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Lyceum Echidna: Coils of Love 〘Staine ♡ Bunny〙


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Welcoming Committee
Jan 8, 2020

Lysander crouched low by the patch of nettles, taking out his tools and beginning to carefully examine them. Among the nettles he found what he was looking for, a small rodent foraging for food and very carefully he noted the exact species and colouration of it, doing his best to estimate it's body weight and approximate size in comparison to the rest of it's kind. Determining it was flourishing, he wrote it all down in his notepad before retreating without disturbing the creature. He'd seen several such animals today, and it was exciting in that they didn't normally live in such an enviroment. That was the beauty of this experiment though, wasn't it? They had introduced several different species of plants and animals into this reserve, all sectioned off into one of 12 different landscapes in the 4 square miles and then simple left them for a year to see what happened. There had been several theories: some of his colleagues had suggested that all the different species and animals would simply stay within the sections they were familiar with. It was the boring option, but Lysander had to concede it had seemed all too likely. Another theory was that they would leave the entire area. Around the edges there were fences to keep out large animals and they were signposted to deter human trespassers but they had taken care to leave holes large enough for any of the creatures within to be able to slip out of if they should want to, and of course the birds could just fly away anyway. What Lysander was hoping for was that they had intermingled, perhaps some species of rodent, birds and snakes had even found common ground and there was always the possibility that there were new species being born, hybrids. Now that it was spring, it was the perfect time to see how things were coming along but so far there had been nothing but the same creatures one would expect to find in each habitat.

To many of his friends and family the very idea of this kind of work seemed boring in the extreme. Oh, they loved animals, of course they did, they weren't monsters, and they could even appreciate that Lysander loved them just a little bit more, it had been why he had studied to become a zoologist, why he'd been fascinated in the idea that there were still new species of animals out there that had yet to be discovered. One day he'd find something new, maybe a creature that was actually evolving, perhaps one that was just better at hiding, that had managed to go undetected for hundreds of years, since humans had actually documented this kind of thing. That was his dream...sometimes it seemed an unattainable one but even if Lysander never found one himself he would be happy, he knew that. Just studying the animals he knew and sometimes seeing behaviour he didn't think they were capable of was enough for him, so putting his notepad away, he reached for his things. He had work to do.

Hoisting his pack over his shoulder and taking a drink of water from his bottle, he pocketed it and walked to the third zone, and the last he was planning to check today. There was a strange mixture of trees and flowers here, and he found much what he expected. Squirrels and birds in the trees, various insects, even a rabbit or two. Documenting them all, he was about to leave when he spotted a fox hunting amidst a bed of pink dianthus flowers. Watching it with curiosity as he took a sip of his water it seemed to be stalking some prey, though he couldn't quite see anything and he crouched low to watch. Following it's gaze, it took him a while before he saw the flash of green, the tail slithering among the flowers at the bottom and his heart raced with excitement. Snakes weren't meant to be in this section, it just wasn't the right kind of habitat for the snakes they had brought with them! Stepping into the flower bed towards it, he shoo'd the fox away and kept low to the ground as he very carefully approached. It was hard to tell what kind of snake it was, the pattern of scales seemed wholly unfamiliar and he could only see it's tail as he got closer and closer to it.
"Hey there little guy, no need to be scared." He was close enough to the snake to touch now, and he reached out carefully. When the institution he'd approached had set up this experiment for him he'd been the one to select which species would be introduced, and he'd made sure not to include any venomous snakes or insects, at least none that were dangerous, so he had little to fear unless something more deadly had made it's way into here. His hand closed around the tail, gripping it gently so as to not hurt the creature as he began to pull it towards himself and out of the flowers, lifting it to get a better look at it's head, it's markings, to determine if it had migrated from one of the other areas, from outside or if it was a cross breed, if it was a new species altogether, excitement racing through him. What he saw almost made him drop the creature.

It wasn't a snake at all, or rather, it was only half a snake.

It', her body was long and it was indeed that of a snake, a greenish blue colour like turquoise, the cold, dry scales shining in the sunlight and feeling rough against his fingers. That wasn't what shocked him even though the colour was unique as far as the snakes he knew from this region. No, what surprised him was where he expected to see the serpentine head there was instead what looked like a human body...

He brought his other hand up, not quite believing what he had in his hand, questions racing through his mind. How did this happen? Was this some kind of prank, a cleverly constructed machine or toy that they had placed here to bewilder him? If it was then it was certainly doing it's job...but that didn't seem right. The body was feminine, with lavender coloured hair that grew deeper at the ends and she even seemed to be wearing some kind of clothing, a bra of some type to hide her modesty. Carefully he cradled the snake-like section of the body like he would hold any non-venomous snake, just staring at her. A million possibilities ran through his mind, each less likely than the last. He had to get her back to his truck, take her to the, not the lab. This was perhaps the most interesting, magnificent discovery the world of zoology had ever seen, in thousands of years...and he wanted time to study her all to himself. He'd take her home, he'd try to figure out just how she'd come to be, he had to keep this to himself!
"Don't worry little one, I'm not going to hurt you..." Having nothing to hold her in on his person, he very cautiously started to make his way back to his truck on the patch of land designated for parking and setting up any larger tools. "We'll find out what you are soon enough, maybe we will even find a name for you. My name is Lysander." He smiled brightly, turning her in his hand as he carried her, holding her loosely enough that she'd be able to move around but not so much so that he would drop her or that she could slither from his grasp. He didn't know why he was even talking to her...well, he talked to animals all the time actually, it was a comfort thing, but this in particular seemed strange, there was no way she was going to answer, right? Despite being human in appearance, he didn't think she was capable of speech.
Curiosity had always been her achilles heel. One could say it was reckless, how she leapt blindly into the unknown. Ever since she'd been a hatchling, that wildness had been the bane of her family. It hadn't helped that she was gifted, truly gifted. Power thrummed in her blood, in each scale and fiber of her small body. Her mother, father and siblings were constantly chasing after her, trying to keep her from harm or to put out the fire, verbal and physical that she started. So it was no surprise when she'd been obsessed with the ability to create small temporary portals. Her mother had the gift and been more than wary to show her daughter. Unfortunately for her, it wouldn't stop the dangerous curiosity that plagued the younger Lamia.

Now she had been through other portals her mother had made, and knew what a properly constructed one was like. Knew the rough basics, or so she thought. A portal opened without the proper control like that wasn't as clean as slipping between the veils between worlds. It was messy and Nyyrikki wasn't sure how long she was trapped in-between. Seconds, months, minutes or years. There was no way to tell as she tumbled through the jagged flashing colors of the veil. When her small form slammed into the earth she let out a soft whimper and laid there, gazing up at the sun overhead. It.. seemed like her world still, but the human world was much the same, so it would be hard to tell. Trips to the human world were rare, but not unheard of. It was risky though. In her eagerness Nyyrikki had made a portal big enough for her smaller form, figuring it would be safer, have less of a chance of going wrong... Ha.. fat chance.

Inhaling she shifted, slithering along the grass and the dirt. Slithering through the underbrush, she slowly tried to get her bearings. The more she saw, the less certain she'd ended up where she'd planned. Cold sweat ran down her spine and the tip of her tail lashed out annoyed. Peering around a bush she came face to face with a fox and gave a yip of surprise. A hiss, dainty little fangs bared as she tried to scare the larger animal. Normally, Nyyrikki would have just shifted to be larger, but the portal between had drained her. Her magic was drained and thrummed weakly in her veins. Another hiss as she squirmed backwards, deeper into the brush away from the inquisitive fox. Little did Nyyrikki know that the fox was the least of her worries. Turning, she made to escape further in, when a hand closed around her slender tail.

A growl caught in her throat as she was lifted from the ground and held high in the air. Had she not already been aching, she still wouldn't have favored a fall from this height. Wide eyed she stared up at the man before trying to squirm away. It wasn't to be though as he cupped her in his hands and she hissed at him, much like she had the fox. Her lavender and blue hair swayed as she recoiled from him. He spoke to her as if she were a wild animal and it rankled. Human world. No monster would be so stupid.... "I am not a thing!" Her voice was small, due to her size, lilting and bright, though there was anger in that tone now. "Put me down!!!" She didn't want to bite him, unsure of how her venom would affect him. "I have a name! Put me down human!" In truth, his hand was warm and with how she ached, the idea of curling up in his hand was almost too alluring. Slapping at his thumb she crossed her arms in a huff.
If there was one thing Lysander hadn't expected when he'd picked up the snake, it was that it would talk to him. Well, that and that it would have a half-human body...that was probably more surprising truth be told but hearing it speak was another thing entirely and his eyes widened briefly. " can speak?" The last decade of his life had been devoted to studying animals, particularly the smaller kinds, the rodents, the snakes, the reptiles and birds and of course he knew some of the latter were capable of mimicry, copying words they had heard from humans and repeating them, but this was something else entirely. This snake...this girl...she was speaking to him! Lifting her up near his face so he could see her more clearly, she was pretty, he could see the colours of her hair shimmering in the light, a pale lavender and a blue mingled together and her voice was high and quiet but this close he could hear her clearly enough to make out what she was saying. She spoke English! "Put you down?" He glanced down to where he'd picked her up from, and then a few feet to the side where the fox was wistfully gazing up at his hand where she was held. He had little doubt of what would happen if he put her back down, if not immediately then before long.

He looked back at her and shook his head.
"Absolutely you meant to tell me you'd rather be food for the fox over there? You realise it was about to make a meal of you, don't you?" He tried smiling at her, though he'd have been smiling even if he wasn't trying to put her at ease, this was so incredible that he just couldn't hide the excitement bubbling up inside him! "Fascinating...where did you learn to talk, how do you...where did you come from? Oh you have a name? What is it? How old are you?" He was slightly taken aback by her tone when she responded, the anger in it and the little scowl on her face but he was already carrying her back towards his truck. Whatever she was, he had to know, and since it wouldn't be safe to put her down here anyway...he felt no conflict with his morality. It wasn't like he'd hurt her anyway...he couldn't imagine he'd ever want to do such a wonderful little creature harm and he laughed softly as she slapped at his thumb, keeping his hand cupped enough that she was trapped, her tail caught between two of his fingers. "Did you just call me human? That means you're not human, right? Of course not, that's a silly question, I'm sorry, I..haha, why am I apologising to a snake, I must be going mad..." It almost felt like he was talking to himself as he carried her back through the last zone and he could see his truck getting closer.

As they approached the truck, he carefully held onto her as he opened the passenger side door and eased his backpack off his shoulder taking extra care not to hit her with the straps, and he threw it into the passenger seat. Closing the door and moving around to the other side he climbed into the driver's seat and sat staring at her, holding his hand up with her still nestled mostly in his palm, her tail still caught by two of his fingers.
"Okay, that's better...oh god I have so many questions for you, what were you doing in this zone, did you know the fox was chasing you through the flowers? What do I even call you...I should probably run some tests but I don't want to hurt you, hmm..." As he often did when deep in thought he was simply musing out loud now, nothing he was saying really required an answer. "Hmm, I wonder if you're cold blooded or warm you need heat to survive? I should keep you warm just in case...oh, what do you eat? Are you hungry?" The last one had definitely been a question aimed towards her and with his other hand he reached out for his lunch, a couple of ham and turkey sandwiches with lettuce on lightly buttered bread which he'd wrapped in the aluminium foil to protect from the elements. Awkwardly unwrapping it with one hand, he lifted one sandwich up to his mouth and took a bite. "I don't suppose you eat the same things humans do, huh? It would make sense I guess..." He laid the sandwich down on his lap and with a little effort managed to pull the corner piece off, getting some of the meat with it too and he held it up to her. "Hungry?"
A delicate hiss left her, a forked tongue peeking from her mouth as she frowned up at him. Humans... "Of course I can speak." Ire trembled in her voice and she frowned up at him. When he questioned her desire she growled and then he down right refused to set her down. "He wouldn't have lived through the attempt," her answer was saucy, though it had a ring of truth. While she wouldn't bite the stubborn and boorish human, the fox would have been fair game. She wouldn't be some mongrels' meal. Rolling her eyes as he carried her further, asking her questions as his hand swayed slightly with each step. "I am not some dumb animal. I learned to speak like you did..." Idiot. As to where she came from, she had no good answer. He wouldn't know about her world, not like she knew of his. "Nyyrikki. My name is Nyyrikki." He sure did ask a lot of questions and she gave a small shake of her head. "I don't age like humans.." While she was a few hundred years old in truth, she was more like a sixteen year old in human terms. Still young, brash and reckless. Hence being held captive by a human with a freakish sense of curiosity.

"Caught that did you. What gave it away?" She flicked her tongue at him and brushed a hand down her scales, the bright softness flickering in the light. A feminine growl left her and if she'd had feet she would have stomped them. "I am not a snake!!!" She wasn't. No Nyyrikki was a Lamia. While snake-like, she didn't want to compared to some run of the mill cold blooded reptile. She tried to slither free from his grasp, but he had a firm, if gentle grasp on her tail and she struggled against him for a moment before stilling once more. It was of no use. Drained as she was, she couldn't shift either. Inside the odd contraption, he looked down at her, informing her of even more questions. "Oh...Goodie..." She blinked those lovely eyes at him, her pupils slits. "Zone?" There seemed to be some confusion as to what he was talking about. "Yes I was aware of the beast." She answered each question with limited patience. She didn't quite enjoy being held captive. Nyyrikki was a willful girl and to be held against her will rankled.

"Try to and I promise that we will find out what my venom does to you." She would not have tests run on her like some kind of fucked up experiment. "You go from talking about me like I am some stupid snake to talking to me as if I can understand you. It is really annoying." She was cold blooded, and she did require extra heat than most other monster races. She would have slept with a fire going, or warming stones beneath her bedding to keep her warm. Others took lovers to steal their heat. As to what she ate she gave a small shrug. "Fish, I suppose." it was her main source of nourishment. While she would have liked to tell this human she wasn't hungry, she was. Her stomach gave a grumble and she crossed her arms as he dangled the food above her. "Even if I am, I am not some pet." She shifted to look at him beyond the odd human meat substance he offered her. "You're awfully rude, you know." He'd not yet introduced himself and Nyyrikki assumed he wouldn't ever see his man handling as wrong.
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Lysander had to laugh at the fiery temper the tiny snake girl had, the way she was speaking to him was like she was much bigger, fiercer, to think she thought she'd have stood a chance against the fox! "Well pardon me for thinking you were in danger, you shouldn't underestimate little buggers they are, I'm not so sure it would have happened like you think it would." It was quite alarming how confrontational she seemed to be, the girl was speaking to him like he was stupid, like it was so obvious when all Lysander had was questions upon questions. "You don't age like humans? What do you mean? Obviously you're not a human, seem to have a lot of the same physiology, just really small. Cute, even." He had offered her a grin as he'd carried her back to his truck. " interesting you mean to tell me you're not the first of your kind? Not the only one?" His excitement was building again, how was it possible that she even existed nevermind there being more of them! It made sense that she would learn to talk from family, at first he'd half supposed that she was just a human who had gone through a terrible transformation but the way she was answering was like there was a whole community of them! If he could only find them his name would go down in history for sure, he'd win a Nobel prize, he'd be the most famous scientist since...well since any of them!

As they approached the truck he was still trying to answer her questions, again an alarming thing, this small snake was questioning him, even denying she was a snake!
"Well if you're not a snake then what are you? It's normally the one that discovers a new species that names them, so what do I call your kind? Hmm...snakegirl seems a little too on the nose...I don't suppose you have a word for what you are, do you? I'm a human, but you already seem to know that..." He frowned...this had to be the first time one of his subjects knew more about what he was than he knew about what they were, and it was very disconcerting! "Yes, yes, the zone, in the animal reserve. I'm studying animals in unusual habitats, seeing which migrate and which stay to adapt, it's for my thesis."

In the truck he could relax, though he still didn't release his grip on her, and he took his time to look her over as he spoke, smiling the whole time.
"Venom? Oh look, you do have little it potent? Would it kill me? What do you use your venom for, normally?" He supposed he should be wary, a snake bite was nothing to scoff at and many were fatal, but he didn't feel like she wanted to bite him or hurt him, no, she felt more exasperated than anything, like he was an annoyance. "Oh you don't understand? Sorry...cold-blooded, like snakes, they can't regulate their own body temperature. I suppose I'm asking do you need to find warm places or others to get close to in order to regulate your temperature...unlike warm blooded, like me. My body, I mean, a human body...our blood is warm in most circumstances and we heat ourselves. I don't know which you are, really..." At least she knew what she ate, and it seemed at least some meats were acceptable. "I don't have any fish on me, but I have plenty at home. Here, I'm going to start driving, ummm...I don't want to put you in a container, but I want you to stay" He gently lifted her towards his shirt, the pocket over his breast empty for now as he held her over it. "Get in here, if you can, it will be safer as we drive. If you listen I promise I'll get you some fish later, all the fish you can eat?"

Either she would, or she would find some other way to stay safe, whatever she did he started up the car, driving back towards his small house.
"Rude? O...oh, I'm so sorry! My manners, I forgot my manners...yes, my name is Lysander, I'm a zoologist. It's nice to meet you, Nyyrikki! No, no I don't think you're a pet at all! You're fascinating...the first of your kind I've ever seen, maybe that anybody has ever seen, such a beautiful creature! I'm so sorry for being rude..." As he drove he reached for the piece of his sandwich, holding it back up to her. "Are you sure you aren't hungry? It isn't fish but it's quite good, really!"
Her.. in danger? The idea was laughable really. At least from the fox. There were dangers to her, but aside from humans, in this realm she doubted anything else would be a danger to her. At least no animals would be. A derisive snort left her and Nyyrikki lifted her chin in defiance. It wouldn't have changed. Innocent pride, the pride of the young. She sighed and lifted a hand to her temple, rubbing at the budding headache. "Just because I look like you in some way, doesn't mean I am like you. That is human arrogance." His easy smiles might have been infectious had he not been so aggerating. "Just because I am the first you have seen, you assume I am the first?" She looked around the world he carried her through. "If you found a new species of bug, would you assume it is the only one or you simply do not know enough about the world you live in." This was in her eyes a fair point.. She had a strong feeling it would be the latter.

"Again, arrogance!" She pointed at him and frowned up at him. "I am not some random creature that you happened to find. I am sentient!" Her hand fell and she crossed her arms, eyes still narrowed up at him. "I am a Lamia." Another snort and she shook her head, mimicking him in a badly pitched version of his own tone, "I don't suppose you have a word for what you are." Shaking her head again she sighed and tried a different tactic. "You keep looking at me like I am some sort of freak of nature, rather than something that thinks and feels like you do. How would you like me to question what you are? Some sort of long... pig? You're pink like them after all." At least he had answered where she had appeared.

She gave him a wicked smile and leaned in closer towards his fingers.
"Want to test it? I am not sure if my venom would kill you or not." Her blue eyes gleamed with that same wickedness and she smiled leaning back. She was pretty sure her venom wouldn't kill him.. but it would have other effects.. Another long sigh from the tiny female and she closed her eyes praying for patience. "I am cold blooded.." As he lifted her towards his breast pocket she frowned. The warmth he promised her though was appealing and she was tired... She allowed him to slip her into the pocket and her arms hung over the hem, creating a small amount of pressure as she leaned forward some, her head on her arms. "You treat me like it though. Like I am not like you somehow, just because I look different." There was something in her tone, was it sadness? Creature... She shifted some and withdrew from leaning on his pocket within, curling up. The food that was offered wasn't seen as a soft, mumbled answer came from her. "No thank you..." Curling around herself, she closed her eyes. Basking in his warmth, she felt better, but she still couldn't shake the hurt. True she hadn't been kind, but he'd been really rude this whole time...
Of all the things Lysander had expected when he had found this snake...girl...whatever she was, of all the things that had gone through his mind, this wasn't what he had expected. She seemed annoyed at him as she held a hand to her temples like she was developing a headache. "No, I don't suppose I would, I mean..." Her question about bugs had been accurate, but a new bug wasn't a tiny woman with a snake's body, that spoke, was it? They were hardly the same! He frowned back down at her. "Yes, I can see that you're sentient, I'm quickly learning that, I isn't like I've ever seen anything like you before, maybe you could cut me a break?" He was getting annoyed at the small girl, especially when he was quite certain he'd saved her life. She seemed to think he felt she was some kind of freak, and in his own terms he supposed she was...this was definitely a freak of nature as far as the scientific world was concerned, it was an impossibility, creatures like her simply did not exist and yet here she was, berating him. He was still frowning. "Did I do something wrong? I see...a Lamia. I didn't mean to offend you, I was just..."

She didn't seem to care as she continued on, talking about her venom and he quickly shook his head. He didn't want to know what effects it would have on him, and he was feeling surprisingly threatened. As he placed her in his pocket she was still on her rampage and he was mostly silent, only giving one comment as she rejected the sandwich.
"I didn't mean to treat you like you were different...I don't know why you're so angry at me, how was I to know? You're the first I've ever seen of your kind, that any human has so far as I know...all I've been is excited to meet you...if I'm doing something wrong maybe you should tell me the right way to do it."

He drove the rest of the way to his home in silence as she curled up in his pocket, not wanted to ask questions any longer, not wanting to be yelled at by the diminutive girl, the Lamia. He was sure he'd heard that word before, he just didn't know where. Finally, after twenty minutes of driving he pulled up at his home and into the garage, leaving his equipment in the car as he carefully climbed out of it, trying not to jostle his pocket too much to disturb her. He still wanted to know so much about the creature but his enthusiasm had been beaten out of him by her tirade, he felt like he'd done something wrong, hurt her in some way and while he hadn't intended it, it clearly had an effect on him. He went straight to the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out some of the fresh fish he had. Not knowing if she liked it cooked or raw and not wanting to ask in fear of getting an earful, he cooked a piece of it, and left the other as it was, putting both on small plates and taking them into his front room. Placing the plated down on his table, he sat in his chair and looked down at his chest, at his pocket.
"Umm...Nyyrikki..." That was her name, wasn't it? "I have fish for you, here.." Normally he'd reach in and take her out, but she'd made it clear what she thought of him and his own tone was dejected with none of the excitement of earlier in it.
They both hurt one another likely neither intentional. They had gotten off on the wrong coil and yet even knowing that Nyyrikki struggled to adjust and forgive him. While she knew a little of the human world, some of the terms he used were foreign to her. Zoologist? Nyyrikki roughly understood, at least, she thought she did. They didn't have zoos, but zoos were just their menagerie, right? The ride home was left in awkward silence, both of them hurting and unsure. Nyyrikki basked in the warmth of his body and the scent of him, which was calming. It was warm, woodsy with the sweetness of vanilla, sun baked and the rich spiciness of sandalwood. Upon hearing her name Nyyrikki stirred within his pocket.

She had already decided to apologize to him. While they hadn't begun well, he had tried to save her and now he offered her food. Peeking up she gazed up at his strong jaw and smiled softly.
"Lysander?" She waited till she heard him conform he heard her before continuing. "I.. I am sorry." The words didn't come easy, but one of them needed to fix this gap as for the moment, she was reliant on him... but more than that, Nyyrikki didn't like the idea of hurting him. "You are the first human I met, and well.. it didn't go how I thought it would. While I expected fear... I didn't expect to be made to feel like a common animal." She nuzzled her cheek against his chest, a soft affectionate gesture. "I know you didn't mean to make me feel that way either. You were just excited. I was also likely a bit grumpy..." The spell failing like it had was frustrating and she had already been a bit out of sorts.

Shifting in his pocket, she reached her hands upward. the gesture was inherently childish. Asking to be picked up, Nyyrikki's hand opened and closed, her request silent.
"I hope you will forgive me," this was added while she waited for the warmth of his gentle hand to pick her up from his pocket. She had tried to make amends and she could only hope he'd accept her apology. he had seemed truly sorry and if she was being honest, she found Lysander sweet.
It wasn't long before Lysander felt a shift in his pocket, and heard his own name in the diminutive voice. Looking down he listened to the apology coming from the Lamia. She seemed to be struggling with the right words but she managed to find them, and he frowned. He really hadn't wanted to make her feel like that, it had been a misunderstanding. He was a zoologist, he hadn't seen a Lamia, he'd seen only a strange snake at first, and he hadn't known how to process the information but with questions. He saw her reaching up to him and it took a moment to realise what she wanted. Smiling, he carefully slipped his hand down to where she could grab onto one finger and he slid the rest of his hand into his pocket, gently lifting her out. He was smiling as he lifted her up to where she could properly see his face. "Of course I forgive you, I'm the one that should be apologising. I did treat you like an animal at first...but I've never seen anything like you before, I didn't know anybody like you existed, I didn't know it was possible...but I never treated you like you were common, anything but that! Nyyrikki, you're incredible, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

He paused and beamed at her, his other hand raising tentatively and he ran a single finger along her back, along her scaly tail. It was rough to the touch, exactly like a snake would feel and he ran it down her entire tail's length. "You're incredible. You have a body like a snake, but also like a gorgeous woman, you're intelligent, spirited, apologised to me which means you're a good person too, I, you're anything but common. Of course I forgive you, I only hope you can forgive me too." He did have one more question for her, but he remembered the food and he grinned, leaning forward and laying his hand down on the table for her. The two plates were still waiting, one with cooked fish and one with raw fish, both of them atlantic cod.

"I didn't know if you preferred cooked or if you ate your food raw...I assumed cooked, of course, but it's impossible to tell, there is so much I don't know about you, about your kind, so...I made both. And a glass of water, I used my smallest glass." He'd already taken a sip of the water. "Speaking were joking, or trying to scare me before...right? About the venom? Do you really have venom? Would it...kill? To be bitten?" He looked a little nervous, apprehensive even, not scared that she would bite him of course, but that he would upset her with more questions.
A small shake of her head was given as he gently lifted her from his pocket. Her slender arms had wrapped around his thumb and as he lifted her she shifted some. Tail curling around him she crossed her arms over the tip of his thumb and rested her chin on his arms, looking up at him. "I think your reaction was normal..." She gave a shy smile. "I just had wanted to meet a human for so long and.. well.. I wanted to be liked." She winked her nose as she frowned. "I didn't make the best impression though.." Her cheeks flushed prettily and she hid her face against her arms, shaking her head again. He was being kind when she had been anything but. She did understand it, but felt she didn't deserve the kind words he lavished on her. He kept going though and as he paused she blushed deeply.

Peeking up at him she nodded and smiled.
"I do.." He was being kind to her and it was the lease she could do. As she moved his hand, laying it near the table she turned her attention to the fish offered. Unwinding from around his thumb she gave the fish a sniff. "I can eat both, though I prefer raw." Looking at the water she giggled and nodded as she gently pulled off some of the fish with her hand holding it to her mouth she took a big bite. Chewing thoughtfully she looked back up at him and tilted her head. Her eyes were bright as the watched him. Swallowing her mouthful she flicked her tongue along her fangs. Dainty as they were, they looked sharp. "I do have venom." Closing her mouth she gave a dainty shrug. "I don't think it would kill you. It might hurt? The bite itself, not the venom."

Nyyrikki knew her venom wasn't like the venom of snakes in the human world. It didn't work the same. Not really.. While snakes would use their bite to paralyze and or kill, her venom had an altogether different effect. Shifting, she looked at the cooked fish and tore a bite off it as well before thoughtfully munching. Both were good, but neither were quite what she was used to. Normally her diet would have been closer to that of human sushi. Licking her lips Nyyrikki moved closer to the glass, lifting herself up she blushed slightly as she lowered her face into the water. Her tail hung off the table as she drank deeply of the water. Slowly lowering back to the table she looked up at him, her face wet. Giggling, she wiped at it and tilted her head.
"What do you normally eat?"
Pleasantly surprised by how much calmer she was, Lysander had to put it down to shock, chuckling playfully as she smiled shyly up at him and said she wanted to be liked. "Well I'm going to be honest with you...I liked you anyway. I didn't mind you being so uppity with me, it was kind of cute, but there was no need to be mean at all. It's true I don't understand what, or who you are at all, I've never met anything like you, I didn't know Lamia's existed so I was in a little bit of shock myself...I might babble a bit when I'm excited too..." He grinned sheepishly. "So my apologies for that, maybe we can just start again? A new first impression?" The diminutive girl was quite adorable when she wasn't threatening him, and he watched quite happily as she pulled off a chunk of the raw fish and took a bite. Leaning forward to get a better look at her, he swore he saw her tongue slide over her fangs.

"You don't think it would, or it wouldn't?" He raised his eyebrows. "Maybe one day we can test it, maybe when I trust you a little more. You did say you'd kill me..." Innately curious, Lysander knew that experimentation was the only way to truly know how potent and deadly her venom would be, he felt she wasn't lying to him but at the same time he wasn't quite at the stage where he needed to feel the effects, he could document them another time. He'd have to document all of this, and he had already pulled his personal laptop to his side and opened a new document. If he'd done it on his work computer then all new documents were monitored, everybody would know what he'd found, everybody would want to meet her, there would be tests. He frowned at the thought, and decided that for now he'd keep her presence a secret. He'd never liked that kind of thing on new animals, and they weren't even sentient like Nyyrikki was...putting her through that was the furthest thing from what he wanted.

He chuckled as he watched her lean over the edge of the glass to drink.
"Cute, but I could get you a dish and pour some in, if you'd like? Something more shallow. Is the temperature in here okay? How is the food" Despite saying she preferred it raw she'd tried the other too. "What do I eat? Oh, I eat all sorts of things...I like meat, a good burger or slice of bacon is amazing, I'm a big fan of chicken, it's probably my favourite...obviously I eat fish too, but cooked, raw it could make me sick..." He talked as though she had no idea about what humans liked to eat, since as far as he knew she'd never met one and knew little about his kind. "What do you mean, you wanted to meet a human? Are you saying that you knew of us before now? Silly question, of course you did, we're everywhere on the planet. Umm, why did you want to meet one? Do you have others, family?"
Rubbing her cheek against his thumb she huffed a small sound that might have been annoyance or a pout, it was unclear. "I wasn't trying to be mean!" This however was adamant and she did now pout at him, though it was more playful than upset. "You hurt my feelings though!" She sighed again and laid her cheek to his thumb, eyes on his face. "Doesn't excuse my behavior though." A soft snort followed as he informed her about his habit to babble when excited. A smile curling on her lips. "I hadn't noticed." His offer though made her sit up a bit straighter and she nodded. "Okay, I'd like that."

"I am sure you wouldn't die..." Nyyrikki hedged, almost positive her bite would only affect him in one direct way. It was awkward though, to try and discuss it with him. She smiled sheepishly.. "I knew it wouldn't.. but you were being a big buttface." Yawning, her mouth opened wide, showing off the fangs in question before she went back to her meal. The little bites of fish were carefully chewed, before she turned to the water he'd offered. Face wet she looked up at him with brows raised. "Do you think that would really work?" She didn't. Her face would still get wet, or she'd have to drink like an animal.

Sitting back with a hand resting on her small stomach she fought back another yawn.
"It was good," it had been, even if it wasn't quite what she was used to eating. As to the temperature she shrugged, a dainty rise and fall of her shoulders. "Likely never going to be warm enough for me, without being unpleasant for you." The words he used were known, but the couldn't conjure an image for what he told her he liked. Chuckling, she slithered closer to him and lift her arms once again, wanting to be held. In part this was for the warmth he'd give her. In part, it made her feel like a princess. When he laid his hand down, she slithered into it and curled between his fingers. She found it pleasant to wrap around his digits, her arms wrapped around his index finger.

"Well, I have never met one." She nuzzled her cheek to his skin and she gave his finger a squeeze. "I knew about humans, but maybe not as much as you think." Her cheeks flushed prettily as she admitted that shortcoming. "And because.. wouldn't you have wanted to meet one of my kind if you knew we existed and hadn't?" She stuck her forked tongue out at him and giggled and she nodded. "We already covered that, silly. I have a family back home." A home she had no idea how to get back to... A frown flitted between her brows before vanishing. A problem for another time.
"Oh you weren't even trying? That's impressive!" Lysander chuckled, a smile still on his lips as he leaned forward just to be a little closer to his new house guest. "I know, you already told me you weren't trying to be mean and I believe you, don't worry about it okay? It was an...unexpected situation, I can't blame you for being a little blindsided. I certainly didn't expect to meet anybody as interesting as you while I was out there working. You're forgiven." He raised an eyebrow at her response to him. "Are you teasing me? I know, I know, I talk too much!" He was laughing as he said it, and quite happy to have a fresh start with her. Despite his initial impression and excitement he was with her now, he knew she was more than just some strange mutation, she wasn't a snake but something else entirely. Intelligent, witty, funny even, and he wanted to know more about her species. They might not be animals but that didn't matter anymore, she was fascinating, he'd never even imagined...well, that was a lie, of course he'd imagined animal and human hybrids before but to actually come across one. He raised an eyebrow as she again said he probably wouldn't die from her venom, though she didn't seem entirely sure. "I wouldn't? Is it a paralytic then? I don't understand...oh, I'm sorry, is it a personal thing to ask about? I realise I don't exactly know your customs..."

He laughed softly at her.
"So it was an empty threat, and I'm the buttface?" Seeing her yawn his eyes were on those fangs again and he couldn't get the thought out of his head, what would it be like? What did her venom do? Not just that, but the more he looked at her the more he thought she was kind of cute, it was a shame she was so tiny, really. He was chuckling as she tried to drink the water and he shook his head. "No, probably not, if you're happy drinking like that, it's okay." Her answer about the temperature made him frown a little. "Well that doesn't seem fair. Did it help when I held you? I don't want you to be uncomfortable, you're my guest, after all." As she reached up for him he was beaming as he lifted her up into his hand, still excited just to talk to such a magnificent being. Curled between his fingers, he even laid back on the sofa, holding his hand with her curled around it over him as he spoke.

"Of course I would...I only just learned of your kind and I already want to meet them, I want to see where you come it on a different island? Is it somewhere close? Where is home for you?" Again, he was asking a lot of questions but she seemed much happier to talk to him this time. "Ah, yeah, that's right we did cover it...sorry, I'm still a little excited." He brought his hand lower so that she wasn't so far from his face, resting his arm on his own chest for comfort as he held her up. "I...I'd love to help you get back to them, if you remember the way even a little. Obviously it's too late now..." he looked at the window where it was clearly dark outside. "So you're going to have to stay the night here I'm afraid. Not sure where you're going to sleep, you need warmth and I don't have anything here we could use." He smiled up at her, feeling relaxed and happy, yawning as he watched her carefully and even reached for her with his other hand, running a single finger down her back. He didn't know if it would offend her or not, it was just a sudden urge he'd had. "Oh, I'm sorry, is that okay? I didn't ask if you were okay being...well, petted like that, I kind of just thought you were cute and I had the sudden urge." He smiled sheepishly.
Her cheeks puffed out as she pouted at him. It was a playful pout as he teased her, though there was a lingering worry that he'd been upset with her in truth. That was soon fixed and she nodded some, pushing back her hair from her face. "It was," Nyyrikki agreed and she offered him a shy smile as she teased him and a giggle as he called her on it. "It is cute," and it was the way he tended to babble at her while he was so excited. Now that she had let her hackles drop, she found it almost endearing. Playing with her scales for a moment she considered his question about her venom and she gave a small shake of her head. "No, it's not a paralytic.." The closest word for humans was an aphrodisiac and it wasn't something she wanted to share with him... It seemed and felt private. "It's okay," reassuring him she offered him another smile. "It is a bit private, though."

Wrinkling her nose at him she nodded some.
"I don't have many defenses." She motioned to her small form. "I am not big and the only defense I really have is biting someone." The laughter at her drinking was taken in stride and she stuck her forked tongue out at him, the tip flicking. "It isn't so easy! Maybe we could make something smaller?" While Nyyrikki knew she had another size, she was unsure when she'd be able to take that form again... she wasn't even sure why she was so small. She hadn't been tiny when she'd fallen through the portal. gazing up at him she shrugged at him, a dainty little roll of her shoulders. "It wouldn't be fair for you to be uncomfy either, would it?" Her cheeks flushed and she nodded. "It did." His warmth had combated the chill in the air.. even now she felt too cold. Not life threatening, but it wasn't all that pleasant.

Curled into his hand, she nuzzled her cheek to his finger and she smiled.
"Hmm.. not an island.. different... realm?" It was the best explanation she could give, because it wasn't the same world.. "It is like... between?" She frowned some with concentration and then shrugged. "I think at least. Like there are little pockets to slip through, but they are.. not well known." Another small shake of her head. "I don't know how to." The portal had been hard enough to make, and something told Nyyrikki she'd been lucky to appear where she did. A shiver went through her and she stretched out like a lazy kitten at the touch of his finger along her spine. She gave a throaty little purr and pulled at his hand, the finger in question. "Do it again," her voice was heavy with that throat rumbling sound.

She wouldn't have liked being petted... but it had felt so nice, so why not. Another yawn and she nipped at his finger, a gentle scrape of teeth, no fangs.
"Can we sleep soon? I can curl up next to you on your bed and as long as you don't roll over me, I should be safe and warm." It had been a big day for Nyyrikki, no pun intended. She could feel sleep pulling at her and all she needed was for him to decide it was time.. She trusted Lysander, he'd keep her safe. Hugging his finger she gave him a shy smile.. "But only after another pet?"
Lysander found Nyyrikki's mannerisms increasingly endearing, something which if he thought about it would have been more than a little alarming to him. He'd never been immune to the charms of his subjects, he loved animals and enjoyed their company far more than he did of his fellow humans and while he had no pets he sometimes brought his subjects home to study them and would often treat them, give them toys that didn't contribute anything to his findings other than making him smile. This though, was different. Nyyrikki wasn't an animal, she'd made that very clear to him but she wasn't human either and somehow it made it easier for him to feel at ease around her. It was hard to explain why, it wasn't like he was completely anti-social, he had friends, he'd had relationships but even around those he felt guarded, with the little snake girl he was anything but, the smiles and the laughter came naturally and easily. "Cute, is it? I'll have to take your word for that, most people tend to just zone out or try to redirect my attention when I get excited like that." He had grinned, still curious as she mentioned her venom again. "Not a paralytic, but not fatal. Okay, I'm definitely curious but I can tell you don't want to answer. I'll let you keep your secrets!"

He nodded, holding her up where he could see and talk to her.
"I think I have some smaller dishes that would be perfect for you, and if not I can make them. I have some things back at the lab for sure, and..." He trailed off, thinking. Of course he'd been planning to take her to his lab tomorrow, but now that the thought was in his mind he didn't know if that was such a good idea. If any others saw her, what she was, what she could do, how intelligent she was and how she could hold a conversation, hell, probably better than he could...he didn't know how they would react. A few of his colleagues would be just like he was, excited and eager, but then there were the higher ups and their benefactors...they'd want to study her, test her and once they knew of her existence there would be little he could do to stop them. Looking at her now, in his hand, smiling and laughing he didn't think he could put her through that and risk her being taken or anything happening to her. That, and he wanted her to himself for now. Selfish, maybe, but apart from her threatening him when he'd first lifted her up she'd been pleasant, fun to talk to, he liked her. He made up his mind that he wouldn't take her in just yet. "Between...between what? I don't think I'm understanding well...maybe you could show me? I'd love to see where you come from, if you'd show me."

He chuckled as she shivered, seemingly he'd found a good spot as he'd petted her and she was far from angry like he'd feared she might be. He felt her fang scrape against his thumb, finding he didn't mind and almost wanted her to bite him just to see what would happen. Instead he just answered her question, petting her again at her request.
"Oh, so you like that, huh? Good to know." He ran his finger down her back a few more times, thoroughly enjoying her reaction. As she hugged his finger he climbed to his feet and nodded. "Of course we can, I'm getting tired too anyway." Even as he said it he stretched, lifting her into the air on his hand as he yawned before bringing it back down level with him. First he walked to the thermostat and despite what she'd said, he turned the heat up a little. It wouldn't be too uncomfortable for him and he would live, it wasn't the hottest day and he'd rather she be comfortable. Then, he took her to his bedroom, laying her down on the bedside table. "Okay, wait here just a few minutes okay? I want a quick shower before I sleep, and to brush my teeth."

He left her there while he did just that, first brushing his teeth and then taking one of the quickest showers he'd taken in a while, not wanting to keep her waiting long. Pulling on a fresh pair of boxer shorts he was soon walking back to her, mostly dry, his hair loose and around his shoulders as he climbed beneath the sheets in his bed before reaching out for her, lifting her up carefully. Laying on his left side, he had her in his right hand, the furthest from the mattress.
"So I thought about it a little, and if you coil around this wrist there is no way I'll roll over onto you...if I do roll it will be onto my back, or shoulder, never my wrist. You should be safe." He offered her a reassuring smile, confident in it as he closed his eyes to rest with a yawn. "And tomorrow we can talk more. Goodnight Nyyrikki...sleep sweet."
It was cute and she nodded in response, as if to emphasize it. While she could understand why people might zone out or try to redirect him, there was something indefinitely charming as he went off on a tangent he was excited about. It just showed his excitement and Nyyrikki couldn't see why that would be bad. She had always enjoyed sharing in that sort of excitement from those she cared about and it was a new friendship, but Nyyrikki found she cared for Lysander. It wasn't love, but an attraction. Not puppy love or anything of the sort, but she found comfort in being around him. Perhaps it was the knowledge that things could have been much worse for her had someone else found her or even no found her. He'd saved her, more than likely. She gave a small shake of her head. "I'd rather not, if that is okay.." Her cheeks held a soft blush of color at the subject still and she gave him a smile of appreciation when he declared she could keep her secrets.

"You could make some?" This seemed to catch her attention and she smiled slightly... "Why would you have anything my size?" Her eyes danced, the slits of her pupil were mostly round, with the edges tapering to points. It made Nyyrikki look very innocent. "Do you have many guests my size?" Her head tilted to one side and she shifted between his fingers. Her scales were slick, as she slithered through his fingers, squeezing them slightly as she watched him. Her body was soft against his fingers, plush even as she snuggled up to him, her heavy lashed eyes still gazing up at him. Then she had begun the hard task of explaining where home was for her. It wasn't easy, but she knew it was almost like a different plane of existence. She gave a small shrug and a hearty sigh, "I don't know a better way to describe it, sorry." It wasn't her forte and it seemed like the concept was foreign to him. It made her wonder if she'd be able to get home... Likely someone would try and find her... She was a princess after all.

Arching against his fingers she let out a throaty sound of pleasure as he stroked along her spine again, just as she'd demanded. The sensation went down her entire body from the top of her heat to the tip of her tail. It wasn't erotic, just every pleasant. Hugging his finger tightly, her eyes fell closed as he stroked her and she shivered with a giggle as he spoke. "I doooo, it feels very nice." Her eyes opened and she smiled at him shyly, her request for sleep met with agreement and she nodded some and gave another giggle as she was lifted into the air as he stretched. Her head felt like it was on a swivel as he walked her through his home. While similar in a lot of ways, it wasn't exact and she tilted her head as he toyed with the box with numbers on it.
"What is that?" Just to be sure he understood she pointed at it, before looking up at him, curious as could be about his life. Set on the bedside table she slithered along the surface, exploring it. There wasn't much on it, and she turned to him as he spoke and nodded. "Okay." Then she went back to exploring.

When he came back he'd find her curled around the finial at the top of his lamp. Her mouth opened in a silent little oh of surprise at his appearance. Lavender hair fell around his broad shoulders, the color still a little darker from the shower... almost amethyst. Then there was his bare chest. Pale, but toned and muscled in the most pleasing way as his hips narrowed. Biting her lower lip she shook herself slightly and lifted her hands to him as he reached for her. Tilting her head she nodded and shifted some, coiling around his wrist as requested. Her breasts pressed against his arm and she looked at him sleepily as she laid her head on her arms.
"Thank you, Lysander.." Her own eyes closed, his warmth soaking into her. Her dreams were pleasant, if not forgettable and she shifted against him in her sleep. The magic that had shrunk Nyyrikki faded as she slept and cold brushed against her skin and she shifted again, curling around Lysander closer, seeking his warmth.

The coils of her tail had slipped around his legs, coiling from his feet back up towards his face, her arms slipping around his shoulders as she slept. Her breasts pressed to his arm as she coiled a little tighter. Lamia were known to sleep like this with lovers and the morning was some of the worst when it came for arousal. Rubbing herself against him she made a soft sound in her sleep.. a moan of sorts as she coiled further, her tip of her tail slinking down his body of its own accord, slithering into his boxers.
Lysander simply nodded to her, offering her a smile and letting her keep her secrets without bothering her about it even if he was still very curious as to the effects of her venom. Her next question made him chuckle and flash her a grin. "I don't ever have guests of your size, at least not sentient ones, but I do look after animals, even snakes often. I told you I'm a scientist, I study animals and I bring them home sometimes." He reached down and gave her another gentle pet with his finger. "I'm usually more comfortable around animals than other people anyway, with very few exceptions, and I have plenty of equipment to house them for a few days too. Worst come to worst, I do have a terrarium used for snakes and reptiles that you could sleep in, though I thought you might take offense at that." He chuckled softly. "You were very uppity with me for even suggesting you might be a snake so I didn't want to offend you further like that even if it would be very comfortable for you. I can control the temperature in it much more easily, and it has a nice little waterfall for reptiles to bathe in and to drink from."

Considering that the best explanation he could give, he'd brushed aside her apology about not being able to explain where she came from.
"Don't worry, you can try to show me and we will go from there, okay? I'm excited to find out either way and we don't have to talk about it now, okay?" Before long he'd started carrying her towards his bedroom, smiling as she asked about the thermostat. "This? It's called a thermostat, it's just a control box for the temperature in here, see?" He lifted her so she could get a better look at the numbers and the dial they were placed around. "I turn this and it changes the temperature in here, I just made it a little warmer for you. I don't usually like having it so warm, but I want you to be comfortable you know?" He'd taken her to his room and then gone for his shower, and when he'd come back he'd found her curled around his lamp, no doubt enjoying the warmth that came from it. He'd laughed softly upon seeing her, grinning again at the way she raised her arms towards him to be lifted. Such a small action but he found it impossibly cute, he loved the sight of her arms stretched towards him already. Pretty much everything she did was cute and endearing to him, Lysander couldn't have been happier to meet his guest and as she coiled around his wrist he'd laid his head down where he could see her before he'd finally closed his eyes. "Night night Nyyrikki, sleep sweet."

In his dreams she was there too, but they were together in a strange land, walking side by side. Well...he was walking, she was slithering along the ground but her head was almost level with his own, her long tail leaving trails in the grass behind them as the sun shone down. He didn't recognise where they were, plants seemed unfamiliar but familiar at the same time, like his sleepy brain was trying to create plants that didn't exist but didn't have any memories to create them from. He was smiling with her, laughing with her, and because she was much, much bigger in his dream it was easier to talk to her. She really was pretty too, it was much easier to tell at this size and he found himself looking at her a little more often than he needed to. Eventually they came to stop in a clearing and he'd stuck his tongue out at her, making fun of her. In a huff she'd giggled and suddenly lunged at him and he'd tried to fight her off while laughing himself, the dream-Nyyrikki and himself seemingly play fighting as she coiled around him, pinning him down. With her tail coiled around him he was helpless, and he could feel the tip of her tail sliding up his thigh, disappearing down past the waistband of his pants...

His eyes snapped open.

He was still in bed, but he could still feel her around him from the dream and he tried to lift his arm to look at her...but he couldn't. His arms was pinned to his side, he could feel soft breasts against him, his legs were pinned together helplessly, trapped in her coils just like most of his body and her tail was descending into his boxer shorts...Nyyrikki was human sized! Bigger! He tried to break free in a panic, the panic only being trapped in the coils of a giant snake could bring, feeling the pressure, knowing how strong and powerful she was. His arms were pinned to his side and her arms were around his shoulders, he could feel her breasts pressed against him, soft, human sized...he heard what sounded like a soft moan coming from her, realised she was rubbing against him and her tail was still dipping into his boxers.
"N...Nyyrikki! Wake up, wake up, so...something has happened! Wake up, you're dreaming, I...I can't move!"
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