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Character Naming?

My naming convention is taking real names and modifying it, depending on the setting.
Example: David => Davian
Not too fancy but kind of works
I wanted to quickly ask others here, how do you go about naming your main characters? I usually tend to go off whatever is fresh on my mind, usually taking slight inspiration from TV, games, and comics/manga. This sometimes leads to me feeling like my characters have very... dorky names haha

And do you particularly care about a character's name?
I do care a lot about the character's name. It develops a certain kind of emotion, that (hopefully) completes the characteristics of your character.
Open google. Type in "random name generator X" with X being whatever kind I need. Press enter. Use generator a few times until I find one I like. Done.
Consider both your own preferences and those of your partner. Names can be loaded with different meanings for different people. These we meet in life affect our perception of their names. Always ask if a name choice works for your partner.
I think of a characteristic I want my Main to have as a strong part of their personality, and then look up names that go with that, taking into account heritage, ethnicity, and current culture of the setting.
I typically use random name generators based on the theme I'm going for. Or, I'll look at a list of baby names. Also take inspiration from games/movies/etc., whatever I'm into at the moment.
I generally pick an ethnicity first, and then browse through lists until something grabs me. (Or other genre/theme/fantasy species if they're popular enough to find lists.) But I'll usually fuss quite a while about getting one I really like the sound of, with a vibe that fits the character enough for me, and hopefully without associated meanings that completely clash.

I've only rarely been asked to change them, but I don't usually mind doing that. I'll just take a little while picking other options. Sometimes I can't decide in the first place and I'll toss out a few choices at the start.
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