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Magical Girl RP~me and Kakure

"No, not at all. I'm a loyal person. I'm loyal to my friends, and I'd certainly be loyal to my boyfriend. I would definitley not go around, spreading my legs for any guy that asked." Angel replied, obviously upset at the thought of someone thinking she was capable of that. Her previous encounters at school and in the subway were certainly not under her consent. She definitely wouldn't have initiated them on her own. The only reason she relented is that while strong willed in most instances, in sexual matters, she was rather submissive.
"I'm sorry," he said to her, he could sense she was upset even before she showed the initial feeling. "I was just getting confused at what you where saying," he said to her, in all honesty he had been, he as trying to make sense of what she said but at the same time had images of her mom in his mind, and images of what he wanted to do with her.
"Oh, don't worry. I over reacted a bit there. I know my view on these matters are awfully confusing compared to most peoples, but it is what I believe." Angel replied, lightening up and smiling. She did not like to be called a slut, despite how easy she was. On the subway, she was too lost in what happened to even care, but when she eventually heard the rumors going around school about her...........she would not be happy.
It felt like it had taken longer to get to school, but soon they finally whee walking down the halls towards home room. "Um...Angel...follow me for a second,' he said to her. He knew one classroom that wasn;t being used at this time. He once again began to think of well, just bending her over an empty desk and, much like her mother, fucking her mad.
((I'm loving how Zack is still a nerdy, somewhat goofy guy normally, but has become a bit of a beast in the sack.^_^))

"Hmmmm.........Oh, alright." Angel asked, following, another wave of warmth hitting her crotch. She had basically confirmed these little warm feelings were caused by something Zack was doing, but failed to realize it was due to him thinking dirty thoughts, or being aroused.
Zack once again was beginning to feel nervous as they walked down the hall, opposite from where they should have been going. His oulse was thumping as they stepped. Soon he found the door to the class and opened it up. The room was large and empty, the teachers desk bare with nothing on it. "In here," he told her.
Angel stepped in without hesitation. She looked around, surprised to find such an empty room. She figured that it likely belonged to a class that was cancelled and hadn't been replaced yet. As they neared the moment, she could feel the warmth between her legs growing more and more. It was getting harder to control herself, but she kept her cool, the only signs being her nervously rubbing her thighs together.
Zack closed the door behind them, he clicked the handle shut. "Um...Angel...." he said to her. He noticed her legs, was she getting aroused by this? He guessed he would just have to accept her outlook on life, even if it seemed so strange. "I...I really like you....and...." before he knew it, it felt like a hand shoved him forward and he pressed his lips roughly against hers. Remembering how he had learned to kiss from her mom, he did his best to try and recreate that same moment though her mom had been the one to stick her tongue in first.
The second Angel turned around, he was kissing her. She barely even had time to register his comment of liking her before it happened. Hers eye went wide in surprise, but soon enough.........she relaxed in his arms, her hands on his shoulders as she kissed back. She was no master like her mom, but she knew enough to help the poor boy out.
The first few moments of the kiss had been strange, he half expected to feel her hand hitting the side of his face as she slapped him away. But he felt her loosen up and her hands go on his shoulder. He felt more confident as she began to kiss back even. His hands rested on her hips as he kissed her and after what felt like hours he broke the kiss gently. He was breathing heavily and looking at her, once again his mind flooding with what he would do to her next.
Angel was just as flushed and excited when he pulled away. She took a deep breath and then looked at him, smiling. That's when it hit her what the warmth was. When he was aroused............she was too. So, she knew what he wanted, her hands going up to her shirt, slowly undoing each button, still smiling at him.
It didn;t surprise him like when Alicia had done this with him. Zack instinctevly knew she was going to do this. Just like he had a feeling she knew he was about do place his hand on her backside drawing them closer. She was able to still unbutton his shirt, but the crotch of his pants pressed against the crotch of her panties and she would be able to feel the growing arousal.
"My my, anxious, aren't we?" Angel teased, laughing lightly as she rested her hands on the edge of the desk before hopping up to sit on the edge, her bra clad breasts bouncing she did, her legs spread and inviting him in.
Zack smiled "A bit," he said casually. Once again he was beginning to get that streak of confidence. Her mom really had helped him out, he would have never felt comfortable in this kind of situation as a virgin. He could see her panties under her short skirt. It only made him all the more aroused for her.

(Hmmm...wouldn;t he go glowy now?)
((Sure. Though, neither of them would realize the charging effects of it. Since she isn't tired, all it would do is make her feel a little energetic. Eventually, when she gets in a fight and loses alot of energy, that's when they'll inadvertantly discover it's abilities.))

"And it's mutual." Angel replied, smiling seductively as she leaned back and watched him, knowing full well he could see her panties. She had a little of her mom in her, but she was alot less seductive than her.
For Zack that was fine, he didn't feel so overwhelmed by Angel like he did with Alicia. He moved closer, sliding a hand up her skirt and rubbing the crotch of her panties. "Someone is getting a little wet," he said playfully.
Angel moaned lightly at his touch.

"Well.......I am, afterall, being touched by an attractive man." she replied, winking at him. She wasn't lying at all. Sure, she was trying to boost his confidence, but she actually did find him sexy. She preferred "normal" looking guys like him, rather than musclebound jocks.
Zack momentarily felt his face go warm, he could tell she actually ment it. "Thanks," he said as he continued to rub her damp panties. He was slowly trying to build her up, unlike her mom he was sure he could get her to beg for it.
Angel moaned again as he continued to rub her. Indeed, she was easier to please than her mother. Still, she was a beautiful woman that couldn't be satisfied by just any random guy. Though, Zack would no doubt accomplish that.
Zack smiled as he moved her oanties out of the way a bit and slid a finger in, he wasn't worried if it hurt her or not, he was sure if anything that would have been a bit of a plus. "Your really tight Angel," he felt her squeezing his finger more then her moms had.
"I-I know........It's because I haven't had sex very much." Angel replied, moaning loudly at the pain and pleasure mixing inside of her with his finger.
Zack smiled and slid his finger out slowly. He licked his finger afterwards "You taste pretty good to," he said "how about you taste me now Angel?" he asked her smiling gently.
Angel just smiled, somewhat dissapointed her stopped, but not minding in the least to pleasure him. So,she slid of the desk, to her knees and quickly undid his pants. She didn't bother to pull them down all the way, just to his knees or so. Like her mother, Angel lightly took the tip of his cock into her mouth, before just sliding her head all the way down, taking it all with quite a bit of ease.
Zack lived the feeling, she was just like Alicia in this bit, though Alicia seemed to use her tongue more. For some reason though Angel felt much better. It was an unnatural feeling caused by the bond they both knew nothing about yet.
Angel bobbed her head up and down Zacks cock, making light slurping sounds every now and again. She was certainly not as good as her mother, but her mother had a good deal more experience. Though, by the time Angel reached that age, she'd likely be equal if not better than her mother in sexual regards.
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