Dwarf King
- Joined
- Sep 17, 2018
- Location
- Arkansas, USA

Chloe sighed when the call came to her that she needed to fasten her seatbelt, but did it anyway. This frustration further exacerbated her inability to get the perfect selfie. "What the fuck?! This is bullshit!" she had complained. Still the plane took off without a hitch, and headed north into Cascadia on the way to British Columbia where she was scheduled to do a brand deal. Contrary to the other members of the Athens family, Chloe had a side job as an influencer, which she took very seriously. As soon as she was able to take off her seatbelt, she did, and continued to snap pictures.
Chloe lost track of time while this happened, but her attention suddenly shifted to the front of the plane when alarms started going off. She knew nothing about aircraft autonomy, so the fact that the radar indicated 3 trailing signatures behind her plane meant nothing to her. The emergency latch on the door was blown, and it took out the craft's wing, which made the craft begin to yaw toward a mountain. As the cabin depressurized, she was picked up off her feet before quickly grabbing the seat in front of her "Oh my god I thought they said this shit didn't happen in real life, only in the fucking movies!"
Then the pressure was too great. She was sucked out of the craft, but only seconds before it hit the mountain. Metal tore into her side as she snagged the torn wing on its way past. The wound wasn't lethal, nor the thud as she hit the deep snow, but she did have guts hanging out as she saw those three bogeys. Combat droids, with the Athanasynth logo printed on them. One of them raised a laser canon and fired directly at her head, killing her instantly.
She had no way of knowing it, but the plane exploded in a fireball that was large enough to consume her body and two of the three bots. Suspiciously the third bot's memory had been corrupted. The next scene was a news report of a closed casket funeral with her name flashing across the bottom of the screen "ATHANASYNTH BOARD MEMBER CHLOE ATHENS DIES IN PLANE CRASH. ATHANASYNTH BOARD MEMBER CHLOE ATHENS DIES IN PLANE CRASH. ATHANASYNTH BOARD MEMBER CHLOE ATHENS DIES IN PLANE CRASH."
Everything went blank. Then, her brother Bishop's voice played in her head
I own you now
Chloe Athens' perfectly reconstructed vat grown body was pulled out of a box, and a button on the back of her neck pushed. "Initiating startup sequence" a slightly altered version of her voice declared as her eyes lit up pink.
No, that's not right! What the fuck is happening? She thought, but couldn't say it. "Sexbot Protocols Engaged. User [Bishop Athens], please select personality profile."
Wait, Sexbot Protocol? she thought. This is all just a dream, in a few minutes, I'll wake up, and it'll be like nothing happened, my brother will be right there, and he'll tell me it's all just a joke, right?