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Mx Male Seeking doms for a few dark plots


May 28, 2016
Hey everyone, thanks for taking a look! I'm coming back from an unexpected hiatus and have a craving for some new dark MxM stories.
Some things I always prefer to include are non-con and forced homosexuality. I'm also a fan of role reversals, kidnapping/confinement, blackmail, and cuckolding plots.

If you're not seeking something dark and twisted, I likely won't be the right partner for you. Otherwise, please continue for my rules and pairings!

  • You can find my f-list here for kinks and limits.
  • I play PHYSICALLY submissive characters, but they usually have strong personalities.
  • My average post is about 2-3 paragraphs, third person past tense.
  • I'm not strict when it comes to mistakes and I do love details, but I prefer quality over quantity.
  • Also, I prefer to roleplay through PM preferably, or email.
  • No real life faceclaims, anime refs only please! Or just simple descriptions.
  • Edit: At the moment I'm no longer searching for anymore frat/college roommates/fantasy or medieval magic-based scenarios.
  • I'm also not really a fan of playing overly feminine, meek, spineless, or overeager-to-please type of characters.
Detailed plots (inspired by different webtoons):

1. Former victim x Former bully (Open)
YC used to be a sweet and gentle person who MC used to constantly bully. It started out small but became increasingly more severe, to the point where MC would repeatedly sexually assault YC until YC ended up moving away. Years later, YC would become cold and sadistic, unable to let go of all the pain and suffering MC caused him.

One day while visiting his old hometown, YC runs into MC again, but MC doesn't remember YC at all or all the things he'd done to him in the past. Furious, YC secretly follows MC throughout the day, and at night when MC is returning home, YC knocks him out by hitting him over the head with a blunt object to kidnap him. His plan is to do the same exact thing MC had done to him in the past in hopes that MC remembers and apologizes. More than anything, YC wants reasons and answers from MC, but will everything work out as planned, and will MC ever regain his memories?

2. Enemy x Enemy (Craving)
MC and YC have never gotten along, with MC being full of himself, antagonizing YC whenever he could, and constantly competing against him. MC always had to be or get the best in everything, whether it was sports, academics, or even love and YC always hated him for it. But one day YC has a wet dream about tormenting MC and making him cry, and it sparks something in YC. Instead of trying to avoid MC like he always would, he would hit on MC instead to see his reaction, and before long MC would be the one avoiding YC, which made YC want to see how far he could push MC. After doing some digging into MC's life, YC finds out that MC has no family or friends he's truly close to, and that's when YC formulates a plan.

YC drops out of school unexpectedly while MC graduates, becoming a professor at the university the two attended, but YC would show back up as a student in his class.

YC would do everything he could to annoy MC and when MC finally had enough to the point where he was about to physically harm YC, he gets caught and ends up fired, costing him his entire career. From there, YC would stalk MC to a bar right after and would secretly order a drink for MC, but not before getting the bartender to drug it and give it to MC who drinks it before passing out. YC uses the chance to kidnap MC and lock him away so YC could finally enact his dream in person because MC lost everything and no one will go looking for him. But will unexpected feelings develop for both characters over time? (Long plot likely involving lots of timeskips unless you'd rather just bypass the bulk of it!)

*A few plot points/scenarios we can use, including masochism, gangbang, and stockholm syndrome:
**MC can start to develop masochistic tendencies.
**Somewhere along the lines, either MC runs away or YC brings him to a party, where he runs into other people who have their way with him without YC's knowledge. After YC finds out, instead of punishing or getting mad at MC, YC is devastated and shows actual care.
**Later, MC could end up wanting to do it with YC as a 'comfort sex' type thing (MC can also possibly try to take a bit of control as a switch/power bottom in this scenario?)
**I imagine things will end in stockholm syndrome with both sides developing feelings for one another! Maybe YC could even set MC free, allowing him to leave but MC willingly returns to YC?

3. Outcast x Popular (Open)
(This is a friend's plot, taken and used with permission!)
YC has always been an outcast shunned by others, making him a withdrawn and spiteful person who prefers keeping to himself. But that all changes when he meets MC. MC, on the surface, is charming and sociable, often well-liked and popular with people. He treats YC kindly, and although MC treats everyone the same, YC soon develops a crush on him and would always do whatever he asked. YC would often have sexual fantasies about MC and tried to make subtle advances/give small hints to see if MC would reciprocate, but when MC showed no signs of interest, YC decides to hold his feelings back out of fear of ruining their friendship and not wanting MC to feel awkward or uncomfortable.

But one day he overhears MC speaking with someone else (could be a friend or lover of that either one of us could play, or they could just be a random NPC that we'll both control) where MC mentions how he's never liked YC and finds him annoying, but only keeps him around because he turned out to be useful. Finding out that MC is actually highly manipulative and not as friendly as he's made himself out to be, something in YC snaps, and he decides to stop playing nice and instead will instead force his dark fantasies on MC.

How things play out from there could either be YC confronting MC right then and there and overpowering him once MC gets the extra person to leave, or YC could pretend to have not heard anything and 'bumps' into MC after MC parts way with the extra person. YC could then invite him over to his place for a drink, which MC accepts, but after accepting the drink that was drugged, MC passes out. Either way, YC would have his way with MC and film the entire thing as blackmail material so that MC is now the one who has no choice but to listen to YC whenever he wants, or YC could confine MC to have him for himself. What will happen from there and what kinds of feelings will change/develop?

4. Misc. (Selectively accepting)
Not really a fleshed out plot, but I kind of want to do something where MC gets harassed/sexually assaulted by someone (or was about to) only to get saved by another person (for both instances, it could be by a stranger/friend/enemy/whatever else) But then his savior ends up having his way with him instead. We could probably discuss more in-depth about pairings and further plot if needed? But that's pretty much just the gist of it for now!

5. Bartender x Customer (Open)
MC has been down on his luck for a while and frequently visits a bar where YC works as a bartender. YC always listens to MC's problems but one day decides he's heard enough. When MC is once again complaining about his life, YC gives MC a drink on the house, but little does MC know that it's drugged. MC drinks it and passes out shortly after. From there, either YC decides to kidnap MC to keep him for himself, or YC has his way with MC right then and there. We can discuss the details together if needed!

6. CEO x Thief turned Pet (Selectively accepting)
MC has always had a hard life and always did whatever he could do selfishly survive. One day he ends up stealing a large sum of money from a successful company that YC is the CEO of, and YC was able to trace it back to MC with proof. YC decides to blackmail MC into working for him or risk going to jail for life. MC agrees to the former, thinking it'll just be regular work, but he soon realizes that's not the case and YC has a very different type of punishment in mind where he'll turn MC into his plaything.
Optional plot twist: YC could also sell him MC to other people in order for him to pay back everything he owes (but YC can eventually stop when he realizes it's breaking MC more than YC wants or he prefers MC all to himself, and MC ends up falling for YC afterwards in cliche yaoi fashion~)

7. Younger stepbrother x Older stepbrother (Open)
Our characters had been stepbrothers ever since they were little after their parents remarried. YC had always wanted a sibling and always looked up to MC, but MC refused to accept YC. He treated YC horribly, beating him up and yelling at him every chance he got. After saving up enough money, MC switched schools and moved out on his own, wanting nothing more to do with YC, but YC ends up applying to the same college and starts intervening in MC's life, stealing his friends from him, showing up to his workplace, etc. all in an attempt to finally get MC to finally accept him one way or another, even if he has to resort to sexual acts. (Will likely need more fine-tuning!)

8. Sadist/Dom x Sadist/Dom turned sub (Closed)
MC works at an underground BDSM club as a dom where he trains subs and gets sadistic pleasure out of it. YC is a new 'sub' that gets paired with MC, but before MC gets a chance to actually train him, YC ends up overpowering/restraining MC. It turns out YC is actually a dom who has been eyeing MC for a while and struck a deal with the owner of the club to get permission to break MC in as a sub.

9. ??? x Unwilling camboy (Open)
MC, desperate for money, answers an ad to star in a gay porn film, but he ends up not liking it as things progress. He tries to get it to stop by saying the safeword given to him but soon realizes his partner (YC)/the staff had no intention of stopping all along. (They could even be human traffickers who kidnap him once they realize he has nothing to lose, and they could livestream him to sites where people could pay money to see certain things done to him? And the entire time the audience could just think it's very good acting on his part)

10. Person with a body-controlling app x Victim (Selectively accepting)
YC one day hears a rumor about an app that allows someone to control another person's body and actions if a picture of them is uploaded to it. YC didn't think it was true at first but decided to give it a try, and decided to upload MC's picture, only to find out that it works whenever YC commands MC to do something. From there, YC could interfere with MC's daily life and get him to do whatever he wants for his own entertainment. (Our characters could be strangers, former lovers, enemies, or maybe YC could have a one-sided crush on MC? There are many possible options we can discuss!)

11. (No set pairing) (Closed)
(This is a friend's plot, taken and used with permission!)
This idea is a little wackier involving a magical fleshlight that YC acquired (either buying it online, or he found/was gifted it, etc.) It has a one time activation on whoever YC is picturing in his mind, and its effect is that whoever YC pictures (MC) can feel everything that's done to the fleshlight's hole.

Our characters can either hate one another where YC tests the item out just out of curiosity in an effort to spite MC, or maybe YC could have a crush on MC and uses the fleshlight as a 'substitute' for MC. There are also many pairing options for this (i.e. MC can be YC's boss or the two can be classmates/rivals/etc.) We can discuss, or this can possibly be mixed with any of the other plots above!

Other pairings (listed in order YC x MC):

  • Student x Teacher
  • Teacher x Teacher
  • Single parent x Teacher
  • Delinquent x Student council president (maybe?)
  • Delinquent x Delinquent (maybe?)
  • Student x Student
  • Friends/Best friends that take a dark turn
  • Stalker x Victim
  • Employee x Boss (maybe?)
  • Employee x Employee
  • Older brother x Younger brother (maybe?)
  • Younger step/half brother x Older step/half brother
  • Father x Son (can be blood related or not)
  • In-laws?
  • Gang/Mob x Victim
  • Enemy/Rival x Enemy/Rival
  • Train molester x Victim
  • Brother x Sister's boyfriend (maybe?)
  • Ghost x Human victim
  • Obsessed fan x Idol (maybe?)
  • Manager x Idol (maybe?)
  • Former victim x Former bully (maybe?)
  • Victim x Bully
  • Bully x Victim
  • Serial killer x Detective (maybe?)
  • Mob boss x Undercover Detective (maybe?)
  • Passerby x Person stuck in a wall
  • Doctor x Patient (maybe?)
  • Sadistic doctor x Regular doctor
  • Suggest or mix/match ideas?

Feel free to suggest your own plots/pairings, or we can brainstorm ideas together. If interested, just send me a message. Thanks for reading!
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