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Mx Female Dipping the Quill


May 30, 2022
Greetings weary traveler, rest thine bones by the fire whilst I spin thee a tale, or perhaps an invitation to partake in one...

Welcome and thank you for taking a gander at my request thread. Whispers' the name and writing story driven erotica's the game! In the past I was always the pursuer of tandem storytelling but since joining this site I've decided I'd give this a shot.

The Basics
  • I'm new to this site, but not new to roleplaying. I estimate I have about 15 years of writing experience in forum based roleplay, but don't let that make me sound more bougie than I actually am. I promise I'm very approachable and am open to OOC chatter and brainstorming.
  • I do however ask that you come to me respectfully. I'm friendly but also value my privacy and time. I'd also appreciate it if any ideas you present to me are at least decent inklings based on the genres that I convey interest in below as well as any plot ideas and pairings list.
  • I aim to respond as regularly as I can. I’m busy with work and my life outside of this. Ghosting sucks, but I kinda get it.
  • Plot to smut ratio is flexible depending on our individual writing styles, theme of the roleplay and mutual agreement. As such 50/50 is a good bet, with 60/40 on either side being very possible.
  • I'm a man behind the screen and am only interested in writing out plots depicting heterosexual pairings.

Genres and Themes

  • Fantasy and swords and sorcery are my jam. Ranging from high to low fantasy, be it myth, Tolkienesque or the gritty and brutal nature of Sapkowski or Martin. In any original plot idea the limitations are only up to our imagination.
  • I love, love, LOVE historical fiction. Alexandre Dumas, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Sir Walter Scott. My favorite cultures and periods vary from Ancient Greece, the Scythians, Rome, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque Period all the way through to the Wild West. The culture, art and aesthetics of these peoples and time periods get me going. Naturally the fiction is a big part. No need to write a doctoral thesis on the subject, rather let said history inspire any stories we can write.
  • Sci fi is a big interest of mine. Frank Herbert, Robert Heinlein, Star Wars all hold a special place in my heart. See above point on fantasy.
  • Flawed believable characters that contrast one another. No Mary or Gary Stues.

The Steamy and Erotic

Absolute favorites!!!
  • Oral (both giving and receiving). I love writing scenes depicting my character pleasing a woman with gusto, hearing her cries of delight and receiving the same treatment in kind :p
  • Body worship. Breasts, ass, every inch of our character's bodies. When the time and chemistry is right, let's have them adore every inch of one another
  • Lingerie
  • Vanilla
  • Roughness
  • Tenderness
  • Light restraint
  • Teasing
  • Kissing :heart:
  • Titfucking

Under no circumstances
  • No underage characters as per Blue Moon's guidelines obviously
  • No Futa
  • No incest. This includes step
  • No rape, noncon or dubcon
  • Anything that belongs in the toilet
  • Furries. Neko and shape shifting creatures don't count
  • Bestiality

Pairings and Inklings
*More stars indicate level of craving
My role on the left unless otherwise specified

  • Swordsmanship or martial arts master/disciple**** (can do either role)
  • Arranged Marriage (historical or fantasy)
  • Assassin/Patron (can do either)
  • Assassin/Assassin (can do either)*
  • Peasant/Noble or Princess*
  • Bodyguard/Client***(can do either)
  • Demon/Mage***(can do either)
  • Human/Succubus********(MAJOR CRAVING)
  • Bounty Hunter/Target*****(can do either, Wild West setting)
  • Wild West
  • Feudal Japan
  • Indian Wars/Manifest Destiny*


  • Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
  • Alatriste
  • The Witcher
  • DC (particularly Batman and JSA)
  • Marvel
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Samurai Champloo
  • Ninja Scroll
  • Xena: Warrior Princess
  • Star Wars
  • Dune

Feel free to PM me if anything catches your eye. Until then farewell and may the sun shine upon your path.
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