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𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 (ꜱᴀʙᴇʀ & ᴅɪɢɪᴛᴀʟ ꜱɪʀᴇɴ)


Swear to God I ain't never gonna repent
Staff member
Apr 3, 2022

The roar of the crowd vibrated the air, much like the bass that was booming through the stage speakers and shaking the stage itself. Little lavender lights were dashing through the air vigorously with the rhythm of the music. This was the final encore of the night. The last stage performance for almost a month before a long awaited respite to decompress and escape the limelight for a bit. He just had to get through this song. The flashing lights of cell phones capturing the moment for years to come were like watching a disco ball reflective surface.

Kang-Sun, or Kang, as his staff and friends called him, Sun to his family. To his fan base, he was K-Sun, not his choice, but it was short and sweet. And at that moment, when the last note was sung and the music faded, that's all he could hear resonating in the amphitheater. It was still surreal to be standing up on stage in front of thousands of fans, lights as bright as the sun blinding him finally dimmed and his staff greeted him off stage.

"You've got fifteen minutes before you meet with VIP fans for pictures and autographs." His manager, Chae-Yeong Kim, a woman in her mid thirties, adjusted her glasses as she scrolled through his schedule on her tablet. "Your flight to Busan leaves in three hours."

Sun was tired and he let it be known with an exacerbated sigh. He combed his fingers through his damp hair as he walked alongside Chae-Yeong and she ushered him to his dressing room. As soon as the door was shut, he flopped down on the sofa with a soft groan. A tray of snacks was waiting for him and Chae-Yeong tossed him a towel.

“Are you looking forward to your time off?” She asked as she gently tapped the screen of her tablet. Her brown eyes flicked up to meet cool gray. “How long has it been since you’ve been to your home town?”

“Almost six years.” Sun dabbed the perspiration that was beading on his forehead. “I’m ready to take a break for a little while.”

In all honesty, he was exhausted and he was ready to get away from the public for a while. The idol leaned back against the back of the sofa and closed his eyes for a moment. Immersion into his career was a given to become an idol. Putting all of your time, energy, and soul into being a performer was expected and Kang-Sun wasn’t a pushover. This is what he’d always wanted, but he knew the sacrifices he would have to make. Sun’s ears were still ringing slightly from the thundering music and adrenaline. Just as he was about to catch his breath, a hand fell on his shoulder and gave him a gentle shake. Chase-Yeong was still absorbed in whatever was on her tablet as he opened his eyes.

“Time to go, K-Sun.” Gray eyes rolled as he stood up and followed his manager back down the hall to the stage where the VIP members were waiting.

Kang actually enjoyed meeting his fans. Most of them were teenage girls that were too nervous to really say much of anything. This occasion was no different. A handful of giddy teenage girls were waiting for him and he donned his stage persona. The meet and greet flew by in a flurry of giggling and nervous chatter as Sun took pictures with his fans before he was in a black SUV that was taking him back to his dorm at Sphere Studios. His luggage was already packed and he was in his room for maybe fifteen minutes before leaving once more to head to the airport. Sun was used to his life moving fast, but the night was going by at light speed.

“You’ve got your ID?” Chae-Yeong asked as they pulled up to the airport and Sun nodded silently. “Here.” She handed him a black face mask and he sighed before taking it. “If you don’t want to get bombarded in the airport, you wear a mask.”

“Yes, mother.” Kang-Sun mocked before putting the mask over his face, tucking his hair behind his ears and flopped a ball cap onto his head. “I’ll see you in a month, Manager.”

Kang got out of the vehicle and inhaled the cool night air, the scent of spring wafting on the gentle breeze. He was more than ready for some down time and to see his family. Getting through security and check-in was easy enough. A perk of his status, but still a tedious task. Airports seemed to all be the same. The same set up, just rearranged in their significant locations. Tramway, moving sidewalk, newsstands, or were they even called newsstands anymore?

As Kang-Sun was waiting for his plane to board, he was scrolling through his phone, looking at the newly posted feed on his Pictogram account. When his row was called, he grabbed his backpack and filed onto the plane with the other passengers. The fluorescent lights over head caused his eyes to squint as he scanned the seats to find his. When he reached the correct row, he stowed his bag in the overhead compartment and took his seat by the window, fortunately. A sigh escaped him as he sat back, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his earbuds as the video for the cautionary instructions began to play.

The harsh lighting dimmed and the red glow from the seatbelt light turned on. The engine hummed to life, and the plane’s turbulence shook the cabin as it rolled down the runway. The quaking of the aircraft as it gained enough speed to take off might have caused inexperienced flyers to panic, but he lived in the sky. The addictive sensation of his stomach dropping as the plane climbed into the air was something that always excited him. The thundering of the engines lowered to barely a hum that he could hear through his music as the plane leveled off above the clouds. A small yawn escaped him as he settled back and stared at the stars accenting the full moon. Super stardom kept him up high, and that was his preference. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, his exhaustion was causing his eyelids to feel heavy and he finally allowed his eyes to close.
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Smiling at the child before her, Ha-Yun ooo and awwed over the artwork they had presented. The boy beamed up at her, his family portrait labeled in wide, shaky letters. "Jal haess-eo, good job!" Her voice was sweet, as she said it in English and Korean. reaching out she ruffled his hair and watched him run towards his friends waiting, the school day over. Now Hay-Yun could finish up the last few things before heading home; some grading and lesson planning. Smoothing a hand down her stomach, she pressed the wrinkles from her dress, the skirt swaying gently around her thighs as she walked. The dress was pretty, and perfect for work but she couldn't wait till she changed into something far more casual.

Collapsing in her chair she pulled her phone from her pocket, swiping through till she found the song she was looking for. Kang's voice poured from the speaking of her phone and she smiled. Kang.. It was hard to think of the boy she used to know as Kang. Sun seemed almost a different person, but she understood that some things were for the fans, the persona carefully crafted. Shaking her head some she began to write in her lesson planner, his voice falling to the background as she focused. Halfway through the plans for the next week her phone gave a small chime. Glancing at the screen she blinked, tilting her head as she reached out, pulling it closer to her. Sun was coming home and a party was being thrown for him. "I doubt what he wants is a party..." Closing her eyes, Ha-Yun tried to put herself in his shoes for a moment, in the spotlight, fans screaming... No, she'd want to come back home and relax. Yet, his mother hadn't forgotten how close the pair had once been and was inviting her to come. The party would be in one week.

A part of her was really eager to see Sun again. They had been pretty close through middle school.. it wasn't until high school that they had started to drift apart. His dream of being a singer, a star, started to take off and Ha-Yun had been nothing but supportive. It was his dream and she wanted only the best for her best friend. Even if it meant seeing less and then none of them. At the end of high school he was almost always busy, just like she was, though for different reasons. He was really taking off and she was getting ready for uni. Ha-Yun wanted to teach, ideally preschoolers. The other part of her was worried about the reunion. What if he had changed? After all, she had changed.. Grown, it was reasonable he had as well. What if that persona had become his true personality? Not that Kang didn't seem great, but she missed Sun... That week she debated if she'd go or not.

A week of yes, no.. maybe. In truth Ha-Yun was conflicted... While she doubted he'd have forgotten her, she questioned if they could easily fall back into the easy relationship they'd once had. A large part of her wondered if it would be best to leave the memories in the past, golden and sweet. In the end though, the desire to see him again, a chance of something close to the friendship that had once existed. If only for a little while, for Ha-Yun was under no sort of impression she could live in his glittering world and that was okay.

Night had fallen and she glanced at the glowing windows of Sun's family home, hands toying with the strap of her purse. Her bedroom was currently a mess and Ha-Yun would have been embarrassed to admit exactly how long it had taken her to pick an outfit. She had ended up picking a pair of pale green shorts, the color reminding her of spring. With it, she had picked a loose top that showed off pale flashes of skin when she moved. Modest mostly, with that little teasing glimpse. The long sleeves fell past the tips of her fingers. Her long, platinum blond hair was left loose, dancing slightly in the faint breeze that swept past her. A pair of heels in a shade darker than her shorts with bows at the heels. They were delicate and feminine. Peeptoes showed off the deep rich plum color of her toenails, matching the color on her nails. A hand rose to her throat and her fingers ran over the thin, simple golden chain, catching on the star along the edge.

"Don't be stupid, just.. knock." The words soft to herself as her hand slipped from her neck and to the door, a crisp knock sounding.. That sound prevented her from fleeing as it rang through the house before her. Worrying at her lower lip with perfectly white teeth, she let her lashes lower some as she waited for the door to open. Behind it, she could hear movement and her chin lifted, a smile pushing onto her lips..
Kang was jolted from his languor when the slam of a door reverberated through the house and his ears. He opened his eyes to see the sun’s luminous rays shimmering through the gaps in the drapes over his window. His childhood room hadn’t changed much after he’d left for Seoul. Sun didn’t really remember much after his egress from the plane. Although he did remember his father picking him up and driving them home.

He was still in his clothes from the previous night, so that made sense. He must’ve passed out the moment his head had found the feathery plush haven that was his pillow. It was very nostalgic to be in his bed, in his childhood home. The warmth of the sun and the serenading of the gulls flying just outside his window took him back to his earlier years of school and the good 'ole days of lighthearted adventure.

“Kang-Sun-a~, wake up!” A heavy knock on his door caused Kang to spring up in his bed as his mother’s voice resonated, muffled, through the door. “It’s past noon! You need to get up and eat!”

“Umma~,” Kang’s hand dragged over his groggy eyes. “I’m up!” Receding footsteps shuffled down the hall as he stood, stretching his lithe arms over his head with a soft groan as the vertebrae between his shoulder blades popped.

The first thing Sun did was set his suitcase on his bed with a little bounce, and opened it, rifling through his belongings before finding a different shirt at the very least. At some point after he ate, he would take a shower, but his growling stomach made it obvious that food was its first priority. It was astonishing how much a clean shirt can make a difference as he flipped the hem of the plain white tee.

He could’ve made his way around the house with his eyes closed. His fingertips brushed against the wall as he admired the family pictures and remnants of his childhood. Kang was happy to be home. He could already feel the pressure of being in the public eye fading as the smell of marinated beef wafted into his nose and practically lifted him off his feet.

“G’morning, umma.” Sun smiled as he hugged his mother who was shoveling steaming white rice into a bowl. His father was already picking pieces of marinated beef onto his plate. “Appa.” A loving hand squeezing his father's shoulder before Kang found his place at the table. As his eyes scanned around the sunlit kitchen, seeing the platters that were set out and that his mother had yet to move away from the stove. “Umma, what’s with the serving platters?”

“I’m making food for the party.” Sun’s eyes widened as he glanced up at his mother who had set a fresh plate of bulgogi down in front of him before continuing her flurry of cooking.

“Party?” The aroma of the meat was distracting his brain from interrogating his mother, so he looked to his father. “Appa?”

“Nayoung-a~,” His father chimed as he ate. “Perhaps you should give more detail to your son.” Kang’s eyes kept flitting between his father and his mother, who was still furiously cooking. “Yeobo.”

An exasperated sigh left Nayoung before she turned to face Kang. “We are having a party to welcome you home. Is that so bad?” Not another word as she went back to work. “A lot of your old friends are coming, the whole town was invited.”

“The whole town?” Kang dropped a piece of beef that had been so safely secured with his chopsticks and nearly home in his mouth. “Umma~! Why didn’t you tell me about this? The point of coming home was to get away from all the people.”

“They’re all friends and family.” Nayoung retorted, not bothering to turn away from the stove. “And I doubt they’ll stay too long. Besides, aren’t you excited to see some of your old school mates?”

Kang-sun just groaned softly as he picked at the food on his plate. That didn’t sway his appetite, of course. He was hungry from the previous night and when the first bite of that succulent, aromatic nutriment glazed his tongue, he couldn’t help but release a contented sigh. Nothing was better than home cooking, especially mom’s cooking. Nothing compared and for a moment, he let go of his vexation at the thought of a party. He supposed it wouldn’t be horrible, and really, he could sneak out if he wanted. This party would be more for his mother than him anyway.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” Kang mused as he stood, taking his plate to the sink. “Thank you for the meal, umma.” She offered an affectionate grunt as he left the kitchen and made his way to the bathroom.

Nothing much had changed since he’d left. Even though he had gotten another break right before he debuted, it had been a few years and he expected something to change, but not even the color of the walls had been updated since his childhood. The bathroom was decorated in blue and white tiles that almost made you feel like you were at the beach with the abundance of sunlight that shone through the skylight overhead. It was soothing.

Being home was so nostalgic. The spray from the shower was warm, but Kang wanted it hot. Something he treasured was a hot shower to help relax his usually tensed muscles after practice or a show. After piling his clothes into the hamper by the door, he stepped into the now scorching spray, wincing a bit until his body adjusted to the stream. There was something tranquilizing about showering somewhere that was so familiar. So much so, that he earnestly considered crawling back to bed after he was finished, but the thought was short lived as he let the water roll over his hair, completely offering himself to the blazing downpour.

After his shower, he patted himself dry before wrapping the fluffy soft towel around his waist and exiting the bathroom. Once in his room again, he stared at his reflection in the full length mirror and tilted his head as he analyzed his figure. His physique was muscular, but not bulky by any means. A popular topic of his fans was if he was possibly too slim.

“Sun-a~!” A harsh rapping on his door caused him to jump as his mothers nagging tone effectively penetrated the barrier of his door. “I need your help getting ready for the party!”

“All right, umma~.” He sighed heavily as he continued to get dressed, putting a lavender terry cloth headband on to keep his hair out of his face while it dried. Kang would have to style it later.

The rest of the day went by in a squall of cleaning and decorating. Before Kang knew it, the afternoon was lost in the storm and the sun had set. Guests would be arriving soon and after they had set out the last platter of food on the serving table, his mother shooed him away to get dressed for the evening.

His normal routine for an outing was cut in half as he changed into his outfit for the night. While he was styling his hair, tying half of it back to keep it out of his face, Sun noticed a gold chain hanging from the corner of his mirror. He reached out and gently plucked the bracelet from its resting place and examined it.

“Ah, I remember this.” The tiny gilded crescent moon and star twinkled under the ceiling light as Sun twirled the chain between his fingers. "I wonder if Ha-Yun still has hers?" Kang deftly clasped the bracelet on his right wrist and flicked it until the moon and star were resting on top.

When Sun heard the first of the guests arrive, he checked himself one more time in the mirror before leaving the safety of his room. Would he switch to his idol personality? It was debatable. Around these people he shouldn't have to, but sometimes he couldn't control it when surrounded by a crowd. He took a deep breath in the hallway, hearing the chatter of his parents greeting their guests.

Greeting people he hadn’t seen in almost seven years was akin to meeting fans. He graced the guests with his gleaming smile as they regaled him with the stories of how they knew him as a child and how they were immensely proud of his accomplishments. How their sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, listened to his music all the time and how much they would appreciate an autograph. Was this party for him, or was this a fan signing?

After about thirty minutes, the party had moved to the back patio to enjoy the warm night and Sun swam in the sea of guests greeting them accordingly. He excused himself for a moment to head back inside and breathed a sigh of relief at escaping the group of chatty partygoers. Kang was about to head back out after regaining his composure, but there was a knock on the door that drew his attention. He rubbed the back of his neck before gliding to the front door, opening it a bit slower than was normal since he anticipated a joyful greeting from another ajumma.

“Oh,” That was the only word that he could manage to get out when he stared down at the matured vision of his friend from school. “Ha-Yun, is that you?”


That word was succinct and accurate to her own feelings to having Sun opened the door. The smile that had been on her lips froze and she blinked a few times, blush creeping into her cheeks. "Ah, yeah.." She felt dazed, she hadn't expected to be greeted by him. A buffer, yes that is what she had expected. His mother would have been a great buffer as well as the distant crowd she could hear buzzing somewhere behind him. A slight smile curled on her lips as she peered around him... "I knew she wouldn't be able to resist. How many Ajimma are in there? " There was that same humor in her voice and she straightened, leaning back to gaze up into his face. While he'd grown and changed some, much like she had, he was still that boy from school. Hands laced behind her back and she leaned into him some. "Going to leave me on the doorstep?" Her words tried for playfulness, that olive branch offered to him.

Even as she offered it Ha-Yun wasn't sure that they could just fall back into their old patterns, but it was worth a try, wasn't it? Her eyes lowered and she caught sight of the bracelet he wore around his wrist. The glinting of silver from the lights within. Lovely blue eyes shifted back to him and she nodded to the interior of his house. "Did you want to go back in, Sun?" Her voice was soft, curious. She doubted this had been his idea and while he'd smile and endure, she wondered if he'd prefer an out. "Or would you.. want to take a walk?" Shifting some, she exposed the warm night to him and the neighborhood beyond. Walking here had been nostalgic, something the pair of them had done often. From school, gatherings.. it hadn't mattered.

For a long time they had been joined at the hip.

Shaking her head she reached out and tugged him from the doorway. "Took to long! You know you want a walk. They will not miss you.." Perhaps not the truth, but they might understand his need for some fresh air. Pulling the door closed with a soft click she began to walk, the warm breeze catching her hair. Not much had changed about Ha-Yun, not event the scent of her. A rich, coffeelike caramel mingled with the warmth of vanilla and a faint floral tickling the nose. They walked in silence for a little while, the night around them the only noise. Rounding a corner she gently bumped her hip into his. "I wasn't sure I would come.." Her voice was soft and other than the bump, she didn't look at him, her eyes were set on the path before them. "I was worried.. That we had both changed too much." She risked a glance at him. "I.. am... I am proud of you Sun." She had never been able to tell him those words. When he had blown up, it had all happened so fast. He'd already been busy and then he'd all but been gone. Ha-Yun wrinkled her nose playfully. "I mean, you are a superstar... I listen to your music!" A soft laugh and she shook her head.

A smile curled on her lips and she laughed and shook her head. "Hell, my kids listen to you. I once considered trying to tell them that I knew you, clout you know..." She smiled up at him and she giggled. "Though, I don't think they'd believe me." It was true, she had when they had been raving about his most recent song... he was popular from the youngest to the oldest, though she knew his targeted age group was likely teenagers. "I thought it might be sad to try and win favor with a bunch of preschoolers and elementary schoolers." Tossing her hair over her shoulder she fell silent for a moment before glancing up at him.

"Have you missed home?" Have you missed me?
Seeing Ha-Yun was a bit surreal for Kang. Seeing old friends after several years was usually awkward, but Ha-Yun was different. It was almost like seeing a ghost even though she stood right in front of him. The way the yard lights were illuminating her pale locks and creating a luminous shimmer around her head. It left him in a bit of a stupor as her muffled words barely broke the barrier of his awe. He’d already missed the correct time to reply and Ha-Yun, being the woman she was, had already made a decision for them.

“A walk sounds great.” Kang-Sun finally answered with a smile as he stepped out of the house, gently closing the door behind him. Ha-Yun was right, no one would miss him inside. He’d already made his rounds and small talk. Some down time with an old friend sounded like the most relaxing thing he’d done all day.

The street lights hummed softly as they walked the quiet streets of their neighborhood. The dark shroud of the sky was dotted lightly with stars that were so much brighter than in Seoul. The quiet is what Sun missed the most about being home. The smell of the salt on the breeze from the ocean and being able to walk the streets without really having to pay attention was reminiscent of his childhood, as well as Ha-Yun’s company.

“Really?” Kang chuckled when he felt his friend bump him. “I tried my hardest not to come, but apparently the party was for me.” Even though it had been years since he’d even talked to Ha-Yun, it was nice to be able to still feel comfortable around her. People changed, especially when they’d gone in such drastic directions in their lives, but friends could always remain friends if their foundation was genuine.

Kang-Sun couldn’t help but become a bit sheepish when Hay-Yun had mentioned how proud she was and that she listened to his music. It was flattering, of course, but for some reason, when the people close to him mentioned it, it always made him a bit shy. Training to be an idol for so long, it was still hard to forget what had gotten him to where he was. To his ‘super stardom’, as most people called it. Deep down, he didn’t feel like a superstar. He still felt like Kang-Sun, trying to stumble his way through life, except now, everyone knew about his life.

“How is teaching, by the way?” He asked, looking down at the woman as they made their way down to the break wall by the beach. “Do you love it? Have the kids driven you crazy yet?” He vaguely remembered how much of a trouble maker he was when he was that young. Kang gave Ha-Yun a lot of credit, he was almost positive he wouldn’t have the patience to deal with children like she did.

The beach had a few people on it, thankfully they were too busy with their own festivities to notice Kang-Sun and Ha-Yun, and Sun had forgotten a hat when he left the house. He inadvertently guided Ha-Yun to the dimly lit area of the break wall to keep his face some what obscured in the dark. When they neared the end of the break wall, Sun picked a spot to sit, letting his feet dangle down towards the gentle lapping of the sea. The question about missing home was lingering in his mind, mainly because he wasn't sure how to answer.

"I did...I do miss home." Kang-Sun answered as he leaned back on his hands and took in the darkness of the ocean. His eyes followed the stars into the distance where they met the ocean and if you stared long enough, you could barely tell the ocean wasn't the sky. Though the blinking red lights on the horizon alerting everyone to the fishing boats that were still out to sea broke the illusion. "Seoul is great, don't get me wrong, but it's always work. I haven't even really gotten to explore the city too much. And I don't really have any friends to do said exploring with anyway." His eyes moved to Ha-Yun and he smiled.
"Have you ever thought of coming to Seoul?"

Her laugh was soft on the warm night air and she gave a small nod. "I am not surprised and you can't be..." They had both grown up in one another's homes, underfoot and loved by the parents that watched after them. "I mean, you haven't been home in so long, she wants to celebrate you too." There was no reproach in her voice, no hint of chiding. It was more simple fact, the way she phrased it. Smiling they fell silent for a moment and she too revealed in how they seemed to fall back to where they had left off with ease. It was comforting and it made her feel... at home. She had missed him, dearly. "I would have tried to convince her otherwise, but.." There would have been no chance. They both knew it. Spreading her hands some, she smiled up at him. Just in time to see his face change, soften almost as color flushed along his cheeks. It made her smile grow, but she didn't point out how it was charming that he blushed when she said she liked his music. Ha-Yun was sure she'd have loved his music even had she not grown up knowing him.

"Hmm?" When he brought up teaching her face lit up with pleasure. "I love it." Simple and sweet, the words held such emotion as she glowed. "They are treasures, terrors.. They can certainly smell fear." Chuckling she shook her head and sighed. "Never crazy. I.. I love them so much. It is always so sad to see them go, but such a fulfilling feeling to know I helped them." Ha-Yun had always adored kids, even as a teenager. There was something about the charm of children that made her happy. While Ha-Yun was unsure if she wanted children of her own, she loved spoiling and indulging those under her care.

Hopping up beside him she let her feet dangle as well, gently kicking them against the stone wall. Again that comforting silence before he broke it and her head turned towards him, watching his profile. "You haven't?" There was a tone of surprise in her voice and her head tilted to the side. It would have been one of the first things she had done and she nudged his knee with her own. Ha-Yun had always been a physically affectionate person. "You should take time to see the city, I bet it is beautiful..." Another small frown. "You.. don't have any friends out there?" The frown now was more pronounced, working between her brows. A hand found his and she gave it a small shake. "You need friends," Her voice was softer now and she looked down at her knees. It must be hard, she realized. Having no friends, or worrying that they were not really your friends, but after something from you. Biting her lower lip she couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you lonely?"

His question made her smile slightly and give a small shake of her head. "I haven't.." She could likely afford such a trip, but she wouldn't have known where to go or what to see. She had never really left their small town. It was.. home. Once upon a time, she had thought he might have invited her, but she'd never held it against him. His life had changed so quickly and so drastically in such a short amount of time. Hand still holding his, her eyes turned toward the beach, watching the people in the distance.
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