Mx Female Looking for Long Term RP Partners (New Plot: The Gift)


Jan 10, 2022
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my newer prompt, I thought that maybe running multiple promps would have been better but ended up not working as well... so here we go.

I will split this post into a few sections, one being more of traditional pairings (mxf), then more unconventional pairings (fxf, futaxf) then the out there ideas (monsters, AI, robots, ghosts)

But first to introduce myself! I am a 29 year old man from South Africa, I work night shift which allows me a lot of free time to roleplay/write stories, prepare my Dungeons and Dragons campaigns and so on. I've been roleplaying for about 15 years now, and keep trying to improve, be it post length, quality and or pairings. I love sitting down, creating characters, and giving them life, be it through roleplay or D&D.

In terms of my writing, i write in 3rd person, and write 2-3 paragraphs easily, i have also done much more but its not too consistent. I love roleplaying some pretty interesting stories and exploring ideas or concepts I do not go through in real life through roleplay, I am currently looking to explore more themes and pairings so don't hesitate to ask or even suggest when reaching out!

For my stories I like to have a general outline of the story which of course we can mold or change as we discuss and brainstorm.

So now for the stories that are of more conventional pairings.

A woman's awakening.

The story follows a woman who basically has done what she should have. Married her husband, had 3 kids, been running around and taking care of the house, something in her told her she was not where she was meant to be, so instead of settling down completely she kept in shape, kept improving herself, trying to find something for her to feel like she belonged somewhere. So she became very highly placed at work and was quite well respected in her community. One day, she meets my character and something clicks inside her, we could say it was love at first sight or that she really found my character almost irresistible and her views on her life changed fairly quickly at that point. The man was quite q bit younger than her but she had to have him, and the closer she gets to him, the more she realizes she did not know what was love until that point.


This story is about a woman who had a huge crush on a guy during school, but, they were in different circles, she was in the popular crowd at school and was the queen bee so to speak. The guy was a drifter, never quite fitting in anywhere, sitting at one table for lunch and then moving to another the next day, and since noone knew how to place him, they just ignored him or avoided him, the girl however couldnt keep her thoughts away from him. After school, he left to attend college in a different town, being picked for his strong affinity in math and science. During his entire time away she has been keeping an eye on him, seeing how life seemed to look up for him, him gaining and losing girlfriends, all the while pushing himself to do more. Now with college done, he has come back to the town, and she finds it in her to make a move on him.

The Tutor

The story is about a woman who is working on her PHD in psychology, who is in need of some extra money to get through the month, so she turns to tutoring, thing is, she has a bit of a special way of tutoring, giving the men more and more to look at or enjoy as they improve their grades, therefore getting quite popular pretty quickly and ends up focusing on tutoring while writing her thesis which is moving along quite quickly now. Once she meets my character, someone needing help on getting better at the english language leads to her realizing just how socially awkward the man is, which causes her to deviate and teach him more of the social aspect, and as she teaches him, she starts to fall in love with him. Which causes her life to be a little out there.

The Virus

Humanity has done it again, unleashed a virus out onto the world that decimated a huge chunk of the population, and the aftermath basically brought the male population to near extinction, so to alleviate this, women gathered the men and placed them all into clean rooms, to try and avoid losing them, and in order to keep the human population growing, they started extracting sperm from them, using that sperm to try and impregnate women, while this worked, it was shown that the men were more or less depressed at this, since it made them feel like nothing but lifestock, and many offed themselves in their depression. So one scientist, decided to try something different, she built a home in a dome like structure, making the air clean and virus free, and setting loose the one man she was looking after in there, then she went about looking to make a harem for him, making sure the women would be very fertile in order to give him many children, but also, so he would have a lot of human interaction.

The Gift

The story follows a man, who on his 18th birthday was given the gift of the family, and that being the ability to seduce any woman he would want, though they are some steps and words that are needed to be said, however the man, was an introvert and was too nice to try and do something like that to the women of his university and life. That is until he went to a get together for his family and met a friend of his cousin. The three of them stayed up very late while drinking, and daring each other to do weird and whacky things, that is until the man boasts he could have them do as he wishes, but they do not believe him, so he goes ahead and shows them.

Now for the unconventional pairings.

The Promised one.

In the far future, humanity has expanded and taken over multiple solar systems, and have expanded to the point where there is no one government, but each planet is its own ecosystem so to speak. In this is a planet known for its fields of green massive forests and beautiful wild life, but also their unrivaled bioengineering capabilities, they are able to change and morph human beings to look or act a certain way. So the Elite families of the planet do not intermingle, instead they go to an agency that promises the perfect partner for them, so as to keep them on top, the caveat is that only the one requesting the partner will be able to talk to them and only through chat until their 21st birthday. Your character is the heir of one of the more powerful families and therefore has a lot riding on her partner, though the secret she is keeping from her family is her partner is not a man, it is a futanarii, something she has been obsessed with since she was young and now, finally will get to meet one in the flesh, my character would be the first futanarri made by this company.

The Escort Agency

My character was born to poverty and had to fight and beg to live and eat. She was abandoned by her own mother at the age of 15 after her mom saw that she was a futanarii which was quite unknown for the mother, and, not knowing what to do she just ran away. My character until 18 was trying to survive but once she hit 18 she tried prostitution, this was a bad idea as the gangs were making sure she would not get well off so as to stay with them, that is until she gets picked up by an agency to become a high class escort. With that she blossomed and flourished, quickly reaching the high life and becoming quite sought after. Your character would be a CEO or the wife of a wealthy man, wanting to try out this new craze of futas in society so she orders my character. This leads to her falling for my character and chasing her so as to keep this woman with her forever.

The science experiment

My character is a futa created in a lab under the college, your character is a student that has known about this experiment for a while and has been keeping a close eye in it as my character was created to be very attractive and maybe even addictive to women. So when the posters came up for volunteers to come, meet and interact with my character, you were one of the first to apply and get in, your goal is to go for my character and make her yours.

Now for the more out there ideas.

The Goblin Queen

Goblins are vile creatures, and they spread like wildfire, they attack helpless villagers and kill the men, taking the women to rape and breed with constantly until they die. Your character managed to sneak into a burrow and noticed something interesting, the women were pushed into two groups, those willing and those unwilling. The willing ones were treated well and with respect while the others were treated like whores and as nothing but cattle. So seeing that and knowing your character's days as an adventurer are quickly coming to an end, she goes out to find a burrow wanting to see if she can calm it down with her womanly beauty, though she may need to find others to help her down the line once her experiment bears fruit.

The Transporter

In the far future, humanity has expanded all over the galaxy, met many interesting races and empires. This allowed them to really boom in terms of expansion, and many rich people went to all the exotic planets or moved to live in floating space habitats, but they want to bring exotic animals and creatures, but due to the issues of loss of life with stasis other ways to move animals around had to be made. To that end, the best way to relive the stress of animals is through sexual release, so only male creatures are sent out to be transported, women end up being better as pilots for this. Your character is a new transporter with her new ship and looking to make it big in the universe by transporting exotic animals and creatures. (This is a DM style RP where I am the DM)

And here are the stories for now, each slightly different and all hitting or playing on different kinks as well as pairings. If you are interested please shoot me a pm and we can talk and brainstorm on ways to improve or start each roleplay.

Hage a great day!
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