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Fx M or F Strix' Potion Shelf


Feeling a little owlish
May 20, 2019
Roosting amongst the pages

Greetings and welcome to my search thread. I'm Strix/Striga/Zy, a 26-year old nerd RPer who has been writing for like... over half my life at this point?? I got my start on Proboards back when I was 11/12 and have been involved in roleplay in some capacity (on and off) ever since. I'm over here on BlueMoon but I also write on Elliquiy, so if I seem familiar that may be why!

I don't want to waffle on too much so here's what you can expect from me as a writing partner in a neat littlelist:
  • I write in 3rd person past tense exclusively and can write anywhere from 200/300 words in a reply up to 1000+ depending on the story.
  • I do my best to give my partners something to react to and push the scene forward in my responses. I'm not interested in just replying to whatever their character did and then stopping because it doesn't propel the story.
  • I am an active plotter and am able to hold up my share of ideas rather than just accepting suggestions BUT I do find some of my best ideas come along after I've been writing story for a little bit. Please prompt me with questions, as it super duper helps get my little Autistic brain working.
  • Speaking of, I have ADHD and I'm on the spectrum so if anything I say comes across as odd please feel free to raise it with me as I usually don't realise.
  • Friendly and polite in OOC interactions.
  • I love describing scenery and people, and often share images to help the process when planning.
  • Pinterest is my best friend and I am more than happy to search for inspiration there.
  • With faces I generally lean towards models and people I'm not familiar with outside of using them for roleplay images, I know it's strange but there's something uncomfy in my brain with using actors I've actively watched in things. There may be exceptions.
  • I write female characters aged 15-45 who submit, switch or are uninvolved in D/s dynamics. On blue moon I may selectively play more dominant ladies.
  • I'm comfortable, and prefer, writing variety. I love writing characters of different body types, Race, sexuality, and so on. I have dabbled with religious themes but am most comfortable with writing Christian/Christianity inspired religions. I'm not religious myself. I will write with anyone from any background as long as they write well and bring something good to the table.
  • I like to think I have a good range of character versatility; though I have a weakness for bookish types, brats and compassionate characters with hearts of gold.
  • Due to the nature of my anxiety, and other life factors, I make no promises as to how often I can post. I endeavour to always meet posting expectations for group games, but I don't set any hard and fast rules for solo plays. Generally, I try to post at least once a week unless I communicate otherwise.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope to hear from some of you very soon.​


I am looking for engaging, creative individuals who love at least some word-building and/or character building, as well as good story with their erotica. In a sense, for most of my plays unless stated otherwise from the out, sex should not be the only spice in our story. I thrive on feeling comfortable enough to bounce ideas without fear of judgement, coming up with a solid core and building a story or character around it, and feeling that I am being heard as a roleplay partner. I do not do so well with having fully fleshed out concepts thrown at me. Similarly I appreciate people who are up front with their own expectations. Real life gender does not matter to me, and I'm happy to write with any literate and detailed writers. Typically I look for partners to write dominant or switch men and women to my submissive/switch girls. I also love writers who prefer taking on a "narrator" or DM/GM role.

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CONTENT WARNING: Some plots contain dark themes and site compliant underage.
All stories can be run as MxF or FxF
* Ideas that are crossed through are currently unavailable


[The Runaway] {Hitchhiking, Danger}
You shouldn't be out here alone. MC is a runaway teenager (aged 15-19) who is either escaping from a bad situation at home or during a stage of rebellion. She travels out along the roadside or disused train tracks with just the clothes on her back and a few necessities. The question is, who finds her? YC could be a potential kidnapper, someone who offers her a ride, or the town "bad boy" looking to show her a good time.

[Deep Roots] {Slavery, Fantasy }
No one has seen a dryad this far North in Centuries. The stone has sent her to us. I'm looking to explore the dynamics between an enslaved female dryad and her Dwarven masters. The general concept is that they put MC to work on their farms to help boost production (especially during the winter months), but I'm also interested to explore how they treat their new "pet". Dwarves can be substituted for a different face if preferred.

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.

[Plot Title] {Theme A & Theme B}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ipsum sem, sodales et hendrerit eu, mattis eu massa. In pellentesque est vel nibh ullamcorper ultricies in eget ex. Quisque a nunc dapibus, posuere nisl vel, dignissim nisi. Pellentesque congue tellus nec ligula mollis tempor. Praesent efficitur porttitor ex sed interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer viverra rutrum justo. Aenean in egestas odio.
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