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Tenshi no Chinatsu Host Club (AKA Former Ouran Host Club)

Jan 22, 2009

A Hostess/Host club is primarily a place where men and or women can pay for the company of men and or women for an evening. Primarily, Host/Hostess clubs strictly forbid prostitution. Well in true 'Blue Moon' style we have taken it to the 'forbidden' level.

Welcome To Tenshi no Chinatsu (Angel of a Thousand Summers)

Tenshi no Chinatsu is a prestigious University dedicated to arts, education and unconventional clubs. Tenshi no Chinatsu has recently approved the founding of it's own Host/Hostess Club.

"Tenshi no Chinatsu Host Club vows to save the student population from boredom using both typical and unholy forms of fun."

But they are lacking members...


Ootari Kyouya

Ootari Kyoya is the Tenshi no Chinatsu host/hostess club Pimp. He is the paradox of organization and has some very unique methods of making sure 'Tenshi no Chinatsu stays funded'. Not only does he offer explanations for Tenshi no Chinatsu's strange behaviour but he is a smexy domineering beast who likes to keep his little sluts in line.

Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
Twincest is best, or so the Tenshi no Chinatsu, female population seems to think. What better way to get some "friendly" patrons then to play the brotherly love card. Hikaru and Kaoru provide 'Chinatsu' with an essential piece of the puzzel. Not only do they add a bit of comical relief to the equation, but isn't it cute the way they take care of one another?

If You aren't convinced...

You will be role-playing with a fairly diverse population of men and women who specialize in individual forms of 'fun'. Not only are they all gorgeous, bright and confident but unique.
We Are Looking For...

Kaoru and Hikaru or possibly one or the other.
Kyoya our fearless leader
As well as countless number of patrons
A few additional host/hostess members up to your own discretion.


We Accept Yaoi, Yuri, Hetero, Seke, Seme, Uke, Girl Love, Guy Love and whatever else your little hearts desire.

Questions or Comments: Please Inquire With Me

Character Page
: (Link)
Wait. Now I should have been a bit more specific. For Haruhi and the Crossdressing Female or just Hauhi?
TheDarkerMe said:
I don't know
and Awhile... she's been gone awhile.

I'm tempted to start it up again *yawns*
Could be fun.
I thought we weren't talking.
OR are we over the massive pile of BullShit we started with each other?
Roleplaying and speaking are two different things to me. We aren't TALKING, we are discussing a roleplay. Thus a completely different entity. I'm still not happy with you, and it has more to do with some of the shit you said. Face to face you ARE dead to me. If we see each other in person, I will ignore you exist. It's a simple fact of life. This is not face to face, this is the internet. Text on a screen.
I'm done talking then. I was hoping we could move past the BULLSHIT and try and be somewhat civil. But you haven't grown at all from this experience. I have. I was hoping that we could be nice. That we could talk. That I wouldn't have to hate you anymore. But you just can't help it.
You don't get it. Going against my honor would smudge my honor. Dead is DEAD. It will take more then pretty words and nice actions to make me like you again. After all the shit you said. I LOVE Inu, I cared very much about her. Saying that I never cared about her was a low blow. I do love Inu, I always will. It just wasn't meant to work out between us.

Give it a bit longer then a few months, and we will see what is capable of being done. To me the strike to my honor is still too fresh.
Honor? What honor? You were planning on leaving Inu for Try long before. I saw it. Don't try and pull the high road. You were the one who threatened me first. I have the texts. All I had wanted to say when I called was that it was tactless and it hurt Inu's feelings and you needed to take it down.
YOU got attitude first. I got pissed. You over-reacted. See. This is what I mean. This is the bullshit. We are going out of our way to piss each other off.
1. I did not plan to leave Inu for Try, long before as you say it. I only hooked with Try AFTER I left Inu. Yes I was falling in love with Try before I broke up with Inu. But I felt guilty for that, and was going to try and work things out. But after talking to SEVERAL people I realized it wouldn't work out. I did what was best, and would cause less pain.

2. You called, and I did not get attitude first. I have four witnesses that heard the whole conversation. You where the one that stated I never cared for Inu. The texts, you mean the same ones I have? First off it wasn't a threat it was a warning. I didn't threaten you. Trust me if I had threatened you, it would have been bodily harm.

3. I didn't over-react, I did not at all. You where the one that had been lying to EVERYONE for quite awhile.

I have honor, and this is as far as it will let me go. I do not seek to piss you off, if you let yourself get pissed off.. then you where manipulated into such a situation. Which you seem to think you are the Master Manipulator.

I wish you an interesting and eventful life, once you have your head on straight and start acting like a sane person... I MAY talk to you.

Good Bye
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