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Suggestion A new second prefix for Roleplay preference.


At parity with pears...
Apr 7, 2017
From the Flames of Creativity
I've noticed that most of the request threads are usually asking for Discord, which I don't use for roleplaying as there's a post size limit that can result where the other person could post a reply when you are not finished with yours. It just doesn't work for me for that reason.

I had a thought that we can do a second prefix specifically for the poster to list the preferred method of their roleplay. It could help people with finding partners who would do the roleplay you prefer.

Can something like that be a good idea or be horrible? Just trying to figure out an easier way for people to not be caught off guard.

That or something on the profile that states the preferred method of roleplaying without going to the user's profile page.
I agree with this. If the 2nd prefix is a bit much, having a section limited specifically for Off Site only RP would be great option as well. If discord is just an option that's still fine it being in the secton with the typical RPs, but when its their only method of RP it's much better if that can be siphoned out a bit. I mean heck, it also gives room for people to advertise for say they do some campaign over Roll 20 or tabletop simulator where the forums wouldn't be enough to handle it.

As far as the discord comment, its formatting just isn't anywhere near as clean as a forum can be. Particularly if your someone who goes for larger replies discord become incredibly unwieldy not to mention reaching the word limit isn't hard if your getting into particularly juicy (as in big, lot of text!) replies. All the power to those who like using it but I really need that cleaner formatting and organization.
Edit: It was the 4th of July. Which is why I haven't responded sooner.

@Kassia I agree, I honestly found a couple of interesting plots from some users here, but as soon as I saw them mentioning about discord, it was frustrating.

@Saiya Thanks for the explaination there regarding discord with the formatting for messaging there. I wasn't aware of the details there. And I actually like that idea for a seperate section for those who use Off-Site methods like Discord to do roleplays. That way nobody is disappointed!
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