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Q's Musings and Scribbles for Later


I like girls who like girls~
May 10, 2022
Western US
This location will serve as a log for ideas, writing samples, other dabbling's I have rolling around within my fractured psyche.

☩ Current Cravings ☩
  • Something with power dynamics... Perhaps predator x prey, D/s, or chew toy?...
  • Something to tame switchy energy???
    • Ugh... I cannot decide on D or s...
  • Sharp teeth + blood = yes...
  • Something nurturing
    • Girlfriends meeting at academy or something cute like that
    • Academy student and the professor taking them beneath their wing?
Request Thread (Saving for Later)

Hello folks! Welcome to my request thread~ You may call me Q or Quinn.

Due to a series of events, I am returning to the world of roleplaying after a long hiatus. I know not everyone cares, but for those who do... I am AFAB and identify as female/non-binary. I use she/they pronouns.

For me, writing is a form of art. For stories that truly captivate my interest, the characters spring to life within my mind and become an extension of my creative psyche. I love luscious characters and plots with depth to them. I use my writing to express my deepest desires and explore new concepts. I find writing helps me retain my vibrance as a person. I certainly find myself craving that catharsis right now in my life. Writing exciting and enjoyable stories fills my heart with joy.

I prefer to write as female characters but can write male supplemental characters. I do write as futanari (females with dicks) when I desire to be more gender fluid or a bit more feral with my writing. I dabble in a variety of roles and consider myself flexible with playing Dominant, switchy, or submissive characters. That said, I would prefer to find partners willing to let me indulge in more submissive roles, as it is my current craving.

When seeking out writing partners, I prefer those who are literate and capable of posting at least a paragraph in length. I am willing to write with typists of all gender identities/expressions. When I have that spark of creative kismet with a writing partner, I can easily write novel length posts. I mirror my writing partner most of the time in length, but typically will try to get a couple of paragraphs out per post. I typically write in 3rd person and avoid 1st person styled writing.


Plot Elements: Supernatural, Coming of Age, Romance, Friendship

A catastrophic event has forever changed the real world, leading to a new reality where the supernatural veil has permanently been merged with the mortal realm. Benevolent and nefarious creatures that existed in fairy tales now appear throughout the world before blipping out of existence. As the battle for coexistence wages on, mortals with supernatural lineage are able to inherit their long-forgotten talents. Emerging as supernatural beings or creatures themselves, they must now learn to coexist as their human and supernatural selves.

In this story I will play a female character that had her supernatural ability awoken during the catastrophic event. Having ascended to a witch or awakening her demonic power, I aim to write her struggle with the duality of being human and supernatural. She will continue trying to maintain her human life while answering the obligations of her ancestry.

I seek a writing partner who is willing to play as a human character or one who has awoken their supernatural lineage. I encourage my writing partner to pitch what power they desire their character(s) to inherit.
This story could take place right after the catastrophic event or could be later after the world has settled. Our characters could be seniors at the same high school or students at the same university, colleagues at a company, strangers that meet during a supernatural incident, owe a debt to one another, and must now assume a protector role, or are forced to work together to accomplish a task.

I am fine with this being a platonic story or one where the characters become involved sexually.

Plot Elements: Fantasy, Power Exchange, Adventure, Horror, Romance

For generations, your imperial family has ruled over mystical lands. You are a young lady or lord within the imperial family that has ascended to an official station that requires you to assume responsibilities that support the throne. As a member of the imperial family, it is your duty to partner with the with the coven of priests and priestesses that serve the empire. Your character is bequeathed an ordained priestess whom is bound to serve you.

In this story, your character could be fueled by the need to serve the imperial family. You could walk the paragon path and perform the duties you were born to uphold, bringing glory to your family. Or you could stray, perhaps electing to utilize the priestess to acquire more power and further your position within the family? Or perhaps you find yourself beguiled by the foreign woman bound to you, so much so that you find yourself utterly enamored and desire all of her? Maybe the priestess herself has her own ambitions and utilizes you as her pawn?
Please Note: I am open to suggestions with the potential motivating force behind your character's ambitions. I enjoy collaborating with writing partners.​

I desire to play the female priestess (or futanari) that is bound to serve your character. I would the priestess to be more exotic in appearance, emulating a tribal/nomadic/witchy vibe where she is painted with markings, possibly tattooed, pierced, and has beads woven into her hair. Her manner of dress will be more exotic, consisting of robes and cloaks.

I desire to have the priestess compliment your character's personality. I can play her with a more submissive personality to compliment a Dominant imperial, a Dominant personality to compliment a younger lady/lord, or she could possess a switchy personality for those who enjoy such dynamics. I am willing to write her as a newly ordained priestess (aged 18-23) or as a seasoned priestess (23-35). I would prefer your character be 18-45 in age.

Plot Elements: BDSM, Romance, Self Discovery

Entangled within a torrent of emotion, a young woman finds herself with nothing or no one to love her. Emerging from her strife with an aching heart, she desperately seeks something to give her life meaning beyond the mandatory mundane grind of "being an adult". Stumbling into the underground world of the BDSM scene through happenstance, she finds herself in a place where she is no longer an outcast or judged by the emotional and physical scars she has obtained through life. As she lives this new page in life, she walks forward with a bare neck and longing eyes, searching for the gentle hand and the whisper of "good girl".

For this story, I would like to play a submissive female who is between the ages of 20 and 35. I see her having built herself up to a point where she found happiness but lost it (abandoned by previous Dominant, went through an ugly break up, death of close friend, struggles with her family, etc.). Now that she has discovered the BDSM scene in her current location, she seeks to reinvent herself and find that gentle Dominant to take her beneath their wing.

I am down for all sorts of kinky fun (which we can negotiate), but my main objective is to find a writing partner who will play an attentive/nurturing Dominant. I prefer to keep the kink on a more realistic level.
I prefer writing with female Dominants or nonbinary/futanari but will consider writing with a male Dominant if the writing chemistry is there. I am open to platonic D/s dynamics or sexually intimate ones.

The following ideas I've had are not fully formulated in my mind, but I am interested in pursuing.
  • A Divided Mind: I would play a character who suffers from dissociative identity disorder (DID). This could take place in a modern setting, or could take a supernatural twist where each identity changes the character's appearance.
  • Spell Gone Wrong: My character attempted to cast a spell to bring herself love as a teenager, but it backfired. Now she bears a curse mark that forces her to transform into a male/demon/creature whenever the triggering event occurs (rains, night falls, etc.).
  • Shield Maiden: This would be a story about Vikings where I would play a shield maiden.

For the most part, I prefer to write in original settings. I consider myself adept at worldbuilding (I write unofficially on the side and DM D&D), but occasionally I will dabble into a fandom.
  • Genres: Supernatural, Romance, Fantasy (Modern & Old), BDSM, Adventure, Horror, Coming of Age, Self Discovery, Sci-Fi
  • Fandom: Vampire Diaries, Lost Girl, Firefly, Persona (Video Game), Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age

My F-List can be found here.

If you're interested in writing with me, feel free to send me a message.
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