Mx Female ♦♦♦ The Pandemonium Tavern ♦♦♦ (Thread Safe. Links NSFW)

❄️ Retired Ideas

**Note: Retired ideas that I may still be keen to take on with a little spin from you. If you find something that intrigues you, please do not hesitate to approach me for a discussion.
×× ◦◦ ×× Slice of life ×× ◦◦ ××

Primary themes: Adultery, Consensual, College
Possible themes: Bondage, Teasing, Photography, Videography, Gangbangs

"It's just a casual meal."

She thought to herself. She was early that evening for the dinner date. She felt anxious - not because she was not confident of herself or that she was worried she won't be able to make an impression on him, because she is a natural in both aspects. She was easily amongst the top of her college cohort in both brain and beauty. She was anxious because somehow, a part of her felt that this dinner date was not quite right. She has spent the last fifteen minutes convincing herself that she was here for just a meal with platonic intention. But is it, though?

He is charming, well-chiseled and toned, witty, interesting... and etc. When he suggested that they should meet for dinner at his treat, she took on the offer without a second thought. She might not have even realised, but his invitation was met with a glow on her face, accompanied by the smile of a Cheshire cat. When her long distance boyfriend asked her earlier what she was up to this evening, she preferred to reply 'nothing fancy, really." When she was rummaging through her wardrobe for something to wear for the dinner date, she found herself inclined towards opting for a dark green blouse that flaunts an amount of her asset.

The Harvard girl was brought up to be prim, proper and respectable. So when she first met the college rugby captain that managed to be admitted into the same college through his sporting merit, she found a guy who was quite a bit different from the rest of the young men she has ever been accustomed to. He possessed a different kind of masculinity that was uncommon in the Harvard atmosphere, and it intrigued her. It was once again evident, when the guy finally stepped into the restaurant. His fit body wrapped in a short sleeve button up shirt with the top two buttons unbind. A hint of his toned, tanned, deep chest valley could be seen. The definition of his torso could be easily made out from the shirt that could just barely contain the shape of his body. His thick thigh and toned calves could be traced from his denim jeans.

"You are looking very gorgeous tonight, Buttercup."

He smiled, before leaning in his firm body onto hers for a quick embrace.

"Yes, it is.. just.. a casual meal."
The flirty local college girl knows her worth. For most of her life, she was able to get pretty much what she want through her looks and her shameless, go-getter attitude. The bottom line was, if she wanted something, she would do whatever it takes to get her hands on it. She is feisty and difficult to satisfy. She is adventurous and easily gets bored when the going gets too predictable, repeatable and mundane. People often had the impression that she is loose and easy. But on the contrary, her game was to dangle the carrot. She loved being chased. While she has gotten together with multiple guys, very few she thought, was worthy of getting into her pants. She enjoyed the the process of stringing boys and men when playing hard to get.

It was all fun and games until she met this particular man. The more experienced high flyer was well aware of the young lady's game and took the game to her. Her tamer and cautiously calculated flirting were not yielding as much attention and satisfaction that she would have otherwise gotten from her past exes and dates. It eventually came to the point that she was frustrated, getting a little more desperate. She has to win him over. She must win him over. She found herself sending the short gif text to the man - effectively throwing herself him - something that she has never done before with any boys. How far would she go before he obliges her with the attention that she craves?
She was comfortably happy in a relationship of X years with a guy that she met in high school. Years on, the couple went on to different Colleges. It was the start of a long distance relationship. Things were going fine - perhaps a little bland. She might have even got into a fight, exacerbated by matters related to the distance apart. Either way, it made this particular senior, captain of the rugby team, who took the initiative to approach her during fresher's week, all the more appealing.

It started with harmless banters, then flirt texts that slowly began to test the boundaries. One evening, he texted her something - possibly a dare, or the lad finding it difficult to believe something she has claimed. She took a selfie shot. Her fingers fidgeted with the send button, for over 5 minutes. Just when she decided that it is better that she doesn't send it, her fingers clumsily brushed against the send button. The road of no return led to the start of a secondary relationship that she has never envisioned herself to be in. Not especially when she only recently bitched hypocritically about one close friend of hers, who slept behind the back of her boyfriend.

×× ◦◦ ×× Sci-Fi ×× ◦◦ ××

Primary themes: Thriller, Psychological, Dub-consensual
Possible themes: Non-consensual

NSFW Intro Image Reference

"Thanks for signing up for this."

Matt Mahon, the high flyer post-doctoral scientist was not the stereotypical nerd. He was quite the opposite. He looked a bit of a jock, possessing a mildly tanned, athletic physic that carried over from his ex-football college days. He had quite the charm and the looks to go along with it. These factors, along with the generous remuneration that was offered on the table for her involvement with the study, were perhaps the combination that convinced her that this was worth doing, despite Matt making it clear and known that she was the very first participant of this pilot.

It was not just any pilot. It was an experiment that had the virtuous intent to eradicate dementia once and for all. This involved delivering a focus pulse of energy onto areas of the brain suffering from atrophy. Brain neurons die off because they become plagued, unable to be activated by adjacent neurons and eventually deteriorate from being cut off from the network. It was the objective of the pulse to target affected neurons and keep them going, thriving and eventually, regenerating from being artificially stimulated. Theoretically, this should work. Animal trials were a booming success.

Matt strapped down his assistant to an experimental bench. The scientist himself is only a few years older than she is.

"It should not hurt. But because the targeted region is close to your motor cortex, it may cause residue movements from the spread caused by the high energy beam. This is just to make sure you don't involuntary fall off."

Matt explained, as she strapped both her waist, wrists and ankles down respectively down onto the awkward bench.

"Or break your neck."

Matt went on, securing the final strap around her neck.

Matt smiled once he was done, as he headed over to the console. His fingers worked a few buttons by the device, before ending with one hand by a lever.

"So, you mentally prepped for this now?"
The non-con variant loosely follows the concept for the dub-con version. MC is a lead scientist in charge of the subject (YC). He will be acting as the narrator half the time, as if he is recording down the progress of his subject in his diary on a daily basis. YC has came out of the experiment after being held in the lab for a good two-three years against her will, in which the scientist practically spent almost every single day with YC. Most of her explicit memory of her time in the lab was wiped. And what happened during this period to YC, was dark, really dark. Psychological and physical experimentation (Restrains etc. No gore) revolving the themes of classical and operant conditioning were the common themes during her time when she was locked up in a lab facility. She was broken (no physical trauma) towards the end of the her stint at the lab. That was when her explicit memories during the time at the lab was erased from her memory due to confidentiality issue. However, her implicit and procedural memories were left untouched. The purpose of the experiment was to see if an individual can be repurposed/reconditioned into/towards something else or be adverse to something at an unconscious level after the conditioning and memory wipe phase. But as with all experiments, there will be caveats and unexpected turns, where things turn up less than perfect. After all, YC was one of the earliest subjects. The memory wipe as it turns out, wasn't permanent. And over time, flashes of her horrific time at the lab would slowly surface to mind.

×× ◦◦ ×× Post-apocalyptic dystopian world ×× ◦◦ ××


×× ◦◦ ×× Fantasy ×× ◦◦ ××


×× ◦◦ ×× Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Futuristic VR Game ×× ◦◦ ××


×× ◦◦ ×× Fantasy - Escape Room ×× ◦◦ ××

Primary themes: Non-con, horror
Possible themes: Monsters, Tentacles, Deviants, Gangbangs, Unusual living things, Bondage

The mansion is a literal live board game, using snakes and ladders as the premise. She would be handed a set of dice or a lever than controls the spin of the wheel of advancement. The number that she gets at the end of a toss or spin would be the number of steps she would take to advance the board. We have a 100 of rooms - each with very unique and unpredictable surprises which could be positive, negative or neutral to the player. The objective of the game, is to reach to room 100, or a number beyond 100. The best of rooms will have little repercussions for landing, allowing her to advance a few steps up the board. Similarly, there are rooms which would make her descend down the board.

An individual who made it pass the 100 mark may be rewarded with something (discuss) at the end of it, depending on whether they managed to enter the top 10 hall of fame of the individuals who managed to complete the maze in the fastest possible time.

Participants were warned that the game can take days, weeks and for a few unfortunate individuals, months. There would be opportunities to get meals, sleep and clothes in some of the 100 rooms, provided that the participant arrives at one that provides. And since the game is heavily luck based, participants may at times, find themselves going without food and/or water for a few days. Some past participants were able to get creative to try to limit the effects of hunger or sleep deprivation.
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🖋️Sample Writings - Slice of Life
**Note: Most of the sample writings here came from plots that were not listed in my selection of ideas above. If you find yourself interested in pursuing the setup of any one of these samples, I am also happy to talk and work out something with you.

Semi-Active Threads
No Good Deeds Goes Unpunished.

"Wish to get dressed already? No."

Keith smiled calmly, before he shoved Claire over between the two golden vertical golden stands of the cloth hanger, and got her kneeling down onto the marble slab, as she was made to face the pole stand closest to the mirror, in turn, allowing her the opportunity to stare down at her own body and state in its full glory by the reflection.

He began his nimble act, first muffling her mouth shut with a red ball gag, tightly secured in place. He first wrapped a bundle of rope around her waist, making sure her frontal skin pressed down against the cold steel. A second bundle made a round on each end of her shoulder blade, before streaming down to her hands, clasped behind her back. The ropes began binding her elbows tight to one another, down to her wrists, effectively arm locking her limbs in place. A third bundle made rounds around her mid thighs, lower thighs, upper calves and lower calves, forcing her legs to clasped shut and tight. This in turn, forced the definition of the two steel dildos of her Chasity belt stuck deep into her, to feel very tightly pressed down onto the entire circumference of her pleasure canal, as her clenched muscles wrapped around it.

The true torment was delivered by the fourth bundle of ropes. It binds her lower arm and wrist bonds to her ankles, around her feet, and around her toes. The toes were then slinged up into the air by the tension induced from it being strung to the binds on her elbow, and lastly, her hair bundle.

Keith touched up his work of art, by pinning two hard wooden pegs on each of her nipples.

The end product was Claire being strung up in an uncomfortable state all over her body (NSFW). Her knees were made to support the weight of her body. Each time she would wobble her knees to ease the pressure, her body movements would cause her sex canal to grind down against the steel balls deep within both her pussy and ass.

"I know. It must really be frustrating to not be able to relief that growing inch in you."

"Thus, I've took the time to compose this just for you as a reward. This should ensure that you get all the stimulation that you were deprived of over the last month, make up for lost time and return them ten folds."

Keith smiled, before he stroked Claire's cheek tenderly for a bit. He eventually got up, placed a remote control down onto the carpet ground right smack at the middle of the mirror, along with a wireless headphone to the side of it.

"I'll come back and pick you up for lunch. About 2.30pm? It's about 10.30am now. Happy cumming."

With that, Keith slipped through the curtains along with a random piece of male coat he conveniently picked from the store earlier, and made his way out of the cubicle, but not before being confronted by the female staff.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yup. Did my girlfriend already left the changing room?"

"I don't think so. I thought she was with you?"

"Nah, she was by the female cubicles testing out her stuff. She said she was gonna head out to return them cause it didn't fit."

"Ah alright, I must have missed her then."

With that, the two pairs of footsteps trailed further and further away from her cubicle, soon, leaving her in isolation.
Matthew McLaren was first made senior partner alongside Christopher Hanover some four years back when he turned twenty-six. Back then, he was the talk of the city for months - probably the youngest ever lawyer in Florida and the neighboring states to have his name plastered on the firm's name alongside a founder. It was a highly unusual jump, given that he first joined the company at the tender age of twenty-two.

In truth, some element of luck was involved in his ascendancy. Pieces to the various consecutive high-profile cases fell in the right places at the right time. That is not to say that Matthew had no skills. But Matthew had the knack for making the most out opportunities presented. He is adept at riding the waves of spontaneity. Plus, he set a high bar for himself. By default, Matthew does not aim to be content with settlements in all of his cases, but eager to ensure that he delivers a clean knock-out to attain maximum value for his clients. He was raking in serious money.

As his reputation spiked over the years, there came a flood of clients that specifically asked for Matthew to take on their legal woes. It eventually came to a point whereby he knew he needed an assistant...
...and he dreaded the thought of that.​

Matthew is a perfectionist.

If he were to hire an assistant, he fully well knew that there is a very high chance that the assistant will not be able to keep up with his required level of detail and meticulousness. The assistant could also very well become a hinderance instead. He had on a few occasions, mind wandered at the thought of a potential research or clerical error by a novice intern that could sabotage deals with high stakes. In all of those times, he could feel goosebumps emerging from the surface of his skin - even though he was literally imagining something hypnotical.

Christopher had to sit Matthew down and convince him otherwise. And even before Matthew agreed to the idea of hiring an assistant, Christopher already took the initiative to publicize the opening. The second Matthew was swayed, Christopher smiled and smack a clipboard containing names and contacts of potential hires right in front of him.

"Good. I've already got to saving you the trouble of putting up an ad. The interviews will begin tomorrow morning."

"I'd expect that you pick yourself a good mate by the end of the day."

By midday, Matthew was desperate to end the search of his right hand. The list of intern applicants that was handed to him supposedly consisted of the cream of the crop. Yet, none of the 17 interviewees that he has spoken with so far impressed him. Each of them had stellar academic track record along with an impressive display of extra-curricular achievements. But that was not quite what Matthew was prioritizing. The 15 spent more time talking about what they have accomplished but offered limited insights to what they could offer to him in the months ahead. Some even went on a cringeworthy display humblebrag. Some were mechanical in their interviews, with their answers clearly rehearsed in advanced. He even ended a few interviews early within 10 minutes on at least 5 applicants.

The trauma of having to sit through mediocrity without break for the day was arguably even more mentally draining for him than some of his cases.

When Jessica Bancroft stepped into his office at about 4.30pm, his mind was already thinking about rewarding himself proper wine and steak at the two Michelin stars restaurant just a few minutes' drive away. He even reckoned that he deserved to leave the office a little earlier than usual.

Matthew only truly paid attention to the 18th interviewee for the day when she settled herself right across his table even before he extended an invitation for her to do, as he customarily did to the other lads earlier.

... Brazen...

Jessica was the only female applicant that he was going to assess. No words were spoken within the brief span of time since she entered his office. But the non-verbal expressions were coming in at an abundance. Jessica already left more impression than most other applicants without talking, within the period of less than a minute.

"I'll be honest with you. I am extremely exhausted after having sat through a marathon of child's play interview. So, unless you're massively confident about your chances of impressing me, I suggest you not waste both our time."

By the end of the interview, Matthew pulled the remaining candidate papers from the clipboard handed down to him by Christopher and fed it into the shredding machine, right in front of Jessica.

And he got her to pen down her signature on the spot.​

The drive to the company's Alaskan lodge was painfully long. And if not for the heavy snowstorm earlier at first light, he would have had the luxury of being ferried over to the lodge situated in the heart of the wilderness by a chartered helicopter. Afterall, a helipad was constructed just beside the lodge and that was initially meant to be the primary form of transport to and from the airport.

Five to eight years ago, Matthew would have cursed during the course of the journey. Now, as he is due to turn 30 years of age in a few weeks' time, the years of gritting through all forms of tremendous stress and navigating through time-sensitive cases and issues that came in all forms of modality, he has learned to expect the unexpected. His patience and resilience have grown, while he was numbed towards most effects of negative outcomes these days.

The lodge was necessary. A recent purchase by HML, Matthew was moving into a new niche - handling industry cases involving the extraction and use of natural resources in the vast untouched lands of Alaska. This was the gold rush of the 2020s.

The one solace he had was the display of luxury right in front of him and the promise that he can at least indulge in it during whatever spare time that presents itself over the course of the next month... or three...
... or six.​

He has not informed Jessica that there is every likelihood that the trip may be extended. It much depends on the outcome of the various cases that he was supposed to deal with. If it does get extended, he was well aware that it will eat into the final year of her academic pursue. He also has not informed Jessica that he was pretty much convinced over the past 6 months that he was ready to convert Jessica into a full-time employee - he just did not want to let her know of that yet, just in case she turns complacent. Jessica was performing at optimum level, and he wished for her to uphold that standard and consistency. If the trip does get extended, he was ready to provide a letter of endorsement to her college to convince them that they should allow Jessica a sandwich year to concentrate on her internship.

And while Matthew hasn't really spoken to Jessica much since he hired her on the fateful day six months back, their correspondences were endless through electronic means. With the extended reliance on email and the net, Jessica Bancroft over time could very well pull off the identity of an extremely intelligent AI bot rather than an actual human, where Matthew just needs to chug whatever kind of task that needs to be done, addressed to Jessica Bancroft, and it just magically gets done by or before the stipulated deadline.

Whoever who invented Jessica Bancroft was a genius.

Matthew turned off the engine to his black Porsche. Dressed in leg-con fresh and new looking black trousers and a pair of heat-tech beneath and a matching suit, with a white V neck T underneath and a third layer of heat-tech shirt beneath, he trudged his way through the above-ankle high snow in his polished dark brown leather shoes.

Much to his surprise - or non-surprise - was Jessica Bancroft, in person, already present by the main living space when he opened the door, greeting him.

... the hell? I did not even prewarn her of my arrival. She really is a bot!

Matthew only tilted his head slightly to one side when Jessica extended one hand to initiate a handshake, his hands still passively tucked to the side of his body. He looked mildly amused.

"A handshake, really?"

"You should have offered that on the day of your interview, not six months later."

Admittingly, he understands to a certain level, why the offer of a handshake was a reasonable choice of action. Nevertheless, there was still a lingering sense of awkwardness considering how much they have corresponded with one another albeit through non-physical means to be this formal.

"And what is this, dress down Friday?"

While the oversized black knit sweater looked cute on the young woman, it was nothing compared to her top-notch sense of office fashion back in Florida. The lady obviously has a stunningly fit figure, and she knew just how to flaunt and accentuate all that she has without compromising on her professionalism. Her pencil skirts were not too short, but they were tight. Her blazers and blouses were body-con fit but struggled to conceal the pair of bosoms that she possessed, enticingly busty, but just about proportionate on the high end of the spectrum to her body. Her calves and thighs were very toned and hinted of the kind of vigor and stamina she might potentially possess to a wandering male mind. In his private thoughts, he was bound to be disappointed at being denied the eye candy that he was so used to. Interestingly however, was how he noticed that Jessica looked quite different without her makeup on. She did not look any less appealing, but certainly showed another side of her that Matthew was less acquainted to. She looked... quite a bit more youthful, more jovial than the professional (smokey) front that he was so used to.

He tried to maintain his supposed disdain and firmness for as long as he could, before eventually breaking the act, lifting one clutched hand to for an invitational fist bump, along with the faintest of grin on his face.

"I'm pulling your leg."

He has had a long journey. He needed some form of release. Jessica just so happened to be the first subject that he could toy on for his amusement.

"So, have you got the first case file ready for me?"

"Just so you know, in the event if you smash this for me, I can't quite offer you financial incentive as a bonus since it is an administrative nightmare to sort that out when we are so far away from HQ."

"I can, however, whip up a good medium raw sirloin."

Matthew had the fridge by the adjacent open concept kitchen open as he spoke, showcasing the well-stocked, inventory. Clearly, the company has hired a housekeeper to ensure the place was in tip-top condition before it was to be used for this extended assignment.

"Valid enough incentive for you, Lass?"
That was probably the closest Jessica has gotten to bruising Matthew. He got played, and then his wild attempted threats didn't work. And for all the composure that he was able to maintain on the front, his posture of equanimity, he was fuming within. Jessica has driven to him to an edge none of his exes, and even his present partner, albeit a shaky one, was capable of doing so. And even more embarrassingly, Jessica was just his intern. Has she gotten so complacent, so comfortable with him that she does not realize a great deal of her future is still pretty much in the grasp of his hands?

He could pretty much fire her as and when he wished to. But it was increasingly coming to a point whereby firing her just wouldn't bring him enough satisfaction. She was long due, a proper lesson on obedience and discipline, of being reminded to know her place. Jessica was pushing dangerous boundaries. Above all, as much as he would never explicitly admit, it hurts his ego that intern Jessica was and is willing to dance for probably any man, but him. As Jessica sauntered out of the theatre with her laptop in hand, while further dampening the mood of the night by reminding him of work tomorrow during his leisure time, his mind could only think of ways he would tie Jessica down onto a barbeque stick and watch her slowly get roasted alive above a figurative fire.

None of them knew just how much their vengeance for now another, was feeding one another, spiraling deep into the depths of an ominous abyss.

And for once, Matthew could not figure a witty last word in time before Jessica could walk out on him.

Work was unusually dull and uninspiring.

The clients may be different from case to case, but the zoom call at noon pretty much exemplified what virtually all of his clients wanted. They speak and demand of the same thing. His reputation meant that rich clients with difficult cases often requested for him to take on their case. And rich clients with difficult cases oftentimes meant defending the devil.

For all the prestige and glorious virtue of justice that the root of his profession was based on, ironically, he was helping criminals thrive for the most part of his portfolio. And his wins for these criminals would mean further increase in reputation, further increase in figures in his bank account. It was mutually beneficial.

Matthew probably didn't even need to take on the zoom call for he was fairly able to anticipate the contents of it. His schedule for the day was packed, but in terms of productive value, he was essentially rushing for nothing.

He internally groaned at the need to meet up with the Attorney General (AG) for dinner. He was probably going to question him on some nitty gritty details of a case that he is currently involved that has matters involving National economic security - the siphoning of Alaskan natural resources out of the country which would directly benefit a certain political competitor. For a moment, a record breaking latest first smirk of the day that occurred only at 3.05pm in the afternoon happened, at the thought of how he, a 28 year old lone individual, has actually got a certain degree of influence over the great powers of the world. The outcome of this case was in his hands...

... And yet he could not even bend Jessica to his will.


Why would Jessica pop into his mind out of the blue?

If Jessica has somehow managed to etch her presence into his mind permanently, Matthew knew his life ahead will no longer be as calm as he would like before.

Matthew managed to ensure that the fate of the case was still pretty much well in his turf. The AG was the one extending the invitation for the meal. He said it was just going to be a social catch-up. By the end of it, one thing led to another, and he was pretty disillusioned. He has swiftly maneuvered around leading questions that were deliberately and delicately set out to catch him out, on the record, via a concealed mic that recklessly peeked out from his suit, over a meal. That was one way of ruining a three Michelin starred experience.

When the AG excused himself to use the washroom, Matthew was already more than looking forward to return to the comfort of his Alaskan wonderland, even if it was located in a god-forsaken location.

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica.
Oh fuck off. Keep your mind off her for just a day.
She is irrelevant.

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica.
She strings you better than Geppetto could ever do with Pinocchio.

What even is this randomness?

Jessica, Jessic...
Fuck off.
Alright fine FINE.

Matthew pulled out his smart phone, and launched the smart app for the lodge's security and amenities control. At least he can take comfort in the fact that Smug O' Jessica was careless enough to not realize that the main interior and exterior areas of the lodge had security cameras installed. After all, the lodge was a massive investment and expenses should be spent when its due when it comes to protecting one's high stake property. To give her the benefit of the doubt, perhaps the craftsmen had done a great job at ensuring that the cameras were well concealed in their respective areas. Concealing lens would mean reduced area of coverage. But money was never quite an issue. All that was needed, was to simply install more cameras at more angles to make up for the rigidity.

Matthew swiped through the immense array of camera display, searching. He has never been this pumped up since the start of the day.
Matthew McLaren graduated Magma Cum Laude and was the cohort's valedictorian. Four years back, the decision to leave his home town was painful. But on hindsight, it has been, in the grand scheme of things based on all that he knew about his life and the people closest to him presently, worth it. He had even secured himself an esteemed job in a law firm that was, like his University, was located many hours away on the other end of the continent, in a commercial city that never sleeps, where the elites of the many industries were gathered in one unifying place. Matthew was so good with his job interview that he managed to negotiate a six months break upon graduation to allow himself a much deserved break, before he returns to the hustle and bustle of life that he seemed to have an affinity with.

It was a Saturday morning, but it did not really make much of a difference to the free man whether it was a weekday or a weekend. He has got a half year ahead to do whatever he wishes without needing to spend a single moment worrying about deadlines. It was a luxury never before possibly afforded since he began elementary school. Born to a modest, upper class family, he has been bombarded with tuition and extra curricular activities by his parents for as long as he could remember. Perhaps he is who he is today thanks to his very successful but demanding parents.

The man was weary after having sat through an international red-eye flight that flew across the channel. He barely had any sleep, but he has been eager to start the day, to do anything other than to sleep. Like a little boy who has just got his hands on a brand new toy, his fingers gleefully unwrapping the present called freedom. He had hastily dropped his luggage back at home half pass six o'clock in the morning into his room where his parents were still soundly asleep. He did not bother getting a shower, and instead only got his teeth brushed. He was not going to sit around at home and wait for his parents to get out of bed. And thus, a gave himself a few spritz of his musky, slightly fruity day cologne over his plain white V-neck that wrapped so fittingly across his broad, athletic torso frame, as well as on his leg-con blue denim jeans that despite the thickness of the material, was able to showcase his toned leg frame.

He replaced the simple black blazer that he wore for the flight with a black raw hide, broad collared leather jacket instead, zipped himself up, before he headed out into the open.

The fresh morning air was such a treat, one of the few things he missed about this quaint neighborhood and town that was greener than most other typical urbanised regions. He made a quick stop to his favourite local bakery, picked up two pastries with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, before he set out to the first place that he thought, would make the perfect first stop over - his ex, Elise's place, where she used to stay with her parents.

When he did arrive at her doorstep, he rang the doorbell, before he was greeted by the familiar face of Elise's mother.


"Yes, Mrs. Becket It's been so long! How have you been? Is Elise around?"

For how cordial he used to remember Mrs. Becket was to him back in the days, he felt a noticeable difference this morning. She was particularly ambivalent, if not, a little cold and reserved at seeing Matthew at their doorstep after all these years. She always treated him like he was her son then. Now, it just felt really distant and strange.

"Long indeed. A lot has changed since you left. Haven't you-"

Mrs. Becket abruptly stopped her speech. Yet, she looked like she was still dying to complete her sentence. But clearly, something was holding her back. Perhaps she had a reason why she decided to discontinue her words. No, there must have been a very good, legitimate reason.

"Elise is no longer staying with us. She has grown a lot since you left and needed some extra space for herself. I will let her know you came by the next time I see her, alright? I hope you have a great day ahead."

"Wait Mrs. Beck-"

With that, the woman closed the door behind her like Matthew was none other than a door to door salesperson. It also served as an awakening for the man. He knew Elise was devasted about them ending their relationship four years back. But he did not realise the gravity of the situation, as hinted by Mrs. Becket slightly inimical responses. Was it really his fault that they needed to end their relationship? Had he been too selfish, prioritising his future over their future? He had initially hoped to rekindle at the very least, some kind of friendship with his ex. But he now realised that it could very well be a mountainous task ahead, more difficult than he has previous imagined.

Matthew had tried dating during university. There were two, both of which did not last quite long, and he then resigned himself to the rare, occasional flings just to get by the void that has been left behind since he and Elise had to part ways. No girl was as attuned to him as much as Elise and it was difficult for him to replace Elise when she has set the bar so high.

He remembered that second last night before he had to leave for University, where the two of them were on the last day of their planned road trip, a trip to mark a bitter sweet end to their amazing relationship. Perhaps it was the circumstance of things that led to the night, and against Elise's usual prerequisite, they decided to make passionate love - without a condom, for the very first time. The sex was mind-blowing. It was the first time he did it raw with Elise, or with any girl for that matter, and it certainly was something different. They went at it for hours, through the night, as he managed to pull out in time successfully for the first three of his orgasms. By the time first light was out, he remembered how they never looked like they were keen to stop, despite having stayed up the whole night.

The memory was still well etched into his mind. Elise was riding on top of him, her youthful body rocked back and forth him with zest and unparalleled endurance. He warned her that he was going to cum, again, if she was going to keep going. And against all logic in the heat of the moment, Elise doubled up her intensity.

"Wait, wai-.. Nghh."
"Eli-Elise, I can't."
"Hold up, stop sto-"

He came, hard, the hardest he has ever had. His entire musculature frame tensed, his back managed to arch even against the weight of Elise pressing down on him. He wasn't one to moan liberally, but he let it all out at the moment. He remembered how it took them at least a good five, maybe ten minutes of absolute silence, of her body piling down on top of his chest, heaving from the immense exertion. His heartbeats along with their deep recovery breaths were sure to be the only things audible, accompanying the sight of the sun rising from the horizon from the distance, beyond the window of their landlord-less Airbnb accommodation.

"Are you... safe?"
"I should be."

Before he knew, he found himself mindlessly walking into a very familiar park, one of significance, one that where it all began. It was then when he realised that even after all these years, that he thought he might have moved on, after going through a few failed relationships, and the sleepless nights that he was able to fully focus on his university assignments, that if he truly given it a good, deep thought, that he actually still very much missed Elise.

He needed to see her.

And then beyond his thought-blurred vision, sat the lady that has been bothering his mind for the past few hours.

Matthew held his breath. From the distance, Elise looked quite a bit more mature, but still possessed that air of elegance and innocence at the same time, the kind that has always made him want to give her a tight embrace for as long as he possibly could. Normally confident and well assured of himself, he found his heart unusually pounding. He also knew it was now or never. Mrs. Becket never looked like she was going to pass on the message to Elise that he has dropped by earlier, and he has for whatever reason he cannot quite even fathom now, why he did not transfer her contact number over to his new phone when he changed it three and a half years back, effectively loosing contact with her.

The man then picked up his steps, bent on ensuring that he was able to get to Elise before he lets her disappear once again from his sight.


Matthew's voice came from the side of her, as he fast approached from the distance.

"Oh my god. How have you been?"

The man had a genuine smile showing from cheek to cheek, before he leaned in for an embrace - not just an embrace, but one that he made sure that his arms were well wrapped around her entire torso frame, just like old times.
"God Jason! You feel so good."
That was as best a comment a man could receive from his woman. And it was not just her compliment that was doing the work, but the way she was moaning. It was so loud and uninhibited. And the way her body was contorting, her face wincing in seemingly uncontrolled, irregular intervals made her seem as genuine as it could possibly be. Jason has never seen Cassandra so… wild. That led to the curious question as to how many times had Cassandra been faking it in their past encounters. On hindsight, if this evening was the epitome display of what true pleasure entails for Cassandra, then he was starting to doubt the many of times when Cass put on a flawless vocal display, but were lacking the facial and body accompany that was present this night - like a rock band piece with vocals, but without the backing presence of drum beats and electronic guitar strumming.


It was 11.20pm and Anthony was prepping himself for bed time. Typically, his bedroom has always been exceptionally tranquil, with the glass panel windows doing a fine job at pretty much keeping out all noises coming from the city. This night however, he heard a noticeable but muffled female pitching coming from the wall behind the headboard of his bed. This was the first time he had encountered such an instance, and the first time that made him realise just how hollow the wall that separated his room from the one next door was. For how stunning his condominium looked on the outside, it was in features like this that the property developer did to cut the cost of production. The exterior was just a façade, to make the place look grand. At the end of the day, all the tycoons really cared for, is to make a marvelous first impression, grab the money, then dash for the door.

In his next immediate musing, he began to wonder how often then, did his neighbour have to deal with the sounds of lust coming from his bedroom over the last few years. He tried to spatially imagine the layout to figure out which poor neighbour of his was the unfortunate victim. As it turns out, to the right of his apartment, was Jason, Cassandra's fiancé.

Oohhh. Looks like someone is having fun tonight.

Anthony grinned to himself. He went over to the corner most window that was closest to the apartment next door, and unlatched it. Jackpot stroked, as he was greeted by the raw, melodious familiar sounds of Cassandra's moans blasting towards his direction, into his room. It was as if he had just increased the volume of his sound system. The man then returned to his bed, and peeled down his shorts to reveal his semi-hardened member. Anthony pulled out his iPad, and launched up the recorded massage video capture from earlier. He fast-forwarded to the scene whereby he was rapidly fingering her, her body swaying to him. And along with the audio complement of Cassandra's live moans, he relied on the visual aid to help him reimagine a different scene of Cassandra moaning to him, for him.

The man jerked his ginormous length, not rapidly, but with strokes of meticulous finesse, covering the entirety of his length. However, Cassandra's moans ended almost as soon as she started - at least, by Anthony's standard. And while it was short-lived fun, he thoroughly enjoyed it. The man was very tempted to go all out and relief himself after feeling the tension building up within him since his spicy encounter with Cassandra earlier, but then eventually stopped jerking off himself.

The man was suddenly inspired.

He was going to save his load.
He was going to ensure that his biological factories were filled to the brim.
So when the opportunity comes for him to unload,

He will be able to give Cassandra his all, as she so deservedly deserves.

It did not take long before Cassandra put on an erotic involuntary dance of her body convulsing under his grasp. He made her dance. And there was something strangely alluring about being able to make and watch one's woman shake uncontrollably, and that he was the cause of it. It was the ultimate display of dominance, which was topped with the ensuing submissive in question approving and surrendering to his will. Jason's self-esteem battery has been charged to the brim, thanks to his fiancée's wondrous performance. Suddenly, his former worry was shoved to the back in his mind. Surely, Cassandra's display meant that she was still very much in love with him, and he might have been foolish to be doubting Cassandra in the first place. She cared enough to be this wet for him. She was psychologically invested enough to be able to cum for him. All in all, his filled esteem battery would be able to last him for a long while before he returns for a recharge.

In yet another milestone, this was the first time in five years that Cassandra actually came before he did. In the early days of their relationship, it was difficult for a stereotypical nerd like him to be able to last long when his partner is one as captivatingly stunning as Cassandra. Just by feasting his eyes on Cass's voluptuously fertile looking bosoms that were still very firmly shaped, her enticing waist concave of her hour glass figure, her toned, pert bubble butt, and her mouthwatering fine toned definitions from calves, taut stomach to her arms, was enough to make his manhood squeeze and release hard on itself on repeat. He might possibly even be able to cum just by running his eyes all over her body and let the involuntary throbbing and twitching of his cock get himself off.

So when Cassandra came before he did, it was an incredible achievement, especially since the odds were well stacked against him. Jason thought he did well, and that the trick was simply to just go a little rougher on Cass, oblivious to the fact that she had been painfully teased by someone else for the past two hours before she was able to even get to this point. Jason had lasted a record breaking twenty minutes one time before and he still did not manage to make her cum then. Today, Jason glanced towards the clock by the bed side and noticed that it took her just under four minutes!

It made Jason feel a bit silly as he thought all he needed to do all those years was to just change his approach.

After Cassandra came, Jason felt incredibly relieved, especially since he was very aware that his own orgasm was just hovering around the corner. And as usual, the Asian gave Cass a few more hard pumps before he pulled out just right on time, his groans loud and unrestrained, his hips careened about in rough circles from his involuntary muscle spasms, to fire his healthy load of four ropes of rich spurts onto her tight stomach, coating it with artistic strings of semen, his hand jerking his cock to ensure that his orgasm followed through completely and he unloaded all that he had to offer for the lady, plating his richness on her belly like a food platter presentation at a michelin star restaurant for her inspection.

Once his release died down, the man reverted back to his gentle default, as the orgasm seemed to have exorcised whatever soul that had possessed him over the last five minutes, out of him. He dropped her legs back down onto the bed with care, then flipped himself around to lie on his back against the mattress right beside Cassandra, arm pressing against arm. He was deeply satiated, and found little need to initiate after sex cuddles, especially since she has managed to spent him so hard over the last ten minutes since the tension started brewing - for Jason. His non-stop pounding for just over three consecutive minutes clearly tested the limits of his stamina, as he was still panting pretty hard at the present moment.

"Fuck Cass...."

"You were really in the mood today, huh?"

"I am glad I was able to make it home in time for this."

"Love you, marshmallow."

His breaths were deep and heavy, but he managed to gather enough strength to shift himself up a little. He lifted her chin with his fingers and tilted her head over to have his lips met hers, before planting a kiss - only a simple kiss. He indulged Cassandra, not by his deliberate will, but that his chest happened to press down against her outer arm as he flipped to his right side to give her that kiss, while his left arm sensually brushed the tip of his fingers in soft circles by her skin just above the site of his cluster of cum. Gradually, his breaths began to slow down and his tracing fingers halted to a rest. And before long, the man exhausted by the day's event, went into slumber, his head, nested into Cassandra's right shoulder.
"Careful, those are some big words you're throwing."
Anthony held his reply in his mouth the whole time after he had her lifted and tossed down onto his bed, collared, spanked before she was dragged to his lips. It was further held in memory even after he reverse threatened her about what he could be capable of.

"We'll see about that."
"Big words from me you say, hmm?"

"Have I disappointed in any of my proclamations so far, Angel?"

And once again, he went back in time to extract earlier snippets of Cassandra. The man has an exquisite memory. He remembered each and every erogenous spots on her body. The prove came in the form of his fingers and mouth already intuitively strumming against the various areas to elicit the movements and sounds he so desired from her over the past hour or two, as if he was a professional player with her body being his instrument.

It begs the question if his excellent memory would serve as a double edged sword, especially coming from a man whose present alter ego gave hints that he was capable of stopping at nothing to get what he wants, to do things however he pleased. As it stands, he has fulfilled both aspects by currently having a strong grip hold of both Cassandra's body and mind despite having previously committed herself, symbolised by her engagement ring. His dispositions meant that the man was also dangerously capable of holding grudges, and that whoever steps on his toes would undeniably feel the wrath of the beast of a man deceivingly disguised as a distinguished gentleman. The man was unpredictably two faced, and he has shown glimpses that he knew just when to play the king the house, and the king of the bed befitting of the circumstance.

"You talk big yourself, don't you, Angel?"

Then, he tugged on the leash with his fingers, coiling a few more rounds until the collar was inches away from his restraining knuckles. With her face staring right up at him, he landed sudden slaps across each side of her facial cheeks in alternation, fingers spread wide eagle as his palms landed on full force across the entirety of her respective side cheeks. Then, the free hand cupped her chin to pivot and lock her face in place, to stare right up at him. While and when Cassandra was made to deal with the lingering influx of prior stimulations and emotions, Anthony made full use of the opportunity when her guard seem partially down from distraction to land a healthy pool of clean spit, aimed directly at her upper lips in a bid to land a figurative adhesive to temporary shut her up.

"The only time you get to open your lips, is when you're taking my cock with this pretty mouth of yours, when I allow you to sing those melodious moans of yours, or when I ask you a question."

"You're on my bed, my rules."

"Have I made myself clear, Rag doll?"

With that, he lashed two more smacks on each of her facial cheeks, before renewing a fresh pool of clear, translucent saliva spit onto her lips, if it helps to even keep her hushed for a few moments longer.

<10:15pm> Sweethwang :heart:: Hey marshmallow, I will be back in about 10 minutes.
<10:16pm> Sweethwang :heart:: I'll see you in a bit?

Even though it was only the second day, Jason was starting to get used to Cassandra's sudden lack of enthusiasm when it came to replying him.

And that hurt him.

Jason knew there was the possibility that Cassandra would be out of the house by now. But he refused to believe so. His delusion kept telling him that perhaps, Cassandra was just being petty to try to get him to come home early, that she did not actually mean to leave him for the night in preference to head down to Jade's. He could count the number of times he spent a night not having Cassandra by his side at his bed with his fingers, and none of them were resulted from a fight. He was simply not used to it.

Jason has always felt that Cassandra was borderline to moderate clingy for the longest time, and even teased her about that here and there. And it was not just his subjective opinion, as both their friends have casually mentioned before that Cass was comparatively needy against the average. His schedule and previous priorities meant that he was never quite able to match Cassandra's need for attention. It felt good to be wanted by someone else and it was endearing. And Jason took it for granted over the last five years.

Now that Cassandra has suddenly toned down on her grips on him, he should have been happy that he did not need to spend as much effort now pacifying her down. Her attachment level now would have been ideal if she showed that from day one of the relationship. Yet now, Jason could not help but feel depressed at the sudden neglect.

Suddenly, his work that he has spent almost his entire life working towards, did not quite matter as much anymore. Jason actually abandoned some of his crucial work that was due Monday midnight to rush back home, just so he could attend to Cassandra, just so he could see her again. And although he has only just seen her earlier in the morning, it felt like he has not done so in months. The heaviness that was welling deep inside him felt like he could implode from it any moment, any time. Jason was just living on borrowed time in terms of his work. He knew that him going home early this night would mean him needing to spend more hours in the office on Monday. But that was a problem for Monday.

Anthony then shoved Cassandra to her back on the mattress and looked like he was about to double down his aggression on her, when the door bell to his apartment rang.

"... the fuck."

Anthony froze for a good two seconds, before he got off his bed. The man quickly picked out a fresh piece of his favorite running shorts from his pullout drawer of the base of his bed - exactly similar to the one he wore the day before, only that this particular piece was black - and put it on. His eyes fixed on Cassandra, his voice on a deep low, speaking as if he meant business should she not obey.

"You. Stay."

"I'll be back."

With that, the man got out from his room, and made his way to the main door to open it.

And there stood the girl whom he hasn't met in over seven, maybe eight years. His first real love, and as much as he now hated her, she played a real major influence in shaping him to the man that he is today.

"Hey! Anthony. It's been a while. Can I come in?"
"Uh... it's not convenient."
"Of course it is convenient."

Meanwhile, Jason happened to walk pass the corridor as he noticed his neighbour attending to yet, another a lady whom he has not met before. The only two peculiar points of note about this meetup was that it was happening at the time of the night that was definitely past his standard working hours and two, this splendid looking lady dressed with her side boobs along with her bare back blatantly exposed for all to see was clear to him that this was likely, some kind of a booty call.

"Hey Jason, I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"
"Yes, tomorrow. You have a good night."
"I will indeed, hope you do too, pal."

The neighbours briefly exchanged cordial greetings, before Jason watched the lady pushed Anthony by his chests, into his apartment, essentially proving his prediction 'right'. Jason then made his way into his own apartment to the right of Anthony's.

"I've missed you, stud."
"Sarah. We're not doing this again."

Sarah smiled, before she leaned in to peck a trail of kisses down his chest, before slowly getting down to her knees, her lips working his abs. Her hands were just about to reach to peel his shorts down when Anthony held onto Sarah's wrist firmly to stop her in her tracks.

"Sarah. No."

"Why, my big boy? You've never turned me down over the years whenever I showed up."
"You must have had... a really bad day. All the more you should let me treat you like a king that you are."

Sarah was bent on persisting, her feminine fingers softly scratching down against his pectorals as she never looked like she could keep her hands away from the man since she turned up at his doorstep.

"Get out, Sarah. Sick of you using me as your rebound over the years."

"You are not really just a rebound if I keep finding myself coming back to you all these years. Four times? Make it five now."
"I know. You want me to admit, don't you? I'll do it, for you."
"Over the last decade and a half or so, I've had my healthy share of men. None of them has ever matched up to you."
"I am ready now, Anthony. I want to give us a go again, just like the old days of our sweet fourteen."

Anthony scoffed, before he pulled himself away from Sarah's touch, as he began to walk back towards his room, back paddling to face Sarah as he summarized what he had in his mind, before turning his back on her in dismissal.

"We have ended the day you decided to cheat on me on my sixteenth birthday. Me constantly falling back into your little honey trap over the years was a mistake. And this has to stop this time, for good."

Sarah grinned, deciding she was not done with her fight, yet. The rambunctious lady picked up her pace to try to close the gap between them once more, eventually following Anthony to his room, where she had originally planned to be at. Her grin however, rapidly evaporated when her eyes caught sight of another lady - an admittingly gorgeous one - already lying on Anthony's mattress, with her collar that Anthony bought and meant for her for her fifteen birthday, around that stranger lady's neck.

The audacity.

Sarah was raging on the inside. The lady came sure this night that she was serious about them, her and Anthony. It took her a long time to figure that out. But she was now sure Anthony was still best for her. And then this happened.

Anthony was as calm as he usually was, perching himself back onto the bed and positioned himself behind Cassandra, his hands armlock both of Cassandra's arms behind her back horizontally, before he chained her mid forearms together in place with a few coils of the steel leash until the the base of the chain was fully utilized, then holding it in place alongside her arms with his left arm holding on firmly onto her bounded limbs. He then grabbed a large handful of Cassandra's hair, yanking it up to have her face Sarah, as he intended to put on a closing show for his toxic ex in an attempt to shut her out for good.

"Meet Cassandra Davis."
"Beautiful, has a fight in her, more intelligent than you can ever be. She's a Harvard graduate, by the way."

With that, the man pulled his shorts off with finesse, and then plunged his mind boggling 7.8 incher right into the heart of her temple of fertility, trusting that he has done just about enough previously to have moisten her love tunnel to take on his immense length and girth. With that, he began fucking Cassandra at a sudden, accelerated pace and strength while keeping her hair tugged back, her pretty face and body front on for exhibit.

"Look at her, knowing her place, where she belongs."
"It's only her second day, and she's got it right. The gulf of wisdom between you and her, is immeasurable."

Anthony then leaned down slightly, semi-whispering into Cassandra's ear, soft enough to be sensually arousing, but loud enough for the onlooking witness to hear.

".. hey Angel. Will you please tell off the lady over there who you belong to, and where your pussy belongs?"
".. she wanted to steal me away from you for the night."
Naturally, as Cassandra handed him the two glasses to hold and then lifted up her shirt to reveal her glorious hour glass, his eyes were drawn to her body like steel balls to magnet. It was comforting to know that he was still in awe, as if this was the first time she was baring herself for his viewing pleasure. However, the experience wasn't quite as enjoyable this time, mainly because he was feeling a certain heavy weight in his heart that was distracting him from truly appreciating Cassandra for being the woman that she is.

"Sorry I took long, I met a friend who I used to go to high school with and we just had a chat."

He let out a sigh of relief within himself initially. He was glad that Cassandra had come clean as he had hoped. Well... sort of. It took only a few seconds before he realised that he was actually not as satisfied with her answer as he initially thought he was. 'A friend' does not explain why she was so unusually intimate with him. Either that, or he did not realise that Cassandra might actually be that cordial with all men. If that was the case, that was equally concerning for him and he wasn't sure if he felt comfortable about that. It was not so much that he didn't trust Cassandra, for she has proven to him on multiple occasions that she was a lady of integrity. Rather, him being a man himself and knowing the workings of men's mind, he didn't trust men in general to be around Cassandra if she makes herself that open to people of the opposite gender.

His eyes were on the sea front, mind busy at work, processing, contemplating, when Cassandra turned around her shoulders to check behind her. It was only when Cassandra turned her head back, that he eventually turned his eyes to meet hers, seeing that she was looking... partially flushed? That look was mystifying, but more alarmingly, unnerving, given what he has witnessed just earlier. She has got to be hiding something, surely. What followed, was a brief moment of silence.

"Is everything okay?"


"If you'd like, why don't you spend sometime with your friend later? Actually, you know what? I insist."

"We have over two weeks ahead for us to spend time with each other. I suppose it'd be nice for you to spend a few hours with your friend if you guys haven't seen each other in a while."

What the fuck? What are you doing Anthony?
You fucking retard.

Anthony figured it was an opportunity to show that he can be gracious. After all, he has been really selfish the previous day and he wanted to show that he is a man who knows how to exercise limitations. Plus, he has already been down to strike two, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to start the morning on a sour note when the objective of the day was to move on into a new chapter of their lives. Confronting Cassandra now was going to make things awkward, especially since Jason went on that brutal tirade over the phone just the night before. He heard how Jason's words pierced Cassandra and he really did not want to be Jason v2.0, even though he very much wanted to be bluntly honest with Cass - in particular, her indecisiveness and her most recent cryptic display were the very things that he detested to the core.

All Anthony ever wanted these days, was to be able to find a woman whom he can live together with in peace. He has had drama his entire life, which were mostly tragic, and he was so fucking sick of them. If Cassandra was serious about progressing their relationship, her propensity for indecision, her lack of ability to put a stop to things that obviously would harm and all the half secrets needed to stop. He wanted a relationship where two parties get to share every inch and facet of their lives with one another, not a ticking time bomb that would blow up as a result of self-sabotage. Cassandra was almost perfect for him. But these two issues, he figured, she really need to grow up, and grow fast.

The circumstances of things meant that Anthony was cornered. Mood was at all time low and the day looked like it was starting to get better for Cassandra. He did not have the heart to ruin the morning for her. And being the older and expectedly more matured person in their new found relationship, he wanted to lead by example, to show that he was capable of compromising, of sacrificing, like she just did for him. He wanted to show that he can learn and be capable of trusting her a little more, that what happened last night in their bedroom, was something that he is able to restrain himself against from this day on, that he can and won't repeat the same outrageous mistake anymore in the future.

"Let's dip, shall we?"

"We'll have lunch, wash up, and you use the next half of the day to catch up with your friend."

"Text me later if you want to have dinner with me, or if you need more time catching up."

Perhaps a very subtle giveaway if Cassandra was astute enough to pick up, was how the non-verbal cues along with his intonation that made it suggest that Anthony knew this friend was a he. There was a certain air of unease - a very subdued one -, when he put forward the suggestion. It was as if he was a bit... unwilling? But he insisted nevertheless. Unpick the signs, and his intention might have been readable.

You fucking, fucking, fucking idiot.
Shut up. I'm learning to mature.
Your naiveness is going to cost you.
This is the price I have to pay.
My insecurities have hurt Cass.
I have to learn to fix myself.

You have became weak.
You've lost your identity,
that made you who you are today.
You always fought to get what you want.

I will set her free.
If Cass truly belongs to me,
she will come back to me.

A magnanimous lover, or foolish blind faith?

Hardin smirked when he saw Cassandra immediately turning her head away from him when she saw him he caught her staring right at him. His narcissism convinced him that Cass looked at him because even after all these years, she still missed him.

She might say that they should not see each other. But he believed Cassandra was just trying to fight against the inevitable, that they were always meant to be together, and Cass was simply delaying, wasting time, all because she thinks she needed a man who could 'provide her a stable relationship.' Hardin didn't know exactly how much Cassandra has changed over the years. But as far as he remembered Cassandra, he knew she has got a certain taste for the dark side, the dysfunctional love. Like a drug, consumption makes one incredibly euphoric. But at what expense?

Hardin had only previously ordered himself a pint of Kronenbourg after he dismissed himself from Cassandra. He was downing pretty quickly, and was down to the last quarter, when he felt someone, slightly shorter, most likely feminine, leaning in, pressing in against his right bicep. Intrigued, he turned to look at this stranger.

"I hate her."
"I'm sorry?"

"And you hate him."

By now, Hardin winced his eyes. The talk was short, but the phrases released the floodgate to a barrage of questions. The lady was looking fine. Stylish, a semi-translucent thin red sarong wrapped around her waist, dressed in a matching set of skimpy bikini that left her side boobs and a generous amount of her firm bubble butt exposed. A healthy light tan, a pretty face. If not for Hardin's fixed obsession with Cassandra that has clogged up his emotional space, the lady would have captivated him enough to make a move on her.

On the night that Anthony made Sarah watch him fuck his new lover, rage was seething in her. But the lady has the unworldly ability to think with a clear head despite how clouded her mind could be. She was sharp like that. She could easily think at the tip of her feet. That was why her enemies feared her. The woman of venom was always concocting a plan or some sort every single minute when she was awake, be it to address her plans for the future relevant to her goals, or to plan to exercise vengeance.

When she stomped back out into the living room that night with the lewd moans of Cassandra echoing from the corridor behind her, she spotted Anthony's phone by the bar counter beside the main door to his apartment. Swiftly, the award winning high flying sales lady picked up Anthony's device. While there was a passcode, she knew he has always be lazy with it. 1234. 9876. The first guess was wrong, but she managed to get it right the second time round. Quickly, she installed a tracking app that was part of her sales catalogue of her company that she was familiar with, and hid it beneath folders of folder.

Once it was downloaded and hidden in place, she placed his phone back onto the counter, before she made her way to the exit. The whole process took no more than two minutes.

Ever since that day, Sarah had 24/7 surveillance of Anthony's movements.

Eventually, she peeled herself off from Hardin. She then tilted her head to give the gangster of a man a sweet, sweet smile.

"We'll make a great team."
"Free to talk?"
x @Intrusive (RT)
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🖋️ Sample Writings - Fantasy, Post-Apoc, Sci-fi

**Note: Most of the sample writings here came from plots that were not listed in my selection of ideas above. If you find yourself interested in pursuing the setup of any one of these samples, I am also happy to talk and work out something with you.

Group Roleplay:
Dawn Chorus

Vadel is a prosperous, resource-rich kingdom. With prosperity however, the kingdom became a natural magnet for vikings, raiders and the occasional supernaturals. The defenses and wealth of Vadel is presently unmatched in the continent. But Vadel could not afford a moment's rest, for power and knowledge are always growing at an exponential rate. All it takes, is an alliance among the rest of the regional tribes and lesser kingdoms, coupled with a timed opportunity, and all that the people of Vadel have built over the last 387 years could be plundered and razed to the ground. Vadel needed to keep up with arcane progression and research to keep themselves in tip top condition. More concerning however, is that should Vadel fall, one of the 12 active magical wonders known on the planet world of Mytridon can and will fall into the wrong hands.

Every magic wonder in the world of Mytridon is associated with a unique magical element or type like teleportation and healing. While spells have evolved, branched out or been augmented through human experimentations over time, the root of every single magic spell casted on the planet of Mytridon was birthed from one of the magic wonders. While there are currently 12 active wonders, there are another 12 that have either mysteriously turned dormant for millenniums or has been artificially locked up and suppressed over generations because the magic they possess were deemed too catastrophic and goes against the virtues of humanity. Each of the current 12 active wonders scattered across the world are controlled by an esteemed kingdom - at least, in the context of the age of the War of the equilibrium that ended some 400 years back. The faction of the light triumphed over the faction of the dark, and the victorious side decided to seal a select number of wonders for the greater good of mankind, for the sake of peace. It was agreed that the remaining 12 active wonders were distributed over to the 12 most influential individuals, all of whom played a massive role in the outcome of the war. Due to the vast size of the planet, maintaining connections between these 12 individuals on a regular basis over the years was no easy feat. Things were made even more complicated when each of them eventually formed their own kingdom; each were increasingly held up by the natural ensuring internal politics. Updates over the changing intentions and ambitions of the different kingdoms, if any, were not well communicated. And while the world is still experiencing an unprecedented pace of progression and peace, not much is known about any change of heart/s that could threaten the dissolution of the golden age.


The kingdom of Vadal was built right beside the Anduin wonder, also known as the obelisk of water magic. The first ruler of Vadel that was assigned to Auduin has ever since, been harnessed the energy it provides. An entity that harvests the energy of a wonder receives a massive boon of the element or magic type the wonder is associated with. And for as long as the core of the planet burns, the energy generated from these wonders are essentially boundless. Anduin allows its harvester to control and manipulate water, with water closest to the harvester capable of being utilized in devastating ways. This was one of the main reason why Vadal has always been difficult to penetrate for invaders across the centuries. More importantly, Anduin has transcended the teaching of water magic to an unparalleled level, and mages of Vadal are extremely adapt and creative with how they manipulate water. One of Vadal's historic moment, was that the young Uldin once conjured an immense tsunami from the sky, crashing down and wrecking an entire horde of over 10,000 eastern raiders. It was after that battle that Uldin was promptly crowned the 9th Archmage. The decision was initiated by Joakim the 8th, knowing that Uldin has surpassed what he was capable off, comfortable and knowing that The Golden Mystics - consisting of the a council of elite mages - is in good stead under the talent and brand new direction of Uldin. One of Uldin's notable achievement, is the successful implementation of an optional magic gauge litmus test targeted at children reaching the age of four. It is the kingdom's defense initiative at offering families to put up their sons and daughters through this test for free to identify world class potentials early. Then, it is on the onus of the parents, with subtle encouragement from the ministry of magic, to invest in their kid's potential.

Like many families beyond the elite class, parents would naturally do as best as they can to invest in their child when they passed the kingdom's magic litmus test. Alexander, was born to an upper-middle class family. He has lived a relatively comfortable life on a poor man's silver spoon. He topped his cohort with a comfortable buffer in front of the second best, and was shoved right into the Ashmore academy early on through endorsements of senior magic consuls. For the first few years, he did not need to try and could still easily hold onto his top spot. Then the academy eventually decided to combine the winter and summer intakes into one singular batch due to a periodic dip in birth rate, resulting in reduced class sizes. The first time Alex saw himself second in place to a girl called Melia, with her leading by a healthy score buffer, he literally thought:

Who the hell is this beast of a girl?

Alex is a sloth. By definition of a sloth, he is not lazy. He is anything but lazy. He just prefers to do and learn things at his own pace. All this while, he only needed his talent and modestly average effort to clinch himself the top spot. Now this Melia girl is threatening to cut off his free time that he would otherwise love to spend on his other exploratory hobbies. He was exasperated. He needed to reclaim the top spot, for it offers certain perks and benefits, like access to the restricted ancient scrolls and tomes on the academy's library, that would be seen by the rest of the students as luxury, but a basic necessity in the eyes of Alex. He was able to reclaim the coveted spot on the next semester's public release of result, but he had to share it with Melia - only because the both of them achieved the maximum possible score. That went on for the next few years. Alex learned the meaning of hard work for the first time the day he knew of Melia.

Alex was inducted into The Golden Mystics two months earlier than Melia did. He thought he finally shook her off for the first time in god knows how long, until he met her at the lobby two months on.

Great. Just when I thought I could finally make decent progress on my water-summoning magic fusion water golem project, you decided to show up!

Apparently, she requested for a two months induction delay due to some personal quest. He tried his best to mind his own progress, for it is now not so much about topping the scores. On hindsight, taking into perspective of the job that he is working on presently, fighting and comparing academic scores was so lame. Melia is still so lame for being obsessed with covering reports that he has already made, and handing them over to the Committee of Cardinals (CoC) in greater detail. Melia is so lame for wanting to clear monsters in a given area more than what was required. Why did she even bother doing so? Whenever Alex eradicated monsters in a region, he did it only because they were in his way from obtaining certain information that he needed. Melia was simply clearing them, because she wanted to.. beat his kill count? Of course, the committee did not see it from Alex's view. For a more detailed report offers more knowledge and as the cliché saying goes, knowledge is power. And ridding an entire area of monsters would pave a safer route for traders, informants and merchants heading to and from the kingdom.

Alex was less obsessed about statistics, because in the recent time, he found himself increasingly distracted by a latest side quest of his. Each and every mission that he set out for was logistically funded by The Golden Mystics . Every mission consist of an objective set out by the CoC, in which members of The Golden Mystics can bid to take up. When a member successfully completes a mission, he or she gains credit. Alex was very selective in the missions that he chooses - they needed to provide relevant information that would aid this discrete personal quest. For this very reason, Alex found it amusing that Melia would purposefully give him a look of smug on one instance, when one of the heads of the CoC praised her for her work when the both of them were present in the same room, discussing Melia's secondary follow up to Alex's original mission.

When Melia went away for about 18 months, Alex found himself a period of reinvigorating breather that he has not had in a long, long time. When she was away, he was able to shroud his tracks further the past 18 months. Up to the North of Vadal, some two months of horse ride away, unbeknownst to Alex himself, lies a sealed wonder. No one except the 12 founding members of the faction of the light knew the exact magic that veined through each of these sealed wonders - or at least, this was what was taught, or indoctrinated to every student of the academy. This knowledge has been kept tucked away, perhaps lost forever, as legend said that the 12 members did that because they felt the knowledge of these dark magics were best kept away for the peace of humanity. He went on this arduous journey not knowing what to expect, with the objective set by the CoC simply to 'Check state of region and report anomaly, if any.' Upon arriving, he felt an immense sense of unease. There was magic lingering in the air that he has never felt before. But the intensity of it, it felt.. familiar. Very familiar. It is the same intensity as he felt when he was given the opportunity to personally harvest the energy of Anduin as one of the processes and benefit of being inducted into The Golden Mystics.

Could this be one of the sealed wonders?
Why was I sent here?
Is there something the CoC has been keeping a secret away from the rest of the guild?


Alex ventured deeper into the eerie forest, but with caution. Then he found himself feeling a sudden splitting headache, his vision blurred, as he felt the very essence of him, being drained out of him at a stunning rate. His arms, weak and unable to perform any kind of incantation, his knees jellying. For the first time, he has never felt so vulnerable before. For the first time, he feared for his life. Soon, an apparition arose in front of him.

"Powerful, wasn't it? You can be capable of doing what I just did to you to anyone else, if you wish."

"I have just tested the depths of your mana reserve. You are.. one of a kind. I feel your potential. You can elevate the trajectory of siphoning magic to a level, never once witnessed before in the entire history of magic kind."

"This.. is this how sealed magics are like..?"

"Only say yes, and the knowledge is yours."

"What is it in, for you?

"I will be concise. I was one of the 12 Marshalls for the faction of the dark. After the war ended, your ancestors decided on sealing dark arts for good. In order to do so, they needed to sacrifice a soul for each of the wonders they intended on sealing. They picked the 12 strongest of us, who have mana reserve deep enough to act as a resilient medium to seal. My soul has been sealed to this wonder for over four centuries - all because they didn't believe in the morality of the dark arts. Ironically, they were the ones who condemned twelve souls to eternal lockdown. You. You as a descendant of the light faction, can act as a living vessel as I transfer this dark energy and knowledge that I have mastered about siphoning, imparting them all to you. Once I am able to release this contained energy in me, my soul will finally be released from this arcane jail and I can finally rest in peace. You on the other hand, obtain a long lost art. It's a win-win situation."

The decision was not made lightly, as Alex delved on the subject. The more the Marshall of Siphoning elaborated about the history of the War of equilibrium from his perspective, the more skeptical he became about the faction of the light. Eventually, he relented.


".. just an advice. Thread lightly and don't over exert yourself. For the magic itself will you consume you from within if you let it go beyond what you are capable of controlling. If you need wisdom, come back here to the Wonder of Sautha - The barren forest that has been drained off its life."

It has been 6 months since Alex dabbled into a magic form that possess a level of potential that was beyond his previous imagination. It excited him, but he could feel the transient side effects of it once in a blue moon - each time, he remembered the last words of the Marshall of Siphoning echo in his ears.

He lied in his report to the CoC of the event that transpired on that fateful mission. He had to for multiple reasons. Keeping this secret was beginning to bear a weight on his shoulders. It is especially untimely, now that Melia has recently returned from her little engagement honeymoon with a Paladin apparently, as he heard from gossips. His hired eyes and ears told him that Melia has recently been working on a potentially groundbreaking work, something about constellations. But it was not the top priority of his concerns, only because he still does not understand the full potential of the work that Melia has done, and that he was distracted in attempting to master and understand the new form of magic that has been bestowed upon him. He has been experimenting with magic fusion, a novel advancement in magic not previously done before - as he once tried doing before with attempting to infuse water magic into the summoning of a golem. He did not manage to complete that piece of work, thanks again to Melia, even though it showed promising progress. This though, if he could fuse the fluidity of water into this siphoning magic, he can create a new form of art which can essentially drain energy from an individual in the stealthiest of manner. His attention is now, on this new discrete project of his.
Shinta Sagara had to take a pit stop by Freehome when the sky was turning darker than it typically was at this time of the day. The impending storm looked like it was set to drag into the night, especially when it is the monsoon season. As annoying as it was that he has to delay his assignment by half a day, he has a soft heart for the rain, thunder and black skies. There was something alluring about the serenity veiled in an otherwise, chaotic weather phenomenal. Shinta was in his late twenties and was a young lieutenant of the of the 14th Archery Regiment of the kingdom of Archnoch - one of the two larger cities, until he was very recently reassigned to the 2nd Scouting Regiment, headhunted by the Regiment's Colonel after he impressed in the annual military games. His ability to sharpshoot with high accuracy from ridiculous distance coupled with his natural stamina, dexterity and stealth made him an ideal fit for the scouting profile. Presently, he has been assigned on a confidential scouting mission that required him to investigate a worrying flux of energy that was brewing beyond the outskirts of the kingdom.

Shinta made it through the village gates of Freehome, with the local guards letting him through without question as they recognized the allied crest that Shinta bore on his armour. He wasn't exactly familiar with the streets of Freehome, which was why he was thankful when a local villager directed him towards the village's nondescript lodging tavern. He got down off Flare, his trusty stallion of over 10 years, and guided him beneath a nearby sheltered stable.

"Good night, Buddy."

Flare responded with a single neigh, a swing of his head and a stomp on one of his hooves. He trusted him enough to leave him untied for the night, before he made his way into the tavern.

Shinta has always been in awe at how he could simply use the human language to communicate with Flare, even though it was a one sided affair. The very fact that Flare was able to understand him, was enough for him. He has poured his sorrows on numerous occasion to Flare when he could not find anyone else appropriate or willing to talk to. He has been one of his pillars of strength in life. Flare is uniquely intelligent and he has his eyes set on the creature long before he even got hold of him. His late father knew for quite a while how Shinta was so fond of Flare and wished he could have him. But Flare was exorbitantly expensive. An animal who was capable of comprehending human speech would never come cheap. Yet somehow, his dad managed to get Flare for him. He didn't know how. It must have costed a fortune or that he must have owed a huge favor to someone to actually make that happen, but it happened. Unfortunately, Shinta's father passed on five years ago. And the very thought of it brought a tear to his eye. Flare and his sheer intelligence always reminded Shinta of his late father.

The interiors of the tavern looked cozy and felt a lot warmer than the outside. The place was empty apart from the innkeeper by the front desk and a young blonde girl that was sat at a corner by a window, digging into what seemed like a bowl of fish soup.

Who orders seafood in this part of the country?

An involuntary smirk briefly surfaced on his face along with his random musing, in part, pitying what is likely a girl who is foreign to this place.

"Can I have a venison steak, medium rare, and a mug of ginger ale, please? And a room tonight."

"Aye aye. Haven't seen a storm like that in a while, mi-self. I'll be sure to get mi-chef to start your night here with us as warm as possible."

The innkeeper smiled, before taking his leave. Shinta placed his bow down by the side of his table and for a moment, the area was at peace, with a symphony of rain splattering furiously against the different building materials of glass window panels, brick walls and wooden beams, coupled with muffled winds howling against the surface on the outside and the occasional abrupt thunder.

That lasted for a good fifteen minutes or so before the innkeeper returned to serve Shinta up his requested meal. At the same time, a group of what looked like recent four footman in their early twenties, and based on their sigil, graduates of the esteemed military academy of Southspyre - the other major city of this territory allied to Archnoch military and trade wise. They were loud, and a little rowdy. It did not take long before they noticed the young and attractive Lana.

The big boys settled themselves by a table some distance away, gossiping amongst themselves, before they got up and approached Lana.

"Hey there, Gorgeous. Mind if we join?"

The boys already settled themselves in, before Lana can reply, with one of them sitting close, skin tight to her, his thighs pressing firmly against hers.

"You came alone? I suppose you're in luck since you have yourself here four trained boys who can escort you through the night in this part of the dingy and perilous countryside."

The boy that was closest to Lana was already taking the liberty. His one arm, casually coiled around her waist, tugging her nubile figure with a voluptuous front closer to the body of the much taller and broader lad.


"This is a wild punt, don't you think?"

"Careful now boy. Are you questioning the very man who has flawlessly kept the entire crew alive since our inception?"

"I have also noticed that you have began to drop the formalities of late when I roped you in to be an understudy of mine, Anthony."
"You're my understudy. As much as it is an honour for you, you're not officially my hand, or my vice-admiral for that matter."

"Do I need to make myself any clearer?"

"I-..I'm sorry, Sir."

Forty year old Vinicius Grey was the present admiral of the notorious post-war raiding space pirates, commandeering one of his ex-faction's flagship battlecruiser - BC Prometheus - that he has stolen. In the final days leading up to the destruction of two adjacent regional star systems, war has already resulted in massive casualties on both sides of the different warring factions. Death was inevitable for those that were involved unless one flees away from the maddeningly epicenter of the war. Unfortunately, the original admiral of BC Prometheus was a loyalist to their previous empire and insisted that the entire crew stood their ground against the final assault of the opposing empire faction. The majority of the crew members were however, disillusioned at the ex-admiral's blind faith and zealousness. That led to an uprising, led by none other than Vinicius himself. The munity lasted for just over an hour, before the ex-admiral was shot, and then ejected out into the cold void, along with a number of his other lieges that remained unwaveringly loyal to the ex-admiral. Since then, BC Prometheus under Vinicius's command has been surviving, if not, thriving, over the last three years since the end of the war of the stars.

The 88 remaining crews of BC Prometheus mainly consisted of a healthy mix of expertise including ex-soldiers, pilots, mechanics, scientist, medical staff, as well as miscellaneous back bone staff that held the morale of the band together. And if there was one distinctive feature about the crew members, it was that all of them were male. The influx of testosterones around the ship meant that the crew was quick to adjust to the climate of a new lawless world. With no reigning authorities left around to govern between the rights and wrong, the men harnessed the new found liberty and freedom to execute practically any kind of actions to help themselves survive, and even thrive in this new world order. Over time, ethical barriers were progressively blurred given that there were no longer lawful consequences to their actions. Operations included raiding surviving civilian colonies for resources, taking in women - which were becoming more of a priceless commodity in this age, and selling off remaining captured prisoners as slaves to other like-minded pirates and raiders over at makeshift trade outposts. Their increasing ruthlessness and brutality against the innocent people, who were commonly termed as the innocents, earned the crew of BC Prometheus the label of The Wandering Savagers.

The circumstance of the new world order meant that it was practically a dog-eat-dog world, and the notion of the survival of the fittest could not be a more apt description about the state of remaining societies all around the two warring star systems. In truth, there were not many societies left after the onset of the plasma-nuclear outbreak that occurred some three years back on that fateful day. Inter-star political tension meant that the lid to the pressure cooker simply could no longer contain the burgeoning heat. What happened next was humanity's descent to madness. Inter-star plasma-nuclear missiles were exchanged between the major powers. And within 48 hours, over half of inhabitants from both sides were wiped out from the face of their respective star systems, with two-thirds of the remaining initial survivors succumbing to the after effects of radiation over the coming months and years. Like the crew of BC Prometheus, a fortunate small fraction of the two stars' former inhabitants were smart enough to flee their respective systems before apocalypse sealed the fate of the two empires. For for the next three years, remaining survivors floated aimlessly around the peripheries of the two ruined star systems, unsure of what to do next, and where else they could permanently settle because the next habitable star system was at an unrealistic reachable distance, unless crew members were put into cryo sleep while the ships were set course to cruise towards the designated systems. And even if a crew decided to go with this option, most ships lacked the resources or capacity to last the ride.

These days, a lack of production capacity of the remaining survivors meant that more and more ships were looking to return to their respective stars in a bid to try to loot what was left as supplies, so they could get enough resources to establish themselves a permanent home somewhere.

That was where Vinicius Grey came in. The man wanted to acquire resources with minimum efforts and risks involved. And he figured that he could bank on the ambitious few who decided to return to the star system to start salvaging activities, make them work on his behalf, before he comes in with his crew to intercept. Cruiser ammunition was precious. And that was why he decided to direct his ship back to a particular space mine field that he remembered from three years back, which was set at a strategic bottle neck that led to the entrance of his previous star system.

Vinicius had commanded for his ship to be anchored and have the stealth mode turned on twenty-four seven, fueled by the solar energy of the main star. He, like the many smaller civilian commercial or raiding parties were aware that the space mines were by now dormant, and thus, was a relatively safe passage as long as the captain maneuvers the ship well. Vinicius had planned for his ship to hide in the shadows, waiting for oblivious mining and salvaging ships to pass, before intending to fire pulse cannons onto mines that any vessels were reckless enough to fly close to. Pulse energy was freely chargeable by solar power. And Vinicius had intended to trigger the more devasting anti-ship mines to finish the business for him.

The concerns raised by his understudy, eighteen year old Anthony Hart, was not unfounded. After all, they had been hiding in stealth over the last seven days with no movements nor actions. But Vinicius was a patient man. And as he had expected, fortune favours the bold. Moments after Anthony apologised for his apparent lack of respect for Vinicius's authority, radar signal picked up the movements of an incoming commercial vessel.

"It's a hell of a wild punt, boy."

"Hands to battle stations."

The pirate admiral smirked softly, before the rest of the crew by the cockpit came alive and alert. The wide screen display focused on the cruising vessel, zoomed in. Patiently, the entire cockpit waited in silence, expecting their admiral to call for the shot any single moment. They waited, and waited. Then eventually, opportunity presented itself. As the vessel looked to be pathing towards and in between two mines, he spoke. His fingers dragged and drew on the screen of his console right in front of him, which was then broadcasted onto the common wide screen.

"Focus pulses on the mines here and here."
"Fire in 5...4...3...2...1."

With that, BC Prometheus broke stealth and fired the long range pulse cannons towards the designated mine targets. The pulses landed right onto the mines bullseye right at the moment that the vessel passed by. What happened next, was Vinicius's gradually increasing laughter, his voice being the only one that sounded out around the vast cock pit. While the crew were all glad about the mission success, they knew better to restrain their reactions. The crew members, as they have learned over the years, grew increasingly fearful of the things Vinicius was capable of doing. None of them would risk wanting to drew the ire, or even unwarranted attention onto themselves for fear that they may be the next one under his ominous spotlight, to feel the wrath of his very volatile temperament.

"Move in towards the target. Get ready to commence resource extraction. Look out for any ejects and make sure they don't get away. We can't have informants spreading the message of our scheme."


It was going to be a long night ahead for Cpt. Christopher Grayheart. He had only just earlier stepped away from one of his testing rooms, this in particular, was intricately designed to bring back the aura of medieval ominosity. He realized there was something about the ambience that did special things to the minds of certain individuals, especially with his sixth subject, whom he had only just finished a routine session with. The sounds of her screams, cries and begging, still ringing fresh in his ears. He needed a drink to wash away the pitiful echoes that reverberated deep into his mind, refusing to be muffled out for as long as he remained sober.

"Did you break her well this evening?"

"Mmm hmm."

The bartender smirked, hand in one glass as he proceeded to wipe it dry.

"Good lad. You know I'll pay you well for a video, or even an audio snippet of the sorry state of the ex-lieutenant."

"It's classified, Miguel. You know it."

"Know that your tab is always on my house for as long as you keep her in that exquisitely sick labyrinth of yours. Remember Chris, you are doing good work for the betterment of our society."

Christopher could only manage a faint smile. 26 year old Lt. Leonie Simpson was the sixth test subject in which 51 years old Miguel, an ex-warrant officer, played a key role in ensuring that the lass ended up in Christopher's facility. The relationship between the two went way back. But in summary, there has been a longstanding bad blood between the duo and the ex-warrant had then became increasingly incensed at the officer, twice as young as he was, constantly making his life a wrecked. To guard his own sanity, the veteran pulled strings. In the end, Lt. Leonie, like most of the other female subjects in Chris's lab, were dubiously charged and sentenced to the high security prison of Graceland, and subsequently selected as a subject for Chris's project that was the talk of the base in recent times. When Miguel heard of the news, he was so delighted, he tendered his resignation to the military, and started his bar, located at a quaint corner, away from the heart of the hustle and bustle of the off-shore military facility. Miguel honestly thought there could be no sweeter ending to his military stint.

"I will keep that in mind."

Miguel clearly found much more joy than Christopher at the prospect of hearing a deserving subject scream. To Christopher, he did not enjoy the cries of his subjects because they were music to his ears. Rather, their cries were merely indications that his research was well on track. There weren't many people around in Graceland that he could discuss his work with, barring Miguel, since he was directly involved in the induction of subject six. Even so, due to the secrecy and confidentiality clause, Chris could only discuss about subject six to a limited extent with Miguel. Thus, Chris resorted to the whimpers of his female subjects as a form of indication that he was doing things right. He needed frequent reassurance. He needed them to scream. Louder. Often.


There were times Chris wondered if he should have chosen to remain with the combat units three years back when he was first offered a military research position. His superiors saw something in him. They reckoned that with his intelligence, coldness, eccentricity and ability to unravel the mind of another, he has the capabilities to push new frontiers, where others were uncomfortable with.

And true to his superiors' clairvoyance, he did. His project, what started as a simple pilot with subject (Jaw) one, turned out to be a success story. He was able to rewire the mind of a lunatic, into an efficient and effective, subservient servant of Graceland. He was able to create a killing machine out of a lunatic who had absolutely no prior military training - all within the span of just over two years and a half. Some may have thought it was a fluke. But when subjects two and four were beginning to show similar indications, the headquarters were motivated to inject a few more new subjects in recent times. The higher authorities were getting increasingly intrigued with Project (C)apture (R)etrain (Y)end into battlefield. The project was especially useful in a post-war world where manpower was scarce, where the majority of the earth's initial population has been wiped out from the face of the earth. It was difficult to get individuals specialized in certain niche, notably the ones that were unfavorable, to learn the trade willingly.

With subjects two and four expected to graduate from his laboratory in a few week's time, subject seven was shoved into his charge. The headquarters apparently wished for Chris to start producing a steady stream of graduands, and they wanted it faster. Once he was done with his drink on hand, he fumbled through the papers that contained the primary information of subject seven and inspected it, starting with her name.

Winona... Sky..?

The track back to his lab was uneventful, but it did not feel like that to him. His mind was bursting with a flood of thoughts, memories, emotions.

You're thinking much, Chris. Perhaps there is another Winona Sky out there.


When he arrived, his suspicion was mostly confirmed. The female figure that was sat in the middle of the orientation room on a high stool, hood over her head. He arrived just in time to hear the female figure's snobbish request for a cup of water, her demeanor growing increasingly familiar, much like the Winona that he knew from close to a decade back.

Christopher was beginning to feel things, very faintly, that he has never felt with his previous subjects. Was that a tinge of concern that he was feeling? After all, despite all the torment Winona has put him through all those years, in the depths of his heart, he felt something for her.

If only she was more ordinarily female back then. Less volatile. Perhaps things might have turn out different.

Chris had little time to think, yet too many questions left hanging.

This program is perfect for a woman like Winona.
But I loved her. At one point.
You will have a lot to answer for if you reject this subject.
She will be broken beyond repair. Underneath that rebellious façade is a girl who is vulnerable and lonely for most of her life, having come to a foreign land and the circumstance of her family.
Don't do this.

This new world order could use one less brat like her, and one more useful civilian.

He did not presently have answers to the flood of thoughts. Instead, he picked up a voice distorter - one of the many gadgets stocked up in a singular shelf by the corner of the orientation room. He fit the the mouth piece over his mouth and attached the speaker output to one side of his belt, beneath his white doctor's coat.

"The subject is not poised correctly, Corporals."

"Please could you two readjust her cuffs and have her wrists cuffed behind her back. Leave us once you are done."

The distorted voice of Christopher sounded low and ominous, purposefully set on a frequency that sounded eerie and non-human, mostly devoid of treble. He figured as he tried to reason between his alter egos, he could, in the meantime, continue to keep his identity shrouded from Winona for a little longer, just in case.

The guards readjusted the cuff as instructed, before the sounds of bootsteps making their way to the exit suggested that only Wind and the enigmatic man beyond the hood over her head was left in the room. The shuffling of his leather shoes clucked against the concrete floor, with a trail of echo forming after each step. Then, without warning, a thick steel collar was latched onto Wind's neck, the magnetic lock by the back, activated and snapping shut, followed by a a beep that suggested that the device, seemingly electronic, was being turned on.

The next moment, what felt like the tip of a thin, slick wooden cane - or bamboo - started threading ever so sensually along one side of her facial cheek, slowly directing to her lips after she attempted to cuss at him, in figurative gesture.

"In this military institute, there is a certain strict adherence to protocol when speaking to someone of a higher authority. Needless to say, when making a request. I get a sense that you must have heard how that goes by now since you were being transported over. Would you be so kind to give it another try, Ms Sky?"
"The fuck you know about my throat? Got me this far, didn't it?"
"It got you a hood above your head and your hands in cuffs. I don't think you are doing as well as you think, porcelain."

"What would you know about my throat?"
Chris could not contain a snigger when Winona persisted. He kept silent, and instead removed the scissors from her bottom, not eliminating it out of sight, but dropping it onto the metal table just beside with a loud clang. He needed the symbolic object to be lying around within glimpse to constantly remind him that Winona deserved this, to help tuck the rest of the memories of the better days that he had with Winona into dusty shelves that would otherwise, distract him from his main task.

Nobody has ever brought Chris on a roller coaster ride so high and so low at the same time.



The man was raging on the inside that fateful evening that he was cuffed, taken into the fortified police van. Winona was insane.

She was fucking insane.
What right did she have in trying to determine his own future on his behalf? She was not even family - well, perhaps she could have been if she had not been the lunatic that she has proven herself to be one too many times with her latest antics.

Winona came to him precious when they first met. It made him want to shelter her, to protect her, from all the harsh and cruel elements of the world. Unbeknownst to him, his years of gentle tending to Winona was ironically, the very reason how he sealed his own bleak fate of his existence. Somehow along the way when puberty hit, she started taking advantage of his kindness for her. It did not help that Chris being the slightly older and more matured figure of the pair preferred to practice patience, that this was just a phase that hormonal Winona was going through. Winona never got better, only more brazen. And what did Christopher get in return for being gracious? A prison sentence that would effectively end his life, as for a man who thrives on novelty and the freedom pursue life's offerings, captivity was the death of him.


Christopher emerged with his forehead bruised by the end of the trip to the police station, with a broken window to the state owned vehicle, and an additional pending charge for damaging government property.

"I know all about your throat, alright."

"I know the words that came out of it has brought pain to the people you love, that I am sure."


Christopher's hands could be heard rummaging through a massive bag, that was probably filled with a multitude of objects within judging from the sounds that were being made.

Eventually, the distinctive sound of a device cocking could be heard, confirming just what the man was holding onto just beyond the hood over her head.

Click. BANG. Clink, clink, clink.

Click. BANG. Clink, clink.

Christopher fired two rounds, one on each side of her, inches away from her ears, each ended with a used round dropping down onto the concrete ground.


The man then pressed the muzzle of the gun right at the spot that she offered a smile of smugness just moments earlier, lodging the metal tip ominously beyond her lips. He semi-gyrated the muzzle left-right, right-left, rinse repeat, in an attempt to dig it deeper as much as the tension of the leather hood would allow. His index finger off the trigger, stretching and resting onto the barrel of the weapon.

"... is your mouth as physically aggressive as it is verbally aggressive, porcelain?"

"You like to make a point. Go on, then. Impress me now. Suck it."

"Remember to be gentle. This pistol isn't the newest. Not sure if the cocking device would react negatively to a jerk too sudden."
x (WB Thread)

"I have seen this before."

Frederick Grey took a few steps forward, inspecting the fresh flames that were engulfing a few sites up along the desolated street of the ghost town of St. Pierre. The man was the ringleader of a band of notorious post-war raiding nomads. The gang mainly consisted of ex-soldiers, who first came together and quickly found themselves adapting to the climate of a new lawless society. With no reigning authorities left around to govern between the rights and wrong, the men harnessed the new found liberty and freedom to execute practically any kind of actions to help themselves survive, and even thrive in this new world order. Over time, ethical barriers were progressively blurred given that there were no longer lawful consequences to their actions. Operations included raiding surviving civilian colonies for resources, taking in women - which were becoming more of a priceless commodity in this age, and selling off remaining captured prisoners as slaves to an increasingly blossoming underground network of the dark societies. Their increasing ruthlessness and brutality against the innocent people, who were commonly termed as the innocents, earned the group the label of The Wandering Savagers.

The circumstance of the new world order meant that it was practically a dog-eat-dog world, and the notion of the survival of the fittest could not be a more apt description about the state of societies all around the planet. In truth, there were not many societies left after the onset of the nuclear outbreak that occurred some five years back on that fateful day. Global political tension meant that the lid to the pressure cooker simply could no longer contain the burgeoning heat. What happened next was humanity's descent to madness. Intercontinental nuclear missiles were exchanged between the major powers of the world. And within 48 hours, over half of Earth's formal inhabitants were wiped out from the face of the earth, with two-thirds of the remaining initial survivors succumbing to the after effects of radiation over the coming months and years.

The fresh flames on the fire sites along the street were obviously started deliberately by someone, given that the town was otherwise completely deserted. But when Frederick noticed hints of familiar portable cannisters of fuel peeking from beneath each of the fire sites, he knew who started it.

"She's here, boys."

Those were the exact cannisters consisting of flammable liquid producing extremely noxious gas when burned, that he saw the last time The Ghost of Liberty completely foiled one of their clutch mission some two years back. It was back then, the trick that she used to create a decoy, drawing his forces away from their base site, and out into the wilderness, meticulously exposing them to gas agents that were released simultaneously by the fire sites, poisoning the forward parties to their death. The Ghost singlehanded killed just over half of the 140 original members of The Wandering Savagers. Frederick has since then, bore the most hateful of grudge against the enigmatic Ghost, especially since the members that passed included his beloved younger brother - the only family member that he had left.

The Ghost of Liberty
was a nicknamed bestowed upon a certain vigilante. In the lawless new world, The Ghost was one of the few beacons of light respected by the innocent and hated by raiders that were looking to exert their influence over the new world like The Wandering Savagers. Nobody knew who The Ghost of Liberty was, apart from a known fact that The Ghost was a she. She was cunning, and an extremely skilled and stealthy combatant.

It has been a while since The Wandering Savagers clashed with The Ghost of Liberty. But Frederick was a very learned man and shrewd tactician. He has always endeavored not to repeat any mistakes made. For two years, Frederick has waited for an opportunity to exert his revenge. He has studied the missions that The Ghost has interfered in the past and noted that she was only ever present when the missions involved capturing and the trafficking of innocent people, with the death of half of his band happened on their latest civilian capture outing. Since then, opportunities for capturing stranded innocent packs dwindled for the obvious reason that the odds were stacked against these scattered individuals. That was why when The Wandering Savagers managed to track a camp of innocents - the first since their last nightmare outing - he knew the opportunity has finally presented itself. He trusted that The Ghost will be present. And he has highly suspected that at least a member within his midst must have been leaking intel for The Ghost after noticing that she was always flawlessly one step ahead of him in previous failed, or partially foiled missions.

Frederick had announced his intention to raid St. Pierre after his scouts reported signs of innocents, to his pack a week before. He was banging on his intuition that his word would be spread out in time by the informant for The Ghost to prepare herself and be present on the designated day of mission.

What Frederick has not mentioned to the most of his pack however, was that he has already set out with a trusted inner circle of five other men, worked tediously on setting up traps on and around St. Pierre before he made the announcement. The traps were kept offline and intended for them to be turned on only on the day of operation. And unbeknownst to the rest of the pack, his inner circle has prepared anti-gas masks for the forward party to fit on, on the day of the mission. Oblivious to the informant and The Ghost, this mission was never about capturing the innocents, but rather, a bait designed specifically to trap and capture The Ghost herself. It would have been too late by the time the pair had realise what was going on.

"Joel. Activate the traps online."

"Affirmative, Boss."

Frederick smirked, before a series of a hundred human head sized sentry drones suddenly emerged from beneath the thick piles of snow on every visible patch of snow, near and far, all around them, as they started hovering up above the ground, before they began dispersing in synchrony over different heights, towards different angles and directions. The heat sensor reliant drones swiftly spreading out to cover the vicinity, seeking out distinct heat signatures that were not attenuated by the anti-gas masks that the band was wearing.

"I'm coming for you, Ghost."


Cold, grey light poured in through the open apartment windows, spilling pass torn curtains and windows with broken glasses, out across dark floorboards. Outside the sky was charcoal, a perpetual cloud hanging over the blackened cityscape; the textbook image of a nuclear winter. And then there was the threat of darkness looming as the sun was fast setting towards the horizon.

The ex-third sergeant and recon specialist knew he was running against time in his latest resource run. Having spent almost his whole life working in the wilderness during his military career, his undergraduate days, and running back as far as his childhood where his family used to live near a canyon, his decision to pursue his field of study of Natural Geography has turned out to be a colossal one on hindsight. Years of practicing the many survival skills as kept him going and still well alive over the last three years. Then again, there were times when he wondered that in this harsh new world, would it have been better off for him if he was a Deadman? Periodically, the man had thought to himself that perhaps the luckiest people were the ones who were decimated within seconds right at the epicenter of any of the nuclear missiles that detonated on that fateful day, the day that changed the world.

The day as a whole has been pretty underwhelming, and he has not managed to find as much supplies as he had hoped for. The outer circle of the ghost city of St. Pierre as it turned out, was starting to run dry after it has been looted by not just himself, but many others like him over the last three years since the wars of the world began. He could hypothetically attempt to breach the inner circle of the ghost city. But it was presently infested by a certain species of abomination that mysteriously began to emerge a few months after a missile detonated at the heart of the metropolitan landscape.

He was not entirely sure, but it was highly suspect that the lingering radiation had a part to play in mutating the DNAs of the unfortunate innocents that did not die immediately from the nuclear impact. He has got a hunch that the city centre is resource rich. But there was going to be a high price to pay should he decide to try his luck against the monstrosities that people of the new world termed them as The Grievers.

"Fuck. Why do I even bother with this run today? It's not like I am real short on supplies at the moment."

Mattias groaned, attempting to reassure himself as he leaned back against the cracked beige walls. He wondered when he'd started to talk to himself. When the sound of his own voice became such a comfort. A reminder that he was still alive, that he existed. His head lolled back to rest against the drywall, eyes slipping closed as he turned his face up to the ceiling. Then, he took a deep. He wiped his clammy hands against the dark wash of his pixelated white and grey army pants that he thought was a great loot after encountering a stash of military supplies by an abandoned cargo truck, tucked into the black of his combat boots, and turned to resume his search through the apartments.


Stepping out into the hallway, Mattias shook his head to clear his thoughts. When, out of the corner of his eye... something moved in the dark. Mattias's hand instinctively clamped down around the handle of his shot gun, as he slung it off his back. He had hoped to conserve what little ammunition that he has left - two shotshells remaining. Once expanded, he only has a woodcutting axe left by his belt to rely on as his only other functional weapon. Taking a step further into the wide corridor of the apartment, his pulse picking up a little, his shotgun raised, pointing towards the cluttered front.

Was someone there?
x @Intrusive (RT)
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Added a very exciting RP development - Group roleplay on discord! Refer to the edited main thread, section entitled Special Event: Discord Group Roleplay (**New**) for more details!
As nightfall approaches and the rain begins to pelt, the only structure within vicinity of two hundred miles is a beacon of solace, despite its ominosity.
Propelled by the gathering winds that only seem to be pushing you towards its direction,
you find yourself stumbling into...


...The Pandemonium Tavern.

.............................................................................................................. View attachment 19592 View attachment 19593
"The beauty of a storm lies in a certain tranquility that resides within its chaos."

✰ Recent updates ✰

| ** Latest ** |
• 1 new dystopian and SoL writing samples.
• Thread renovation.

| * Recent Past * |
• 1 new fantasy, 1 SoL, 1 post-apoc ideas.
• A few new writing samples with some ideas not previously listed.
• Updated my bio below!
• Slight preferences tweak.

✔✔ Current Status - Looking to/for:

• Something grand and long term.
• 60:40, 50:50, 40:60 smut to plot.
• Create a new world, charged with psychological elements, filled with complex personalities and dynamic relationships.
• Players who are well-versed with introspective posts.
Competition and power play - from lighthearted banters to feisty fights.
• Psychological depth.
• Good chemistry on and off play. Try me. I don’t bite. 🤗
Blind plotting workshop: I am versatile and open to SoL, fantasy or sci-fi. If you like the vibe of my RT, I’d like to hear of a concise idea from you, or a word bank of your present cravings. I’ll return the favour by adding my flavour on top of your work. Let’s craft something from scratch that we can truly call it our own. You may use some of my ideas or writing samples as inspiration. However, I’m especially keen on novelty right now!​

✔✔ What I can offer

• 1-7 replies a week, depending on real life schedule (Volatile RL schedule).
• 400 to 2500+ words, averaging 700 to 1200. (Situational).

• Discord, PMs preferred. Threads need persuasion; advanced only.
• Open to quick fire (Preferably over discord)
• Honest communication.
• Ghost-friendly; but I'd deeply appreciate if you'll say a play/discussion is not/no longer working for you. No hard feelings. A closure is nice instead of leaving things hanging!

What I hope from my partner ✔✔

• Considerable and persistent effort with world and character building on a regular basis.
• Proactive approach in introducing new materials on a regular basis rather than only reacting to my content.
• Willingness to communicate OOC if things need clarification, or if you feel something needs change, instead of keeping silent.
• Approach me with something thoughtful and comprehensive!
• My creativity scales with your input. The more comprehensive you are with expressions of thought; lore of the world; constant introduction of new avenues to explore, the more materials I can conjure in return.
Read next section carefully!
*Bonus*: If you love a good OOC banter and/or the occasional life talk out of the play, I reckon we will hit off to a good start!

More about me

View attachment 19605

"It's cold outside. Fancy a chatter and some apple cider?"

• Straight male in my mid 30s.
• Natural dom, but recently taken a liking for switch roles.
• Roleplaying for the past 22 years or so!
• Ex-MMORPG fanatic. (Miss gaming - Adulting sucks.)
• Big Wolverhampton Wanderers fan since I was 15. (4am match? No problem!)
• Semi-pro vocalist.
• PhD holder - I can read brains!

Of messaging and roleplaying with me.
For first time messages, if you drop me a one-liner, regurgitate my material or provide insufficient materials to work with, I will find it difficult to get back to you with anything inspirational. And even though I have indicated, I'm still getting a fair share of this. If I do not reply, it is likely because I think we probably might not be a good match. Please do not take this personally! If I do need to go on hiatuses from time to time, I will inform OOC when I need to be away for a bit.

I am particularly seeking partners to assist with story, world and character building throughout the play, because I do sometimes find myself exhausted if I am doing most of the heavy weight lifting. I am hoping for proactive responses, not reactive responses, or my muse/interest over time will indubitably be affected. I do still try to entertain and accommodate as much as I can. If things do not work out, we can keep a play short term.

Please, please read my writing samples to get a sense of what I am expecting. I may ask for your writing sample in return if I feel like I am in the grey. I will be upfront and honest and say that extended periods of posts with limited depth will not keep my interest going for long. I could not keep a number of plays going because of this. I understand that there are bound to be high and low points in a roleplay, but I need to see some evidences of potential for me to keep investing myself. I prioritise quality in the form of novelty and depth. I don't expect you to match my length. But I will never say no to an infusion of quality with quantity!
If you are open to discord.
Presently favoring discord roleplays because it is just much neater to structure complex plays on a server with multiple channels for the actual play, supporting materials and OOC. OOC chatter is also much more streamlined and that makes it a conducive environment. Also, there will be days that I can be available for quick-fire (post length not compromised), and discord is just perfect for live play.
My roleplaying style.

I do strongly like the use of visuals to help emphasize actions, emotions, and with the setup of the environment to elevate the immersive-ness of a play. I am fine with the use of both real life and animated images or gif, although I'd lean towards animated medias for fantasy and sci-fi plots, only because it is more congruent and does not break the immersion of a fictional world.

I am generally adapt at
freeform roleplaying. Which means, apart from the general premise, I prefer not to have too many conditions set prior to the onset of the play. I enjoy a play most when there is an element of unpredictability, twists that would truly rattle the flow of a story. My characters and world are dynamic, and it grows fluidly with the play. I tend to let everything pan out spontaneously on a post-to-post basis.

A sizable portion of my posts usually include
character introspection and the exploration of psychological elements. I enjoy world/character building and watching your and my creations evolve over time.

I am entirely happy to listen to recommended variations to any of my plots below,
and even better, your own original ideas if you believe I will be keen. I crave different perspectives, so I get to revel in new experiences free from my own biases. Strange as it may sound, I actually prefer to play out something that deviates (but remain relevant) from the materials I have provided in my own thread. Thus, I am open to brain storming from scratch. So please indulge me in the next Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones or The Witcher world setup or the likes! For I am still suffering from a bit of a withdrawal.

Special Event: Discord Group Roleplay

**Note: Discord group is now inactive. If you do have a discord play group of your own, feel free to drop me a PM for an interest check on my side. I am open to the prospect of playing in an established/promising server.
Currently, I am involved in a group roleplay with a small group of BM members. This entirely spontaneous idea evolved from the founder's idea. Please do check out her thread for more detail. But in summary, we envisioned a world centered on a lake house where we have multiple players roleplaying concurrently. Every player has the ability to change the world as well as the relationship dynamics across the different players. This is a very ambitious attempt. But we have managed to get it kickstarted.

There is currently a discord server for this, with an array of channels corresponding to characters' biographies, as well as the different rooms of this lake house, and the surroundings around it, where players can choose to use the various rooms for their roleplay needs. Players can request to extend the boundaries of this world by pitching new channels. In this server, we aim to make the world as flexible and alive as possible - the sky is the limit.

Please bear in mind that post quality matters and is still expected, as per the norms of the BM forum. We don't expect novellas or advance lit, although that is certainly a plus. But there needs to be a certain level of substance in terms of details and descriptions, as well as the ability to contribute to a play evenly by injecting fresh ideas regularly for your partner/s to work with. You should have a personal request thread and/or one or two writing samples that can be referred to, just so we can see if you are the right fit for the discord community, and that we do not end up disappointing one another due to a mismatch in post expectations.

Finally, because this is a community, you do need to also be adaptable and flexible with your expectations. Whilst we try to maintain a certain level of quality, there would still be a spectrum. You can choose to work specifically with a few members rather than everyone, although at some point, it is likely that YC will have at least some limited, cordial interaction with the rest of the players.

💡◦◦ Present Ideas ◦◦ 💡

View attachment 29186**For Retired Ideas, please refer to 2nd post, page 1 of RT. Note that I may still be open to playing out retired ideas.
*Disclaimer: While the majority of my ideas are original, some are actually spin-offs of ideas from fellow BMers which I thought are compelling. So if you do see something vaguely familiar, know that you have inspired me with the variation/s I proposed.

*Advisory: I have classified each of my plots into the respective SoL, Fantasy and Sci-fi categories. But with a bit a finesse and mental gymnast, some of these ideas can actually be fit into another category. My ideas focus on concepts so if you like the sound of a certain plot but wish for it to be held in a different universe, feel free to pitch that to me.

View attachment 27948 = Craving

•━━Gift courtesy of @Retrojapan━━•
×× ◦◦ ×× Slice of life ×× ◦◦ ××

(*New*) View attachment 27948
Primary themes: Adultery, consent progressing through a spectrum, M x M x F
Possible themes: Gangbang, Bondage, Psychological despair, Blackmail, Cuckolding, Dark


NSFW Reference gif 1
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NSFW Reference gif 3

She has her life all set right ahead for her - popular girl amongst her peers, gorgeous to the envy of people, stellar academic record from a top university, dreamed job lined up for her, now newly engaged. She has often been told that her fiancé has been the luckier of the two in their relationship. That was true to a certain extent. The man is a good lad, has a decent future lined up for himself, one of the nicest guys around. Otherwise, he was pretty much ordinary.

Then out of nowhere, came an enigmatic third party. The man is a mystery, but so much of him seemed intriguing. He is suave, confident, unafraid to reach for the seemingly impossible, and naturally, arrogant. After being acquainted, the man found himself taking a fancy for her. This will be a story about three main characters, the initial blossoming of a couple's relationship, that eventful U-turn, and the subsequent downward fall of the relationship, as the three characters will encounter issues of insecurities, doubts, obsession and temptation.

How far will the man be willing to go to get his hands on the lady? Will she remain steadfast to her fiancé, or will she be drawn to the other man who would turn into an asshat jock that was simply looking to wreck a relationship, before discarding her on when he had his fun? To what levels of depravity would the man corrupt her to? Or will she find herself getting into a more enriching relationship with the new man who turns out to be genuinely, a much better guy, and realised that she actually can do much better? How will the fiancé struggle with increasing suspicions? Will he eventually confront, or does he hate confrontation and instead, watch his girl continuously cheat on him behind the shadows, all the while with her being completely oblivious that she has already been caught red handed?

Primary themes: Teasing, Sexual tension
Possible themes: Consensual, Dub-con, Adultery

NSFW Intro Image Reference

MC is a fresh grad high flyer who eventually regretted his decision to do a 3 years long term contractual rent of an entire apartment situated at the heart of a buzzing district to himself after settling into his new job. The new found fortune of his high paying job made him reckless at the beginning. But he eventually realise that the lifestyle is simply unsustainable. He decided to sublet the apartment to someone, anyone, who is willing to half his rental cost. He was initially very reluctant, knowing a lot is at stake for doing this, but was pleasantly surprised when YC (maybe a college student, or another fresh grad - discuss) approached him. This is a story of MC and YC getting to know each other right from the start as complete strangers initially. Since they are both attractive but cautious individuals, the process of knowing each other can go on a moderate burn. There will be a lot of teasing involved at the beginning, whether they were meant to be accidental or not, which will brew the tension between the two over time. Perhaps there were psychological barriers or circumstance (MC was already in a relationship, albeit a very shaky one) that prevented any move from being made. But eventually, the pressure cooker was bound to break.

Primary themes: Sandbox, Photography, Videography
Possible themes: Bondage, Teasing, Gangbangs, Deprivation, Denial

NSFW Intro Image Reference

She has done some casual modelling for him for a few months. He thought she was demure, classy, yet sexy, which fit well into his catalogue for swimwear, 16-25 fashions. It pays a decent amount, but not a lot. They started off with a professional relationship. Over time, she has trouble paying for her rent and college fees and she was eventually comfortable with talking more about herself, letting him know about her circumstance during a casual exchange. He then mentioned that he has a couple other projects that pays a lot more. He promised no sex would be involved, yet just lingerie, Kink fashion, bondage gear.

They agreed to do a couple of shoots, with no funny business to lure her in, the money is great so she agreed to do a little more, then a little more.. until one day, he brought her to an unexpected orgasm. She realized by now that she was incredibly comfortable with this photographer, and she was terrified, but also intrigued at the prospect of what and where he could take her to into this increasingly intimate relationship. Perhaps she even has a boyfriend, which would introduce a new dimension of psychological stress and guilt.

Primary themes: Consensual
Possible themes: Flirting, Teasing, Romance, Adultery

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He and she are young adults whom just recently graduated from college, and has been planning this trip since high school (or junior school) years. They have known each other for quite a long time, far longer than any other friends, boyfriends and girlfriends that they knew. They were so compatible. But for whatever reason/s, they never ended up with one another.

Now, they figured they really needed this breakaway to just escape away from their realities for just the next 1-3 months. When they informed their their families, they vaguely mentioned that they intend on going for a solo retreat to rediscover themselves, and would appreciate if they left him and/or her alone for the duration.

To complicate things further, one, or perhaps both of them were already attached to someone else at the time that they embarked on this mysterious little trip.

The pair started off with the impression that this trip was going to be strictly platonic, having known each other for so long - or at least, the girl for the most part. But tension was bound to brew when both the male and female were highly desirable, and entangled in close proximity for an extended period of time.

Primary themes: Adultery, Dub/Non-consensual
Possible themes: Bondage, Teasing, Photocentric, Videocentric, Gangbangs

NSFW Intro Image Reference

She wanted to surprise her boyfriend over the Christmas break. With her having access to his apartment, she sneaked her way in, stripped down, and bounded herself to his bed. Unbeknownst to her, he needed to head back home abruptly for the break the night before. He did not have the opportunity to inform her due to a massive winter storm that disabled communications for an extended period of time.

At the time that he made to decision to leave, he was with his best mate, who coincidentally could use a temporary place to stay for the duration winter break, having recently been in dispute with his landlord. As such, he left his keys to his best mate for the weeks to come. When he eventually arrived at the lavish apartment of barely a year old, he felt smug and delighted at the opportunity to that he seized for himself to allow him to indulge in an experiential treat of the high-life that his richer mate was been living for pretty much his entire life. Turning his head to the corridor, he then spotted the door to the master bedroom slightly ajar. A streak of light crept pass the opening. It was unusual, given then he knew his best mate to be the thriftiest of individuals, who ensured that he turned off all lights and appliances whenever they were not in use.

Primary themes: Non-consensual, thriller, dark
Possible themes: Gangbang, Bondage

YC decided to treat herself on a solo holiday after graduating whilst awaiting for college to start. She managed to do so after convincing her parents that she is old enough to care for herself. She planned for herself, a trip into nature, a cabin situated at the heart of scenic nature, located miles from the nearest town, thus making it the perfect accommodation for one to blend in with nature, with the cabin serving as the only source of modern comfort within vicinity. It is likely an airbnb. The owner built it himself, but doesn't ever live there. He met YC in town to pass her the keys, and also explained to YC that she should drop the keys back in his residential apartment's mailbox after she was done for the 7 days booking. Typically, the cabin served as a romantic getaway. It requires some drive beyond the outskirts of the city. Alternatively, it is also perfect for artistic individuals who need some sort of breakaway to get inspiration for their work. Even after parking her drive by the stony open space, YC needed a good 20-30 minutes hike before she could get to the cabin.

No one else lives within the vicinity, thus making the airbnb appealing for the maximum privacy it offers. Unfortunately, YC's car caught the attention and curiosity when it took a turn into a stone path that was not commonly used. The other car has been following some distance behind during the earlier drive. In the car, was 1-5 men (discuss), had gone through rounds of pre-drinks. It eventually reversed and decided to take on the path that YC's took some minutes later, because there are not many better ideas out there during a night's out that involves venturing into the dark wilderness.

×× ◦◦ ×× Sci-Fi ×× ◦◦ ××

Primary themes: Horror, Non-consensual
Possible themes: Aliens, Monsters, Mutants, Tentacles, Otherworldly phenomenon
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She is a brilliant 21-25 year old fresh science graduate, fortunate enough to secure herself an employment with an esteemed interstellar biodiversity research institute. She was assigned to a small team of other researchers onto a candidate planet some 745 light years away from Earth. Typically, an armed escort team would come along an expedition. The native threat level is unknown due to the vast distance of the planet away from Earth, causing pre-mission recon scans to be low-resolution. HQ deemed the expedition too high risk. But her team leader was extremely tempted by a few planetary properties from the recon scan that looked extremely promising. This planet seemed like a rare diamond mine - habitable without the need for terraform. Against organizational directive, her team lead authorized the trip discreetly.

She and her team arrived on planet GL-52103, after a few Earth months, using a warp drive attached to the expedition ship. Upon arriving, the landscape looked serene - too serene in fact. The expedition lead thought his discovery would finally get him the retirement payout. The team settled down on a makeshift camp to do the routinely environmental profiling. Things were looking smooth, until the 15th day. Sarah, another female intern just a few years younger than her, went missing on a routine scouting assignment. By the end of the 3rd week, three other team members went missing as well. Franticness eventually set in. The expedition lead decided to abort mission. On the night of the evac, an unforeseen class-5 lightning storm occurred, bringing along a massive fog. In the midst of the evacuation mess, she was left behind, as the evacuees could not locate her given the poor visual condition. The ship was at risk of being damaged if it remained grounded throughout the storm. The lead took the painful decision to lift off without her to limit casualties. She managed to find herself a natural shelter to weather through the storm. But she knew, she was on her own, for now. At least, she thought her team will eventually come back for her when they regroup back on Earth and initiate the next rescue mission.

Oblivious to her however, the expedition lead decided to erase all records of this mission, along with the coordinates of this planet. He was the one who filed the go-ahead for this mission without proper authorization. If this series of unfortunate turn of events were to be reported to the higher authorities, he will be in a whole lot of trouble. So she remained on this foreign planet, hopeful of an imminent rescue that will never happen.

×× ◦◦ ×× Post-apocalyptic dystopian world ×× ◦◦ ××

(*New*) View attachment 27948
Primary themes: Consensual/Dub-consensual, Drama, Survival
Possible themes: Romance, Gangbangs, Mutants, Harem, Love triangles
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This premise takes place in a post-war, post-apocalyptic setup. The new world was plagued with the effects of nuclear fallout as well as radiation in places, resulting in strange mutations and the genesis of abominations never previously existed. Only a tiny fraction of Earth's former inhabitants was left well and alive. But most were scattered, trying their best to survive in a new lawless world, where resources were scarce and healthy humans no longer formed the majority of living population on the planet.

This is going to be a story about YC and MC first chancing upon each other as survivors. Various personality combinations could be discussed and played out, but my initial vision was for YC to be an independent, intelligent, but frankly, quite a brat of a character. MC is strong, egotistic and arrogant, which makes it difficult for the pair to thrive with one another. But against the harshness of the new world, the duo may stand a better chance by trying to learn to live with one another instead of heading their separate ways. Over time, a budding relationship can develop. New characters may chance upon the pair in time, which may, or may not threaten to shift the relationship dynamics within the group. There will be tension, emotional roller coasters. I expect complex relationships to be formed over time with new characters being introduced. This could end up as a harem, or intense love triangles, a cohesive, or disjointed party of survivors - the possibilities are boundless!

Primary themes: Non-consensual/Dub-consensual
Possible themes: Bondage, Humiliation, Gangbangs, Forced, Mutants

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It was the year 2097. Earth was desecrated, as it was now turned into a post-apocalyptic world where the concept of law and order was that of the distant past. It has been just over five years after the war of the world ended. Only a tiny fraction of the Earth's formal population survived the effects of the mass nuclear fallout. Now, survivors have to deal with drastic alteration to the weather climate, alien changes to the environment and the increasing frequency of unexplained phenomena. A lady managed to seek shelter and solace under a company of ex-soldiers, who managed to setup a makeshift camp at the heart of a ruined, once metropolitan city. She could have arrived alone, or that she arrived at the camp with her partner, or a small group of friends, who would make little difference to the impending fate of her. With society ungoverned, it was only a matter of time before the darkest of thoughts surface to reality.

×× ◦◦ ×× Fantasy ×× ◦◦ ××

(*New*) View attachment 27948
Primary themes: Sandbox
Possible themes: Enemies to lovers; Love x Hate, Dark Romance, Monsters, Adventure
**Note: This is not so much a plot idea, but the introduction of a character, whose backstory can be used for a plethora of fantasy plot ideas. Happy to brainstorm on this one.

The world does not change unless you take matters into your own hands.

Karius Grayhart had a difficult childhood. Born as the 7th child of an impoverished family, he was often neglected by parents and siblings because it was practically a dog-eat-dog situation within the family. Food was scarce and he was forced to rely on scraps. Then, war struck, and completely decimated his family and many of the closest friends that he knew. He was six years of age. One time, he was being ambushed by a band of thugs who figured Karius as an orphan could be sold as a slave for gold. But the kid with his eagle eye, managed to pick up a few conjuring tricks after having sneaked into a local elementary magic school everyday previously to observe older initiates train from a dark corner since he was four. He was able to burst two of the bandits into flames, but looked set to be overwhelmed by five other bandits fast approaching, until they imploded inches before they could reach Karius. Karius knew that he was not his doing - he wasn't that powerful. That was when he realised from the corner of his eyes, came a mage looking in his late forties, approaching him. The mystery wizard was normally a recluse and preferred to stay out of the politics of the world, and would have otherwise left Karius to die because he believed in letting nature takes its cause. But he spotted immense talent in Karius, thus in an unlikely decision, decided to step in and take him in as his initiate.

Over the years, his harsh upbringing meant that he needed to make a way for himself. His whole life has galvanized him, turning him into a gritty, independent man. Otherwise, he has grown to be cold, aloof and brutally ruthless, knowing that the world does not stop to wait or care for anyone. Selfishness was the only way to survive in this present world. Karius was blessed with a sharp mind and has the natural talent for wielding of the elements. The mystery mage taught him ancient magics that were far superior to any of the commercialised magic that was being taught in academies across the continent. He made Karius an exceptional mage, but always constantly preached to him that he should always stay out of the events of the world, as he had the staunch personal belief that an individual cannot singlehandedly change the course of the world and that one should focus on himself, and less about the matters of the world around him, and worst, be used as a puppet for the any of the political factions out there, wielding his powers to serve their agenda.

Unfortunately, Karius was against that ideology. He understood the potential of the powers that has been taught to him and believed he could personally change the world with his own hands. After acquiring all that he had to learn from his master, he spoke to him of his intention to be involved in the ongoing war and to put an end to it, instead of staying by the aging master's side to continue living his neutral recluse life. His master was flabbergasted. He was aware of his darker predispositions and feared that the youth was being reckless, that he may very well end up as a weapon of destruction for whichever faction he decided to join and believe was right. The master in his final act, tried to end Karius life, but was overpowered by his student instead. All these time, Karius had became stronger than the ancient mage had ever been.

Karius started out with a soul of purity. It began with the intention to help to change the sorry state of the world. Over time however, his mindless killings would end up corrupting his very soul and sanity, to the point that he no longer has a shred of sympathy for those who stood in his way. Karius, the vigilante, eventually got his heart numbed. It has been a while since he remembered what it was like to feel human, to be human.

×× ◦◦ ×× Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Futuristic VR Game ×× ◦◦ ××
Primary themes: Sandbox
Possible themes: Non-consensual, Consensual, Monsters, Medieval, Sci-fi, Cyberpunk
This VR game is a sandbox MMORPG where factions constantly battle over worlds and gain them as territories to generate an economic for their guild. YC headed out with an elite party on an expedition along with her own guild members, portalling through to another world where concerning energies have been increasing exponentially over the past few months. Your party's quest was to investigate what was going on, and report finding to the guild leader situated in central kingdom. Eventually, a few of the party members went missing. The last straw that triggered when the party encountered what was exactly going on at the heart of the energy source - hordes of grotesque spawns were being warped in from an unknown nether region. Soon, it became clear that this planet they are on, is set to be a staging point for the nether world's attack on YC guild's kingdom where the main fortress is situated, as the environment possesses convenient amounts of energy along with a connect wormhole, to be able to portal the sheer army size over for an attack at once. The party lead channeled an abrupt portal back and decided they have learnt enough. That however, drew the attention of the horde. In the midst of the chaos, you were left behind. The lead could not wait for you to catch up, breaking the portal before any of the spawns could get through in time.

YC knew you need to get away fast and conceal yourself somewhere, until help arrives. YC clinged onto hope of this rescue, not knowing that the lead, the guild leader, and his committee of magistrate decided to completely disconnect the wormhole that connects the guild's main base from this outlying world to put a halt to the assault. This process is irreversible. YC is on her own.
The average teen girl is aspiring, youthful, curious and eager. She is cute by norm standards. But because she was born to a typical middle income family belonging to the Charlie class of citizenship hierarchy, she was just another girl. It's the summer holidays in the year 2315. In this dystopian age, the class segregation between citizens became more and more pronounced. It was evidently reflected in how districts within the country were clearly segmented by a massive steel wall. This was part of a bigger ploy to keep those in highest echelon of the society hold onto power for as long as they can - to restrict opportunities of progression of the average citizen. The teen girl experienced that for herself. She topped her cohort in school, but was still denied entry to the country's top academy, because the entry bar was biased towards the Alpha class, with citizens in descending class ranks having progressively higher entry requirements in order to get into the esteemed college. This was just one of the many examples the inequality of life happening at this age.

As such, she was drawn to the VR world once she was introduced to it, as it offered her respite from the unfairness of the real world. In this alternate reality, she felt it could satisfy all her dreams and desires, where her willful nature could not be restrained. While she already has a couple of suitors lining up for her in real life, she still was not satisfied. She wanted more. She had her avatar revamped a couple of times, designing them to be more refined, pretty and mature than she currently is (you pick which of the avatars you most like to be your main). And everyone else, like herself, have created themselves accentuated figures. In this alternate reality, almost everyone is amazingly attractive.
**Note: These are sandbox setups, which means there are multiple story lines that could be created from these VR setup. You could be playing this game alone yourself as you interact with different other players in this alternate reality. Or, you could be playing this together with your boyfriend, or a close group of friends. Possibilities are endless! Happy to hear what you have in store for this one.

Pic/Gif Inspiration - These are intriguing setup, each with a concise title but without a well thought out plot yet. I am happy to build up one of these from scratch with your input.

Slice of Life


🖋️ Sample Writings - Scroll down to 3rd and 4th posts on 1st page.

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Full Name: Theodore Reagan
Nickname(s): Goldfish
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Ethnicity: European - British
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, but confused

Occupation: Maintenance and handyman
Major or Minor: Minor-Major character

Height: 5'8
Weight: 159 lbs
Eye Color: Dark yellow
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Prominent Features/Distinguishing Marks: Everything. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. He is blonde, his pupils an unusual yellow hue, his skin, a natural light golden tan. Thus the nickname, goldfish. It was only inevitable that he found the goldfish as his spirit animal. Otherwise, he is handsome.

General Physical Description: Wasted, unmaintained combat-fit build. His hair is messy. His dress sense is shabby, but his clothes always smelt great. His nails usually longer than the typical male and dirty due to the nature of his work. The man has all the potential to be a fine lad - if he only just tried. Presently, he is just the epitome of what confusion entails.

Personality Traits:
  • Eccentric
  • Excessively Extroverted
  • Wanderlust
  • Timid
  • Insecure
Likes: Companionship, intellectual challenge, cuddles, mysteries
Dislikes: Boredom, abandonment, lack of structure, confrontation

According to his earliest carers, Theodore was about 6 months old when he was placed in a basket by the footsteps of a nunnery. The nuns took him in and raised him up in the convent. When he turned seven, he was educated in an affiliated community catholic school. For a moment in time then, there was a popular passing joke among the juveniles in his school in which kids would tease and bully the weirder unpopular students, that they were 'good for nothings that were left to be abandoned in a box at birth'. The irony was that while Theodore was eccentric, he was actually well-liked by his peers, thanks to his unique sense of humour. Even more ironic, was that he was one of the culprits that used semblance of his life story as a joke against the bullied. As a kid, he was none the wiser about the implications of tyranny. He simply thought that being with the 'cool kids' felt like a much needed respite against his otherwise tragic life story. It felt good to be in control of his social relationships, which was sorely lacking for the most parts of his earlier life, even though he knew it meant laughing at his own plight.

When Theodore came of age, he joined the military and served for a good decade and a half. Times weren't as bad as it was during world war two. But he had been thrown into the field long enough to feel drained by the end of his stint with the military. In particular, he was somewhat traumatized in his latter years when he was randomly reassigned to serve in the expanding Intelligence command to adapt to the needs of the cold war, where he was personally involved in the process of interrogation and the extraction of information from captured spies and covert agents. The various methods used were... psychologically scarring. Plus, human ethics were still at its infancy back in the days. He didn't have anyone to turn to to relieve his accumulation of guilt. And in his final year before he left the institute, he made an unexpected impulse purchase of Nugget, which then became his pet goldfish. Turns out, Nugget was really therapeutic and cathartic for him. He spoke to it all the time simply because he has got no one else to talk and turn to. As firstly, while he was a popular lad, he never really had a genuine best friend nor a partner that went beyond friends with benefit before. And two, even if he had, the confidentiality clause meant that he had to keep his work-induced traumas to himself.

Timid Theodore could not see himself containing his emotions and keeping them under control for extended periods. Thus, he decided to leave the military as a second warrant officer. He put the training of his former military years as a combat engineer to good use and started his own agency as a freelance maintenance man. Life afterwards, has been a whole lot better for him.

Since opening his agency, he has gotten himself a decent clientele to be able to support himself modestly. He is a contractor to a number of residents around the region. But his most important source of income comes from the Merrywood apartment, where a disproportionate number of residents contracted him for maintenance work, thanks to the power of word of mouth. It eventually came to a point where he was given a space, which he converted it into the building's maintenance office, where he sometimes stayed overnight when it suited his schedule. Otherwise, he would usually prefer to return to the comforts of his own apartment, where he wouldn't be sleeping on a mattress on the floor, and there are windows which doesn't make it seem like he was living in a large prison cell.

Notable Relationships: Nugget, his pet goldfish. Otherwise, orphaned and untraceable.
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