39 PM: Added note on 'Romantic Comedy Bullshit'
02/18 9:10 PM: Removed "Oh...shit...", changed title
07/04 1:34 PM: Removed "The Floutist", added "Oh...shit..."
01/29 9:01 PM: Added Contact Information
01/26 4:48 PM: Added first plot
01/21 11:49 PM: Created my thread

That outghta do it, for the time being. Again, it's bound to grow as I get settled in, but now that I'm established, fire away. Come visit, I'm a poor, lonely Adonis, you see.
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

well met good sir and how fair thee this fine day? *giggles and smiles* so u sound like the type of person that would be very fun to rp with...interested? :)
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

I'd be up for any sort of medieval or teacher student, I could be the teacher or the student. I have scenarios for the teacher/student but I'd have to know who'd take initiative first, the teacher or student. As for the Medieval fantasy I like the idea of an interracial romantic rp, like elf and human, gnome and elf, fairy and goblin, any sort of combination.
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Well one idea is that the teacher used to be an upperclassman to the student but is now a new/student-teacher. They have some romantic and sexual tension, possibly past relationship with each other.

Another is where the student takes charge and the teacher is kind of submissive, "insert corny line about inspiration to get teacher bothered and hot and then start to molest.". So the teacher is put in an awkward spot whether through the student showing a stronger will or blackmail since he/she is taking indecent liberties with a student.

This is the least realistic one, the teacher or student is a famous author/artist [the student is like one of those published young authors/artists.] The one who isn't an author/artist is a big fan so it's mostly admiration leading to a relationship.
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Abulurd said:
Ah, I get'cha. Which of those would you prefer, love?

I like the second one with me as the teacher? Do you want a busty teacher, a flat-chested one, any body preferences?
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

well how about midevil one or a vampiric? and sorry about the brain
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Hello there. :]
Hmm... I'm not sure why, but I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you.

Just thought you should know.
Anywho - would you be interested in a master/pet sort of roleplay?
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Yayy. :]
Hmm... Would you be interested
in doing an rp with a setting in
a 'historic' time period? Pretty
much just something in the past.
Modern stuff tends to die pretty
fast for me. :/
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Probably something like the Victorian
ages, 1700-1800's. Maybe even the
SteamPunk sort of time. Is there
anything like that that interests you?
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

xD Ha ha. I suppose I do.
And I think its fair that you
know that your wording is a
turn on for meh. :3

Anywho, anything in particular
you had in mind for a m/s rp?
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

You mind playing a more twisted/ evil character? If youâ??re up for it I have an idea.

Would not really be a master x slave type idea, a kidnapping more likely. Your character being what ever it is that you choose, would come across my character. Maybe they have a conversation, or maybe he just passes by her. She has lovely features, perhaps the Tattoo on her back catches your eye....any case he want her.

The plot might start out with her rejecting him, he could drug her to get her to relax...but the more time he spends with her the more she comes around. Eventually she starts to have feelings for him, but then he begins to reject her. Love is not what he wanted, so perhaps he becomes verbally or physically abusive, even humiliates her in public. Yet still her goal is to get his love, even though he pushes her away.

If thatâ??s not your slice of cake, no big. I can work out something better.
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

[Tis Doto by the by.]

We need to roleplay <3?

Heh. Sorry. I finally broke and joined this awful site. Haha.

Now... I like to be submissive and I love~ your dominant side. As you know so well. So we need to roleplay.
Now, what to roleplay is the question.

Perhaps a good old fashioned Maid x Master roleplay? Hmm?

A lonely woman with little family gets hired by a man, with a fair amount of wealth, and one day while cleaning....

Or perhaps something happens and she owes him a favour so she agrees to being his maid, not realising he's lecherous....

Haha. I'm sorry hun. I'm on a bit of a caffeine rush. Five am is a great time to be on caffeine, don't you agree?
Now... MSN me my dear and we'll get down to the nitty gritty details. <3
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Aww geez you are a completely awesome person >< Do I get my cookie now XD

Anyway I'm intrested in roleplaying with you would you be willing to do an Incest roleplay that included mind washing?
Re: ...and modest to boot? Hot damn!

Haha, yes, if you can find me, I'll buy you a cookie.
It's a bit like Where the Flying Fuck is Carmen Sandiego?

And yes, I'd be happy to play with you
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