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A Post Apocalyptic Adventure

Niko lay on his back with his Ak rested on his torso and his hands holding onto it ready to kill at any minute. He wasn’t really sleeping he was just resting, he could never sleep. His eyes were closed and his breath slow and steady. His muscles relaxed as he lay idle.


As Michelle continued to shop, Olek had changed into an old drab green Russian army trench coat, under which he wore a old black hoody with the hood up hiding partially. With his SMG holstered to the side of his left thigh as he walked casually out onto the street. His eyes set upon Amy as she made her way towards the Gruka Inn. He was quick to make his way through the crowds and catch up with her. Before she reaches the door he sneaked up behind her and threw his arms around her, one around her neck and the other around her arms and waist. Then in the cover of the crowd he carried her into a dark alley and soon back to the house he was hiding in. He was quick to take her gun and throw her to the floor. He quickly aimed her on gun at her as he pulled the hood off. "So, you’re the one that got away huh?... damn you look a lot hotter than the photo your father was carrying in his wallet!... O how he cried like a dog when I shot him!... I took my time with the old man, shooting out his knees first, then his elbows, then in three quick shots; Groin! Chest!... and HEAD!" Sadistically Olek spoke of how he killed her father, Olek shot the man dead from the tower, sniping him.
"Nhnnnnnn" was all that became of her scream as he grabbed her. Olek had succesfully pressed her mouth shut with his elbow as he carried off the populated street. She tried kicking off the ground, but she was simply too light and Olek was able to carry her easily. When he kicked at this shins he tightened his chokehold on her throat untill she stopped.
After he threw her down, she sat on her ass with her arms and legs to the sides, she slowly crept two fingers into her right boot as she listened to him. She had little knives hidden in her boots, and then the big dagger strapped to her thigh. Her lip quivered as he told her of how her 'father' had died. She'd never known her real father, but Salvatore, the old leader of the group had been a father figure to her and most of the other orphans. She'd pay back this fuck when she got the chance. "What the fuck do you want?" She said trying to sound confident. "I don't have anything you need, I'm useless to you" she continued as she avoided staring down the barrel of the gun.
"Don’t fuck with me you little bitch!.. you know what I want!... you and the Cyclops friend stole from me!..." Olek shouted angrily while moving closer to Michelle pointing the gun at her more fiercely. His eyes were wide open and looked upon her with a vicious glare. Olek was a little on edge after all he knew the people of Gruka hated raiders and anyone who broke the peace. Now he had to get Michelle out of the town, his plan to take her to a Raider camp north of Gruka, the very same camp that The Boss had asked Niko to deal with. "Your coming with me!..." Olek reached down and grabbed Michelle by the hair with his free hand whilst pressing his gun against her neck. Holding her close he moved the gun around to her back and pushed it against her back. "We are gonna walk out of this shit hole town and your gonna be a good girl and stay calm!... otherwise Iam gonna put a bullet in you and leave you for the fucking crows!" Olek explained as he escorted Michelle to the door of the house. He casually opened it and walked her out into the busy streets. Olek watched Michelle closely as he began to lead her towards the school bus gate as casually as possible. His gun hidden by the over sized sleeves of his coat. As they got closer to the gate, the guards watched Olek and Michelle closely. "You want out?..." The head guard asked casually, the driver got himself in the driver’s seat ready to move the bus on command. "Yeah..." Olek replied casually with a nod, with this the head guard signalled the driver to reverse. Just like before the bus reversed opening the gate. Once clear Olek led Michelle into the wastelands.
"I. . i dont have anything. . the NCU came and- " she was cut short when he shoved the gun closer. She was only able to stare at it 'please dont shoot please dont shoot please dont shoot' was all she could think as fear took hold of her. She completely gave up on resisting and just whimpered when he pulled her up by her ponytail. She swallowed as the cold gun touched her neck, struggling to hold back her tears she murmured a "Y- yes" at his order. She breathed through her nose and kept her eyes on the ground barely managing to nod at the guards as they reached the gate. She walked stifly out of the town despite all her instincts that told her to just run. She didnt think she had ever experienced anything as uncomfortable as the gun on her back. When the guards were just dark shadows behind them she took a deep breath before asking in her meekest voice "Could you please point the gun away?, its not like i can do anything."
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