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Fx Male Saiya's Great Fantastical RP Search



Grand Duchess of Cuteness
Dec 22, 2020

Hello Saiya here! I finally put a small bit of effort to make a RP search thread. I don't tend to be the type who is filled with ideas or wants, but I figured it doesn't hurt to throw up a nice thread for searching and jotting whatever little I can for RP content I might enjoy to those skimming through. Some content here might be a bit rough (a lot meant to be more open ended on for a partner to bounce off from) but hopefully something might tickle your fancy so to speak!

Things to Consider
  1. I prefer posts with decent grammar (I'm not perfect either) ideally leaning 2-5 Paragraphs (200+ words) in length (though more is nice too!). 3rd person only. I prefer to RP through PMs MAYBE threads if coaxed. I only will RP on site.
  2. When it comes to romance I only lean MxF. I am very much submissive so I will tend to lean that way character wise particularly in the romance department.
  3. I can go both PG or into NSFW territory for RP... or a mix of both. I will say NSFW I can be a bit more picky about my characters but otherwise I'm relatively open.
  4. Using a FC (Picture) I will only use drawn/anime art. I feel really awkward using someone's real appearance no matter the type of RP. I just ask for your character you describe them.
  5. Fandoms are more listed as a basis for a world/setting/idea rather then the characters. I lean heavily towards OCs and prefer you to do the same.
  6. Don't expect me to be consistent. Sometimes I can respond multiple times a day, other times it might be long gaps of days or even a week in response. I will try to give a heads up but I might vanish from time to time. Feel free to poke me if its been a while. I'm generally willing to pick up RPs if some time has passed if you show interest, or if it isn't jiving anymore I'd likely be up for starting a new one with you.
  7. My F-List for RPs were it might apply. Keep in mind just because something is listed doesn't mean it needs to happen (and some even contradict each other).

Some general preferences I have. I'm rather open on interests though I'll highlight my leanings though don't be afraid to pitch stuff. I'm not usually one for Sci-fi but you throw the right setting it can draw me into it. Genres can always be combined (and likely its best if they are in many cases for a good long term RP). Feel free to use some Fandoms I like for an inspiration of a basis for some RP world as well. I do lean a little more to fantasy settings but I am very much open to modern!


DM - Player (DnD, Pathfinder, Ect. Myself as Player)
Slice of Life (Usually Paired with something else)

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Black Clover
Code Geass
Cowboy Beebop
D. Grey man
Dragon Ball
Fairy Tail
Fate Series (Zero, UBW, Heaven's Feel, ect.)
Fruit's Basket
Gravity Falls
Finial Fantasy
Full Metal Alchemist
Lord of the Rings
Lovecraft (Call of Cthulu)
My Hero Academia
One Piece
One Punch Man
Rurouni Kenshin
Seven Deadly Sins
Star Wars (Knight of the Old Republic Era)
Soul Eater
Tokyo Ghoul
Tales of... (Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia)
Tawawa on Monday
Warhammer Fantasy (Very Casual)
Yona of the Dawn


Plots are just very basic run downs of ideas that I try and make a little unique. There is plenty of room for changes or adjustments! If you got any good ideas you think I might like to add feel free to suggest them! If you like an idea and have your own idea with it, feel free to suggest away!

FCs or Characters listed are more just suggested characters I like for the pairings. Don't feel as if you are limited to just the character(s) listed as potential FC I might use. Click the Link to be moved to the post with the plots! Back to Top will bring you back here for easier navigating! I... might of needed more space going over the character limit for having all my plots in this single post to make me have to do this. Settings are a general leaning as to what the Plot would involved with a ? being an element that may or may not be involved depending on the direction.

>> Fantasy Plots <<
>> Modern Plots <<
>> Modern-Fantasy Plots <<
>> Sci-Fi Plots <<

For plots that have a bit more NSFW elements actively involved where smut is going to play at least some part in the story..

> > My NSFW RT < <

My album of SFW characters! Some are clearly duplicates of the same character, but there should be a decent selection of unique ones in there!

-->> Character Album <<--​

Feel free if you have your own characters you like you might want me to play to pitch them as well.

In Closing

Feel free to send me a message to just talk or ask questions or make suggestions of things to add into this thread. I know there are some things that could be added though I'm sure there is plenty of simple things I missed as well. I know this thread is a bit barebones in many ways but I figured its best to start small and work my way up... otherwise I'll never have a thread up to begin with. I'm eager to hear what ideas you might have to pitch I'll be waiting at the door for you to let me in and talk with you!

Last edited:
I finally added new scenarios after... a while of not doing so! One in each section minus Sci-fi. I know... I neglect that section given its not really my usual tastes... I'll find something that ticles my fancy to add there eventually... but for now have three more!
Managed some catchup despite being unproductive this weekend. Hoping its helped catch me back up so I can have a good week without feeling sleepy and keeping caught up with everything.
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