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NBx Male Welcome to the darkness - Olie's 1X1 Search (CLOSED TEMPORARILY)


Jun 1, 2022
Somewhere in hell
Updated 5/31/2022

Some things about me:

Hi, I'm Olie. I'm 26. I'm very friendly, and i'm an open book. Even if this thread intimidates you, Please Please read it before you message me. This will contain important information you need to approach me with.

RULE: Do not message me unless you're certain you can handle me tossing you ideas and fleshing out our plot idea to make something more solid, Please? I'm already struggling with my mental health and I've had one to many toxic rp partners. I become very invested in these things very easily and it upsets me very badly when I continually get told that my ideas are not good, just to have them suggested back to me as an idea for your character.

RULE #2: If we begin discussing our HARD NO'S I want fine detail, Scenarios you are okay with and are not okay with come up first and foremost please, I need you to communicate effectively with me not against me please. I am a VERY easy going person, but I have my limits before I can't not take anymore.

Extension of rule #2: When I ask for fine detail I'm intending to get information on your comfort level with triggering content such as (self harm, suicidal tendencies, mental and psyiscal health conditions, rape, abuse, drug addiction and other general triggering content.) I want to know if certain things will be alright as past traumatic events, or currently depicted traumatic events. I want this discussed first and foremost. While I may not be triggered by it (even though i've been through a lot of it, thanks to my incredible therapists and doctors) doesn't mean I'm not sensitive to you're trauma and what may trigger you.

I have a couple of key points of Conversation I will not discuss with people Religion, Politics, or Sports, These are irrelevant things about someone that you don't NEED to talk about to be friends, or roleplay together.

I will not crawl up your ass to find out where you are or what you're doing, I'm a friendly and talkative person, Ooc chat keeps me interested in roleplaying with you, if you can't do it, probably look for someone else. Communication is Key folks, I like to know what you're thinking and how things are going, if you can't respond for a while. Just let me know, I don't care if its before or after the fact. I'm not going to be mad or upset, I'm not judgemental, and I'm incredibly patient.

I prefer M//, but with the right plot I'm willing to write M/F Pairings, since I do have Female Characters. I like to play submissive roles, for the right people/plot I will play a switch. I'm tired of always being a dom character, for pathetic/stupid/clueless/useless sub characters, I will stop talking to you. I need something & someone that challenges me, I don't want to lead the roleplay the whole time, nor will I.

I honestly like response's to be in the three to six paragraph range, Three is a minimum, if you continually write me less than that I will lose interest, work with me a little please. I can average about 500 - 5,000 words based on what I'm given, I love plotting and talking about situations between our characters, its very fun to me. Writing samples upon request c:

I'll do fandom's based roleplays, if I know of them/like them. I strongly prefer original content though. Also you don't control my character, if you feel like I'm controlling your character you may need to point it out everyone has different opinions on what's controlling and what isn't so please work with me on this, I try very hard not to make anyone feel this way. x-x

I would strongly prefer my rp partner to be 20+ years old. That said I Definitely Prefer NSFW content, I'm feeling more of a 70/30 on plot/smut, but I'll do 60/40 right now. Smut takes a lot of my brain power lol. Though I'm on an adult site for a reason, sexual stuff is a must please, I don't do time skips or fades to black unless discussed during the particular scene.

Okay, so I don't really subscribe to the term ditch friendly, but if you're bored or just too overwhelmed with your day to day life or mental health, Just drop me a quick message is all I ask, I'll usually do the same for you. I've had roleplay's I've ditched, I really think we all do, but I try not to do that to people, but I take the time to write 1,000 words or more about myself and what I do and don't tolerate, please just read these things and be on the same page.

Hard No's:


Potty play (scat, piss, vomit)

Dissociative Identity Disorder on a character (I can't stomach this, I have D.I.D. I've been going to therapy for years to figure out my triggers and work through my trauma, Please be respectful of this.)

Killing my characters, Just don't. Rude.


Underage characters, If you don't know this It's actually in the rules on the site.

Tentacle monsters


FLUID IDEAS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE; Solid details are sort of pending, need some discussion but this is the basic idea here.

I am currently craving something very dark, the idea I have in mind is subject to negotiation with my potential partner. I do want this rp to start very dark, and end up transitioning to something lighter, and more romantic. *TRIGGER WARNING* Rape, abuse, mental illness and other dark theme's intended for this idea.

Kidnapped, or sold!

(Our characters can either start out as friends and slow burn into a relationship or already be dating.)

MC has been living with his grandmother since he was a child, the only thing protecting him from his *adoptive* uncle's evil abusive tendencies is his grandmother. MC ends up winning a scholarship to a prestigious college of the arts, his first year of school, everything is fine and dandy when our characters first meet, but their sophomore year takes a turn for the worse as MC's grandmother passes away from natural causes. This opens the flood gate of terror awaiting him from his uncle. YC starts to notice cuts, bruises on their (boy/girl) friend and the general state of their (boy/girl) friend beginning to deteriorate. (suggestions; open for discussion and changes): YC tries to convince MC to runaway from his uncle, maybe come and live with them, meaning well, but MC gets caught trying to pack a bag and is beaten so bad he's hospitalized for a couple of weeks. The first person MC calls for is YC (details negotiable) MC uncle takes this as an opportunity to either try and harm YC and cause YC to kidnap MC with (good or so/so intentions) or his uncle could proposition YC to buy MC from him.

New idea/craving!

The missing children of Winden

Preface, this is a very loose idea and needs some more development, anyone willing to give it a go with me will be fondly adored.

Our characters (maybe best friends or in a relationship) are highschoolers in their senior year, its a dark halloween night in Winden Germany, them being too old to be out trick or treating decide to join some friends in the woods for a party. The party is being held near an old abandon nuclear fall out bunker that’s rumored to be connected to the nearby military base. This military base has aroused strange rumors over the years accused of kidnapping children and teens that enter the forest and using them for any number of strange experiments, from time travel to genetic mutations. Though most of the teenagers around the town just tell the story for spooks and giggles, they have no idea that theres truth to these rumors they spread.

YC or MC has been forced by their mom to take their little brother out trick or treating, and begrudgingly does take their brother with them. Though they don’t take him trick or treating instead toting their younger brother to the party with them. Our characters during the party notice that the little brother has gone missing and begin to look for him together or with their friends, and they end up getting taken as well.

My favorite OC to play with, often the one I prefer to play, His body and his details are not negotiable.

Name: Nathenial Alec Ashwood

Ethnicity: German/Irish

Age: 24

Height: 4'11 ft

Weight: 86 Ibs

Hair: Long, Ginger

Eyes: Emerald Green

Gender: Hermaphrodite, Fertile Female & Infertile Male Reproductive, He/Him

Name: Marcus "King" Magnus Ashwood

Ethnicity: German/Irish

Age: 28

Height: 6'4

Weight: 200 Ibs

Hair: Short, Ginger naturally, usually dyes it Black

Eyes: Emerald Green with golden flecks

Gender: Male He/Him

Name: Jace Vincent Ashwood, (Dae-Hae Kwang)

Ethnicity: Irish/Korean

Age: 30

Height: 6'6

Weight: 193 Ibs

Hair: Shoulder length or shorter, Black

Eyes: Golden

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: Wilhelm Alec Ashwood

Ethnicity: Irish

Age: 47

Height: 6'7

Weight: 178 Ibs

Hair: Shoulder length, Ginger

Eyes: Golden

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: Damien Rowen Ashwood

Ethnicity: French/Irish

Age: 49

Height: 6'7

Weight: 210 Ibs

Hair: Short, Ginger with gray streak down the middle.

Eyes: Jade Green

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: Laven Finn Ashwood

Ethnicity: English/French/Irish

Age: 25

Height: 5'6

Weight: 106 Ibs

Hair: Short, Naturally Ginger, usually dyes it Lavender or Silver

Eyes: Jade Green

Gender: Male, He/She/They

Name: Vance Maverick Larson

Ethnicity: English/American

Age: 23

Height: 6'1

Weight: 136 Ibs

Hair: Shoulder length, Shave side, Black with Red streak

Eyes: Brown

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: William Gaven Callium

Ethnicity: Siren without the feeding on people bit.

Age: 27 (270)

Height: 6'4

Weight: 159 Ibs

Hair: Long, Silver

Eyes: Chocolate Brown

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: Hans Tom Harrison

Ethnicity: English/German/Irish

Age: 20

Height: 6'0

Weight: 132 Ibs

Hair: Shoulder length, Brown

Eyes: Hazel, leaning on Green

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: Mathew Cole Baker

Ethnicity: English

Age: 21

Height: 6'2

Weight: 145 Ibs

Hair: Shoulder length, strawberry or dirty blonde

Eyes: Ocean Blue

Gender: Male, He/Him

Name: Adrian Von Gundry

Ethnicity: English

Age: 22

Height: 5'1

Weight: 93 Ibs

Hair: Shoulder Length, Blonde

Eyes: Turquoise Blue

Gender: Male, They/Them

Pairing Ideas:

Popular x Outcast

Kidnapper x Victim

Witch x Hunter

Good boy x Bad boy

Human x Reaper

Soldier x Soldier

Step siblings.

Mafia Don x Celebrity/Normal guy trying to make ends meet.

If you don't see anything you don't particularly want to do give me your idea, I will more than likely be cool with it.

To base ideas off of: ( Original characters only )

The walking dead (On Netflix now.)

The last of us (video game)

Life is strange (Video game)

Dark (netflix)

Killing/Stalking (webtoon)

Beauty and the beasts (webtoon)

Same applies to any not mentioned fandom's Gimme your suggestions
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