Mx Any A Restless Request


Leader of the Cardboard Cult
Jan 20, 2019
Texas CST
I do not have kinks or an F-list. How I feel is more dependent on the story and the flavor we are writing. My fetish is creativity, interesting stories and settings, and communication.​

What I want
A story. Be it evolving over time or a fleshed out plot that we both strive for. I want to look forward to the story thats being told, express my feelings on whats happening, and always get excited whenever I see an update. Most pairings are M x F, but I'm open to a good argument.

= Craving Level


Mentor, Mistress 👾👾👾👾

A young adventurer must gain the trust of a former hero in order to become stronger and complete his quest. Couple of ways this could go, but mostly around the "Will they? But they shoudn't" sorta thing. Could be femdomme, could be power switch, or MC could go evil and overtake her. Lemme know what you have in mind. And just good times adventures.

Keep it simple, sweetie 👾👾👾👾

Anything with Gentle FemDomme. We can work a story, come up with a plot, make it happen. All I really want is a strong female character with personality who doesn't mind being the firm hand a young man needs, whether he thinks he needs it or not. Cheesy romance, could apply to any setting. Lets brainstorm.

The Ballad of Magnum Blackbeard 👾👾👾

Fantasy Orc Trucker. Yeah thats about it. That's the tone, the character, the whole shebang. Murry is a tall, wide shouldered, thick bearded and thick dicked orc who runs a big rig. He rides the roads hauling whatever it is he may need to be hauling, stopping at small towns, big cities, truck stops and rest areas.

The plot is more a scene. How does YC and Murry meet? how did you end up in his truck? Are you just a passer by in the night? Or are you a companion to keep the cold road warm? idk, I love this idea and it wont go away.

Monster Girls are Awesome 👾👾

Fantasy or Modern setting. MC is a traveling alchemist/wanderer. Meets a Monster Girl and we have some fun. Doesn't have to be long, but I could see it going longterm. Is the Monster a legend? Well known? Hostile? Misunderstood? What kind is it? Alien? Dragon? Budding Foxtail? Goblin shortstack? Orc Tallwife? I am open to a LOT and would love to see where it goes.

Turned Inside Out 👾👾👾

Not really sure where to go with this one. I like the idea of a guy being turned sissy, just without the abuse factor. Could tinker with the kinds and such, hmu if you want this sort of story.

This is a forced femminization story. Guy starts out looking like a dude, ends up either shrivled cockboi or a futa, either way, he's turning to a she. Whoever is controlling him could be male female or otherwise, the role is flexible.

Potential themes include: Forced Femme, blackmail, gentledom, mind control, hypnotism, and anything else you think would be interesting to roll.
I am NOT looking for: Mutilation, humiliation, major degredation, watersprts or scat

I want to have fun with this idea, not take it to the end of the darkest path.

What I Avoid
No cheating, noncon, bio, dark endings, or underaged. This list is liable to change. I'm open to a lot, and if you can sell me a plot or kink, I'm interested.

What I'm looking for
Someone who is passionate about writing. Maybe not someone who's focused on every word, or the number of words, or some other arbitrary thing that you hold others to. I have my standards, and you have yours if we can meet in the middle, we'll be fine. I'm looking for something... fairly often. Like I've only ever waited weeks in between posts for all of 2 people, and while I'm open to being that invested in the story, I dont want to start out playing the once-a-week game.

What I desire
Story! Smut! Taboo and Twisted mixed with Wholesome and Domestic! I have a LOT of genres I enjoy. My likes far exceed my dislikes. A simple back and forth or even a system based game like DnD with rules and stuff. I would do unspeakable things for a dedicated DM.

Sci Fi
New Adventurer in a world of Lewdness
Victorian Steampunk Detective Stumbling into Eldritch and Dark matters
Super Heroes and Villains!

Let's make something fun.

What I crave
Come at me with a story or an idea. I'll fill this out as things go on.

Not a fan of fandoms per say, unless its in a world/setting I'm somewhat familiar with and we are both OCs. Fan pairings never really did it for me, short of an Isekai scenario.

Seriously, let's have a go at this. I don't worry about word count as long as you dont do single lines outside of dialogue.
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